(2008/11) November 2008

piangz.. ahhhaa.. u al tot i serious meh, put peanuts on ears.. hey unless al of u also onz lah.. like bear will hang a teddy bear over her neck and alibaba wear a turban on her head...

for convenience sake lor.. i always use peanut for passwords etc... oops.. Then i so small size so it suits me

no lah i haven give serious tots abt names.. me like no gan cheong one lei. everything soh soh..

Wow, so much posts to read, man.

Keke. I remember Carrefour has a web site & managed to find it from there.

The offer is till 13 Jul (this sun).

Yes, no one won the top prize yet. Ladies, we still have chance.

Yes. Most are coffeeshops/restaurants @ the ground level but the offices are upstairs, there's stair case by the side. No prob wif lunch :>

Bye, need to go off.
peanut: heng, my nickname doesn't have such connotations. so i don't need to wear anything.

'nite kash, peanut, alibaba, donno where guru Bear went to. i'm also going off soon. got to catch pte bus.
peanut> u still dun go home yet??

i'm staying back to clear some stuff.. gg MC on thursday & friday. meanwhile wait for hb to come.. he surely gg to rubber band me liao..
Hhaha. gg to DS & gynae visit in separate days mah. sure got MC to cover one :p

ok la. tata.. c-ya tmr...
hi Bear,
i tot so, not an easy breed to keep.but hubby absolutely love them..i can imagine how happy he will be when we finally get to have our own.

i gues it will be a huge adjustment for me. thank God mum lives just nearby so if really in need, i can still call dear mum for help!

you can wax now? i wana wax before delivery too. think wil try to do it around 35 - 37 weeks. hopefully treshold for pain stil there!
Olwen i went to do some more sorting lah.. now neck pain cos we have bend over the stupid table.. the bugs are abt 3mm big only!

Cody says thanks for all ur compliments... he has a lot more photos on his blog so feel free to take a look at it!

Haru, actually there are dogs that don't shed like poodles. usually single coat dogs dun shed as much as double/triple coat dogs. corgis are pretty easy in the sense that they are not agressive.. i only know ONE agressive corgi and he is only agressive to red/white corgis but not to humans. They are also very smart! They are ranked no. 10 in the Intelligence of Dogs list.

Nikki, erm maltese dun shed, neither do they drool a lot.. so really not much work to do.. but they are not very smart so u might find it hard to train them to pee and poo correctly.

Peanut, u can wear the peanuts for earrings! then we def know that u are NUTS! whaahah..

I think i will prob call u guys by ur nicks lah.. kekeke.. i still call my SG Brides forum mates by their nicks!!

Olwen, i think paperwork will put me to slp.. sometimes u see these different creatures and u marvel at the way God creates stuff..

Have a gd dinner ladies!
Yah borderlinx is cheaper than Vpost. That's why I am applying for a Citibank Card to get a Borderlinx account to order my pump. Once I get the account, we can have our own sprees. I also know how to get the babymall 20% code liao.
I just change my DS to this friday. Hope everything is ok.

If u wanna get cheap baby stuff, maybe u can try going to JB. i went there last weekend. Most of the bb stuff are a lot cheaper. The price for bb cot is around RM200++ to RM300++. The cheaper stroller are selling at RM120+. Considering the current exchange rate is around S$100 to 238 ringgit, their bb stuff are a lot cheaper. Mama poko selling at RM32.90.

If u don't mind the brand, maybe u can consider going over for good bargains.
for next friday's gathering if you all are thinking of straits kitchen it is actually fully book for that day. pls think of other places as well
anyone tried merchant court before?
Hi ladies.. was busy whole day .. DIY flashcards for my gal the whole day long.onli had time to post more nw.I took half an hr to complete reading the missed posts!

BK is good but too far for me.I used to put her at blk192 but is nt convenient for me to pick her up when #2 is here.So decide to put at LV,which is nearer.
I have 3 dogs, 1 poodle and 2 poodle mix silky

Your cody soooo cute! PM/msn me the link of the blog ley.I wanna see the photos

You sorting bugs nw? Alamak.. 3mm big? goodness.. hw to see

Your company sounds good! CAn take pretake MC?

