(2008/11) November 2008

JJmom: G also dont really drink water. I alternate between the straw cup and the Doidy cup. For me I feel is dependant on his mood - when he wants, he will drink more fr the Doidy cup haa..but he still can't control the flow well at times.

Minky: Yah! So exasperating man, really testing our patience. He also got WWF! So apparently alot of toddlers like that! He raelly cheeky boy, will sit and and bend backwards on the side of the sofa, and laugh when we rushed over to 'catch' him.

But while he had all these 'tactics', to be fair, he is a good boy sometimes lah. Like upon instruction, he will keep his toys before sleepign and put back his shoes everytime we reach back home. Sometimes when he is naughty, I will ask 'are you a good boy when you XXX' and he will nod his head, like he knows he is naughty haha.

Talking: He is also not talking either. Trying to be patient :p but glad he knows quite a lot of words/instructions. Hope he is like my SIL's niece, who started talking later also, but now can talk a lot after she hit 2 yrs old!

Btw, do any of your toddlers squeeze/pinch your hand when abt to sleep?? So painful...i understand is prob his way of seeking comfort. Me havent weaned him off pacifier :x
when i beat my son's hand or buttock, he laughs
lian, i tried beating him with my hand n yet he is not afraid in fact he know he did something wrong he will take my hand n put on his hand telling me to beat him when he is in the mood if nt he will just throw things at me to show his temper!
glad girl, my boy will leap off the sofa... sigh.. what should we do with them...
ai, hav yet to use golden stick as my girl quite alright and i think too young to use golden stick on my gal. but i will use my hand to whack her when she touch something dangerous
Re: Drinking
Basically I train by using the Doidy with me holding the base and tilting the water for her. I make her hold the handles so she gets the idea. Then eventually, I let her control herself. When training, dun put too much water in. A bit enuff so that they learn to tilt the cup. I also will keep showing her by demonstrating too, how I drink water, etc.

For straw, she is very gianz when we buy drinks outside, so just get those straws (like Macdonalds straw) and let her drink water from glasses at home. Can try to be a drink that you pretend to drink first, let her come to you then share with her. The more gianz, the faster they learn.

Re: Talking
We keep talking to Alyssa like an adult and teaching her sentences, phrases, etc. She is now able to string simple sentences (with terrible grammer though) such as "I want drink", "I want sit", etc. We have also taught her "Take care", "See you", "Love you", etc. All thought word by word or by letting her immitate.

Yes Alyssa does that. Pinch, squeeze, play with my bones. Fingers are still ok. Sometimes she goes for the bones at my throat. Makes me throw up.
glad_glad: wow.. greg knows how to put away his toys.. so good boy.. how u train him? mine ah.. is everything throws. faintz.. he likes the toys he plays long.. the moment once he is not interested he throws..

cane: I havent use it yet.. i use my hand or i scold him.. i scare sometimes if we too angry.. the force on an adult to a child is great different.. i read a book say if u want to prevent a child from doing that thing, give alternate distractions to distract him.. don know lei.. seems works and sometimes don works for me..
hmm.. my gal will keep her toys too when i ask her to. i purposely buy her abox to keep her toys when teaching her to keep toys so tat she know where to keep her toys.

kids love to see and learn wat parents do. maybe u can show ur child when u are drinking plain water and told them the plain water very nice to drink. then offer them their plain water to let them try. dun give up, try it everyday, 3 times a day. hope this helps

except tat my gal also dun talk much too. she will only say when i ask. eg, i will point to duck and ask her wat is this? then she will say "dark dark" , point apple, she will say "ber"
, point bug bug, she will say bug bug and etc etc but however, she not generous to in her talking yet.
really hope she will say more like minky child
it realy cute to see them talk.
Morning mummies,
Sent you a PM. Couldn't find you on fb.

My gal behaved exactly the same way as Issac. Dun know where she learnt it from.

At least you're still rewarded with Mac breakky, I didn't even celebrate cos hubby was working and I was sick.

Dun fret. T is not testing your patience. I gathered he could be behaving in this way cos of your pregnancy. It was true for me then. #1 was super duper whiney. Every little thing caan set her screaming and crying. Hang in there, once bb is out, he will be such a good boy.
Ohayo mummies!

Fifi: Play with bones..haha..i guess our toddlers all have funny ideas up their sleeves :p

Lynn: My boy throws things too, but at the end of the day before drinking milk, he knows he has to keep all of them properly otherwise he won't get his milk haa. :p So gradually he will listen we ask him to 'keep his toys', and he will throw all into a Ikea box.

But no much luck with toilet training though :x he only pee himself before he sleeps. In the morning, he still very resistant.

