(2008/11) November 2008

So does it mean those kiddos who are in full day child care of age 4-6 will also be taught academic stuff that is supposedly to prepare them for P1? My question arise when I realise that the 3 hourly kindy programs cost about the same or more than some full day child care, and at no subsidy.

Its tiring for you too. I would think you go for CC near ur hse and have tingkat dinner like what I'm having now. But make it a point that every weekend you bring your boy to ur mum's place. That solves the problem!
Ladies and Gentlemen .......
The time we have been waiting for !!!
<table border=1><tr><td>Year of Rabbit</TD><TD>EDD</TD><TD>LMS</TD><TD>DOC</TD><TD>Horoscope</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>1st mth</TD><TD>3-Feb-11</TD><TD>27-Apr-10</TD><TD>13-May-10</TD><TD>Aquaruis</TD><TD>1/20 - 2/18 </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>
Start of the RABBIT season!!

I know i ki siao liao la
Was asking my col if she gog for rabbit bb... then i opened up t excel tbl i compiled last time. And ta-ta.. found out it's today!
do you do any regular body checkup at clinic/hospital?
It has been a long time since I last did one. Anyone has recommendation where to do ? Chk blood, urine, heart etc ...
For children going to childcare, there is a structured daily timetable allocated to academic studies, playtime, meals, bath, and naps. In fact from the time the child enters even at 18-months, they also have lesson time. But at this young age, their lessons will be more like flash cards, through experimenting via touch, smell (sensorial epxerience), story telling, etc. Proper P! Preparatory lessons starts from Nursery. By K1, the heavy going stuff starts. Like Phonics, counting, speech &amp; drama, etc.
Wah seh!!! You really serious about trying for a Rabbit! heheheheh... even got excel spreadsheet. wwwaahhhh.....
I'm also thinking along to enrol into full day but maybe fetch him earlier but if cc near my house, no one can help unless me or hubby take half-day to fetch him.

That's what i'm thinking too, cc near my plc and tingkat. But my hubby don't think the idea of tingkat and ask me to cook dinner.

Wow, u draw up excel spreadsheet some more. When u want to action? ;p
Haha.. 1 Rat + 1 Ribbit. Both small animals.

I did my medical check up last year 2009. My company got this think yearly or 2 yrs once medical checkup pkg. Of course, they dun subsidise 100%, we gotta pay some $100+. See what u choose lar.
My MIL rather order tingkat now. Its e 3rd mth already. And she finds it cheaper to order tingkat then buy fresh food back to cook though u dun get fresh fish from tingkat lah.
ah lian, faster action for yr rabbit bb!

body check
actually any clinic oso shd hv. but if u wanna a more comprehensive package, then suggest go to those like raffles medical group.
u mus also give some grace period in case earlier delivery mah.. which is usually the case. Move it forward by 1 mth shd b safe enuf..
I used to see Dr Moira Tan (I hope I got the correct surname) from KN Chin at Suntec. Dunno if she's still there. I like her for her patience in attending to my questions. U can ask the staff for advice as to which package you should go for. For those under 40, they usually advise that you take the basic package, and then from the tests results and review, the dr will suggest further test on a need to basis. The only down side is that the diagnostics test/scans will be done else where.

Like Jes said, if u r not particular, then any clinic also do. If u see the Raffles Group clinic, they will send u to their hospital for tests/scans. And if specialist review is necesaary, I was told they will recommend those within their Raffles Group.
Roughly, wat time the tingkat will arrive. Then gotta heat up, rite? Can our toddler eat?

No need, thank u. Not for the time being ;p
Re. Checkup
Thanks for t advises!
My colleague just told me tat Mt A's body chkup service is pretty good.

Re. Rabbit bb
I posted tat up for you ladies.. hahah. Me not ready yet!
I m waiting for snnowy. kaka
Depends on different tingkat co, but usually between 3-6pm. Yes, you can heat up the food with microwave-safe plates. I dun think it's very nutritious for toddlers cos other than vege, sometimes the chicken/pork are cooked with chilli and dun expect fresh fish, usually those frozen fish fillet or cheap sha1 yu2 rou4.
Jo n Yen, i am currently trying Mom's Cooking tingkat. they are not bad as well. You might want to give it a try.

Fifi, ya ah lian must jia you liao!
I'm changing from Neo Garden to FlavourNSpices Peranakan style next week cos PIL heard of peranakan tingkat so ask mi go find .. guess they are sick of Chinese style already.
but.. peranakan food.. mayb get sick even faster rite?? those rendangs.. chap chai.. and most of it are spicy dishes.. unless say you al only changing to them for 1-2weeks..
Jo, mum's cooking can cook v nice curry too.. not too bad. n still got chinese soup so far so good as well. n they alot of pattern for their dishes. nt standard one style. neo garden tingkat can't make it. k u try already let me knw good i also try yours heehee..

ah lian, don't need to tell you when time come u will knw since u can predict right so u jia you hor! hehe...
umm... mayb them at these age more and more hong xim liao.. tts y always dun wan to sleep only care abt playing..
Tomm brining her to bintan over the weekends i tink lagi she wont sleep much.. cos diff environment sure more difficult to sleep.. daytime somemore dun hav her giant rocker i wonder how she take daynaps..
nut, go bintan enjoy your trip! bt nv leave nini alone nt even for a min k. n when she cry at night pls be there for her don't scold her.
hmmm nut.. nt trying to scare u. my friend told me have before bt i forgot which resort on bintan so just play safe k. kids are more sensitive to such things then us adults.
I think no choice. Tingkat then no need to think what to eat.