Your boy hurt his fingers? Hope he is better.
Sometime we just got to close one eye when being taken care by others.Is realli nt easy to take care of a active toddler.I took care of my gal 24/7 nw.She oso can get hurts with under my care.Think your mum oso feel bad abt it.
btw.. u have a blog? I guess hui gt to knw by reading it.hee
morning mummies: here's my weekly joke, a bit long but still a bit funny

An American, a Japanese and a Chinese went for a hike one day. It was very hot. They were sweating and exhausted.

When they came upon a small lake, they took off all their clothes and jumped into the water, since it was fairly secluded.

Feeling refreshed, the trio decided to pick a few berries while enjoying their " freedom. "
As they were crossing an open area, suddenly a group of ladies from town appeared.

Unable to get to their clothes in time, the American and the Japanese quickly used their hands to cover their privates. But the Chinese covered his face while they ran for cover.

After the ladies had left and the men got their clothes back on. The American and the Japanese asked the Chinese why he covered his face rather than his private part.

The Chinese replied, " I don't know about you, but in my country, it's the face that people recognize. "
Bear-Cody is such a handsome dog, I like! Seems so many dog lovers here hor with pet dogs somemore..

I think I'm the first today.. Good morning to all!!
i'm so early cos my husband kindly drove me to work this morning.

peanut: wah lau, even my nick u can also think of such things. pei fu pei fu.

alibaba: what does your husband "rubber band" u mean?

haru: u can try waxing once now & c how u can take the pain. it's quite a shock the first time if u never given birth before.

Bear: where is cody's blog? i read tt queen elizabeth has 10 corgis or something like tt. i think u r a v animal person, tt's y u can sit happily & sort worms. i hope your bb gets your animal loving genes.

fifi: wah, u r as resourceful as Yen.

minkybear so clever, went to check the place out already. no straits kitchen then how?
<font color="aa00aa">peanut..</font>
haha..i like ur "lin shao ye"..cool! during when i had my #1..i was telling him, if girl will be "chen-mei" (preserved orange peel) &amp; if boy will be "chen-pi" (orange skin)..lol..

<font color="aa00aa">hui..</font>
it's v nice that u grew up in an open-minded family..rather than not being able to voice out &amp; can only listen with no options ah..

<font color="aa00aa">milderina..</font>
u hv v strong mother's instinct ah...cool!m sure ur girl will be v close to u..special bonding leh...

<font color="aa00aa">kash...</font>
ah..so will ur mum be helping u to take care of #2 aft u delivered?if yest then gd also..at least both siblings will be close together too..

<font color="aa00aa">vel..</font>
not to be joking..my breasts are indeed touching my tummy..hb will teased me on that at times lo...so discouraging..

<font color="aa00aa">Karin..</font>
u r soo lucky to get a Sporen CL for ur confinement..now i m concerned if my CL can make it..coz while she was supposed to help out my cousin-in-law, her hb fell sick then get another replacement leh...but super cannot make it till they ask the CL to leave..so i m hoping the episode dun repeat again..stress..

<font color="aa00aa">nikki..</font>
gd that ur sis is staying near u too..esp since u can hv ur niece &amp; nephew to help keep an eye on the maid ah..better also..

<font color="aa00aa">yen..</font>
ya..i realised abt the narrow staircase next to the restaurant/coffeeshop..pls be careful when climbing down the stairs too..okok..let's meet for lunch one of these days when kash is free..cheers~

<font color="aa00aa">bibi..</font>
update us ok..i just went to see Dr Koh on Mon night &amp; maybe of the position of my boy, he cant really scan much (coz he did tell me he will do another round of DS for me at his appt) so it was really a fast one..
Good morning all..

shall award Enne and olwen with Early Bird Packages. Redemption date is EDD. Package comes with pain and joy..heehee

wtan, massage helps?
Good morning to all!

