(2008/11) November 2008

minkybear: u r so cute. remind me of myself during my 2WW & also when i was having bleeding in first trimester

Jenn: ah good, as long as she is not going to look after your baby. i know! i know! i sound v evil but i had a lot of bad experience w my MIL. babymall things so cute hor? can u update me when u receive your stuff? i'm in batch 3 so quite a few weeks more. i think this girl kittyb sounds v efficient.

peanut: haha. me & hubby alone no chance. my mother will han-tum me for leaving her alone w maid to cope w 4 kids. also, i intend to breastfeed for long long time so i have to stay w them until weaned off.
Olwen, haha i try to eat a bit more.. have been eating quite a bit but my weight like nv move leh.. still abt the same. sigh.. i m tired lah.. thinking of skipping sch on fri to slp... i think i m entitled to it since i worked 2 Sundays ago.

Happy, Vincy, ya only felt it once.. heh.. i was more surprise than anything... luckily one of my mummy frens was just blogging abt BH that's why i knew it was nothing to worry abt.

Vincy, have to walk a lot lor.. this is the nature of my work.. this morning my prof wants me to go on a field trip scheduled when i m 27 wks along. that one needs to walk abt 3km into the area we wanna go and have to wade across waist deep streams. sian hor..
vincy: u work in hospital? be careful hor. did u get flu jab? i took flu jab in dec before starting on my cycle cos i wanted to minimise chances of flu & complications.

u nw having #1 so u can talk n talk.. when i have #1 i also talk and talk somemore sing song leh.. haa.. now i talk to my son more then the one inside me.. no time to talk to the one inside me..keke
vincy: i know i'm v kay-po but u get full medical benefits at all other govt hospitals, right? my niece's godma told me this becos she is working in sgh & she gets 90% of her bills at kkh paid by her office. she is due in dec.
Olwen, no choice one.. he told me 27 wks still ok.. can go for such things. if it was a normal walk along some park connector, then i don't have a prob going lah.. but for this, its in a swamp.. have to wade in streams and the floor is muddy and soggy.. i dun think i wanna go lah.. see nearer that time then decided..

I not gungho one. i actually hate getting myself dirty, although i like to go for such walks.. sigh...
Bear, I tink is due to yr field of work. U must be real careful leh, walking too much in late stage will tend to have BH & early delivery.

Olwen, Aiyo NHG pre & post benefit not as good as Singhealth lo, cause KKH is under Singhealth ma. Here I only can claim $550, 3 visit already gone, now my gynae visit need to dig out from own pocket very heartpain..heehee, but delivery can claim up to 90% lah. Other medical benefit is good. Ya before here I work in Singhealth, so my last preggie everything claimable up to 90%, so all choose the best. I save alot when I have my elder gal, cause I admitted hospital 5 times plus lots of visits due to my complication....I think in total spend around 20k, so lucky I only need to pay 10%.

No leh, i never take flu or chicken pox jab...so now praying very hard.
vincy: aiyo, then why u transfer? shd give birth first then transfer, hahaha. at least your maternity benefit is still much better than most of us. especially mine is zero. super poor. but hor, no offence ok, i really don't like your hospital. especially the clinic i go to, really depressing w all those old diabetic ppl. but tt all is nothing compared to the horrid experience i had when i got dengue in 2005.

Bear: y your doctor so one kind one, can still say ok??? dr loh will smack me if i even suggest going for such thing this mth.

Jenn: yah, me too, can't wait can't wait can't wait
Minkybear is on her way to KKH cos her gynae is off today. She went to the loo just now and noticed her pantyliner got a bit of blood. the gynae's nurse told her to come in tmr morning but she tot better go to KK now. Please keep her in ur prayers okie? Hope everything is ok with her.

Olwen, not my doc lah.. my prof! i have to ask my doc if its ok lah but my doc sure say ok one.

Vincy, i dun think i walk a lot lah. i think abt the same distance ppl walk to the mrt like that lor...
aiyo! hope she is alright! my gynae accept calls even his on off day de... at least hint advise from gynae 1st.
minkybear: is there an A&E at Mt A? KKH has A&E specially for these things but i think it's v expensive if u r not existing KKH patient. oh dear. i get v scared when i hear spotting. anybody else got ideas?
guru Bear: c what i mean? don't blame me for being paranoid. u really better not go for the walk thing. your prof so one kind one.
Olwen, i know wat u mean lah.. i also dun think i can handle the walk.. but u cannot outright tell ur boss no wat.. so i just told him wait and see lah. My prof went to tell my chief exec that i m preg! sigh! i dun want any big bosses to know cos i dun want them to think i m not concentrating on my studies!!! i hardly see the big bosses also.. may be twice a yr if i m lucky!

