(2008/11) November 2008

peanut: haha, more blessed to give than receive. maybe if this time, u give away, next time u will strike even higher prize? the tea lady auntie in my office strikes 4D so often, she can win like once every month. serious! then she buys food for us.

lovedogs: yah, we are easily identifiable
can try netting your house. my husband did tt after we recovered. he did a lot of funny things, including move our bed for better feng-shui. but then now, such an awkward position tt our bed-head is facing away from the tv so we have to sleep side-ways to watch tv.

Peanut, living near parents grant only for resale flat, not for brand new flats.
hahaah.. we all hoping u will strike, free dinner next wk! kekeke...

Olwen, the sch used to have a sec section but was phased out when i was in P5. so sad. it still has the kindergarten section and the boarding section... starts with M! haaa...

Having dengue is no joke. some of my frens who got it said that they nv recover back their health fully.. always tired and out of breath...

Sumei, heee.. we can always count on Peanut to cheer us up...

We are so fast that i think Minkybear will have a hard time catching up when she comes back!
aiyor ur tea lady mus hav bought ibet.. my hubby aunty also buy that and dio 4D almost everyweek!! but everytime dio pi sai amount nia.. kekeke.. but stil better than nottin lah, accumulate liao also quite a bit
my goodness, anor advert. tt's the 3rd or 4th one today.

peanut: come, come to serangoon. v v nice area. many good schools too. all v easy to get in. if confirmed girl, can go to chij serangoon gardens. if become boy, can go to st gabriels. i think the grant is for re-sale flat. new flats - the subsidy is already built in. but where r u living now?
the grant for resale is indeed attractive. not near parent u still get 30k grant. but getting resale aint any cheaper. cos got to pay agent commission & expect the owner to ask for above valuation... esp those nicely renovated.and even those super lok kok one but gd location near mrt. oso asking alot..
for me, i am lucky becos i brought my house at the lowest peak for property. so i paid jus the agent commission nia..
guru Bear: i know now, Marymount! oh, were u from there? ahhh... graph paper uniform!

peanut! my goodness, u r v irreverant girl, all right.

where did minkybear go?
Can i ask this Mdm Sadiah does pre and post natal massage? I don't dare to go to the china lady at east point already...60 bucks per hour? Can someone send me her details?

Fifi: U feeling better? Get well soon and take care k! Rest more...

Enne & wtan: Ya Shane is my baby's name, we start calling him by name.. Shane Shane...
Enne: Remember to talk to your baby prior to your next detail scan... Guai Guai!

Bear: Thanks for your email.

I'm contemplating if i should sign up for FBI... Those who would be delivering at TMC, suggestion?

Peanut00: Big money big money!
good nite mummies. got to go home early to collect food from MIL.

peanut: i bless u again to strike. then we all have free dinner.
yah also considering serangoon cos got northeast line direct to harbourfront more convenient for work.. But then will be v mafan to bring kid home everyday.. imagine every am bring her to my MIL house then after work bring her back again.. unless wat my hubby say only bring back during weekends
oh dear..we must really b careful abt the mozzies..think shd get some insert repellants to stand-by..

haha..ya..birdnest from peanuts when she strike..i agree..haha..let's wish her best of luck ah..

this thur shd be ok for me ard far east sq..coz my boss got some visitors in town so in case i need to be summon back to make beverages for them..okok..who else is working at raffles place ah..i got my ergo thru a private spree..maybe can look out at the sprees section..

so nice to call ur boy now..gd for u too..m sure he will be v active when u call him by name ah..hee..
I dun think its more practical to get those carseat that can be put onto stroller. Those cost at least $150 & can only be used for a few months. Might as well get the combi carseats that can be used from infant to 4 ears old. Even the Britax ones oso less than $400 can get. More worth it. If you want extra padding for newborn, these about $20 can get le.

Shld be ok unless it gets more and more painful. That's wad the doc and nurse say. The nurse told me before I went off that I shld just rest more walk less ok le. But if more painful or feel worst then go back.

The one I bought is from newborn to 4 years. Britax Omega. Britax in general is a good brand of carseat. You can see which model you like. The main difference is the fabric.

I will not be installing an CCTVs in my hse even though my maid will be alone with baby. Coz I feel that if they feel that we dun even trust them at all, they tend to be worst. Anyway, if the maid is generally quite good, showing them that we trust them helps them to work better. They will not want to let us down. But hor, if the maid is not quite good in the first place, CCTV or no CCTV oso not safe to leave the baby in their care.

Oh kk. I shall go see next weekend. Is it on promo?