I tried Swissotel Merchant Court in Jun. It's $40+. Quite nice. But we all cant have those raw seafood leh ... *drools*

bear, your job is interesting. But I guess if it's my job ... my mil might jus ask mi quit the job cos must touch worms??? Watch Kungfu Panda also cannot liao ... not to mention go zoo or touch worms. Mil actually spoke to my hb to give away my dear dog .. luckily my hb refused to cos we love our dog so much. If they insist my dog must go away, I will leave with it!

When we get parents, pil, nanny or maid to look after our kids, we really cant say anything de loh. Wat to do. Sure got conflicts de, especially with PIL. Sianz.
morning mummies!
i had a bread roll oats drink for brekkie tis morn. quite full now. =>

i have waxed and done IPL before. i'm ok with both except that i read that preggie ladies skin might be more sensitive..ouch! oh, thanks for sharing e joke to perk up our morning. hee...

haha, hubby and i always says that if we ever get a Corgi it will def be smarter than us. hubby and i quite e ditzy kind..duh...

thanks for the pix! how much is it going for?
Morning Ladies.

There was once my colleague fell and sat on the stairs. Luckily she was not pregnant and didn't roll down the steps. Now, I try to hold on the railings when going up and down.

You are right. PILs will protect their grandchildren if we try to discipline the kids. I guess this applies to own parents as well. My mil sama sama as ur mil. No kungfu panda, no going to zoo, etc haha. No watermelon, no banana, NO prawns..A lot of NO..haha
Hi Ladies, I am back...so many days of threads to read!!!
I am exhausted.

Minkybear/ dreamyjo / Bear: I saw a thread about yoga classes. I am looking for prenatal exercise classes for pregnant ladies to help them have easy delivery..is Yoga one of the options? where is the place you all went for classes? how much and what do they teach you?

Baby23: Hi, the warmer and steriliser is pigeon brand, not avent. I bought them from robinson.

Fifi: Citibank is super lousy...weeks ago when my hubby apply for cards...they keep delaying or have problems with registration...called many times, no follow up until my hubby shoot an email right up to the boss...boss callled to apologise then things got better....

Olwen: I saw the mattress you bought at carrfour. Is it latex or foam mattress...do you know the difference? I heard some mattress comes with holes...is that the latex one? which one should i buy?

Bear: Yup not easy to live with MIL or having a MIL who doesn't have our interest at heart some times..but just bear with it for husband sake...my MIL does not even care about my pregnancy...most of the work done by my mum..like buying tonic..taking care of me, buying things for baby..all by my mum....my MIL does nothing...

Nikki: the ikea baby cot not bad..my friend bought that and she is passing it to my mum to place it at her place...i saw it..quite sturdy so far....price is good.

Jojo: what time are the hospital tours for Mt alvenia?

Enne: your baby so shy, keep playing hide and seek...hopefully the DS will show clearly the gender. Let me know K! where you intend to deliver...Alvenia or TMC?

Can somebody enlighten me the terms, what do we called those classes where we attend to learn some exercise and breathing techniques to help us with easy delivery? is it prenatal classes?
Good Morning, Ladies!
What a nice cooling day to sleep in!

Maybe yr son wants attention as he knows if he don't get the Power Ranger now, it'll be even more difficult for him to ask for it when the little ones come along. How I wish that I could look after my princess myself! I'll be engaging a maid to look after and try to spend more time with bb.

thxs for reminding the offer. May go JB this wkend and see if I can find any good deals there.

nw I think it's not a right time for me to keep the maltese first, not sure if even if I can cope with bb.

lucky for me at least my sis still stays near and cutting short the journey when I bring and fetch bb.
Blessed Mum,
Tat's what I thought, the Ikea cot price is reasonable also. I've seen cots at least at $329+ at Kiddy Palace. I'll be collecting the pass down cot from my cousin and see if it's in good condition. Just have to look out for mattress and pillow at the moment.
Yen, yah alot of NOs .. like tat where got nutrition rite?

