(2008/11) November 2008

Agree with karen. I'm for having our own spree for Baby Mall Online. I think their receiving blankets are pretty reasonable too.
Let me know if this takes place!

pai seh, will send over my details soon.

gd morn mummies..
wow..from today till 16 Jul NTUC have v gd offers on the diapers & some baby essentials..cool!


L(28)/XL(24) $52.45 for 3 (UP: $65.10 for 3)


XL(34) $54.25 for 3 (UP: $61.50 for 3)
--> Jumbo packs for M(68)/L(60) $54.25 for 2 (UP: $68.40 for 2)


S(64)/M(56)/L(48)/XL(40)/XXL(32) $24.85 for 2 (UP: $25.40 for 2)


M(66)/L(60)/XL(54) $45.65 for 3 (UP: $50.85 for 3)


L(12)/XL(10)/XXL(8) $15.95 for 3 (UP: $17.85 for 3)


M(84)/L(72)/XL(60)/XXL(48) $45.65 for 3 (UP: $50.85 for 3)


M(64)/BoyGirl-L(52)/BoyGirl-XL(46)/BoyGirl-XXL(38) $52.95 for 2 (UP: $55.30 for 2)


M(70)/L(56)/XL(46) $35.85 for 3 (UP: $41.40 for 3)


M(48)/L(42) $39.85 for 3 (UP: $52.50 for 3)


L(30)/XL(26) $39.85 for 3 (UP: $52.50 for 3)


M(44)/L(38)/XL(34) $24.65 for 2 (UP: $29.80 for 2)
finally went for my DS yest..wat a relief that #2 is growing well..& growing..coz i was on slimming pills earlier & stopped only ONE DAY AFTER I MISSED & TESTED POSITIVE..so was kinda anxious & worried..didnt expect will get preggy..indeed when u r expecting no news..then when u least expect, surprise is here..
but indeed DS is v v detailed since it's my 1st time doing it too..coz #1 that time my gynae did it for us so i "skipped" the DS then..Dr Tony Tan (RH) was pretty detailed & explained to us what are the various organs etc..so cool!hmm..but hor i hit the big 7 for my weight leh...argh!i must really do something if not i will be super duper overweight liao...

sorry for being MIA lately too..thks for all the kind words abt options for caretakers..i hope the issues will get resolved asap before i start to worry again..cheers~
wtan, how long ur DS took? Mine tmr lay....
I was on antibiotics and cough medication when I conceived. Hope it does not affect t bb.
good morning~!

Jenn>> thanks for the babymall spree link. i always missed the spree. just made an order.

bladers>> wow!!! *envy* if only i can travel... my MIL say no to coach and plane!!! my hubby oso say better not! sianz!!!

Re : Talking to baby
yup. when i feel her kicking, i will tap my tummy as if playing with her. i try to talk to her before i sleep.

Re: Swimming
yesterday, hubby supposed to bring me to swim. but it rains the moment i step out of my office. *SIAN*

Re: babymall spree
actaully what is good buy for babymall? i just ordered a set of rompers, wash cloth and bibs. mum and dad keep nagging. so i secretly buy little by little.. hehe..

ytd just received my jshoppers item, mum ask why buy all pink? but sweet mah...
so much shopping!!!hahahah, but it feels shiok rite?=D

thanks for sharing the info! wondering is it too early to stock up on diapers?.. and congrats on the good results for your DS.
morning mummies! i sms minkybear last nite. same as what guru Bear say, she said she is all right but as usual, KKH A&E doc always v bo-chap. 1 day MC only. dr loh close eyes also will give me 2 days. anyway, i told her to ask her own gynae for more MC at her next visit.

peanut: yah lor. probably the langkawi trip will remain a figment of my imagination.