Glad glad:
I think those car seat that go with stroller only for infant wor. I also never think abt taxi how. Lolx. I oso dun have a car. Depending on dad's car most of the time but sometimes (like CNY) sure have to take cab with baby. HOw huh?

Dun need flowers when we deliver lah. Birds nest better. Since so many of us, we shall not be too greedy. 1 liang each can le. Hahhahaha.

The school name starts with M.
minkybear, olwenlim,

no problems abt the name lah... we are more or less set on the name. Like my older gal, her name is Megan-Beth and we always call her by megan or meg. Only call her full name when we are angry or irritated by her. So she knows that she has to behave. Like wise for Emma-Jane, we will probably call by by Emma and only her full name when she is in trouble.

I had megan at Mt A and also my ectopic surgery was done in Mt A. Due to change in gynae for tis pregnancy, we are having he baby at SGH. If given a choice, Hubby wld prefer to have the baby at Mt A. My younger sister delivered at SGH on Sat and I must say the delivery ward and the A class room is very spacious. The nurses are also very good. So now hubby feels better.

Can you put me down tentative for the gathering as well. Wld like to join you guys but need to make sure that hubby can drop meg off for her Tien Hsia class on Fri evenings. If he can't than I will have to do it. Thks
Okay ... thanks mummies .. will go look for Britax.

Enne, send wrong report??? OMG.

peanut, same same. I also stay with in-laws. Other than dinner time, I would stay in the room too.

I went hospital tour at Mt Alvernia ... heard bb will stay with mi throughout the night whatever type of ward I'm staying in ... dunnoe we heard correctly or not.

olwen, bear: I choose Mt Alvernia cos the place is nicer and not as crowded as TMC. No other reasons. hehe.

peanut, hope u strike TOTO! Usually babies always give us luck one. Last time, I'm a no luck person ... now I buy 4D and Scratch It for fun and won like $6 or $10 sometimes.
Olwen, BINGO! u got it right.. aiyah why u say graph paper? i really like that uniform.. we have a total of 3 different types of uniform there. from P1-3 it is a full dress, P4-6 is a blouse and a skirt. Prefects is a white blouse and skirt.. and we have BLACK shoes! nv ever had to wash them! hahaha...

Fifi, ya the cramps are very mild.. nothing compared to period cramps so i m not too worried.

Auggybear, u are welcome. Hahah although i dunno the gender of my bb, we have been calling him/her Teddy, short for Theodore. :p dunno why.. when we saw that name we instinctively like it.

I guess i m the only one left here... until u all finish dinner and come back... have a gd dinner ladies!

Re: carseat for taxi
Eh, u dun think that's needed although technically it is gd for ur bb... are u gonna have to carry ur carseat around when u go shopping? a bit illogical hor...

Jo, ya TMC is really really busy!
wahh, gone for the afternoon only and there's so many posts today..

olwen, dun worry too much and FYI, employers cannot terminate u once u are 6mths near to ur due date which means when u are ard 4mths pregnant =D and also urs is a bank they will not risk their reputation de.. mine was coz small set up ma and i was working there for 4mths only(no feeling towards me ba) =P just act according to ya body signal k..

bear, u live or work in e west? I will be able to reach anytime on friday so let me know wat the earliest timing so i can come early to accompany too XD

peanut, I dun buy 4d or toto.. wish u all e best~ *gd luck*

Auggy bear, Mdm sadiah number is 977724579, if u wanna better confirm with her fast.. a few of us have already booked her.. heard gd comments abt her so decided to try out.. I have applied for FBI, got a nice big bag with lots of samples, 10%discount for DS, for prenatal course and there will be hospital charges discount as well.. We find it rather worth it =D will recommend u to go for the hospital tour den u can decide
Auggy bear, I got the FBI as well, tho I didnt know DS can use it darn!! But the bag is not too bag, and yup got lots of sample, then got discount when sign up for the pre-natal classes, and of coz mostly, like what Jenn said, hospital charge discount. =)
OK added on!

