(2008/11) November 2008

choose maids is like toto lor, so i guess the nationality is jus yr own preference, all abt luck!! i hv friends with good and bad maids, whether from indon or filip. my previous PT cleaner from myanmar is very good.

nothing but luck, so wish u good luck, kiki
i nv consider myanmar..all the while i chose phil one.. cos most of them can speak & understand english. my fren got a myanmar maid.. quite young.. abit keng lor.. no initiative.. i have a life cam (singtel) install at living room. when i wan to watch hme, i will just 3G back.. if u're scared, CCTV , i heard Dlink is good (which i got one but nv install).. got recording purpose.. probably if u really wan can install @ a few location.(living room/kitchen/babyroom)
Safe, get those that are manual one.. not digital one... have all these done before ur maid come.

u v sway to get such service provider... are u able to find their boss? or maybe can another person to serve u!!
if i hv to install a CCTV, i will install it in my bedroom looking over my wardrobe, cos i more scare the maid wear and steal my clothes! not so much on valuables since i hv a safe. kekeke
re: maids

I will still go for Indo maid with ex SIN experience.

Not necessary Philipino maids know English ... one of my previous Filipino maid .. ask her take prawn, she go take fish. Such simple one also cmi, so we send her back.

And all Filipino maids die die sure must have mobile one. Even come here starting can say ok ok no mobile, few days later show pattern liao. Cry for mobile lah, almost every few days make a call back lah ... relatives in SG call our hse in the afternoon to ask her how she is doing. Fed up.

Abt my current Indo maid, we have decided to send her back agency once we get a replacement. Spoke to the GP yesterday. He said this maid have chest pain which will recur anytime ... she told the doc she carry heavy load at our hse .. the most heaviest is to carry a pail of water to mop the floor/ carry Lucas 10.5kg loh .. like tt call heavy ah, ask her go back her kampong! And GP also says she got gastric problem and palpitations, seems like she cant adapt to new envrionment and GP says she will give me troubles.
hmm.. yeah I heard of DLink before, maybe will check it out see how...

lian, yalor commitment commitment! not easy and cheap to raise kids leh... also need some $$ to maintain myself.. look like hell now.. so cannot suka-suka take unpaid leave in future liao.. juz enrol bbq to an expensive school and this brat still taking Wakodo.. expensive too..
u gg to change another maid or dun wan anymore maid? ur this maid really sound problematics. send her back to agency asap. or else more problem occurs.
Yup yup. Totaly agreed. Getting good maid is like strike TOTO. *lolz* You so funny lah... out CCTV to overlook your wardrobe. For me, priority is to put at living room and kitchen. Cos ever caught 1 of my previous maid steal my expensive salmon, wine, japanese mushroom to cook for her lunch. Then complain to me everyday no food to cook for dinner. Keep giving her marketing $$$ and instead the good food all goes into her tummy. Really idiot! For living room, my SIL ever caught her maid, put her leg on their coffee table whilst the maid relax on their sofa and watch TV and sleep the whole afternoon. Only the morning part and just before SIL come home from work the maid will pretend to be working very hard.
OMG! Your bb still taking Wakodo? Really ex leh. I stopped J3 from taking Wakodo when she reached about 13-months. Now she's taking Progress Gold. At first wanted to enrol her into Kinderland to join J2 for CC. But now due to $$$ constraints, have enrolled her into My First Skool(previously NTUC CC) instead.

Haiz... staying in SG is tough! Everything is about $$$. Can't imgaine my stupid electricity bill has now shot up to $480 per month! Crazy!! When I first shifted into my apartment it was only $250! Then hv not factor in increased in food prices, etc. *sob-sob*
I paid for the agency fee and this is the first maid leh. I doubt she will refund so I told her I wanna a replacement. Talk to the agency (female boss - one man show) so angry, she insist to talk to the maid to understand the whole situation. She believes what the maid told her previously that she has no medical history and should be able to work.
no pt keep one sick maid at home. ask her by talking to the maid, the maid can recover meh... tell her u cant afford to take leave most of the time . as u need her to take care of ur boy. Insist for a change.
Dymples, haha cos i hv friends whose maids steal their clothings including underwears! so bian tai rite? for me, i do all the marketing and control the food intake so my maid has no chance of stealing. 1 choco less or 1 pkt of drink went missing, i will know.
poor lian too. which agency is tat?

