(2008/11) November 2008

yes, you are right. I have the pic but not able to PM you the pic, got a message saying you do not accept PM.


i went for root canal thats why must do crowning now. I had 5 xrays done all together. gynae said it is safe during preg as the xrays is only face level. Also, it is safer to have any problems settled as any tooth infection during pregnancy runs a much higher risk to affect the fetus. So better go get your teeth clean and check


worth a visit to baby kingdom as few shops down is baby hyperstore...
Morning ladies!
Ysday busy having activities with gal and nw hardly catch up with the posting.

Enne, Mins take ages to load the page too.

LV dun hav half day unless u opt for bright kids.There are 3 BK at punggol.My gal used to attedn the half day there.
LV is very popular at punggol ley.Tat's y must register early to secure a place.Hopefully there is a place at oct for my gal.Wanna settle her b4 going to delivery.

You have 2 dogs? What breed? Mayb i saw u b4.. i always take notice of the dogs at that area while i walk my dogs.
I have made many frens with dogs oso... hee

U tempted me with chicken curry noodle oso.. alamak.But they dun sell curry here
Yes, better to apply FBI before 28wks. I've decided to deliver at TMC as Dr Wong's clinic is in TMC. I guess is easier for her. $200 surcharge if I deliver in other hospitals for her cos I've asked her before. Guess most of the ladies edd are pretty close and all delivering @ TMC. Diff for her to run bet 2 hospitals

I've not visited baby kingdom yet. I'm looking for new mattress for my pass down baby cot. Need to source for furniture shop. Btw, is the mattress standard size?

Re:Dental Appt,
I think we can go for regular checks (scaling and polishing) but I don't think extraction can. Crowning, I'm not sure. Better check wif gynae and the dentist.

Yes. The pages are loading slowly. I just realise I've posted something yesterday evening and is not there.

What's for lunch today? Yesterday, I ate 5 sticks of satay. Yummy.
dun tink i will let the maid "realised" if i m gg to install the CCTV lo..coz she will "act" infront of the CCTV too..depends on individual la..coz in case the maid start inviting her "friends" back home w/o u knowing..then will be q headache also lo..anyway, i hvnt decided to get a helper..dun think i m comfy leh..with a stranger ard..hw ah..headache...headache..

so envy of u to stay far away from IL..cool ah..dun hv to see them often also gd la..unlike my mum's thinking..she's v pro to IL one..once daughter married out hor..is IL one..also now that i m not in a gd terms with FIL..she will side them more lo...sigh, sian..

is my mum taking care of my #1, she stays in Bedok & me & IL in the same blk in Tamp..since #1 is taken care by my mum, she dun want to take care for #2 (partly bcoz MIL also housewife doing nothing, so she felt must be fair + she say she's getting old liao aft looking my boy), so if #2 is taken care by MIL, then the 2 kids will be seperated & also if i m gg to get a helper for MIL just to take care of #2 then we will hv v v high expenses..since now need to get 3 sets of items each for 2 kids at diff location..omg..since before coming over to ur place already give u issues..then better to change another one la..also gd that she didnt give u prob when she's with u..since u r not working now..is ok to start training the helper later..

okok..in this case we will do the lunch at Raffles Place aft our 1st gathering la..let us know when u r available..i shd be able to make it for 25th too since my boss will be travelling..thks..

Curry noodles..no doubt i do craving for it..but i cant eat..so pls eat as much for me ok..eat my portion hor..then maybe i can "feeL" better too..hee..

buy mozzie patch for the kids..might help..esp when it's gg to be yr end rainy season when the kids are born..my mum will apply "ru-yi-oil" on my son's clothings or legs if she's bringing him down to the playground..in case the mozzies get too near..to her she felt tat with some "scent" frm the medicated oil might help to keep the mozzies away lo..duno hw true la..but no harm trying too..
enne, Jo: i'm having the same problem, long time for the page to load.

lovedogs: no choice. we rather be stuffy than bitten
probably will be moving to anor flat, same area then got to net all over again. or maybe this time stay on high high floor.

minkybear: u missed so many things yesterday. somebody promised to buy us dinner next friday if she strike big prize in toto. huat ah. btw, anybody wants to watch 881? i have the dvd. can bring it next week if anybody interested.
Morning all. I just woke up. 2nd day of my MC. Actually wanted to go to work to save MC but felt like throwing up just before I left so gave up the idea. But after the long sleep, I feel much better. Heehee. So much more energised. But I do feel bad. I left 2 days of MC for this year le & we still have 4 mths more till delivery. Feel so bad.

