(2008/11) November 2008

What happens if the maid doesnt even have any cash with them, for those newly transferred maid or new maid?
This maid is 31yrs old.
But I never hear her cough badly and she told agency she vomit abit blood only ... could that be TB?

This is the first maid agency which I went to ... not the 2nd agency which gave mi one Filipino maid who doesnt know English and another Filipino maid with ectopic pregnancy.
If gotta send this maid back, I told my hb I wont wan a maid anymore and will send Lucas to childcare. This is my 4th problematic maid already.
I told agency perhaps she got underlying heart problems she didnt report ... though her indo and sg medical report with chest xrays shows no problem. I will only bring her to GP tonite for once and see how ... if she shows pattern like your previous maid, I will return her to agency.

I dun wan maid le.
Yes ... Lucas often beat this maid and always shoo her away when she is sitting beside him in the car.
For maid without any cash, then I will start to deduct from their salary. I will work something out with the maid agency. For example, their salary is $350, I will deduct $250 for maid loan, deduct $50 for this cash deposit and then remaining $50 give to maid.

I feel her vomit blood is an excuse only lah. You tell her next time if vomit blood to show you. Then also, when you bring her to doctor tonight, if the doctor said there is nothing wrong, you going to make her pay for the doctor fees. I do this to all my maids to avoid them telling me crap like this and finding excuses not to work. There's no free lunch in this world.

Yes. I agree... better to send this maid back to agent. Cos also dunno if she really got underlying health problem. Will be scary cos she's helping to care for Lucas. HHmmm... maybe that's why he keep rejecting her?
You gal is ssoo smart! hahahah... mine only know how to whine to get her way. Then half the time I also cannot figure out what she whining about. *faintz*

hehehhe... me went to Australia to get my Degree and for hub to get his Masters.

hahhahaha... That's why I always tell people the Aussies are like their Marsupials. Always do nothing but eat and sleep only. Look at the Kangaroos, Koala, Wombat, Possums, etc.
i dun like to get one too. like lian, hve heard alots story abt maid. even though sometimes it gd to hav maid to help me. but then again, who know i have to look after her instead..haiz..

country : australia.
wah.. i like aust too. been there for holiday during my fifth month preggy in 08. went during july. love the weather there. my hb rent a Bmer car for our transport. really missed those free and easy days...

actually, my hb might need to be posted to philpines to manage a company for 2 years! haiz.. philipines... not so advance, clean like spore. duno shld i agreed to go anot. duno the tap water like spore clean to drink anot.. any gd pd there, etc etc. any mommies been to philipines?

end of may, my hb will need to travel to combodia for abt 5 days. will follow him there. my gal will go also coz i dun hav anyone to look after my gal. any momies been to siem reap?
me me.. went there for 4days nia. errr..... hot... hot... hot... many mosquitoes... food not v used to it as well.. hahah.. e major ting there is the angkor wat.. but with ur kid not v suitable cos its hot hot hot.. and lots of walking.. all ruins...
Halo Mummies, I have a focus group discussion looking for 3 growing on milk brands user, they are Nestle Nespray, Abbott Grow and Dumex Dugro. You will be paid $100.00 cash after the session. Any one keen? Kindly sms me your details e.g. brand use, age of babies or kids (1 year old to <6 years old), your name etc..
btw for our company trip to Cambodia, we're required to take malaria vaccination.. Even as tourist i tink its encouraged though it stil boils down to your decision.
Jo, think shd send her away bah. even if after the chk tonite shows she's ok (which means she's lying), it's likely tat she will come up with something again soon... but if shows that she's got a real medical prob, then the more u shd send her away! her medical prob is not yr prob.

ah lian, yr new maid arriving anytime soon?
peabut, wah.. many mosquitoes, jia liat. think i will bring alots of the mosquitoes patches and spray. how the food? nice? spicy, salty? is the food clean?
heard it hot hot hot from the webby too.
how's the air there? is it dusty? since it a third world country, is it safe to walk at nite such as nite market if they have or go to 7-eleven at nite. do they hav 7-eleven there? coz need to buy bottle distilled water for my gal usage.
thanxs for the malaria vaccination advise. think i will go for the vaccination.
wah i cant remm liao lei.. that was like.. 3 years ago???
The food as i mentioned not v fantastic to me hahaha... But if you eat at those western/chinese restaurants taste shd b quite standard ba.. thou i dunoe if there're lots of such restaurants ther as we mostly ate in hotel and cambodian restaurant outside. As for cleanliness as long as dun eat from roadside stalls should b safe.
Air ah... wah.. tt time was stil ok... i dun remm covering my nose when outside...