one of my gf, she very lucky to hav one gd maid. she take care of my gf child very well. and she very presentable and clean with her hair tied up. not those messy type tat i saw in the shopping centre. one time while i was waiting for my turn outside the m1 shop at compass point, 2 maid come along pushing two wheelchair with 1 ah ma and 1 one gong sitting in it. they just put them in the middle of the road and ran into the m1 shop and take their own sweet time looking at the handphone! My goodnes, and the two poor ah gong ah ma siting there waiting silly for the 2 maid and everyone who walk past look at the 2 old elders. poor them.. and the 2 maid's hair super oily and sticky. so disgusting!
wah..hot topics abt maids..but i think if they are starting to take things for granted & not able to perform well to std..then better to change one before more "patterns" are revealed..

hi hi mummies..
hope all kiddos are well..lately very stress up at work..kept having nightmares..Mon night dreamt that I was laid off..then last night dreamt that colleagues was celebrating farewell for me..stress lo..even dreaming abt it..
darlest, dun wanna say t agency's name here. Its in Katong shopping centre, specialises in myanmar maids.

hahah Jes, u scared maid steals ur underwear?!? They must b damn sexy type de lor! keke

Kiki, talking about commitments! Haiz...
Have decided to put my plan to quit/ask for retrenchment aside for now
Too much commitments! Other than thinking for my own family, have 2 tink abt my parents' side too.
Dymples, Although my electrical/water bill is $120 (compared to urs $480)but i seldom at home! In fact my hse is like a hotel, just sleep and wake up and off we go to work. No cooking and No computer on wkdays and most times No aircon too. Argh!!
Talking abt toto, TOTO prize 5000000 this fri...

Is win or lose. Depends on luck. I also thinking when #2 comes along, want maid or not?

Had J3 gone to my 1st skool? I'm on wait list for my boy since last dec for my 1st skool. Not sure if good or not but is the nearest to my house. The other cc still have vacancies for PG.

Electical bill,
Mine range for $60+ to $80+ but can go up to $120+ if on air con daily. No cooking on wkdays & also mostly no aircon, except these 2 wks. Terribly hot.
after reading your posting. Feel you should send this maid back to agent. Should get free replacement cos this maid obviously got problems. I really hate maid issues. Cos it's really, messy, time consuming, troublesome and frustrating. Worse when it comes one after another. *sayang-sayang*

wah.. Like tat $120 is high leh. Yah. Tink you should off your mains n check for electrical leaks.
J3 starting My 1st Skool in June. So far I saw the centre and find it quite well maintained. Curriculum is ok. Dun really expect much since she will be in toddler class. The fees are super reasonable too. Only $315+ per month for full daycare. J2 Kinderland costs me close to $700 per month. *faintz*
wah nex time when i got my new house sure electricity bill high high... cos if hot weather i sure wan to on aircon.. even if not hot i like to on ceiling fan.. Then i like e house bright bright so i sure switch on lots of lights.. hahaha....
Lilian, #2? Thinking... ;p
High electrical bill could be refrigerator. I dump my silly ex refrigerator when it broke down 2-3 times a yr and when i change another one, the bill size drop by $10-20 a mth.

Kinderland so ex. Yes, my place my 1st skool is also ard $315+ for PG. Still no seat yet when i enquired last mth.
Hey i tot these days we can get those energy saving aircon/fridge? It'll help to lower e elec bill lor but in the 1st place these types will cost more to buy??
hoho, u have to install energy saving lights and air con with more ticks..Realise there are green ticks for refrigerator, air con and washing machine to indicate how electricity/water efficient.

Dunno if is going to costs more.
dymples, how to chk for electrical leak? Put my finger in t socket?? hehe.. joking. But serious, how?
I do suspect is my stupid LG fridge. Tat one no green tick de

Yen, thinking or trying? hehe
Huh, no tick, i tot nowadays they paste the big sticker with ticks? My fridge had 3 green ticks.

Haha, up to u to think. ;p Now cannot try else will hit CNY 2011. But scare of the morning sickness, vomiting...and #1's reaction but he luv babies. Somemore can tell me baby when he sees 1 and point.

When r u starting? ;p
Going home le....Cya tomolo. Is another day.
You switch off the mains for your electricity. Then you look at the meter outside and see if it is still running. If yes, then there is an electrical leak. Then to see which appliance is causing the surge, switch it on one at a time. The faster the meter moves, the more electricity it consumes. This is taught to me by a SP meter guy. The biggest culprit for electricity consumption is air-con, followed by LCD/Plasma TV, washing machines and fridge. Hope this info helps.