Bear: ohhhh i c. ok. but yours is sunshine industry. lots of potential for growth. eeee... any vacancies for legal officer?

haru: swimming is v good. KKH has an aqua fitness class tt always fills up v fast. did i mention my ex colleague the swim instructor who always delivered early & labour never longer than 2 hours?

fifi: aiyah, too late for Jenn & me. we already bot our stuff. can u organise anor one after we give birth so tt we can buy the older stuff

Bear is right, u r v good w calculations. r u accountant by training?

vincy: eeee, resign then won't u lose your long svc & leave accumulations? i feel sorry for the old ppl i see at the endochrine clinic but i felt more sorry for myself when i had dengue & had to go to the A&E. yuck. worst experience of my life.

bladers: where did u go to buy so many things??? my goodness, r u sure your baby will be able to finish wearing all this? what if your 2nd one is a boy?
I'm back from DS yesterday. The scanning took abt 30mins but the wait at TMC is long. We've waited for abt 1hr+ even though I had an appt. Luckily, everything is fine and confirm is a mickey weighing 282gm. Bb size is between small to medium size. Baby has been very cooperative.
Early on, he was sleeping and lying on his stomach. So cute. Curl up like a ball. After that, he was awaken by the sonographer and kept on moving.
woah! bladers, u mus have a great time shopping!!

fifi> me too,, their booties are so cute.. i dun mind joining if someone gg to organise

btw may i know wat's receiving blankets for?

olwen> u did ur homework sia... dun tink i will need to buy all these so soon.. i might be trying to order online from diapers.com, my SIL commented their diapers are not bad & cheaper. Also deliver to my doorstep. v convenient.
Morning Ladies!!

Thanks for the info but the diapers is still ex.. the Drypers i bought L72 is @ $16.80 only

ur bb loots is scary!! :D

Yen & Wtan,
Congrats.. finely done ur DS
Hi all..

MIA for a few days cos my husband's grandma passed away last week.. Done my DS..

Its a mickey..

Hui, pls help to update. thank you very much..

miss u all...
hi gals

I will be doing my detailed scan this afternoon, wish me luck!

Sorry havent been able to catch up with the postings... Anyway, have been reading on and off.

Just wanna say, enjoy your pregnancy, cos it's a wonderful and miracle feeling to be carryg a life inside u!!

congrats that ur DS went well
DS is very very detailed and clear hor...i also enjoyed it

btw, thank you so much for the NTUC diapers promo! i will go grab some nepia pull up pants! too bad mamypoko promo only for pull up pants...normal one boh leh? my gal cannot wear pampers premium...leak big big time
Su Mei,

so sorry to hear about your family's loss. hope you and hb are coping well. Glad to hear ur DS went well too and congrats on having a mickey


good luck for ur DS
Morning ladies...

Minkybear ,
Glad that u are Ok. Rest well!

Wah.. you bought so many bb clothes? When i went BBK,i din manage to find any good buy ley.Which shopping mall did u get all these?
Morning Ladies

Seem like I have a lot to catch up on the postings ya.

Thanks for sharing the diaper promo. It's about time to stock up Nepia for my #1.

Pre-Natal Yoga
Anyone going Como Shambhala for yoga session this Saturday?
Olwen and Kash,

thanks.. hb is very close to her..but glad that she is relieved from those pains, medication and injection.

DS was smooth.. took less than 30mins.. but mine BB is 'overweight' so need to monitor hahahaha.. that will bring my EDD to early NOV...

Its nice to know the gender..as promised, i bought BB some clothing if he be a good BB for the scan..
alibaba: eh, the diapers researcher is wtan leh, not me. haha. but u mean the g'oon diapers r good? i'm also thinking of ordering from there. also wet wipes. my godson's mum ordered $60 worth of wet wipes from them! scary. but not sure whether i shd stock up on nepia or g'oon. from what i read, nepia is tried & tested but g'oon is new brand. aiyah, i have to buy so many!
no wonder so many days never see ur postings as well.. so u've been attending the whole wake & funeral?

congrats on ur mickey! hehee... and u were saying a lot predict its a gal..

Oh no.. no chance minnie is going to surpass mickey liao
su mei: i know what u mean. my gm passed away at 102 after a bout of pneumonia. she was always so strong & healthy until the pneumonia hit so altho sad, we were quite relieved when she finally went home to God.

i love nepia! but only suitable for day use, not overnight. overnight and when i bring my gal out i will use mamypoko. I heard from frens that goon is good too but i havent tried yet....