Nov MTBs first gathering: buffet - Straits Kitchen/ Vienna?
Location: not fixed
Date: 18th Jul

1) Olwen - no preference for place / all 3 dates
2) Bear - Straits Kitchen/ all 3 dates
3) Minkybear - straits kitchen/ 11 july
4) Peanut - 11/18th Jul. Any buffet place. The Line.. wow.. *o*
5) Blessed mum
6) Jo - okay for all dates
7) Alibaba - shld be ok for all 3 dates =)
8) Yoyosan
9) Jenn - venue anywhere 11th/25th
10) Vincy
11) wtan - vote for 18th
12) cookieoreo - no preference for place & date
13) JJmom - 18 or 25 July
14) Vel (Su Mei)- 18 or 25 july
15) Auggybear - Straits Kitchen/ 11 or 18 July
16) Fifi - no preference for place as long got crab/ all 3 dates ok for now
17) kash - 18th July/anywhere...
18) glad_gal - 18th Jul. No pref.
19) chillipadi
hey gals, am back!
Spend few hours clearing all the posts. Gosh, still am quite lost. Kekeke..
Overall the trip is really free and easy. Go out @11 and return to hotel by 7pm. Basically my legs are killing me and i need to sit down so often. Poor hubby have to accomodate my slow walking pace.

A piece of advice for mummies planning to travel: do get a letter from your gynae before you travel to certify you fit for travelling. i got checked twice on both legs of the journey. Luckily my gynae had the foresight to provide me with the letter.

Went to yoga and facial today. feel like a tai tai haha.. quite shiok. but only for 1 day. sian. back to boring work tomorrow to earn back what i spend today. yoga + facial package. Heartpain liao

Fifi, glad to hear everything is alright. do rest well.

olwen, i think i'm like you though i'm carrying one. My tummy is really big. Maybe that's why i ganna checked during the journey. They probaby think i'm in my 3rd tri.

Hmm.. gathering.. meeting up so many mummies.. i'm shy leh.

Slinger : My hb wanted to get the bjorn one.

Mt alvernia Hospital tour : Jo, how do you book the tour? need to pay? for tmc, i think its included in the antenatal class package. I'm still 2 minded which one to go to. Also in the end, if i choose to go mt alvernia, do i need to top up the difference for the antenatal class as the price i paid is for if you choose to deliver at tmc.

Cookieoreo, meowie : did you gals went for the yoga last sat? are you planning to go this sat? i will be going. Today the class is big eventhough its a monday. Alot of ang moh ladies. Wonder if some of them sahm. so envy.

peanut : i got a resale flat too. i'm really blessed as i managed to get a bishan 4 rm flat @ valuation, the others we saw all ask for exorbitant prices which we cannot afford. We got this flat 4 years back. But property prices keep rising so i'm not too sure is it a good time to buy now. But maybe you take your time shop around maybe you can find a really good deal. My hb fren got a 5 rm flat late last year @ below valuation. location is woodlands though. Its a divorce case and the owners want to get rid of the house asap so willing to let go at under valuation.

We went to check out clover @ bishan, very nice. Gosh, cheapest also almost $1m. Faintz. Guess not fated to stay at condo le. Must guai guai stay @ current flat. But i feel too small leh and wish to upgrade. Got to pray hard for it.

Chillipadi : I love emma-jane. So classic. Congrats.

Lovedogs : you forget me lah. i work in robinson rd near olwen. a few days never post, all you forget me le. *sob*

Hui, can i have the contact for mdm sadiah too? I wanna book for the post natal massage. Thanks!

IL : I'm so glad i have no in law prob. My ils are very far away from me. Kekeke... 2.5 hrs journey. only get to see them once a year so not much of a prob. Intent to skip not going back next year. use bb too small as an excuse. So boring over there.

Auggybear, wow so soon you thought of a name for your son. I still have no idea. give hb suggestion, he only say mmm... I think i will give up for now and take a break lah. Try again later.

Toto: peanut, not sure is it too late to wish you luck! anyway luck ah! I had no luck when it comes to such things. bought a few times never strike. But everytime see colleagues strike toto or 4D, so tempted to buy. Too bad i hate to queue so end up never buy.
glad_gal : ya me too. if i knew about the discount for oscar and DS, i would have applied it long ago too. Anyway, i also applied fbi to get discount for the antenatal class.
<font color="0000ff">enne</font>
hee, Mcflurry?? actually i named my nick under my dogs.. cookie &amp; oreo..
hav u tried tat green version, yumz..

<font color="0000ff">wtan</font>
not sure wat i'll do if im in your shoes leh, no wonder u were so troubled recently, poor thing! i guess the best is to let family members be the caretaker so u can hav a piece of mind while at work. but still boils down if u are comfortable with having both boys separated as taking care of both can be vy challenging too. are u oso thinking to employ a helper to assist your MIL so u can hav both boys together?
seems like i'll hav to wait much longer for a helper as we jus cancelled our current one fm Philippines. she request to extend another 2 wks &amp; we were so tired of waiting for her. initially was uncontactable, then passport issues, then relative passed away.. not fated, i guess..