Re. vaccination.. If i remm correctly you need to start with the pills ~1week before the trip. Better go onto internet to check or call up and ask e clinic
basically if you've not booked ur tickets then i tink not worth going.. spore more comfortable.. wahahaa.... cos.. people go ther for angkor wat.. but with ur tod.. its not v convenient cos hot + path not very even.. Then not much shopping around! The nite market we went to only hav a few stalls! But i dunoe how is e place now la.. you can check on the website for more info. Unless u staying at good hotel with good facilities to spend your time with the child.
ah jes, t 2nd maid i select can't get her passport done. I didnt like t agency's service , so decided 2 go w/o maid till #2 comes (if any). may source for p.t. cleaner 4 time being.
Too bad, ah qing is full so can't get her
peabut, er.. the ticket booked liao... thanxs peabut for all the advise and info. it really helps to clear my doubts.
wah, the nite market so miserable ah and no shopping area.. really hav to check out the webby before going ther. haiz.. think i will hav to stay in the hotel most of the time.....

the hotel i going to stay is lotus. u? still rem urs?

now i rem, my hb did ask my gal's pd regard any vaccination we shld hav if we are going combodia, the pd only giv my gal hep A jab only.
and he didnt advise on the maleria vaccination. since he is a doc, why he didnt advise us.. *faint*
Yes snnowy ....
In fact, smtimes i do suspect tat t agency didnt do enough to get the maid over to SG, or even bluff me tat she couldnt get her passport. But, there's nothing i can do to check.
I can go n choose another one. But just feel sianz abt it... and it's slightly more manageable at my mum's side coz my grandma goes over to her place more often. My grandma loves playing w my girl
good morning!!
wah, I never feel so eng. hb said I'm happier than Aly now that exams are over. hehe, she's the one taking exams, not me leh.
i ever experience before the maid over at philipines decided to not come SG to work.. such cases do happen. we choose maid. they also choose us lor.. heard some maid choose type of house also.. they prefer smaller house so they neednt do alot of house chores.. so when selecting maid. must shortlist a few..
<font color="0000ff">maid :
yes, now the maid choose their own employer. Most prefer small family too.</font>
Ali, if tat is t case, then t agency can straightaway tell me lor. I had to keep calling them to ask abt t status, and I did that for almost 2 mths. I feel its bcos i have paid t agency fee liao, and have t balance of t maid loan w them, so they slag slag do things....

aiyah, type so much, then the connection drop.

on hind sight, I think the stress is from the parents ard me. My friends with primary school going kids are like preparing their kiddos to kao zhuang yaun like that. Till now, we hv yet to send Aly to any enrichment classes, and that bugs me. Sometimes, I wonder if we are doing enough for her (kiasu-ism). My hb is more level-headed, and he disagree to send her for any, at least not now, unless her grades cannot make it. I try to see his point, otherwise there is no end to our discussion.
like tat then it's ur agency service problem liao.. tat time i did not have to chase them, instead when they have any gd one, they will offer &amp; ask me to reply them asap. since u already have pay liao. keep pester them for more maid profile..
isn't there a clause that protects your interest? like if cannot find a suitable maid within a stipulated time, then can terminate service contract with agency n take back $$? Just curious lah, I dun hv such experience.
<font color="ff0066"> aly_nat</font>,
How old is your gal? I agree that the exam pressure comes from other parents. But in my case, the teachers also stress me cos they will call me to 'update' on my gal's progress (aka: when she scores below average of her cohort). To push my gal along and achieve the desired results (the school's expectations), I gotta send her for lots of enrichment classes - English tuition, MPM Maths, Berries Chinese. Previously also have English Phonics, speech &amp; drama + Ballet. But now dropped these.

<font color="ff0066"> Lian</font>,
Wah... that maid agent is really bad leh. Somemore you gotta chase them for follow-up. Terrible service. Yah. I agree with alibaba. Since you already paid them, then must get your $$$ worth. Keep chasing them for more profiles, etc. Make them work for their $$$. Don't let them get away so easily mah.
Aly is in P2. Same as your J1? Aly's teacher belongs to the group of "let your child enjoy their childhood" type. So, no pressure from her. Maybe becos she was handling P6 class for the last 10 years of her 18 years being a teacher.
Moreover, Aly is currently in a neighbourhood sch. (mummies, dun jump - not implying neighbourhood schools no good, hor.)
I think your situation very different, and has all the right reasons to do so. Your time has to be divided amongst 3 gals, 1 hb, a career, and possibly 2 sets of parents. Time no enough.
i'm just lucky la.. bb in good position to get that 3d Shot.. u look for Camille? u looking for indo one or phil?
Lucky you to have an understanding teacher for Aly. Haiz... me itchy backside, send J1 to missionary school. That's why the standard is higher. Now me super stressed out. But then again, the neighbourhood around my areas are those super high standard as well leh. *faintz*
hope that my bb will cooperate when it's my turn.. hee .. u opt for 4D scan anot? I very 'gian' but ex >_<

camile off that day, so her colleague Lyn entertained us instead, we didn't specify our preference on the nationality but my hubby wants someone who can communicate well in English.. so means Phil is it? Hee hee
ah lian, yr agency sounds quite terrible leh. in tat case, they shd refund back all yr balance loan paid to them right?