su mei,

ur bb overweight...for me, i am overweight! i already gained 6 kgs so far... so scary...
but i can tell u, the scan weight of the bb is juz an estimate. normally not very accurate. during my last preg, my 39week check shows my bb at 3.2kg.....gave birth 2 days later bb only 2.75kg...
olwen> haha. so it' wtan. paiseh.. today so blurzz...
yup G'oon diapers.. they said quality like pampers but much cheaper.. they are currently using their pull up pants. duno about their Newborn. btw we can also ask for sample. i got their sample Newborn diaper aready.
wow all u mommies like already excited about the shopping sprees and purchases.. me like stil no interest and action at all wahhaaa poor bb... seems like my hubby is getting more stuffs than me.. after he got some bb clothings from US not long ago, he mentioned he'll get a stroller from US if he happens to go ther again. I'm a bochap mom.. sigh
Liv & Su Mei, I went for my detailed scan last week @ wk21, my bb weighing ard 487g. My gynae says tats the average weight. Is fine.

Wow, some of you are stocking up on pampers and clothings liao. I planned to get it in Sep/Oct ... never go bother abt it now.
lovedogs: ah? so besides nepia i still got to buy mamy poko? ow ow, pocket really painful now. maybe i make them wear cloth diaper at nite too

wtan didn't say how much is newborn mamy poko. lovedogs, do u know?

alibaba: u r so well prepared! i don't dare to order too much now cos my mother is complaining abt the bags cluttering the house already. i think i will do all these online & phone orders when i am on MC in the last 8 weeks. it's my monster at home. he has at least 3 laundry baskets of toys. tt's y we have no space to put stuff & my flat is v old type, no store-room. i donno where the maid will sleep when she comes, with all his stuff cluttering the place.
Liv & Kash,

my bb's weight is 430g at 20 weeks.. all the measurement of his organ and sizing are all in the range of a 22 weeks BB.. even the senior sonographer was called in to verify the measurement again..

peanut00, yes. attended the whole process but exclude the praying rituals..
ya lor.. but as long as BB is healthy, im hapi..
peanut: don't worry. the mothering instinct will kick in soon. i read books tt when mummies will develop nesting habit abt 2 mths before the baby is due. some even closer to due date.