I got my maid direct from Phils. Never use agency. She was recommended by her mother-in-law who worked her 18-20 years le. My parents know her from Church. Maid hor... is a lot of luck de. Just choose an agency that seems to be telling you the truth and dun trust them too much. If you got relatives who's maid you know and think are good, ask them to try recommend their friends lor.

Your sis' carseat shld be those newborn to 7 years de. The top can remove kind. But those more ex so I did not get. I bought my seat at Baby Kingdom. They have quite a lot of stuff and the salesgirls are friendly.

I give you more hints ba. I very nice de... Mary-something.....
Ya man the whole forum is so slow.. i think we overload it!

Jenn, sure, i m at NUS so can pick u up from Clementi to Bouna Vista.
let me know. U got my contact no from the list.

Dreamyjo, sounds like u had fun.. thanks for the tip abt getting a letter from the gynae.. i hope mine will give lor.

Haru, u can go to Baby Kingdom/ Hypermart.. they carry a wide range of stuff like wat the mummies said. also much cheaper than the dept stores. or u can go to Cheong Choon.. they lagi cheaper! I will prob get the cot from Baby Hyperstore/ Kingdom, but things like stroller, carseat and steriliser will get from Cheong Choon.

Hee Minky, so early know wat to eat liao ah? i had a very weird dinner last night.. hb and i finished our dinner but still felt hungry.. in the end hb went downstairs and ta bao black pepper crabs! YUMZ!!! i was damn happy aft that man! kekeke...

Olwen, when i was still in that sch the Sec section was still around.. U went to Catholic JC? or u live around there?

Fifi and Sumei, are u guys better today?
hui: what happened? u ok now?

wtan: yes, my monster even knows how to get the patch & stick on himself. i think the babies will be all right becos my house is netted & i won't be bringing them anywhere.
Fifi, Olwen got it liao!! dun make her malu anymore! kekeke...

Lovedogs, erm this sounds weird, but have fun at ur crowning! i would eating something that i need my teeth to chew with for lunch today! hahaha.. may be aft crowning then take softer food.

Ok, i m off to sort through my big pot of worms.. shd be back aft lunch.. bleah...

Where's that Peanut? She really strike Toto liao ah? strike until she decided not to work?!
guru Bear: no lah. my mother is too strict to let me go cjc. my husband was in cjc. were u there too? most ppl call it the honeymoon college

u had crab already??? without us?

Jenn, Jenn: i went to check employment act this morning (v kiasu). it's actually when u r 6 mths pregnant leh. so i'm not there yet
Olwen, hahah i guess as much lah.. u cannot be from CJC.. no i m not from CJ.. or else i can nv go to Uni... cos my chinese very horrible one... go to potato sch means my chinese will be worse...

I can't tahan leh.. i needed the crab! kept thinking abt it throughout the wkend.. doesn't matter, when i meet up with u, i will still be able to eat crabs! kekeke...

I dun think ur bank will terminate u. to terminate a lawyer bcos she is preggie is like shooting themselves in the foot lor... u can sue them till the cows come home!
fifi: yah lah. i already feel so pai seh for being so stupid

eh, how come u all allowed to take MC for check-ups? my boss makes me take leave leh. i so unlucky.
Yen, I should be opting for TMC also, more convenient for Dr Wong without the transport surcharge. I'm also looking for new mattress, keep me updated if you see any good deals!

wtan, Initially I thought if I install CCTV, I won't let the maid know but my friend advise it'll be too late if she does anything bad to bb. Betta to let her know at least she's conscious of what she's doing. Maybe just dun let her know the position of the CCTV.

Fifi, but is it a hassle to do all the permits and arrrangements by ourselves?

Bear, thxs for the updated list!
Olwen, u mean u boss dun allow u take MC for check up?? i was told tat mc will be given for gynae appt. so i jus take it rather than waste my annual leave... hehe.. save it for rainy days!
Morning all!

Seems like the Baby Kingdom and Hypermart has lots of stuff!
Havent been there before - will probably check them out soon..

Talking abt lunch, me hungry too! Last time worked near Hong Lim so can eat the famous chicken curry but now change job cannot liao..

Bear, thks for the list!
olwen, alibaba
I just take time off for gynae appt, only tell them I'm off for check up rather than take MC. At least I'm still at work for the day. Wanna save MC & annual leave jus in case.

hui, u ok?
Hui, if u control ur breathing, u might hyperventilate instead! take it naturally! if u feel light headed, u prob are hyperventilating.. use a bag and breathe into it..

Glad_gal, Nikki, u are welcome.

