(2008/11) November 2008

Jo: wah piang, what kind of father is tt? even my husband, no matter how naughty my son is, will never call him idiot.

fifi: i got it at carrefour yesterday. think it is still on offer - benbeni brand. but the $5 voucher from today paper only valid until yesterday. i used tt. straits times voucher lagi better, $10 off.

the width is quite normal but the length is a bit short.

ah, u only have one kicking u now. imagine if u have 2 or more next time.

yah, i trying to tahan until 6 mths but tt is still 3 weeks away. sigh. u take care of yourself too.

lovedogs: haha. i don't really love the shelford suites but i find if funny tt my dad can offer friendly loan one day then clean forget it the next. i'm ok w arriving by 6.30. i found out sure way to get seat on the train to orchard, take backwards to marina bay from raffles place, haha.

peanut: u r v cheeky girl but then i guess laughter helps us to get thru the days better hor?

sometimes i jus tot next day den take. haha..so at most 1day i nv take supp due to laziness.. i jus finished my fishoil today... gotta get from my gp tonight...multivat is finishing soon.. geting from gynae tis friday.. duno gynae gg to give me more supp tis coming appt.. hope not..
enne: surprisingly i only put on 4 kg so far but i feel heavier than my first one at full term. probably cos, like the dr at a&e said i was young then & old now.

Jo: like Bear says, sekali her husband read it instead!

guru Bear: y u so siao on one? bleeding also work. no wonder the mgmt take advantage of u. shd rest more.

i walk like crab becos i'm so fat already, what. but right now, i'm still like a penguin, rather than crab

alibaba: your gf's son is also v clever to complain to his mummy. i think my son wld do the same thing. luckily i have my mum at home to keep an eye.

wtan: thanks for the concern.
Fifi, hope you are feeling better now! Can't imagine how 'contractions' feel like. Me also abt 22+ weeks but so far only feel kicking only.

Stroller/car seat: suddenly realised I might need to get one after all coz when I told my colleague we don't have a car, she asked how am I getting around in taxis with baby in future. Carrying bb in arms or in a sling will be dangerous rite?
Any stroller that will convert into a car seat? Quite confused. Any ideas on this esp for couples w/o car??

Nanny vs maid: Nikki, I guess we are abt the same...thinking of both too. I shld be getting a nanny tho but thinking of getting one who is living near my mum's place. Coz my mum is working part time and MIL is looking after niece, so both can't look after at least not full time sigh...Hubby and I discussed many options and we feel that getting a maid is the least favourable.

i delivered in gleneagles hospital for #1. #2 will be the same. think Gleneagles was one of the last Private hospitals to tie up the procedure with SCBB. I called up SCBB prior to my delivery and they told me if the procedure is setup in time, will call me for interview. But nvr receive the call loh... then i heard after that the procedure was setup in June.


if u dun mind taking a train to raffles place MRT, i can meet u and go together as i will be driving.

Jo, the britax i have is from newborn to 18kg. it is one of those "convertible" carseat. very good...


i asked. they said will refund me back the remaining $$ minus the testing fees.... I also ask some touch wood questions like what if miscarriage etc...they said will refund in full.


warrao...thats horrible. what report is that for? was it the test report?

i have a fren who doesn't have a car as her hb travels often for work. she uses a sling to bring her baby (now tod) out.... i also find very siong. coz will be very heavy to the shoulders. However, think there is this ergo carrier where u can carry ur tod like a backpack... i heard it is pretty good. Actually bringing stroller out is very troublesome. I nowadays hardly bring out the stroller... normally juz carry or let her walk..
kash-Yup the report on the blood after they did the testing on the cordblood, the blood type, any probs found with the blood and so forth, its for our own info one.. I ever wonder did they also sent mine to the wrong person? But aiya just let it go lo... din ask abt it.
my gf son is 4yr old. tink the maid threatened him or give him sweets to shut his mouth up. but recently he was down with fever...so he jus blah evting out... usual weekday the maid will bring the son to sch den after tat will go to my gf mum place from sembawang to bukit batok. So it's even confirm tat the maid is beating the child.. my gf got so fed up when recently she asked the maid to jagar her son at night due the fever hit 40 degree. but most of the time was my gf went over than the maid quickly wake up..
then u better than me.. sometimes i tink i'm a lousy mommy.. hope my galgal growing well despite this.

me too.. even thou my tummy not say v huge but i also walk a bit like penguine nowadays.. mayb i'm petite and cant carry the weight too well..
thanks haru.. i jus bot toto today 1.5M.. if i strike then can immediately get the balestier condo liao *_* Nowadays i more & more sian at his house.. other than meals i hardly stay at the living area.. always cope myself in the bedroom..
Jo thanks for ur feedback.. i dunno why but i instinctively wanted Mt A.. may be its just next to my old sch. i love that area very much... i like the Catholic env even though i m not a Catholic.