Jo & Su Mei: your babies r so big! really envy u. mine r smaller than normal but dr loh said still ok so i guess can't do anything except pray & eat more.
<table border=1><tr><td>Nick</TD><TD> EDD</TD><TD> Birth #</TD><TD> Gynea </TD><TD> Hospital</TD><TD> Older kids </TD><TD> Gender </TD></TR><TR><TD>Pkum</TD><TD> 28-10-08</TD><TD> #1</TD><TD> Dr AL Lim</TD><TD> TMC</TD><TD></TD><TD>Minnie </TD></TR><TR><TD>Val </TD><TD>25-10-08 </TD><TD>#1 </TD><TD>Dr Lee Keen Whye</TD><TD> GlenE </TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Misaryeo</TD><TD>01-11-08</TD><TD> #2</TD><TD> Dr Patrick Weix</TD><TD> Las Colina Medical Centre (US)</TD><TD> Elliot 16.07.2006</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>DMK</TD><TD> 02-11-08</TD><TD> #1</TD><TD> Dr AL Lim</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Amore</TD><TD> 03-11-08</TD><TD> #2 </TD><TD> Dr Brenda Low</TD><TD> GlenE</TD><TD> Carys 23-12-06 </TD><TD>Minnie</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Whitelily</TD><TD>03-11-08</TD><TD>#1</TD><TD> Dr Marianne H</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Hui</TD><TD> 04-11-08 </TD><TD> #2 </TD><TD> Dr Christopher Chong </TD><TD>Mt A </TD><TD>Jovial 17-05-07</TD><TD>Minnie </TD></TR><TR><TD>Kaya</TD><TD>04-11-08</TD><TD>#1</TD><TD>Dr Yvonne Chan</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD></TD><TD>Mickey </TD></TR><TR><TD>Babyzel</TD><TD> 05-11-08</TD><TD> #1 </TD><TD> Dr Yvonne Chan </TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD></TD><TD>Minnie </TD></TR><TR><TD>Maggie</TD><TD> 05-11-08</TD><TD> #1</TD><TD> Dr Adrian W</TD><TD> TMC</TD><TD></TD><TD>Mickey </TD></TR><TR><TD>Dreamyjo</TD><TD> 05-11-08</TD><TD> #1</TD><TD> Dr SN Lim</TD><TD> TMC</TD><TD></TD><TD>Mickey </TD></TR><TR><TD>MinkeyBear</TD><TD>05-11-08</TD><TD></TD><TD>Dr Soon</TD><TD>Mt A</TD><TD></TD><TD>Mickey </TD></TR><TR><TD>PeachyPeach</TD><TD>05-11-08</TD><TD>#1</TD><TD>Dr Chan</TD><TD> Glen E</TD><TD></TD><TD>Mickey </TD></TR><TR><TD>Peggy </TD><TD>06-11-08</TD><TD> #1</TD><TD> Dr Leow </TD><TD>Pantai Hospital (M'sia) </TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Fifi</TD><TD>06-11-08</TD><TD>#1</TD><TD>Dr KT Tan</TD><TD> KKH</TD><TD></TD><TD>Minnie </TD></TR><TR><TD>Glad_Gal</TD><TD> 06-11-08</TD><TD> #1</TD><TD> Dr Woo Bit Hwa</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Mickey </TD></TR><TR><TD>Jenn</TD><TD> 07-11-08</TD><TD> #1</TD><TD> Dr Lawrence Ang</TD><TD> TMC </TD><TD></TD><TD>Minnie </TD></TR><TR><TD>Carol</TD><TD> 08-11-08</TD><TD> #1</TD><TD> Dr Adrian Woodworth</TD><TD> TMC</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Yoyosan</TD><TD>08-11-08</TD><TD>#1</TD><TD> Dr Chua</TD><TD> KKH</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Jo</TD><TD>08-11-08</TD><TD> #1</TD><TD>Dr Ted Lim</TD><TD> Mt A</TD><TD></TD><TD>Mickey </TD></TR><TR><TD>Spin</TD><TD> 09-11-08</TD><TD> #2</TD><TD> Dr Lawrence Ang</TD><TD> TMC</TD><TD> Jayda Aw 05-06-07</TD><TD>Minnie </TD></TR><TR><TD>Chillipadi</TD><TD> 09-11-08</TD><TD> #2</TD><TD> Dr Tan Hak Koon</TD><TD> SGH</TD><TD> Megan-Beth 07-02-04</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Mama gene</TD><TD> 09-11-08</TD><TD>#1</TD><TD> Dr Wong MF</TD><TD> TMC</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Hunnypoo</TD><TD>09-11-08</TD><TD>#2</TD><TD> Dr Yvonne Soong</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Auggy Bear</TD><TD>09-11-08</TD><TD>#1</TD><TD>Dr Madeline Tan</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD></TD><TD>Mickey </TD></TR><TR><TD>Lovedogs</TD><TD> 10-11-08 </TD><TD> #2 </TD><TD>Dr KH Chan </TD><TD> GlenE</TD><TD> Tessa 13-05-07</TD><TD>Mickey </TD></TR><TR><TD>Wendy</TD><TD>10-11-08</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>MtA</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Su Mei </TD><TD>11-11-08 </TD><TD> #1 </TD><TD>Dr Joycelyn Wong</TD><TD> TMC</TD><TD></TD><TD>Mickey </TD></TR><TR><TD>Jjmom </TD><TD>11-11-08</TD><TD> #1 </TD><TD>Dr Benjamin Tham</TD><TD> KKH-TPS </TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Haru </TD><TD>11-11-08 </TD><TD> #1 </TD><TD> Dr KH Chan</TD><TD> GlenE </TD><TD></TD><TD>Minnie </TD></TR><TR><TD>Liv </TD><TD>11-11-08 </TD><TD>#1 </TD><TD>Dr Adrian </TD><TD> TBC </TD><TD></TD><TD>Mickey </TD></TR><TR><TD>Joyce</TD><TD> 11-11-08</TD><TD> #2</TD><TD> Dr Yvonne Chan</TD><TD> TMC</TD><TD> Yu Fei 28-12-06</TD><TD>Minnie </TD></TR><TR><TD>Mummy</TD><TD>11-11-08</TD><TD>#1</TD><TD>Dr Joycelyn Wong</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Dey</TD><TD>12-11-08</TD><TD>#2</TD><TD> Dr Chin YK</TD><TD>Glen E</TD><TD> Nathan 28 Nov 2006</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Peanut00</TD><TD> 15-11-08</TD><TD> #1</TD><TD> Dr Joycelyn