What's this abt using MC for gynae checks? We use time off system.. cos usually we work longer than the usual working hrs so we can just take time off as and when we like.. of cos need doc's cert to show that we were at the the clinic.. both MC and leave not touched...
re:forum lag
finally seems ok now..

re:gynae checks
I see my gynae after work or during weekends so won't touch MC nor leave but sometimes when feel sick will ask for MC lo..
aiyo..wana post but web laggy.. just managed to log in..

Enne, yes.. Vel = Sumei. Just changed the nick few days ago. Easy to rem. (just in case my MIL know how to surf net ya)

Nikki & Enne, Thanks. Recovered.. but feeling so sleepy now..

Hui, oh no. U take care ya..me too.. feeling so tight at chest area. Told my hubby that i wish i dont need to wear bra for the time being..
Hope you guys had a GREAT LUNCH!!! Yum Yum Yum...

Jenn & Glad-gal: Thanks for your quick updates. Wasn't told DS and OSCAR can use the FBI, else would have register earlier... Sob.

Bear: You call your little one teddy... U like teddybear issit? = ) KAWAII

Dreamyjo: Slowly take time to think of the name...4 more months to go. Sometimes must have inspiration one. We thought of the name out of the blue, instantly we knew, that's it!

Enne: Xiao Bao Bei... Next Week Jiayou Guai Guai ah... Muack!

Yen: Ya, i called TMC also, they also said after 28 weeks $188 and before 28 weeks $148... I asked her why is that so... the lady said: That's our POLICY! Anyway, for those who wish to wish up we have a few more to go...

Baby Kingdom and Hypermart offers a wide variety of products, not sure about pricing since i did not checked elsewhere, but bought Avent Electric Pump there at 10%. By the way, where s CHEONG CHOON??? The name sounds so *ching chong*
Vel-ok glad to hear that.. need lotsa rest yeah!

hui-patz patz. take MC if doesn't get better. I feel 'chuan' at times too.
still can handle. Thanks.

yesterday i also leh.. feel like taking our my bra..haha

very biz leh.. canot afford MC.
hui-what's ur name for ur minnie? ur boy called Jovial so I was wondering would u name a 'happy' name for minnie too? hehe..
Ok, if i see any good mattress deals, will upd u.

Auggy Bear,
I didn't ask why there's a price diff after 28wks.

RE: MCs and Annual Leave
My co is quite flexible. So far, I've only utilised 3.5 days mc during 1st trimester.
2nd trimester, I took time off to see gynae on weekdays except when I'm 20wks as I need more time for the DS and my gynae visit. I took 1 day A/L..Hehe.. so that I can zzz longer although my DS & gynae appt is in the afternoon. I will save the mcs for last trimester. Maybe I will take 1 wk A/L when going to deliver. Otherwise take a short course as I still hv some days to clear tis yr.

I'm drinking the avocado milk shake from snow mountain @ amoy fc now. Very nice. Thks for the recommendation.
Oops. I tot she still dunno mah... lol.

My boss nice mah... heehee... anyway, I dun even take MC for checks usually. I take time-off aka time sheet. My MC was cos I had a bad cold for 3 weeks in March. Took a lot there. It was so bad that I needed strong medicine. But coz preggy cannot take strong medicine. So very jialat. Then the other time I tio some unknown viral infection... could not breathe, very giddy, cannot eat, etc. So when I went to 24 hrs clinic, they gave me 3 days MC to rest.

A bit more of hassle lah. But save money and dun need to deal with all the lies of the agent. In addition, the maid got no loan so its better for them.
Bear: i will sure fight if i'm terminated but still, a lot of hassle unless i already passed 6 mths then open & shut, no case to answer.

eeee... y u have to sort out worms?
Same as I. Out of my 3.5 days mc, 2 days mc contributed to my fever and cough+flu. Bad cough for 1 week. I only use 1.5 mc for my gynae check.
fifi> mus provided 99% confirm tat the maid is gd otherwise if no gd, we've to start all over again right? all fees are at our own cost. thru agencies, we get to change maid if no gd bah?
alibaba, Bear, fifi, nikki, enne: well, like i said, even when i take annual leave to rest 1 day, she's already not happy so for kkh, i ended up taking those appointment times at 5 or 5.15 & rush like mad after work. but for ttsh & DS, no such timing so i asked her how. she said if it's closer to half a day, she prefer i take half day leave. but dr loh is v nice. when he c me like pengsan already during check-up, he will give me the next 2 days MC to make up. she can't argue w tt lor. he even put the reason on the MC.