Nah my hb won't come in lah.. he finds it very weird that i can chat with strangers online.. the only time he might pop in is when i m reading the forum and he stands behind my shoulder!!

Olwen, cos in the end the work still has to be done wat.. its only the matter of doing it sooner or later! anyway i can't be on my bed the whole day.. makes me depress so might as well do some work.

Lovedogs, at least u know wat to expect..

no.didnt see doc.. waiting for it to recover by itself.. dont want to choke bb with medication. But im feeling much much better now..Thanks

Olwen, Cheer up.. monday blues ya

Olwen, kash & glad_gal.. thanks.. will take care.

Re: Gathering: Earliest i can reach town is 7pm
hi peanut,
dun be too upset ya? perhaps you being preggie will allow for more conversations with ur ILs at home? can't possibly stay in the room all e time too. home is supposed to be where you feel relaxed.anywayz, certainly wish you all e best in ur wish for your own living pad!=>

lovedogs (sorry, i still like calling u that,hee), i booked for a hospital tour next week. have yet to confirm with e clinic if we goin to book single or double bedder. hubby is leanin towards single bedder as he thinks ultimately i would like him to stay with me and we are praying that I will be in and out of e hospital in 2-3 days. =D do you know if there is a fixed package for the maternity/delivery? i saw there are some packages on the GlenE website, but not sure if it applies to Dr Chan's patients?
lovedogs: ohhh, thank u. tt's nice. where do u park normally?

alibaba: tt maid is really horrible. so thankful the little boy is still ok now.

peanut: must take care, ok? good to have a laugh tho. laughter is the best medicine. like jo's encounter w the man at Mt A. my colleagues looked suspiciously at me chuckling away.

enne: what is "poh bi"?

all the best! hope u strike toto and we all can have a free dinner next friday! hahaha


u all very nice wor... i will tell the agent off leh.. coz these are medical results...shd be P&C...


yes, there is maternity package. U can get the rate chart from Dr Chan's clinic. The hospital package is std. it is 2-day package. Check in time is anytime after 12 midnite and check out is by 12 noon I think. So say if u admit to hospital at 11pm...it will be consider 1 day liao...so super boh hua leh... Eg, i was previously admitted in the wee hours on sunday morning, my 2-day package was until tuesday 12 noon... go for single bedded...u need the support... and ur hb can't do much when he goes home also. no point travelling to & fro. He juz need to pay some extra for lodger and includes 3 meals for him too.

me park in OUB centre. so juz next to raffles MRT station only....but i super long time nvr go to hyatt hotel...need to think what is the best route to take and avoid exiting ERP zone...
olwenlim-means 'bless' I think in dialect form. kekeke.

peanut00-if u tio.. all our delivery charges all ON U k... haha.
so good.. when i told my hubby i wan single bed and he'll be staying overnight with me, he gave me a "r u kidding me" look.. also dunoe if he's playing with me or wat. Sometimes i jus find him so insensitive...

And re. interaction with his family: Why i dun like to stay at living area also becos i hate their sofa, those wood type everytime sit until v uncomfortable, and then most of the time they watching channels which i'm not interested.. Rather lie on bed watch tv nicer.. Sigh.. mayb these are jus excuses, i jus dun like to entertain
Enne> wait long long.. haha..peanut need to buy condo & furnitures.. haha. $$ where got enough to spend one! lolx.
Bear: Mt A next door got catholic school???

su mei: thanks. once peanut & jo come in, i start laughing again. sorry, to make the 2 of them sound like clowns.

peanut: su mei has fever. MC 2 days. u really v cute girl. i think i really better not join in mooncake festival outing. sekali u make me laugh until i go into premature labour.
lovedogs: wah, so convenient. thanks again. but btw hyatt is outside CBD leh.

enne: oh, ok then i also "bless" peanut.

peanut: my MIL has the same sofa! & it is still in my house. alamak. i am still trying ways & means to get rid of tt uncomfortable thing. really caused me pain to sit/lie on it while i was having dengue.

since 1st birth strongly suggests u to ask ur hb to stay overnite with u leh... coz at nite, the nurse will push bb in for latching every 3 hrs... very siong and need someone to mentally and physically support u...

i can understand althou i dun stay with my in laws. Last time before i got married, i already watch tv in my own room as i dun watch the same channels as my parents! hahahaha... as long as ur in laws nvr make noise, i dun find it a point that you have to make urself uncomfortable by being there with them loh.... r u looking ard for ur own love nest?
thanks lovedogs! i didn't know that meals will be provided for hubby too. but knowing hubby's picky sense of food, he wld rather get his own food.hahah... so we could take up the hospital standard package and any additional nite if req will be added on to the package right?