U asked me where i work yesterday? i work in THE water company.. obvious enough? heehee.. ssshhh dun type it out.

As for the bleeding another of my mummy fren told me she also spotted at 20+ wks. ended up it was a thrush infection. Hopefully its nothing serious for Minkybear.
i think the charges at KKH A&E for walk-in same as existing patient.. except that if u r existing patient, u have your records with them.

Hope Minkybear is okie!
Bear, pls update us if u hear anything from her ya.
ur prof quite bad lei.. somemore dare to say ok at 27weeks, he a gynae mei piangz... if something bad happen then he wan to take responsibility or not.. how can ask u go for this type of trip.. stil mus walk thru streams/muds somemore, sound a bit tough. I dun tink u shd go.. REJECT REJECT!!!

Hope minkybear ok...

Re. yoga: tink i skip.. katong a bit inaccessible for me lei.. I mayb consider abt the one at Forum..
regarding the prenatal yoga class, i can't join.
Cos i have this pain at my groin.. and today.. got even worse... so i better sit and be a good gal.

Any mummies been to/ going for the pre-natal class held by Shichida?
Heard that Shichida method is one of thse who teaches kids to use both right and left brains.
sigh.... then no chance u can go for a trip in near future liao =P Even if you wait for them to grow up a bit also mus bring ur mum and maid along.. cost a bomb!!
Bear: there's 2 THE water co now leh. one is the quasi govt one, the other one is the one tt does big biz desalination. which one is yours?
peanut: i got ready & willing mini babysitter to come along, my ignatius! but ready & willing, donno whether able or not. sekali he drop them into the water. he's acting a bit weird today. called me from school & started to babytalk. hope he is not going to start rejecting the babies. so far he has been v good & seems v happy tt they r coming.

guru Bear: u c, everybody else agrees w me.
Yoyosan, i don't have ur details for our Nov MTBs list. send me ur real name, nick, DOB, hp, email/msn and residential location. [email protected]

Ur gynae say cannot do yoga? actually with pelvic pain, my osteopath said yoga helps. not gg for the Shicida prenatal.. bb not even born yet!

Peanut, oh well.. this prof has been very nice to me. in his own way he wants me to go cos my minister and my chief exec is gg on this trip. gd to let them know me lah. i know its gd for my own career but i doubt i can make it in a swamp.

Olwen, that desal one not big enough. still under my co's regulations.. hahaha... get it?
but stil.. 2 adults and 1 7yr-old looking after 3 bbs during a trip, i doubt you can really enjoy cos will stil be busy feeding/changing/coaxing them etc.. end up dun feel like you're having a holiday at all. umm.. difficult position hor..

sigh yah its a good chance to know those people.. but u really wont know what lies beneath those swamps or streams.. microbacteria or watsoever.. unless u use protective covers. When i was at the beach, sometimes i even felt a bit of stinging feeling in those clear water nei.. thou i'm sure its not jellyfish.
hi mummies,
been out for meeting all day, finally have time to log in!

I love driving and hubby is hopeless and doesnt like it. So i am the designated driver and he the passenger. i even drive my boss's huge Forester at times when needed for work purposes. my colleagues tease me coz they say e car looks like there is no driver (I'm only 1.54, petite)..hahah.

you mummies are soooo pampered! so far, my dear dad has only made me black chicken soup once. other than it, its just outside food for me all the time. so i try to eat a lil healthy like gettin fruits or juice on the way home and eating wholemeal bread or cereal whenever poss. maybe i should give my dad some $$ to ask him boil some nice herbal soup for me. my cravings for birds nest over liao, so dun think i'll get any.

i am stil avid believer that excercise during pregnancy is good for both mummy and baby. and i think its a good way to build up stamina for labour and to keep the body strong for the growing baby.=> but the most impt is to go with what you are most comfortable with. not all mummies need to do the same amount of kind of activity. personally i think walking and swimming are fantastic!and i sleep better too!

welcome back!!! glad that you had a good trip to relax and recharge. => any pix to share???

hope you feeling better oh...take it easy and try to rest as much as you can ya?

hows ur durian party??? yum.... i ate so much during lunch today. had a toastie, thai chicken salad, side bun and fried noodles. tsk tsk tsk....