Wong</TD><TD> TMC</TD><TD></TD><TD>Minnie </TD></TR><TR><TD>Yvonne</TD><TD>15-11-08</TD><TD>#1</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>Mickey </TD></TR><TR><TD>Vincy </TD><TD>16-11-08 </TD><TD> #2</TD><TD> Dr KT Tan</TD><TD> KKH </TD><TD>Venice 29-06-06 </TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Amy</TD><TD> 16-11-08</TD><TD> #2</TD><TD> Dr Ang Huai Yan</TD><TD> TBC</TD><TD> Rae 05-08-06</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Karen</TD><TD>16-11-08</TD><TD>#1</TD><TD> Dr Esther Ng</TD><TD> East Shore</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Wtan</TD><TD>16-11-08</TD><TD>#2</TD><TD>Dr Koh GH</TD><TD>RH</TD><TD> Maverick 3-Oct-06</TD><TD>Mickey</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Olwenlim</TD><TD>16-11-08</TD><TD>#2’3’4</TD><TD>Dr SF Loh</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD>Ignatius 7 y o</TD><TD> Mickey’Minne’</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Yen</TD><TD>17-11-08</TD><TD>#1</TD><TD> Dr Joycelyn Wong</TD><TD>TBA</TD><TD></TD><TD>Mickey </TD></TR><TR><TD>Cookieoreo</TD><TD>17-11-08</TD><TD>#2</TD><TD> Dr K H Chan</TD><TD>Glen E</TD><TD> Damien 30/09/06</TD><TD>Mickey </TD></TR><TR><TD>Jynnsan</TD><TD>18-11-08</TD><TD>#1</TD><TD> Dr Jeanette Chen</TD><TD> KKH</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Nikki</TD><TD>18-11-08</TD><TD>#1</TD><TD> Dr Joycelyn Wong</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Alibaba</TD><TD> 18-11-08</TD><TD> #1</TD><TD> Dr Lawrence Ang</TD><TD> TMC</TD><TD></TD><TD>Mickey </TD></TR><TR><TD>Bbhuimin</TD><TD> 19-11-08</TD><TD> #2</TD><TD> TBC</TD><TD> TBC</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Happy </TD><TD>19-11-08 </TD><TD>#2 </TD><TD>Dr Yvonne Chan</TD><TD> TMC </TD><TD>Clara 22-02-06 </TD><TD>Mickey </TD></TR><TR><TD>Lilian </TD><TD>19-11-2008 </TD><TD>#1 </TD><TD>Dr GH Koh</TD><TD> Raffles</TD><TD></TD><TD>Minnie </TD></TR><TR><TD>Sansforum</TD><TD> 20-11-08</TD><TD>#2</TD><TD> Dr Joycelyn Wong</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD> Crisanta 16 Dec 2005</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Favoured</TD><TD>23-11-08</TD><TD>#1</TD><TD> Dr W K Tan</TD><TD> TMC</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Lala</TD><TD> 24-11-08</TD><TD> #2</TD><TD> Dr Ang Huay Yan </TD><TD>Mt A </TD><TD>Charisse 6 -07- 2006</TD><TD>Minnie </TD></TR><TR><TD> Milderina</TD><TD> 24-11-08</TD><TD> #2</TD><TD> Dr Chen Chern Yen </TD><TD>Mt A </TD><TD>Charlene Ng 03-01-2007 </TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Ryatie22</TD><TD> 24-11-08 </TD><TD>#3 </TD><TD>Dr Adrian Woodworth </TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD> Qistina 17/09/2004 &amp; Qasdina 31/07/06</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Fabbie</TD><TD> 25-11-08</TD><TD> #1</TD><TD> Dr Adrian Woodsworth</TD><TD> TMC</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Snnowy</TD><TD>25-11-08</TD><TD></TD><TD>Dr Goh</TD><TD>Mt A</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Milkshake</TD><TD>26-11-08</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>FeatherG</TD><TD>26-11-08</TD><TD>#2</TD><TD></TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Edde</TD><TD> 27-11-08 </TD><TD> #2 </TD><TD>Dr Tan YG </TD><TD> Raffles </TD><TD> Anthea 12-03-07</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Bibi</TD><TD> 27-11-08</TD><TD></TD><TD>Dr GH Koh</TD><TD> Raffles</TD><TD></TD><TD>Mickey </TD></TR><TR><TD>Bear</TD><TD> 28-11-08</TD><TD> #1</TD><TD> Dr Lim Teck Chye</TD><TD> TBC</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Cyn</TD><TD>29-11-08</TD><TD></TD><TD>Dr Lawrence Ang</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Enne</TD><TD> 30-11-08 </TD><TD>#2</TD><TD>Dr Adrian Woodworth</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD> Legolas 01/03/2007</TD><TD>Mickey </TD></TR><TR><TD>Meowie</TD><TD>30-11-08</TD><TD>#2</TD><TD> Dr TC Chang</TD><TD> TMC</TD><TD> Chloe 25.09.2006</TD><TD>Mickey </TD></TR><TR><TD>Niuniu</TD><TD>30-11-08</TD><TD>#2</TD><TD>Dr AL Lim</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD> Janell 29.09.2005</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Mosh</TD><TD> 30-11-08</TD><TD>#1</TD><TD>Dr Phyllis Liauw</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Blessed Mum</TD><TD></TD><TD>#1</TD><TD>Dr Adrian Woodsworth</TD><TD> TBC</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Firstbaby</TD><TD> 03-12-08</TD><TD>#2</TD><TD>Dr Yvonne Chan</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD> Shannyn 28-12-06</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Milkie</TD><TD></TD><TD>#2</TD><TD>Dr KL Tan</TD><TD> Mt E</TD><TD> Yoo-ri 16-01-07</TD><TD></TD><TD></td></tr></table>