<font color="0000ff">meowie</font>
were you at Forum last Sat? i was looking around for approx 'same size' tummy.. lol..

<font color="0000ff">bear</font>
received the list, tks for compiling them!

<font color="0000ff">happy</font>
we are staying so near ya.. tks for letting me know abt Learning Vision. went to enquire more yday &amp; she put me on a waiting list for nxt yr. so crazy hoh? but they dun provide half day session which im quite disappointed. im oso SAHM so no point let him attend full day. Should they hav a vacancy for your gal in oct, i think it will be perfect timing.

<font color="0000ff">dreamyjo</font>
welcome back! sounds so relaxing siah.. big shopping or jus mainly makan? i was there on sat but not sure if meowie was there too. was disappointed tat a new instuctor was helping out samantha for couple of sats.. still prefer her la.. haha, tai tai's life feels great, wish wish ya.. im surprised mon is crowded, oso realised a lot of angmohs &amp; most were super flexible. not like me, my muscles aching after the session..
peanut-wu tio bo?? keke.

cookieoreo-oh u got 2 doggies huh.. I din try the green tea one still prefer original mcflurry. hee.

AuggyBear-Shane is a nice name.. so nice can call by name liao.. I still calling 'xiao bao bei', Yeah must ask him guai guai next week for the DS. kekeke.

Sumei is also Vel? - how r u feeling today liao?? hope u r better now!

dreamyjo-sounds like u had a good 'tai tai' day hor..

re:postnatal massage
after c-sect how long can I opt for the massage? for my first preg I waited after 1mth plus then due to bad experience never continue liao.. I also wanna book but dunno how long after my c-sect shd I do it??
Good Morning ... Zao An Ning Hao ...

I will go check out Britax carseats...

Fifi, having CCTV not only monitor the maid lah but also can see how is the baby ... it will be nice to see the baby whenever I wan. hehe.

Bladers, since pregnant u got buy 4D all these anot? Try go buy a little for fun ...

Dreamyjo, I'm also rather a quiet person ... somemore meeting new frens .. hehe. I also booked the TMC antenatal class with hospital tour. I'm not too sure abt the pricing for your case. For me, I have not decided when I register for the class so I have to pay the course fee (if delivering in other hospital). You need to call Mt Alvernia to book for the FREE hospital tour.

Enne, I thought of having postnatal massage two weeks after c-sect. But will confirm with gynae if safe anot ... scared hurt the wound.
Morning ladies.

Me 2. I've applied the FBI card but I've only used for the antenatal class and didn't use for DS and OSCAR. The goodie bag was good with quite alot of samples (1 tin of similac milk powder, 1 bott chix essence, some bb toys, 1 pair of mittens, etc). We'll have to use it for hospital stay. Gynae delivery fees can get 5% off for certain gynae. Dr Wong is in the list. Also for PD charges, we do get 5% or 10%..I can't rem. 6mths free insur for bb.
morning ladies!
You guys are really good post so many things in one day so fast! i could hardly finish reading.

Busy day for me again so today probably MIA again.
Really looking forward to the meeting next friday would really be a sight to see so many preggies in one place
by the way is hui joining? no news from her.

Oh so happy! bb kicking kicking away today hhee.. yesterday was a little worried no kicks the whole day until at nite. i think mine either like chocolate or hate it hehe...
Good Morning!

Auggy, It's betta to sign up for FBI closer to delivery date if you have missed the discount for DS &amp; antenatal class as there's a validity date for the membership.

Cookieoreo, Fifi: I've decided to get a Philippino maid after my CL leaves. Do u have any recommendations on good agencies?

Vel, hope u r getting betta!
ya, me startin to think about working less hours in the 3rd tri already, hahahah...everyday i can go home and take a 2 nap before having dinner.i have nvr been such a "powerful" napper, only since preggie. heheheh..

thanks for the tip! ya, coz we saw a stroller at Mothercare which looks quite good and reasonably priced and a 3-wheeler which my hubby and i love!maybe i'll ask sis about car seat. my nephew is about 4yrs old already but he is also stil using car seat, but only the base.

have a great day mummies! hope the day will pass super quick for all of us. can't wait to go home to mum's place for a home cooked meal tonite. been eating out so much that i am kinda sick of eatin out. but too lazy to cook myself.heee...
hehe nv let you sleep ah
you got tell her nicely she need to let you sleep? hehe guess she knw tat is the only time u hav for her since most of the time awake u give to your boy. :X

i got my britax from Taka baby fair last time. I saw some models (aust models) in robinsons. They have a range in Baby Kingdom too. The britax models mothercare carries are UK models.