Yen: wow, u walked all the way from PWC bldg? not tired? but... worth it, right
vel/su mei, hui: must take care.

fifi, yen: u too. how come nobody took the flu jab before getting pregnant? i got mine in nov. even during recent flu season, my flu was v mild compared to everybody else. i didn't even take MC for it at all.
Hi ladies,

Been trying to catch up with your posts.. Sounds exciting with plans for dinner, buying Toto...

Just some updates from me... Just went for my DS yesterday afternoon after a long wait over the past few weeks. Am glad that bb is developing well and everything is good. And I'm expecting a Mickey. Hui, need to trouble you to update for me. Thanks heaps.

Been walking around Orchard area with hubby after gynae visit yesterday, checking out things at Tangs, Taka and Mothercare at PS. Seems that there is not much promotion going on now for bb stuff at the dept stores (at least for what I'm looking for). Just to seek your advice, is it worthwhile to make a trip to Kaki Bukit to look for things like playpen, steriliser, warmer.. etc? Or should just get from Cheong Choon?

Btw, can anyone tell me the benefits of getting a steriliser? Hubby was commenting that pple used to just boil bottles in pots of hot water in the past???

Also, anyone knows where's a good place to get nice, cheap baby clothes (e.g. rompers and bodysuits) apart from places like Kiddy palace, mothercare? Have to start shopping for stuff for Mickey but seems like boy's clothes are a bit limited...

Are you feeling better now? Have plenty of good rest at home ya?

Peanut & Bear:
I just changed my antenatal class from 4.30pm to 2pm as hubby prefers the early afternoon timing. Seems like we won't be in the same class then.
cookieoreo, yesterday i went is samantha leh. So this sat will be another instructor covering for her? Yalor, all the ang mohs so flexible. I cant even hold my squats. i keep cheating. :p Yesterday there is this ang moh left before resting, i think ready to deliver cos samantha wishes her luck and she had 2 false alarm already. They really can do yoga until ready to pop. Pei fu. cookie, you have 2 dogs, me too. What breed?

cookie, enne : Tai tai life not for me lor, only can dream. Hubby not earning alot. So have to stick to working so can afford to pamper myself sometimes. even for one day, i satisfied liao.

Jo, thanks for the info. I think i will book the hosp tour to have a feel and then compare with the tmc one. Later then decide. Take one step at a time. Let hubby decide. I'm also very quiet de and take some time to warm up. I also think i'm very boring de, not much topics.

Yen, yalor me too. I'm quite happy with the goody bag and the diaper bag. I got the sling one, you leh?

Kash, no lar, i'm just teasing you. Kash, you 2nd baby leh, me first wo. Not sure is it because i miscarry before that's why tummy now so big. hmm.. Never mind, we work so near, can always rearrange to meet up for lunch again. you so good, can work from home. No such luck for me. Feel like changing job, ren till after i pop.
alibaba, initially we stayed with my mom. But mom kicked us out. hahaha.. she wanted us to have our own place. BTO need to wait so long and walk-in units are in my opinion unwanted units lor and i do not want to stay in woodlands so applying new flat is not an option for us. condo is also not within our means. So naturally re-sale flat is our only option. Actually the only flats we view are in toa payoh and bishan area. I know its far from my parents but that time i wanted to stay in central area so never think so much. We went to see a couple of units, toa payoh too ex, narrow down to bishan. Most of the 4 room flat is asking for abt 370k and asking alot of cov then. But really blessed is that we manage to get one that is 305k @valuation. I also get the first timer grant of 30k. I'm not entitled to the add 10k as not near to parents. your 2k over valuation is okay bah. Some asked more than 10k. Faintz.

olwen : i think i walk like a penguin now. I went to bkk for shopping. But end up with not much stash as my legs unable to carry my weight. Every half hour i need to rest. haha.. Ask my hb to piggy back me, he say he no strength and i'm heavy. He still dare to say i'm not fat when i ask him. Duh.

wtan, my mom is very different from yours. she is quite possessive. Every year she will ask me not to go back to my hb hometown. She say no need to go back every year one, want me to spend cny with them. Hahaha.. but on the other hand, still kick me out of house and ask us to get a place of our own. Think she love me lah, want me to own my own property for assurance. i think your mom traditional and she hopes you have good relationship with il. I'm sure she still loves you.

bear : actually no tip. I told my gynae i'm going to bkk for holiday. she say go ahead and automatic give me a letter saying 'just in case the airline check '.
oops... most likely by aug our joint income wil be >8k liao then cannot get parents grant??!! sianz lor.. stupid govt.. @$#&#@$%

hey anyone here can tell me the toto #? me not able to check lei..
dreamyjo: did u go pratunam? i heard there's a platinum mall w really cheap bb stuff. pity u didn't buy much stuff. bladers bot SO MANY things in hk. nvm. go again next year, haha.