ya, ah qing's slots always full wan. maybe u can ask her got any friend to recommend?
4D nope la... waste $$. hahaha.. 3D was included in my gynae's package.. i wont spend this kind of $$ since will see bb in another few months time :p
may not be phil one can speak better english wor.. some indo speaks well too... my phil maid english v lousy lor.. &amp; she like to mumble to herself, which sometimes really pissed me off.. but she overall is still okay.. btw i heard some say try to avoid indo duno which part one tat practise black magic.. maybe mummies here can advise u.
kiki, i heard from others if u r taking fresh maids, take those who come from super "ulu" kampong types wan, those may not be as smart but won't "geng" so much, city maids are smarter but mean they "geng" alot and may be are the more "hiao hiao" type oso.
actually i also looking at myanmar maids but lynn like not very encourage us to take like that.. hmm.. wow black magic... will the agent know ah?

KiKi Survey Time!
Mummies with maid, which nationality of maid u prefer?
1. Phil
2. Indo
3. Myanmar

And is it neccessary to buy /install the following:
1. Safe - which brand is good?
2. CCTV - where to put it?
ah jes, yes, they r 'in process' of doing t refund of the loan.

aly_nat, normally t agency fee can't b refund de.
Wa, realli stress sia nowadays. Is not tat we parents like t b kiasu.

Ali, Dymples, Yes i can chase t agency for more profile.. Tat stupid sales guy always says, dun worry i will inform u once i receive gd/new profiles. But he nvr did. Is always I have to call him and i m sick of tat liao. Hate chasing after ppl's backside
I will try to ask them for an extension of my contract period, jus in case I chg my mind in t near future n want a maid again.
If getting Indon, pls avoid those from Banyuwangi and Cirebon cos there practise black magic. Actually even those ulu tribes in Phillipines also practise black magic.
kiki, abt myanmar maids... Initially we thought they r more hardworking and obedient and honest
kakaka... My previous one is a lazy bum and dishonest
My ans -

Nationality - Phil followed by Myanmar. I dun like Indon maids coz I can handle vain/hiao/attitude/etc better than "crazy".

Safe - I have. Cannot rem brand off hand. Buy from those hardware store de.

CCTV - I dun have. This is something that can be good or bad depending on usage. If you dun handle it with care, it will backfire. I know a family who lost a really good maid coz of the mistrust. The maid is a really hardworking, honest, can do housework, can look after kids kind one. Really no problems kind. But coz no trust, she dun want to work for the family that install the CCTV - transfered to another family. But if handled well, CCTV can be your protection lah.

For me I prefer Indon cos after going thru 5 maids, 3 Filli and 2 Indon, I find the Indon more 'guai'. Will listen and easier to tackle. When I speak very firmly they know I mean business. But for the fillip, when I speak firmly, they will find excuses and run off to complain to my hub. Then will paint a bad picture of me to him and start to behave like the victim. *aarrgghh*

Will never consider Myanmar cos after research (on several forums), have found out that many people find that Myanmar maids have bad attitude problem, very 'hiao' and behave like princess. When I interviewed 2 before, already at the interview session give me bad impression as well. They ar ethe ones who question me on type of house I stay in, what are their specific job role, etc. Wah liaoz... buay tahan.

Safe - I have. Thos super heavy type. Can't remember the name. Also bot from those hardware shop like Fifi. This is a must! I keep all my confidential documents, passports (maid's included), birth certs, jewellery and excess $$$ in it.

CCTV - I don't have cos luckily I have my dad that comes by my place often. But if I dun such help, will definately install but will have it 'hidden' away. My friend has CCTV and informed the maid it is for security reasons in case of break-in, etc.
kiki, since u r first time employer, and going to leave t maid to take care of t baby, better install CCTV
Install where? Baby room, Kitchen, Living rm?
ya kiki, safe is an essential, mine is a very small one which i kept it inside a locked compartment in my wardrobe. besides hardware shopes that sell, carrefour and NTUC Xtra oso sell.
thanks mummies for ur answers.. but seems like everyone got their preference hor..

lian, most probably not gonna leave my bb with my maid (maybe only on days where we work from home).. want a maid mainly for houseworks, cooking and all misc stuffs..

cctv, also dunno where should install leh.. living room is a must, if install @ baby room AKA maid room abit like that right? haiiii...