actually i told my hubby i can manage w/o him. but i think he knows he better and that i'll be prob be a lil whiny after delivery and maybe its also an excuse for him lah, then he can see his little princess anytime. hahaha...
i m taking train from raffles place leh..we can meet up too..hee..

oic..wow...the hospital seems v far to me..hee..aa..think i m hv been there once..i hv a gf who delivered there too...at least ur hospital goodie bag is so much better than mine..nothing at all..lol...ergo carrier is indeed a v gd carrier with gd support i shd say..but i think i will sweat great deal when i used that..maybe i m those that will sweat easily la..but erog is more sturdy lo..

u shd really get ur gf to change maid leh..aiyo..

does ur IL's place has an extra room for ur kid?u not intending to get ur own flat or want to wait till the kid grow bigger?

thanks...outside orchard restricted zone huh? then maybe i can take the long route from bukit timah there then turn in via newton?

u mentioned u had dengue previously? oh dear... was it very very tough? How long did u take to recover?
umm?? u not joining for nex fri dinner? dun worry lah i wun make u laugh until premature labour.. normally i can talk better in words, when meet person in person i talk lesser one.. cos somemore 1st time meeting, i'm a person who warms up slower one.

yah lor mus be same type of sofa.. piangz.. those only a thin cushion u can sit on, at the back nottin, jus the wood, sit until bone going to break.. i rather sit on the floor
Peanut, u can use Microsoft Picture manager to crop ur tummy, or to compress ur photos.
ur homework pass up very late hor.. heehee...

Strike Toto ah. hope u do so! i understand how u feel with regards to staying with ur inlaws. i dun stay with mine also got probs liao.. Hang in there!

Yes Olwen, there is a Catholic sch next to Mt A.
the whole road is named aft the sch (not the other way around).

Sumei, hope u are better now!

we can all meet and if u dun mind to sit in my driving, i can drive there from OUB centre.

I dun have an ergo carrier though...saw my fren has it. I had this baby bjorn Air...used it when my gal was abt 2 mths to 6 mths only...got super heavy for my shoulders leh...


i believe so. if say u had c-section, u can take the c-section package. Their package chart will include normal del without epi, normal with epi, normal epi wif assisted, planned c-section, emergency c-section etc. The chart also shows u the neo nate package as well as the max medisave claim. U can get it from dr chan's clinic and get them to explain to you
chat up with ling ...heehee...can get a lot of info... :p
Re: carriers/slings
am torn between ergo and bjorn. but i dun seem to see the ergo carriers at many places..where is e best plc to find the range of carriers? wish we had those huge store which carries everything we need like those in the states. and the variety is so much more!!

put a cushion to sit on the sofa maybe? but i can imagine, quite uncomfy...ouch!

thanks!Ling was on leave at my last appt. guess i'll chat more with her on next appt. will try to find out more info at the hospital tour next week too. => can't believe its just another 4 months to go...seems so quick!!
peanut/Olwen, i can understand the feeling. my hb's aunty place has tat. ev time i go there. sit/lie oso uncomfortable always put cushion on my back. luckily my mil dun fancy tat type. else i sure die.. cos my room now no TV liao. haha. mus always nua in the living room.. y dont u sponsor a sofa for ur comfort! haha
okok..that will be nice too..hee..so when shd we pick on the date to hv lunch at raffles place ah..u know who's working here at raffles place too?i only hv this bearyhugz non-adjustable sling & ergo carrier..i think the egro is q gd leh..can use till bb is abt 18kg according to the website..but of coz we will feel the weight la..but i guess it's better support for the back too..
high fever u had? hope u've fully recovered. If i dio toto tonight, i'll add on a packet of bottled birdnest for you!

i'm sure he'll be ok with single bedder if i wan it. Jus that i tot i no need to say he'll also suggest that mah.. And yes looking around but condo really exp lor.. But new hdb only sengkang/punggol i dun like.. So mayb hav to look at 2nd hand ones..

precisely no extra room liao so i use this as an excuse to get a new house =P
Bear: i think on second thoughts i dowan to work same co as u. sekali the bosses will say eeee, how come i am so lazy compared to u!

wtan: oh but lovedogs is driving me now leh

lovedogs: ummm... tt really sounds a v long route leh. let me go ask my husband, he's v good on the rd. i had dengue in 2005. v painful & miserable. all of u must take care. dengue during pregnancy is v terrible. i miscarried tt time when i had dengue. dangerous creature, the mosquito, spawn of satan.

peanut: next friday dinner, i still can laugh. but by mid-autumn will be 30 over weeks. laugh too much at tt stage also can go into labour. happened to a friend of mine. haha, u said it, like my mum says, this kind of sofa, might as well not have sofa.
then maybe aft u give birth then get ur own place ba..now also not here not there, right? i stayed with my IL till my boy is 15mths old..we waited & applied for the BTO Tamp proj but cant get it lo even with my son as 1 of the applicant..sigh..so we got our love place & just shifted in this Jan nia...hee..press on ah..
Hi kash

Thks for the info! So I guess I better go do more research on slings :x otherwise dunno how to get around with bb since I don't drive. I also feel that strollers would not be used often that was the reason why we did not want to get it untill bb is born.