blessed_mum, I attended the Sat hospital tour is 11am. Not too sure if weekdays hospital tour are also held at 11am.
Nowadays, my mum usually the one who prepare birdnest for mi also. Think mil only prepare birdnest or "shik kak" only when her dear granddaughter ard. Tat day tell mi gal or boy also never mind, most impt is healthy but tell me they prefer gals.
Yen, yah alot of NOs .. like tat where got nutrition rite?

blessed_mum, I attended the Sat hospital tour is 11am. Not too sure if weekdays hospital tour are also held at 11am.
Nowadays, my mum usually the one who prepare birdnest for mi also. Think mil only prepare birdnest or "shik kak" only when her dear granddaughter ard. Tat day tell mi gal or boy also never mind, most impt is healthy but tell me they prefer gals. Faintz.
Eh why I resourceful?

Haru, Yen:
My MIL also a lot of "no". But I dun care so much and she knows she cannot control me oso. She does not live with me also. I won't allow that. Anyway, my hubby is on my side and he did promise to tell his mum to shut up if she nag me too much. Lolx.

Blessed Mum:
Yah Citibank is very inefficient and problematic. But what to do, borderlinx only accept Citibank cards.

Antenatal classes teach all kinds of things regarding pregnancy and labour such as nutrition, medication &amp; vitamins, exercises, pain relief in labour, breastfeeding, etc. Each class different topic lor but all covered.

Yen, Nikki:
MamyPoko in JB really cheaper ah? Its a good brand wor... can buy...
gd morning ladies

Happy> my co not really gd la.. i jus tell my manager that i'll be on MC for hospital &amp; gynae appt.. so i will apply my mc when i'm back next monday. hee..

Olwen> thanks for the joke! it's gonna be TGIW for me. hee.. hb's rubber band meaning his time! always rubber band stretch til v long. haha..

wtan> u serious about calling ur kids chen pi &amp; chen mei??? fainted!
fifi, my hb opp. He will listen to his mum abt those "cannot do" and food restrictions. And I have to follow lo.
i'm also deciding bet Mt A and TMC, but Mt A preferred. Gynae say need to make decision which hospital by week 28.. latest week 32nd i tink.. Only concern now is gynae based at TMC wont be able to giv immediate attention due to travel time
Hi Fifi, you are indeed a resourceful lady...
So how is your citibank card going?

Hi Jojo, I agree...now i realised that though we are married out..but the person who will always be there for us is still our mum...recently i complained to my hubby about his parents why they never show concern or care about the unborn baby...he just kept silent and felt his parents are really pretty bo chap...i remembered once when my mum bought bird nest for me, my MIL saw it..my hubby purposely told her that that is bought by my mum..I was shocked that he did that..He told me he did it on purpose....Now I learn to treasure my mum more..haha

Yah nikki, just buy the mattress..i prefer not to take others..hygeine purpose maybe...but i not sure where to buy mattresses other than olwen's recommendation of carfour...is it a fixed size? or based on the size of cots?
i felt the same for citibank too... many pple even term them ask "shitty bank" oops. tat time we were being approached for their card application.. we were only interested in the SMRT card, but the sales start to give us all the application form sign etc.. tat's not the matter. During process &amp; ev ting went so slow &amp; many calls to verify. i am so fed up, i ignored the calls.. eventually we tot of jus reapply the card at their card centre.. faster &amp; more immediate. After which we received all sort of other cards from citibank -__-"" useless..
<font color="aa00aa">vel..</font>
i was bfg..so didnt get the massage lady to massage the breasts with the "herbs/cream"..but i think is common for breast-fed mums to hv saggy breasts leh..dun really know hw to prevent leh..

<font color="aa00aa">yen..</font>
oh dear..then better be extra careful thou..the stairs r v narrow lo..dun rush hor..it's gd that u hv disciplined IL..NOs to junks..rather than my IL &amp; parents is eat a bit nver mind la..now my mum is feeding my son potato chips leh..cool, right? keke..

