(2008/11) November 2008

Frankly my confinements were quite relaxing, as my MIL is a nurse hence she is very laxed in almost everything. Of course it's tiring having to feed baby all the time, pump out milk etc. But I was being just a cow and nothing else, so as days go by, as I get the hang of things, I began to enjoy my confinement.

i am not sure if my parents know how to prepare the red dates drink too.hahaha, wil have to ask them since they are the ones who wil be helping me in preparing the confinement meals. =P

dun worry ya? i will also be caring for my newborn myself as I do not have a CL. the only help i will have is hubby for maybe first 1-2 weeks and parents who live near us. other than that, wil be on my own. it will be a learning experience. i guess i will have my SILs numbers on speed dial just in case!

oh, i still tot if can apply lotion then maybe wont smell so strong of the herbal bath.if not i think hubby will stay far far from me!!

i think really dependent on individual body leh... i was ok with tap water. so maybe luck? i also nvr wear socks when i slept in the aircon which my CL kept asking me to wear... i think most impt is remember to eat well... really must "pu" back in terms of food. SO i eat everything whatever the CL made... as i heard that period our body can absorb all the "pu" very veyr well...
yah wat.. during confinement most impt is to rest but of cos try to stay at a side to learn from the CL. But if MIL is doing confinement then i tink try to help out a bit and not make her tink that everything relying on her.
Confinement sounds like a chore.. i mean with a new bb u already quite busy and tired.. if no showering and all the restrictions, i think i will be very frustrated and grumpy...

Kash, oh dear.. i can imagine how my electricity bill will soar lor.. sigh... anyway i will follow some of the things lah but boiling water to bathe is really really silly... may be i will follow u and stop using the herbal thingy aft 2 wks.

Peanut, i agree with what Kash says.. everybody's body is different.. some weaker, some stronger lor.. anyway i told my MIL i wanna go out during my confinement.. cannot everyday stay at home! sure mati one. she gave me this aghast look and said CANNOT cos i will catch a chill.. wat nonsense.. S'pore's temp nv goes below 22 deg.. dunno wat she talking abt!
frankly speaking i also not sure if my mil know abt this boil water ting.. i wont be surprise if she say "no need one...." -_- But then again other than knowing how to cook some confinement food, she has no experience in othe aspect so her "no need one" may not be zun.. If i insist on boiled water then most likely i'll offer to pay for the electic bill for that month..
bear, peanut,

i went out 2 days after discharged...coz due for PD review of bb so i went back to gleneagles hospital.. then think day 10 or 11, i drove to Tampines Mall and shop. In fact, i bought a lot of stuff from NTUC and isetan... i had to walk 2 trips to carry the shopping bags to the car and back. I have to admit that was stupid as I can feel my womb very very tired and cramp... so i this time i will only buy little things :p but i will still go out during confinement period for sure.
wahhaa.. bear... me too me too.. i can't imagine trapped in the house for 1 WHOLE MONTH with the MIL and maid!! will go mad and depressed lei.. But my fren said we'll be so busy with the bb that time jus passes v fast.
Hehe...I already told hubby earlier in my pregnancy, I'm not going to follow all the rules and regulation, like cannot bathe, cannot go out...
If it's not really too troublesome, i don't mind following, especially concern health

Look at the western countries, they also never follow the so called rules and regulation, the women who have gave birth are still well and alive
tink i'll also go out one lah, even if only for a while i also gian.. But that period is cooler due to yrend so better cover top/bottom..
u all make confinement sound like staying in prison leh... scary...
and the boiling water part also v tiring to follow... tot can just use shower head warm water...
Kash, Peanut, of cos i will go out lah.. if i stay at home i will really cry leh... sometimes u need to be away from ur bb to miss him/her. then come back u will be refreshed to start looking aft bb again... but hor i dunno if i go out then leave the bb with CL? dunno safe or not. my MIL said she will come over if we have to go out etc... but if i tell her to come over then she will nag.. headache..

Minkybear, according to old folks, we are supposed to be IN prison!! crazy.. my SIL wore long sleeves pjs and socks but turned on the aircon the whole time through. quite silly again!
i am imagining the slightly bitter after smell..hee..=Z

i think i am like you. i think i can survive 2 weeks at max w/o stepping out of my home during confinement. and my house is really small too, so you can imagine..hubby thinks i will have the urge to go out too.
Even if i can tolerate not stepping out of the house for 2 weeks, guess my hubby will force me out of the house by then to watch movie with him. He is such a movie fan, that almost every week must watch. Somemore during my confinement period, is US winter holiday, alot of nice movies will be release.
Hi Ladies!!

MIA for very long.. juz a update: my #1 having high fever for 2 days liao..now still fighting with the fever monster. Brought him to KKH A&E and so many toddler,bbs and kids having fever.. issit a fashion?