Just now forgot to update. Wld be joining you all on 18 Jul for dinner hee...I think good to put a face to all the names I have been seeing here! Btw, all of you havent met before rite??

Nov MTBs first gathering: buffet - Straits Kitchen/ Vienna?
Location: not fixed
Date: 18th Jul

1) Olwen - no preference for place / all 3 dates
2) Bear - Straits Kitchen/ all 3 dates
3) Minkybear - straits kitchen/ 11 july
4) Peanut - 11/18th Jul. Any buffet place. The Line.. wow.. *o*
5) Blessed mum
6) Jo - okay for all dates
7) Alibaba - shld be ok for all 3 dates =)
8) Yoyosan
9) Jenn - venue anywhere 11th/25th
10) Vincy
11) wtan - vote for 18th
12) cookieoreo - no preference for place & date
13) JJmom - 18 or 25 July
14) Vel (Su Mei)- 18 or 25 july
15) Auggybear - Straits Kitchen/ 11 or 18 July
16) Fifi - no preference for place as long got crab/ all 3 dates ok for now
17) kash - 18th July/anywhere...
18) glad_gal - 18th Jul. No pref.

Ha..really cannot imagine meeting such a big grp of MTB, esp thru online forum!!
Wah u guys really very fast leh.. i got hard time keeping up...

Peanut, wah can i ask for some bird's nest too? my excuse is that my brain dead liao.. need some booster so can study.. kekeke...

U gals meeting up and then coming together ah.. that's so nice of Lovedogs to give u a lift.. hahaha if anybody wants a lift from the west side, let me know. :p

Olwen, i m a workaholic lah.. bleah not much work to do but i m the type that likes to clear everything up ASAP. in the past i will stay up till 4am to finish my work. i work better at night so would only start clearing stuff at midnight.. most of the time i m distracted by all the chatting!

Hahah why dun u look around Mt A and see which sch is there? or perhaps Jo can give u a hint?
wah.. cannot lah.. those rosewood sofa quite exp one lei.. somemore it matches with other pieces of furnitures as well.. tell them wan to replace dunoe wat will they think lor.. they'll know that i 嫌弃 the sofa

oh... how many mths were u then when gena the dengue?
alibaba: at least u don't have to live in a house permanently w tt kind of sofa. what i can't understand & my husband also cannot answer me when i ask him is - if his mother loves the sofa so much, y didn't she take it w her when she moved out? then i can buy new comfy sofa.

my mum's house sofa soooo comfy. we can even sleep on it. plus still has some fleeting residual of my darling doggy's smell, even 3 years after he passed on.
peanut & bear..

Thanks alot. U guys cheer me up..Im better now.. HUAT AH.. but i forget to buy today toto lah.. nvm.. Dear Ti gong, let peanut strike hahahaha
guru Bear: pai seh to ask Jo for a hint becos i'm a catholic myself & i don't even know! give me a clue lah. cannot be chij mah, tt's in toa payoh, so far away.

peanut: only abt 6 weeks. i didn't even know i was pregnant until i started passing out clots. sigh. what to do. one of those things.

heehee... i think Yen and olwen are nearer to tanjong pagar...then u and me nearer to raffles place. i am not sure who else liao... i can do lunch this thursday...any takers? if not, we can arrange again when we meet for dinner next Friday.


thanks...i can also double check with my hb... heehee.. i think i can meet u and wtan outside G2000 OUB centre...juz give me the time and how we ID each other (shd be easy with our bellies :p )

oh dear...so sorry to hear that...must be a terrible period for u... was it inevitable to suffer from miscarriage due to dengue? yes, horrible horrible. I recalled an uncle suffered from dengue and need a lot of blood transfusion. luckily he is ok now... seriously no joke. but we can't seem to control the mozzies not to fly near us
i super worried for my gal loh...


which location r u looking at? actually, now condo price ex, resale HDB also ex... dunno why housing has become so expensive... if u r still entitled to near parent grant, i suggest u try to get it as $40K grant is a lot of money....


yah loh... few more mths to go..me looking forward for ML ...hahahahaa

u r welcome. I dunno where to get ergo carrier thou... maybe wtan can advise as she has one. I think there is this place at paragon that sells... i can't remember the name...5th floor..also sell strollers etc...


hope u r feeling better now? think can take some panadol for fever? they are safe for bb...

looking at central TPY/AMK/Bishan but so exp.. even balestier and serangoon also not cheap liao.. New hbd these area no hav, only sengkang area. The parent grant only for new flats rite? I dun tink it apply to 2nd hands?