hey mummies,
i was out all day and i saw stars just now and thought i was going to faint in the middle of a work discussion. calmed myself down and find a chair to sit down and take some deep breath, felt better after a while. phew!

have been baby moving around alot more lately!! like she's doing some butterfly swimming in my tummy!
aiyor i ony took a few pathetic shots nia.. and then all bo lang ei, cos my boring husband doesn't like to take photo and i feel stupid taking alone.. Will download a few and also my tummy photo which i stil owe.. wahahaa.. a bit outdated liao mayb i shd take another one tonight.
Re - Tonics
These are wad I take
-> 1 nest of bird's nest a week. Take over 2-3 days (consec)
-> Cantonese style soup approx 3 times a week.
-> Fish oil capsules from gynae daily

vincy: Yes, I went back another 2 times coz my baby girl refused to turn to show her whole spine. Heard the record in KKH is 14 trips but yet no spine. You try sayang her more every night. And space a few days in between each try. On my 2nd try, she was still facing the wrong way, I sayang her ask her turn ard.... she never budge but start sucking her tumb instead. Pengz. lucky my boss very understanding de. I no need take MC or leave for these scans. Just go & take time sheet.

Re - Baby Mall Online:
Should we start our own spree? Who else still want to buy stuff from there? Those who dunno wad this is about, check out www.babymallonline.com. Its a website that sells really cute baby stuff.

Bear: Its actually this bad habit that I have. I analyse and calculate too much for everything. Hubby always scold me. I dun dare let him know I calculate until so detailed for the pump else he will force me to buy in SG so that I dun stress myself. Actually, I just want to spend as little as possible so that I can save money for other things for my baby mah. I also want to see whether I should buy other things like the Medela milk bottles and some stuff from baby mall that I like.

Actually KK got no adult A&E. Juz delivery suite and the 24 hrs women's clinic. The 24 hrs women's clinic is cheaper than normal A&E in other hospital prices. Slightly more than seeing normal GP only.

Bear: If you she3 de2, then forgo the trip. Baby is more important. I also forgo a Macau/HK trip in March when I found out I was preggy. I was all game to go coz the Macau working part is very short and my parents+hubby would be joining me for the HK part. Summore the airfare is paid for by the company and the allowance is actually enuff to cover a bit of my HK expenditure if I dun choose high class hotels. I know it would have been the last trip that I could go for in quite a while coz the next one will probably be when my baby is older (at least 6 mths-1yr old) and office trips are really really rare. But when I told my gynae, she told me that if can dun go, dun go. She say not say that the trip will harm the baby but since I was in first tri then, if anything like spotting, its much better to be near help that we can trust (i.e. our hospitals). Looking back, its a blessing in disguise that I gave it up (and incurred expenses coz of my hubby's ticket - jetstar refuse to refund and we incurred expenses to change name) coz I was nursing a flu then and it really became very very unbearable during the period when I would have been overseas.
So many posts!

Reg: Talking to bb - actually I also dunno what to say...usu me and hubby will just pat the stomach lol..and I also trying to listen to soothing CDs so that the bb can be soothed by the song when he is acting up in future!

Reg BH: Woah..sounds scary.. But so far I havent felt any 'kicks' or contractions yet leh...Is it too early...

I also think it will be hard to go on trip once bb is born! My sis-in-law went with her hubby and my niece to Bintan over the weekend once she reaches 6 mths.
Latest news from Minkybear. Baby is perfectly well. Doc said may be she over exerted hence bled a bit. she will be on a day's mc tmr. She thank all you u for ur prayers! Let's wait for her to update more.

Erm Peanut, wat u felt could be nematocysts that broke away from jellyfish or corals.
i m ok with such things lah.. i used to go out to the field 3xs a wk, swimming in the mud and such. aft the initial disgust i m better liao. anyway i m not really worried abt bacteria and such cos its is very hard to contract bacteria diseases cos we are all on proper field attire. more worry that i slip and fall or kena bitten by mozzies (mozzies dun like me though).

Fifi, it is gd to be calculative. my hb and I are very different when it comes to money. he willing to spend on those small nitty gritty stuff but not on big ticket items while i m the opposite. for me, if u add up all the nitty gritty things, it can be quite a sum too. I am actually planning a f&e trip to Perth aft my qualifiers in the first wk of Aug. although there are risks, i m just gg to search for the hospitals addresses. just to keep myself happy haha... anyway since its F&E, we planned to take things easy..

I m parked on MSN! [email protected]
Wow .. so many posts in one afternoon. I'm lost. Hehe.