Went my gynae check up this morning, bb ger weigh 1810g @ 31 weeks. Doin fine and i had done a blood test. Coz my neck abit swollen so did a blood test juz in case is "tua arm guee" chinese call "da jing bao". Tomolo the result will be out
Now my appointment change to 2 weeks once. BB head is at the bottom liao can feel it very heavy. My #1 come out @ 37 weeks so doc scared this #2 will be early..
<font color="ff6000">Yen,
I'll chk out Mothercare for the nipple cream! Thxs!

I thot white looks good and angelic ya, mine bb gal too..

Yu Ren Sheng sells the herbal bath too, but u hav to buy a cloth pouch to contain the herbs which I find a hassle.

If using disposable diapers, gf suggest to use nappy liner also in case bb just poo and not urine we can just throw the nappy liner instead of the whole diaper. Save $$!</font>
bitter is better than sour smell rite.. tsk tsk tsk...

wah Jo.. sounds like ur bathing procedure even more ley chey lei.. so many rinses??

Aiyah when my sis CL is here i'll ask her for advise.
hui> alamak! there's virus ev where. u take good care!

disposable diaper &amp; use nappy liner can meh? the sticker for disposable diaper can reuse ah? i tot open one time den will be not sticky liao..
can can.. stil sticky enuf to b reused.. my sil always does that cos my niece ony need the diaper when she sleeping.. so when she wakes up and diaper not wet, my sil wil put aside 1st
tt i dunoe lah.. but was trying to tell alibaba the sticker ting stil sticky enuf to b used 2nd round.. unless different brand works differntly
Oh yah!! for those going to the steamboat, anyone already done with the prenatal course by TMC and can borrow me the books? But if u stil need it for reading or reference b4 delivery then nvm
Hui, hope Jovial is feeling better now.. U mean u might be suffering from goiter? how come like that? do update us on ur test results ok?

Haru, haha may be we can all sneak out with our babies and meet! heehee...

Peanut, our class starting this Sat right? its 4.30 hor? i think i lost my letter liao.. my dining table is a mess.. hb dun wanna read his letters!
yap this sat.. wat letter u toking abt?? they got send us something in mail? I registered directly at parents craft so they've given me some docs that day
peanut, tats my plan only lah. Just to make sure first rinse with herbal bath and last rinse with warm water. Cant imagine last rinse with herbal bath then my body got herbal smell. *puke*
Mi not from TMC and never buy the book .. borrowed from my colleague de .. and has left the books in my magazine stand ever since I borrowed it from her. Haha.

Confinement: think I sure go out de .. cant guarantee I can tahan how many days at home ... but I'm sure by the 2nd week I will go out walk walk.
Oh i registered by sending them a cheque.. so they mailed me a letter confirming the details and such.. i lost it i think.. or rather its lost somewhere in that big pile of unopen mail on my table!

My backache leh..
Wah Jo so nice massage Bear's back...
I also want.. haha

Peanut,I nv buy the books. You can check with Alibaba if she bought.
*massage minkybear's back*

Still waiting for my hb to pick mi up ... so got time help u massage. Hehe.

I sms Mona, the masseur lady twice to arrange pre-natal massage ... she also never reply mi ...
Jo.. the cordlife, u will only required to pay when they collect your baby cord blood after delivery. So full payment is deducted thr. CDA. But u need to make sure u top u yr accts within the 2mth lah.

Mooncake..my company have 20% discount for Goodwookpark, any one interested? but must collect at novena hor
Re: Confinement
My colleague told me that the not touching tap water is really true. Coz she never bother then wash this wash that... now, she already feel the effects liao. She say her hands will feel seng seng at times. But that said, boil water for everything like abit jialat... hot shower cannot meh?

Depends on brand. Those like mamypoko, pampers, nepia kind can restick.

Re:Back massage
I want oso.... *grinz*
Re: Confinement,
When i had my confinement,i still touch normal tap water lar.I even bath my gal the 2nd wk.
How nt to touch water.
But when i bath,my aunt boiled a pot of herbal water and i used tat to bath.After tat,i will use another clean pail of boiled water to rinse off.Cos the smell of the herbal is realli strong and i cant stand lar.

Better dun reuse the diaper even though is nt wet! Got germs lar... later baby gets UTI or rashes.Save the few cents but will spend more on seeing doctor ley.And when baby sick,we suffered the most.

Hope your boy is getting better nw.You got to take care too.
Jo, thanks for the massage bt i think Mona probably full liao..

Hui, hope your boy get well soon. you must also take care k. try nt to tired yourself out must think of the little one in your tummy

Happy, ya i wouldnt reuse la will change.
Fifi, i asked the same q too. cant use shower hot water must boil v ma fan...
Nikki, ooh..tot the liner is more for cloth diaper? I did get a pack of liners fr the fair :p
But I think disposable better dont reuse..at most spend more $$!

Confinement: I prob also cannot stand not going out for 1 whole mth!! I think nd to recharge too, otherwisee too 'pent up' and may get frustrated with baby and hubby!