pai seh :p lousy memory me
wow, sounds like u had a great trip...dun worry, my tummy is also huge until colleagues are surprised i am juz 21+ weeks..

dreamyjo, wtan,

this thursday i think i wont come to office coz i have a net conf at 9am... so i think i will take it from home coz i reach office at 9.30am normally so sure late for the netconf... shd we arrange for lunch after our dinner next friday or something? then easier to decide on time and location


yup yup, i saw the other ladies already replied u. Near parent grant is for resale only. But agree with others that best is to buy at valuation or below valuation so u dun have to fork out cash. Also, u have to check and ensure you &amp; hb's combined income is not more than $8K, else u can't get the near parent grant or 1st timer grant. U can't get HDB loan too...have to go for Bank loan. If combined income more than $10K, u can't buy Brand new EC as well.
alot of stupid rules from HDB lah... if u need to leave ur baby with your MIL, suggest u buy a place nearby...not like me now... very siong and sianz when we have to go pick up my gal every night...


are the nettings still there? with nettings, will it be very stuffy ? hope ur home area is now clear of the stupid mozzies...
The FBI card is $148 nett for 2yrs if we are less than 28wks, otherwise the FBI card is $188 nett for 2yrs.
I have a brand new "My Brest friend" breastfeeding pillow and a tube of Medela PureLan 37g cream to let go. Anyone interested?

u v cute leh...already know what to eat... me had curry chicken noodles for dinner last nite
i am going for my crowning 2nd appt at 1.30pm...so i dunno what i shd eat before the appt...
heehee.. ya already knw cause wanted to eat that for dinner yesterday hubby say coconut milk put till night no good liao so never eat heehee...
crowning tot we not suppose to go dentist?
Yen, so it's betta to apply FBI before 28 wks then. I didn't notice the difference on the rates. Have you decided to deliver at TMC or Mt A?
hey mummies,
have any of u visited baby kingdom yet? my friend bot a cot there, wondering if they carry lots of other baby pdts?

curry chix noodles sounds yummy!!!

is that the pillow that you place on ur lap for support for BF??can you PM the pix? thanks!
Enne, mine also take ages to load since last evening.

minkybear, u tempted mi with chicken curry noodle! My office area here at ulu Serangoon North no nice food de. Thought of lunch also sianz. I'm drooling for chicken curry noodle liao loh. hehe.
gd morning ladies

seems like motherhood site is lagging over my side. it take so long to load..

hospital tour is foc, u can call up hospital to register &amp; check their date &amp; time available for the tour.
btw u got how much for ur bishan flat? &amp; how many room flat? my intial plan was to get from hdb for those prime area. but always dun have luck, left with those unwanted units..Even got BTO for geylang serai but we gave up due to the traffic over there &amp; gotta wait 5yrs.. So we end up with resale flat @ above valuation 2k. &amp; got 1st timer 30k grant.
morning enne &amp; all mummies: late coming in today cos of stoopid syndication. still not finished yet but got side-tracked w more amendments to yesterday's case.

peanut: huat ah, bless u to strike big big then u can buy nice new toa payoh flat. girl send to chij, if minnie turn to mickey last min, can send to my son's school - maris stella.

wtan: definitely must take care of mozzies. but seems v young children not so susceptible to it. my son used to kena bitten v often but never caught.

fifi: yes, mattress shd still be on promo but not sure how long more. there were only abt 10 pieces left last sunday. i feel so shy, u also know the M school &amp; i don't until i get so many hints. r u better today?

fifi, haru: u gals went for robinsons sale last week, right? how long more is it on? theirs probably will end earliest cos they started first.

chillipadi: actually the name itself is v nice. reminds me of enid blyton book - amelia jane.

Jo: but what if your neighbour is the lady whose husband calls ppl idiot? maybe not so relevant to u if u r staying in single ward but for me will be cos i'm taking B1. babies' ward class will follow mine so i have to choose ward carefully.

Bear: yes, i remember the black shoes. when i was in jc, there were still sec sch girls from marymount convent. see i'm so much older than u. *shy*

dreamyjo: u went for holiday? no wonder so quiet. where did u go? no lah, u cannot be as big as me. i am now like i was at 8 mths in my first pregnancy. like guru Bear say, i have to walk like a crab soon.
haru, baby kingdom sells baby prams, cots, mattress, car seats, breast pumps, milk bottles, bathing stuffs, toys and some clothings.