Kinderland costs more cos it is considered a premium private CC. But I certainly like their curriculum. The one near my place is really good. Most prob I will transfer J3 there once she hits Nursery to begin her preparatory P1 education. wah... my 1st skool is so popular at your area yah. Tink the main factor will be it's super affordable fees. hehehhehe...
Gd morning mummies,
Thanks for having us over yesterday.

Looking at your power bill, then I cannot complain liao. Mine is around $140 - $150 p/m. But we are at home most of the time, cook, washed and bath like nobody's biz and on air-con almost every night.
But we do make it a point to turn off the switch of any ele appliance that is no in use instead of standby mode. Like tv, fan, even washing machine, after washing will turn off the switch. But I do have a big fish pump that needs to on 24 hrs or else if the fish die = I'll die also(the fish is hubby's mistress)

Kinderland is sooo ex but heard it's good. Living in sg is like all abt $$$. Sad but true, I wonder how the next generation is gonna survive.
Morning mummies.

My 1st skool had vacancies in Jan but baby J is still not 18 mths then so he can't go yet. Yup, cos they are the lowest in my area. There are 3 other ccs ard my area but all cost 650+ and 1 is 1k after subsidy. That's why all go to my 1st skool. Another 1 further away also 360+.
Thanks mummies talking abt my 1st skool.

I jus had problems abt Lucas gg my mum place. Cos my FIL sends and fetch my son to and from my mum place but bcos of his flexi timing ... sometimes my mum does not have a definite timing abt when Lucas is reaching or gg home. Today they intend to send my boy to my mum hse earlier today .. I heard they gg over earlier but dunnoe what time but I sick of asking them abt timings so I sms my mum last nite to inform her. But the fact that PILs dun realise they need to inform my mum at all. Had a row with hb jus now over the phone and I decided to put Lucas at my 1st skool which is v near my hse and jus leave maid at home doing hsehold chores (waiting for replacement). Now save all the trouble for my FIL and nags from my mum.
Jo, understand your difficulty and your mum's
It is possible to ask ur FIL to send and pick him at a fixed timing everyday? I tink t problem can b solved by a little more communication.
My hb told mi off for tt jus now! He says his dad has a flexi timing ... does my mum expects him to report his schedule to her everyday?
Its always hb side with his parents and we side our parents one rite. When I say he must appreciate my mum look after Lucas most of the weekdays .. then he say mi back I must also appreciate his dad picks lucas to and fro and he is not obliged to.

Quite pissed off with hb's behaviour .. wanna go my mum hse last sat .. he thinks go there for wat .. so drove mi, Lucas and maid there and he goes back home all the way and come n pick us up in the evening again. Thats e way he is brought up? I got nothing to say loh.
Man are like that. My hb also complain abt my mum, say not clean lar, give bb eat too little etc. I also say he must appreciate my mum for looking after baby then he say my mum dun noe how to look after bb, I also tell him back niece & nephew look after by mil also dun eat vege.

That's why i also intend to send bb to cc soon...Tired of all these nonsense.
Jo, yr hub is wrong to put things this way leh. if he said his dad is not obliged to pick L to and fro, then how abt yr mum, is she then obliged to look aft L every day and to expect uncertain hrs?! then if his dad can take up a flexi timing, then why can't yr mum expect a more fixed timing so that she can plan her time for other things eg. hsework, marketing, cooking etc... from wat u described, doesn't sound very fair to yr mum.

of cos we do appreciate our parents taking care of our kids but to a certain extent we can't take them for granted. yr hub is appreciating his dad but on the other hand it seems he's taking yr mum for granted liao.

haiz... men.
ah lian, dun say like tat leh... :p
cos i emphatise with jo and her mum.

ok, i shall add on:
jo, hv a nice talk with yr hub and try to work things out, else perhaps CC wld be a better option for L.
Yah .. I also tired of all these. That's why decided to put him at my first skool near my hse. I wanted to put him at the Jurong Point branch but no vacancy so put him at the other branch near my hse but gotta walk abt 10mins to the sch.

You are right. Actually from e day mi and hb start dating, my mum doesnt have good impression of him and then he started dislike my mum since then so whatever she do also he finds her demanding even though now my mum slowly accepted him thru the yrs. I dun wan argue further more with him else I will sure *D* with him de. SO I proposed to put Lucas in sch and he agreed. So happy ending loh.
kinderland indeed v exp.. 600+ (full day) whereas my 1st skool only at 300+ (full day) . I just realised there's one my 1st skool at sembawang.. and i tinking shld o put him to somewhere tat is nearer to my house. so that it's easier for my maid to pick him up. the $$ really headache part but on the other hand we wan best for our little one.. & i have #2 coming along.. if wan , mus be fairer.. give them the same treatment.
I feel the best is to send Lucas to cc if you dun have logistics prob. If ur fil can send and pick Lucas, then maid as backup when Lucas is sick(touch wood) or when cc is closed and do house work.