<font size="+2">Mickey: Minnie</font>
<font size="+2">20:13</font>

yah its me.... juz changed my nick only :p

actually if u havent try any brand, best not to over stock now coz i find that diff babies suit diff cutting. eg, many frens say huggies ultra and pampers premium very good... but they both leaked badly for my gal... she suits mamypoko and nepia well...so i stick to them loh... i think for newborn time, since they shit very often, overnight no need to use mamypoko as pretty ex... can stick to nepia. Nepia newborn not available in NTUC. u have to call up nepia to order direct. 60 pieces for $15 so pretty worth it. but u have to order 4 packs so they offer free delivery to your door step.
Su Mei, rest well. I supposed you must be tired for the past few days.

Minkybear, glad to know you are fine. Dun get too stress up.

Olwen, you are having 3 babies in your tummy ... not sure if thats is why they are slighter smaller in size. Dun worry. Jus eat more will do.

I have no children yet and we were given three big bags of toys. Hehe.

You all seems to be well prepared for your baby. I'm jus lazing ard, never go talk to baby or play music for baby. So lousy.
kash> nepia got webbie??

olwen> not really well prepared la. as wat kash said ev bb suit diff cutting.. so mus trial &amp; error.. hee.. better dun stock up too much. tink most exp part for bbs will be their input &amp; output! ha.. better do some research mah.. else it's gonna be super costly.
Gd morning ladies! had durian puff for breakie.. satisfied!

Olwen, Minkybear is gg to see her own gynae this morn? she told me she hasn't decided if she wants to see her own gynae today.

Re: DS
Congrats to all of u who has done ur detailed scan!

Sumei, sorry to hear abt ur loss. take care ya?

Re: Diapers
Wah u guys start thinking of buying diapers liao? need to stock up meh? i tot that one can buy last cos diff diapers suits different bbs.

Fifi, i know wat u mean. my hb also say i think so much. i plan my life at least 5 yrs ahead! was telling Minkybear abt my plans and she told me i was nuts. some ppl just need to know where they are gg before they can start on their journey!

Bladers, wah! did u have to pay extra for all the stuff u brought back? i think u can stop buying over in s'pore liao! heehee..

Meowie, i think Dreamyjo is gonna stick with the yoga class but she is away this wkend. A couple of us are gg to another one at Katong Mall.