Hui, hope your test goes well and that your bb recovers soon!! Wow..31 wks liao..:p i guess u wld be one of the earliest of us to deliver keke, beside olwen of coz!
<font color="ff6000">glad, Alibaba
Tat was wat some of my gfs did, they use the liner in the diaper &amp; if bb jus poo and it's not wet, they jus throw away the liner. Most diapers' tapes are resealable. But guess we have to trial &amp; error then gain experience as we go along.

I've checked w some neighbourhood TCM and they do have different packaging, some 2 sachets in 1 pack. Price not much different fm Hock Hua.</font>
Re: Cloth Diaper
My fren is telling me that when u see the poo on the cloth diaper, u wun even wana wash it coz it's so messy. She rather use disposable and throw away... By the way, mummies using cloth diapers might wana stock up more? Coz Nov may be rainy season and also dun wana keep washing. Heard babies generally need abt 6-8 changes a day? So I bought 2 dozens of cloth diapers.

Re: Herbal Bath
I was just thinking when we just give birth and stay in the hospital, there will not be any herbal water for us to shower, brush teeth etc rite? So is ok?

Heard that our hot water system is not boiled. Just hot. So it doesn't remove the cold. Better to use boiled water. I guess I will use boiled water to shower as well. Better play safe than to suffer when old...

Also, my MIL is telling me must wear those bedroom slippers, other than longs and socks. Luckily Nov is not as hot &amp; humid. Else I sure die. But we can on aircon 24 hrs?

Re: Mooncake
Today I tried a new flavour from Fairmount. It's called Bailey and I quite like it. Maybe u all can give it a try as well...

By the way, when should we start packing our hospital bag huh?

MY MIL told me that hokkien use wine to clean up with water..? Then cantonese uses herbs..not sure which to use to wipe with water...which is better..?


Does BB sleep with confinement lady or mummy during confinement period..?
Morning Mummies,

Re: California Baby
Stuff ordered. Those who haven pay can do so.

Re: Confinement
Aircon the whole day? Wont the electricity bill be extremely high?
Fifi-thanks, I received the first teeth.

Re: bathing during confinement
my MIL will make the herbal water then I use it to bath, can't imagine not bathing especially not washing hair??? actually its not smelly and won't stick on body ler..

Re: touching water
I think can't help it when u are at hospital, nobody boiled water for u?? brush teeth, wash face sometimes I also use tap water, unless very hardworking boil everyday.

Re: cloth diaper
when we BF, bb poo tends to be quite watery ler.. so if use cloth diaper really a lot of work lo.. maybe can stock up diapers better.

Re: hot
lucky its end of year season not that hot, previously mine was during march.. I never wear long sleeves but I make it a point don't blow the fan directly at me lo.. no aircon too. And yeah need to wear bedroom slippers coz floor cold??

Re: baby sleep with who?
my MIL do confinement for me.. but she will let out her master bedroom for me then place baby cot in front of the bed so I be close to baby but sometimes she sleep in the other room or on the floor beside the cot coz she help take care of bb for me or we take shifts at night. I know some pple let CL take care of bb throughout the nite so u can have a good rest, I guess depends on individuals ba??

Re: cord blood
I signed up with cordlife, heard its better coz accredited or whatever lo.. but not saving for this 2nd one coz heard 1 is enuf? I thot of donating this time round.. anybody doing so too?? Heard need to go down KK, seems ma fan ler.. hee.
morning hui,
wow, ur baby is growing well! do take it easy ya? i can also feel baby growing more and getting heavy. hope ur #1 gets well soon!

ya, i think so too. i think even going for a walk at my house downstairs is good enuf for me!
Morning Ladies

Quite some time din come in liao...2day take leave to rest at hm..."bugs" passing ard in office...make me unwell again
There is no mothercare at suntec, bt you can go marina sq there is one small one there. level 3 near to kiddy palace and maternity exchange.

Pls rest well.
Ya bug is going around and weather no good.

I packing my hospital bag now. KS la cause sure will forget this and that. Bt most important must bring your marriage cert and ic i think.
No prob.

I don't think there's mothercare @ Suntec but there's 1 in Marina Square.

Re:Cord blood,
We can use CDA account to pay for cord blood?
Morning LAdies!
Thanks everyone for the concern. Jovial fever subside liao but develope alot rashes
whole face and body.. Anyone know wat is "pia" (say it in dialect)
hui-patz patz. I think its fake measles? I heard some bbs develop that after high fever.. it will go away in few days time, my SIL bb had that recently too.

hi ladies..
morn rise &amp; shine!

hi hui..
i think i know wat u meant..it's roseola (aka false measle) that jovial is getting..mav has it recently too..some mths back..dun worry, let him drink more water, maybe barley water then get some camomile lotion to apply on him, they will go away aft a few days..cheers~