I feel this is the best arrangement.

I also ask hb if we send to cc early but we need to pick bb by 7pm and dinner prob only cos my parents not really staying very near to me. 5-6 mrt stations away.

Then 2x a mth, I have to bring bb to mum's plc by mrt as he got early morning mtgs @ 7am. I also dun want to disturb their sleep to reach there 6+am in the morning, so that my parents can don't have to wake up that early.
Glad tat u have a solution.

Distance really matters now cos need to rush to work in the morning. I also need to walk abt 10 mins to My 1st skool frm my plc.

My parents object of sending to cc at a young age of 18mths, esp my mum. Both are very attached to him now. I also headache. At the same time waiting for vacancies. Also worry, the longer i wait, they will refuse to let bb go.
Also thinking of cc near my place or my mum's plc.
till now I dun know how cc function. So pls excuse me for asking a very silly question:
When our kiddo reaches, say K1 age, do u still continue with cc, or do u then transfer them to a kindy? If continue, what are the parameters to consider in terms of standard of curriculum? I always have this notion that cc focus on kiddos' daily needs, n lesser on academic development.

sorry ah, I really clueless.
Jo, its like tat de, men can be more "ji chou" de, unlike us women who are usually more forgiving and understanding. anyway, good that u both hv reached an agreement.
agree on that part about men... they can b more petty and 记仇than us!! my hubby 1 good example!!

My hubby too la.. dun like to go my house one.. always say v hot la.. nottin to do ther la... come on.. only expect him go once a week for a short while also like wan his life.. only when we tt time draw up contract.. each time no go mus giv me $5 then he goes...

at least ur hubby drive u there and fetch you back, considering the long distance from jurong and yishun.. Mine ah.. toa payoh/thomson so near he also lazy.. Tues aft work if i go back with Nini i take cab ther, go home then he'll come fetch us.. dun expect 2 ways transfers ok! not so good one..!!
Lately my gal nite time sleep quite naughty lei.. will always keep a fuss and cry before she finally falls asleep.. hong xim wan to get out of cot to play.. wonder why e change.. before this she ok one.. put in cot she'll toss and turn till fall asleep.. patting also no need.
I can understadn where you coming from. That time when I'm about to deliver no.2, J1 had just turned 18-months. Because I did not have any help at all, I also send J1 off to full day CC to allow me to take care of J2. Thankfully this arrangement worked out perfect. Did not feel stressed and I was glad that the CC did a good job and J1 was happy attending school. So dun feel guilty if you need to send your #1 to CC yah.

Jo, Yen
Aiyohz.. *sayang-sayang* Most men are like that. Regardless whether they from SG or not. I also have probs communicating with my hub on certain subjects. Once touch on those things only he will shut out and dun listen to logic. Whatever I say is not reasonable.

Childcare: Operates from 0700hrs-1900hrs. Usually these centres prefer to take in students for Full Day Care because they got a quota set by MCYS. So if your child is only going for half day, you are already taking up 1 place. But the CC won't like it cos they earn less versus if they accept a child based on full day fees.

Kindergarden: Has lessons based on either a 3-hour or 4-hour program. You cannot put your child there for full day care. Usually have a morning session and afternoon session. Then the parents choose the session most suitable. Appletree falls under this category.

The confusion arises when people use the term K1 or K2. Whether it's full day care of those 3-hours program, your child is grouped according to age:
18-months to 24-months: Toddler/Playgroup
2-yrs to 3-yrs: Playgroup / Nursery 1
3-yrs to 4-yrs: Nursery
4-yrs to 5-yrs: Kindergarden 1 level
6-yrs to 6-yrs: Kindergarden 2 level

Hope the info helps to clarify your doubts.

Maybe you can start off with half day care first? Like for me, my dad also super attached to J3. To enable both to adjust to the change of arrangements, J3 will be going for half day for the 1st month or so, even though I will be paying fees based on full day care. Then about mid July, will start J3 on full day care.

Lately J3 also like tat. Come to bedtime will fuss and wanna go out of the bedroom to play with jie-jie. But I'll be very firm with her. Keep putting her back to bed everytime she crawls down. Will play with her abit to distract her. Then I will also return to playing my iPhone or reading my book. After several rounds, she will give up cos she knows I'm not giving in and she will guai-guai go to sleep. *aarrgghh* Can get sssooo frustrating lah.