<font color="aa00aa">nikki..</font>
it's gd la..at least in ur family u r not the only one with kids..hee..so hw old are ur niece &amp; nephew?

<font color="aa00aa">alibaba..</font>
no la..just a joke la..cant imagine calling them that..lol..
Yah alibaba, they replied my hubby's call and ask him to go straight to the card centre at paragon to get it done in a day's time...my hubby was fuming mad! He said never will he renew the card after three years.
thats bad.. maybe can try it during showering. pat ur breast in upward direction (saw that in TV but not sure if it work). no harm trying if its painless. Nvm.. mummy is great
Not sure if mamypoko is cheaper in JB, I have not checked the price here and there and will do so when I go JB this wkend. Bibi said it's cheaper in JB, she may have checked the price.

Not sure if mattress is a standard size, betta to measure the cot first. If not, I'll also look out in JB.

My niece is 8 and nephew 13.

Hw's the progress of yr new home?
good morning mummies!! *yawn* came to work very late at 9.45am this morning as my gal woke up at 2am and kept crying...din sleep again until 4am!!! this morning already late... abt to go out of the house, she poo poo... warrao... hiaz...


kash is 11 yrs old this month liao loh... we all hope he lives a long, healthy and happy life. Time really flies...my brother brought him home 1 day when he was 7th mths. i had a shock when i opened the door to my brother's room and an white fluffy thing juz came bouncing at me!
he brought alot of joy to my entire household and created common topic in my family etc loh... as he is not my dog so to speak, i was not able to bring him when i got married coz my parents will miss him. I do bring him over to sleep over at my place a few days aweek last time and my mum will start to call and ask when am i bringing kash back...hahahahaa... so u see... everyone loves him..


yes my mum will look after number 2 when i go back to work. When that happens, i will bring a maid over to help her and i will send my elder one to CC leh... now thinking full day or half day CC for a start. she shd be abt 21 mths then?


heehee...my 1st one is a gal..not a boy... well, erm, our dog bit her finger... coz my mum asked my gal to feed our dog with bread. when the dog can't reach the bread inside her grib, he tried to chew harder and my gal pulled back her hand and he bit her loh... got 2 holes now. The thing is, I always take bite size dog biscuit and place it in the middle of my gal's palm so that our doggie can eat it easily... I nvr thought my mum really no common sense to let my gal feed the dog in this manner...


how r u feeling today? better?

anyone here likes to watch TVB serials?
OK, let us know if you find good deals.

Haha. I don't care. I don't stay with pil anyway. But I ate in moderate. I ate anything except for pineapple, dou4 hua1 (bean curd), coffee &amp; grass jelly drink. Watermelon, I ate 1x. Tea, I also drink once a while. Prawns I also ate a few, not alot. I very guai..Drink 2-3x milk and took my vits and fish oil daily. For bird nests (bottled) bought by my mil, I consumed 2x a week.
I told hubby if everything NO, then dun tink of bb #2. Haha.
Fifi, need to check out the price for Mamypoko.

I will be careful. Need to walk between colleagues, so that they can hold me in case.
I ate potato chips 2. Before pregnant, I dun fancy tibits. Now I like them but I control myself not to eat so much. Prawn crackers, fish crackers, veg crackers seems to keep my fav esp when watching TV. I can finished the whole pack. keke.
My fil ok de he would say eat a bit nvm. He peel lychee for me to eat also and take ice-cream for me when we went buffet on father's day. Haha. Buffet leh. Mil ask me to eat vege, fruits and fried rice only. OMG.
When my 6 yr old nephew offered me tibits, my mil will tell him "NO TIBITS for shen shen".

completed all reno works, painting and lighting. Now is cleaning time.. will slowly move the barang barang in..

kash, yes. better leh. applied muscle relieve cream this morning. now ok le.. later pain, i will apply again..