if u r like penguin now then i will be like crab soon. duh. i also need to rest every half hr of shopping. lucky carrefour has furniture section now. especially last sunday, my monster was acting up. i think he is too used to buying toys whenever he wants cos only child for so long.
vel, you feel tight at chest area bcos of ur bra? Maybe you like to get those bra extension, few dollars for a pc. Cannot dun wear lah, else later out of shape how. I ever seen one lady ard 30+ with a baby, dunnoe she never wear bra or wat .. then realise her breast sag badly leh. Must take care of our figure...
Halo mummies!
Spent so much time catching up with this thread! Breathless liao!
Somemore was on leave yest to recuperate my aching legs.

dreamyjo, u bought a lot from BKK? Were u at Suan Lum nite market on Sat nite?? Saw a preggie singaporean lady there... wondering if its u. hee...

Jo, i also work in ulu ulu Serangoon Nth. Hi!

wtan, my DS's result is OK. Everything looks fine. BB was not in good position for Dr Tony to chk on her heart.. so i had to go for short walks before trying again. Spent an hr there.
peanut, you go www.singaporepools.com.sg to check your results loh. Or u give us your toto no. we help you check? hehe.

Went amkhub for lunch so tempted by chicken curry noodle. But scared not full so had Korean hotpot mixed rice. Quite satisfying lunch. hehe.
hui, vel, me too. I feel like my bra is suffocating me. also often out of breath. Lets slowly breathe in and out. Yoga technics.

Auggybear, thanks. I also think still a long way to go. Hahaha.. scare last min, really have to mini myni mo since both me and hb cannot agree. Anyway, planning to sit on it for the moment, think about it later.

Gynae Check: For me, no such thing as time off. I normally set my appt on sat. If no choice on weekdays, i will request gynae to give me mc or take AL. i also left very few days mc le
trying to save the remaining ones for 3rd trimester. My AL also few days left. darn.
lilian, I working at Serangoon North Ave 4, Cyberhub North bldg. Skali you working at the bldg next to mi??? I often see a pregnant lady from next bldg when gg lunch. She looks like 5-6mths pregnant.
Yes, I walk from the shop houses there opp PWC bldg, straight road. I'm not tired, maybe my tummy still not very big. Yes, its nice and worth, $2 for 1 big cup. Sometimes, my colleagues and I lunch @ amoy, sometimes @ hong lim too. Once in a blue moon, we went to maxwell market.
No, I didn't take any flu jab b4 pregnant. I wanted to take hep B but need some time..1/2 yr so din take also.

I got the sling bag 2. My hubby choose the sling bag.
Poor thing, he went to car park opp to tear more coupon after my DS while I proceed to gynae's clinic.
My hubby did all the running while I'm waiting for my turn @ gynae's clinic.
He went to info counter to register FBI then back to ACJ clinic to put the bag and goodie bag then go to Parent Craft to pay for the antenatal class with the FBI receipt.
I doubt so. I've miscarried my 1st one last year and my tummy still looks small now.

Here's the results:
Mon 07/07/08 Draw No:2342
Winning Numbers
2 18 19 21 39 45

Additional Number

I only won 3 numbers with Quick Pick. No one won the Group 1 price money yet.
Hey ladies, had lunch? i had macs.. baby kicked like mad!

Olwen, in the end i end go and sort my wormies.. will start aft lunch.. takes me a whole day to sort through one sample!

Favoured, its ok. have fun at ur class. i think in Cheong CHoon u won't be able to see the samples while in Baby Kingdom/ Hypermart the strollers etc are all on display. i went to Hypermart to test the models then will buy from Cheong Choon cos they are cheaper.
As for steriliser, u can use hot water, but u must know how long to boil etc.
my MIL said she dun need steriliser but i will be getting one for my own place. I can't rem Hypermart or Kingdom has quite an ok selection of bb clothes.. won't recommend rompers cos bb's neck too soft, will be hard to wear that.

Auggybear, ya i love teddy bears.. but the reason why we like the name Theodore is becos it reminds me of Theodore Roosevelt. short form is Teddy lor.. if come out a gal then she will have identity crisis!

Sumei cannot dun wear bra lah.. wait boobs sag to ur tummy then very awful looking!

Peanut, u can check the S'pore Sweep webby for the Toto results.. u took half day again ah!

oh yah, Yen, nikki: i told fifi abt this mattress on offer at carrefour. benbeni brand $18.90. quite firm but not sure if the dimensions suitable for u. try to measure your cot first before u go down & c.