So tired after a day's work. Feel like having a massage so badly ...

peanut, you enjoyed yourself yah? Eat and Relax. Healthy lifestyle. hehe.

Hope minkybear is fine.
hey Bear,
thanks for ur update. glad that all is well with minkybear. am sure its a relief for her as well.

re:post-baby vacations
hubby said he might want to plan a trip to japan when our kid is about a year old, but i really wonder if we will bear to leave her for a week or more with our parents.hahah..

ok mummies,
i'm leaving office soon. have a lovely evening!
Glad that Minkybear is fine : )

Olwen..not transfer is resign & join here. Cause thyroid are under endo mah, mostly c diabetic patient. Actual thyroid can be treated by GP if under control

Fifi..last time KKH is not like that lo, they will ask u turn,press/ shift yr tummy to wake the baby up. But now like rushing for time, she put the scan on my tummy within 1min, she say not in right position come back again. I feel they never even try lo. Wasting our trip.
My hubby is worried for me coz I tend to overdo it. Sometimes I will think and think so much that I stress myself over which is the best choice. Lolx. Like now, I am thinking whether its worth to pay abt $40 more to get the Metro version of the PIS. If tio GST would be more than $40 summore. Then I also consider that if I get the Metro, I can buy the Medela feeding bottles and the breastmilk freezer pack as well. Lolx.
I m looking for those big thick glass jug(with cover) to prepare rice wine for confinement period. Does anyone here knows where can I buy it ?
Thank you... 谢谢

I recalculated the PIS costs, this time including Borderlinx shipping.

<table border=1><tr><td></TD><TD>Cost USD</TD><TD>Cost SGD</TD><TD></TD><TD>Box Size</TD><TD>Vol Wt</TD><TD>Act Wt</TD><TD>Ship Wt</TD><TD></TD><TD>Vpost</TD><TD>US Post</TD><TD>Borderlinx</TD><TD></TD><TD>Total V</TD><TD>Total USP</TD><TD>Total B </TD></TR><TR><TD>Metro Bag</TD><TD>USD 240</TD><TD>SGD 348</TD><TD></TD><TD>16 x 12 x 14</TD><TD>7.5</TD><TD>5</TD><TD>7.5</TD><TD></TD><TD>SGD 72</TD><TD>SGD 95</TD><TD>SGD 52</TD><TD></TD><TD>SGD 420</TD><TD>SGD 443</TD><TD>SGD 400 </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Shoulder Bag</TD><TD>USD 225</TD><TD>SGD 326</TD><TD></TD><TD>16 x 12 x 8</TD><TD>4.5</TD><TD>5</TD><TD>5</TD><TD></TD><TD>SGD 52</TD><TD>SGD 95</TD><TD>SGD 40</TD><TD></TD><TD>SGD 378</TD><TD>SGD 421</TD><TD>SGD 366 </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Shoulder Bag (+)</TD><TD>USD 225</TD><TD>SGD 326</TD><TD></TD><TD>16 x 12 x 14</TD><TD>7.5</TD><TD>5</TD><TD>4.5</TD><TD></TD><TD>SGD 72</TD><TD>SGD 95</TD><TD>SGD 52</TD><TD></TD><TD>SGD 398</TD><TD>SGD 421</TD><TD>SGD 378 </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>

The Shoulder Bag (+) refers to buying items together with the pump. All calculations do not include GST coz we may escape GST in all the cases.

In summary, Borderlinx shipping is the cheapest. However... I got no Citibank card. Lolx

So sad... the item I want out of stock de... Sob sob.

I not looking at their rompers coz clothes I getting hand me downs (some are new/almost new). So will have a lot liaoz. The other thing is rompers harder to wear for struggling babies.

But I love their booties.
i m back from my trip!

Bought over 60-70 pcs of baby clothings from 0-12 mths...good quality, pretty and cheap from S$3-$6 each...unbelieveable!

My whole luggage all bb clothes..

My stash...




Nightgowns...$5 where to find in Spore..


My luggage filled with Baby clothings, blankets and bibs...
Wah bladers,

You dun need to wash clothes liao... more than enuff for your baby. Haha. Or you can set up a shop. But soooooooooo cute lor.... I want to go also.....

Wow Bladers! So many cute bb clothes!
Where did u go?

BettyBoobs... big glass jug ar... Those small shops (at housing estates or near markets) should sell ba? Or can try the shop named Japan something tat sells all sorts of household stuff.

Minkybear, rest well ok!