Thk u for the recommendation. I will put in mind Mom's cooking. I saw Select had ting kat also not sure if nice or not.
Neo garden buffet quite nice but the ting kat not nice?

Yen, u are welcome the only not so good part abt mom's cooking is their price a bit high...
bt my mom only like this tingkat after trying a few others e.g. meihao, neo garden, kim's n a home base one... all she don't like. either too oily, too salty, too much fried stuff...
hard to pls lol! bt ok la get something she like since she is taking care of my son. n it is nt easy taking care of him... lol!

oh to answer your q on the neo garden's buffet n their tingkat is different kitchen i think... n their customer service for tingkat sucks!
Just read Mom's kitchen website, doesn't deliver to my place.
Its ok, thks.

Didn't know that neo garden's tingkat sucks cos i find their buffet not bad.
im also with mom's cooking!! like their soup!! and think they got less deep fried foods compared to other tingkat services... yeah their price is on the higher side, not sure is it due to their 'no msg and use canola oil' policy.. findtheir variety quite good and portion quite big.. me and my hubby can share 1 pax portion wor... muz try muz try

rabbit baby
go go ahlian and snnowy, cheong for a rabbit baby. rem to turn to the right side k..
opps when i say right side, it doesn't mean right hand side hor... heehee

ahnut enjoy ur nutnut trip with nini!!

am i too early to post? now on the way to customer site for meeting, super sian andi miss my precious... sob sob...
hihi Kiki!
U too with Mom's Cooking! High 5!
hmmm u are early maybe u can go back early to c him?
er... u remember which side is for which gender? lol
anyone seen bear around been a long while since she post... wonder how is she...
Think nut went Bintan liao bah.

minky, Yen &amp; Kiki,
So far I tried Neo Garden only ... we ordered 2pax portion for 3-4 small eaters. I heard Select is worse than Neo Garden. For Neo Garden, they often give cabbage twice a week ... if u complain abit, u see some changes.

PIL paid for tingkat .. they say eat what style then eat what style loh. Hehe. I juz in charge of sourcing, ordering and feedback.
MC today ... got eye infection since e day before... for the past 1 mth, went to see doc and on MC once a week cos sore throat never seems to recover ... now eye infection. Boss gonna blacklist mi soon.
u too heaty la... sore throat den now eye infection... stay at home &amp; rest bah..

ya of cos eat liao... so sianz... &amp; slpy today..
hi ali..
how r u coping with pregnancy so far? hope u get gd rest &amp; *peace* over the wkends before u start to get busy..
indeed must be fair...if not wait any of them found out dbl-std also not very nice..so when u gg to park T into full-day CC? hope u get to let him hv some time to adapt before didi comes along too..

hi lilian..
wah..for a moment i thot u r the 1st to report in the Rabbit thread..coz u compiled the rabbit season table i thot u PREGGY..hehe..jia-you ah..woohoo..

i think now there's some promo gg on for health checks..

hi minky..
didnt knw u using tingkat..but i doubt our time can work out tingkat since we need to run to both caretakers' place..but ard what time ur tingkat arrives?

aiyo..reading this XXX makes me chill...it reminds me of ali's previous postings long time ago..
hi mummies,

need some help/advice from u...
sigh, i got a warning letter from police tat there's 3 nuisance/silent calls received from my home phone. and these were dialled by my little rascal! so how do u block phone from dialling '999'? i always tried to stop her from playing the home phone &amp; she still wont listen. think maybe i hv to hide the phone away from her liaoz... headache!
sabre: my brandon not ready for full day / half day playgp yet.. he now still walking unsteadily on his own.. yet to talk and he don point at the things he need.. he simply scream for it.. so only our oqwn family understood his behavior..so if at the playgp, i think is both frustrating for bb and teacher who don understanding what he wants.. i think when he reaches 2 and a half then i considered the ha;f day playgp.. but currently, we did brought him to like 45 mins playgp every week..

eating habit: any bb here now refused to eat? mine refused to finish his food.. become thinner.. haiz.. so worrued.. even i change the menus.. he still like that..
I'm not planning to send my bb to anything yet. When possible, I try to organise playdates, so that bb gets to socialise with her peers. What about u?

my bb also not saying much, but she can carry out our instructions quite well. What about mood reading? When the care giver is unhappy with something bb does, and speak to/discipline bb in a stern manner, can bb understand? 2 weeks' ago, my bb only weighs 8.5kg.

What does your pd says of your concerns?

just out of curiosity, if u kenna a rabbit jackpot, you will be elated, right? Then just let nature takes its own course, bah. Maybe this is just what u need to be happy again (to balance the happiness at work).

Jia you to all TTCing mummies.