Eh, if anybody is planning for the Babymallonline spree let me know ok?
Fifi, may be u shd do it cos ur calculation so precise! wahahaha!
yah twins tend to be much smaller in size, and somemore your's a triplet!! of cos the size cannot be compared with a single bb lor. Imagine.. they're sharing and fighting for food inside tsk tsk
Yo all, just went for my DS yesterday, everything is well except bb position can't measure the spine, have to go back next week.

Hui, please help me to update the gender, mine is mickey.

Thanks &amp; cheers
lovedogs: yah, i like your nick cos i love dogs too

ahhh... ok, i shall try nepia &amp; g'oon then. anyway i need to buy g'oon wet wipes. my godson's mother is so happy w their wet wipes becos minimal chemicals &amp; no preservatives. for my son, we kapok the almost full pampers premium from the hospital then the minute he wears it, he pass motion! so heart pain. the other day i went to walk walk at KKH's mini mall. the pureen lady was trying to coax me to buy newborn pureen diapers but i'm quite hesitant cos newborn buttocks r so tender. need to persuade my mother to wrap in cloth nappies most of the day but she is firm believer in disposables. funny, she is such a greenie but she loves disposable diapers.

i wonder for 3 babies, will i be able to kapok 3 packets of pampers premium from the hospital?

Jo: i hope so. i'm trying to eat more but i've always had problem putting on weight during pregnancy, probably cos of my thyroid illness. wah, ppl give u so many toys. so lucky. my son &amp; godson r always pestering us to buy toys. my godson's mum says she shd go buy shares in bandai to re-coup what she has spent on power rangers.

this is the url for nepia http://www.nepia.com.sg/english/index.html


i believe u shd have 3 packs of pampers premium since u r having 3 babies
oh btw, another very good and cheap brand is Sealer...the quality is good and v thin yet super absorbant... but hor, i stopped after using a few packs coz the pattern super ugly!! hahahaa... i very vain hor... think the newborn pack super cheap only in giant when having promo like $10 1 pack... but the cutting is quite big loh..

as for mamypoko newborn...2 weeks ago i juz bought 1 pack in NTUC coz i saw promo. I think it was $16.75 with promo. I still love mamypoko coz it is good and super soft...plus the pattern is winnie the pooh so cute :p
May be booties are gd for kicking ppl! hahaha.. protect the feet.

Heard rave reviews abt Mamy Poko... hrmm why ah? i mean other than having a bear on it...

Olwen, eating for 4 ppl is tough man.. i dun envy u. have u been using ur stretch mark cream? oh ya, i was just talking to the other triplets' mum. she said if u need help can contact her.

Just smsed Minkybear. No more bleeding liao, so she is just resting at home.
Bear: i didn't ask her if she is seeing her own gynae today. but i told her at her next appointment, to tell her gynae what happened &amp; demand MC.

actually i quite admire u planning your life like tt leh. u c, u can even achieve phD by age 30. most of us cannot even achieve masters by tt time. at the rate i'm going, i doubt i will ever even c my masters.

peanut: not only fighting for food, sometimes i feel like they r fighting for fun &amp; doing kick boxing inside!

jynnsan: congrats on your good DS. but strange leh, i observe most seem to have problem measuring spine for DS. why is tt? my DS didn't have this problem except tt i have to lie stiff for 1.5 hrs.

lovedogs: oh, i heard of sealer too. it's good? $10 for 1 pack? wow. how many pieces? my mother loves going to giant.
Bear: thanks for contacting the triplets' mummy for me. i think her triplets r more kwai, all girls, right?

lovedogs: i agree. i'm not buying ANY booties this time. i have abt 10 pairs of socks now.
Olwen, nothing to admire abt lah.. i m forced to finish my PhD cos i have to go back to work. I rather work now. cos working is rather brainless. when u study, u really gotta use ur brains. have been studying for my qualifiers everynight and i can't seem to find that concentration i used to have.

Hahaha u wanna work in my co ah.. hrmmm i there are always vacancies! but our legal dept very small. u do the shit work for everybody and everything. sure u wanna come?

Ya the other set of triplets are all gals but they are not identical. she herself is a part of a pair of twins. she told me support is extremely impt aft u give birth. She cried everyday for a whole mth!

Eh, there are some booties that look like socks right?

hi mummies,
a busy morning for me, so many posts already! anyway, am headin for lunch soon. enjoy ur lunch!