Snnowy: Morning! Oh dear you better now?
morning mommies!

once your tot start talking it will drive you up the wall bt ya rather cute most of the time

i think all our tots are in born with funny ideas n lots of pattern up their sleeves...

do get well soon!

glad gal,
Issac don't want to sit in a potty to pee or poo... he can't get anything out when he is on it...
Yah... J3 got her own sarong kebaya. Okies... Will take pic for you when she wears it on saturday and post here ofr you to see. heheheh.. really cute and funny.

Ohh... did not know children cannot touch cane. But then hor, my 2 older gals touch the cane many times. They only scared when I holding the cane cos I dun give chance. Will whack hard. But for my dad or hub, they will try to snatch away. For J3, till now only use my hand. Hv not used cane yet. Feel she's too young to understand so use cane also no use. Only make her more scared for nothing. For my older gals, I will give them warning. On the 3rd warning, then the cane will come.
Mommies.. dun worry about our babies not talking yet. Each develop at their own pace. Like I always tell my dad... I spend the few years teaching my child to talk.. then I spend the rest of my life telling them to "shut up". I spend the 1st year teaching my child to walk... then I spend the rst of my life telling them to "sit still! Dun walk around!" hahahahaah... Mommies are such contradictory creatures. *lolz*
hahaaa... thats funny... ya i agree sometimes tods can b real irritating.. My fren's boy kept asking e y ques... y y y y y y... like broken recorder.. Then my niece has a high pitch voice so everytime when she talks loud my ear really hurts..
soooo true about talking & walking..
yah do post pic of ur little J on kerbaya.. sure damn cute... must walk slowly..

not sure if it's due to my pregnancy... last night again 5+ am cry !! if continue this every night lidat til i deliver... shack out lor... -_- hb asked izzit he played too much in the day...
Yah... I can understand siah. When my older gals start on their 'why' questions...wah... I no patience leh. At first will try to explain slowly. But the more I explain the more "why's" I get. End up I get sssoo irritated and yell at them to shut up. The worse is when I get home after work. Already so stressed out and tired. Still gotta entertain their why's. haiz... *terrible mommy*

Fifi, Jes, alibaba,
Haiyohz... I tink I said the "no" a thousand zillions times a day. Everytime she runs too fast, I yell "No-no". When she touches forbidden things, I yell "no-no". When she disturbs her jie-jies, I yell "no-no". *aarrgghh* It's no wonder "no-no" is now bb J's fav word. *faintz*
hello mummies,

long time no chat! Aly having her last paper today! hip hip hooray!! What a relief! I think for now, only Olwen understand how I feel abt kids exams. Hope Kai's exams will be over soon.

Tmr playdate at my hse in Sengkang - 3pm. Anybody wanna come? I understand RCB, Snnowy, Lyn... coming. BYO swimming gear and essentials if u wanna swim.

Jes, you wo eng boh?

I thot with a #1, my #2 should learn to talk earlier. But no leh, Nat's vocab still very limited. Her most cun word is "no-no". Her "please" sounds like "ease", and is her magic word. She thinks by saying please, she can hv whatever she wants
Yah I think I also overuse the word "no". So much that she is very familiar with the word and can use it too.

Do you want milk? "No"
Sleeping Time... "No"
Bathing Time... "No....."
hahaha... I can understand too. J1 jux finished her last paper yesterday. I was sssoo stressed out. Made her do lots of assessment papers. But then I was out-stationed nearly the whole of last week and was not around to oversee most of her exam period. Haiz.. these are times when I hate to work and be a full time mommy. It's so darn stressful. *sob-sob* Imagine my gal only in P2 I already so stressed. Can't imgaine next tyear when she's doing her streaming. *scared*

Haiz.. tink lots of mommies are same like us bah. Always using the "no-no" word. Somemore when J3 says her, she will also shake her head vigourously. *lolz*
haha, "no" is indeed easier to say than "yes" for our tods. my gal oso always says "no" to watever we ask her. when asked "yes or no" she sure said "no", but if we turn it ard "no or yes" then she'll say "yes". so its hard to know when she seriously meant a "yes or no"?!?!
P3 got streaming? I always thot was P4. U work got excuse, but me SAHM, sometimes ask her do so much assessment, but I lazy to go thru all with her. Guilty, guilty. SAHM also cannot guarantee kids will do well in exams
Dun feel guily... me also same same. Make her do so much assessment but no time to check thru. Then when I do, sometimes I get all irritated when I see her wrong answers especially those careless mistakes. Then because I become more worried, I will blow my top.

Haiz... Yah. Should be streaming in P3. Cos end of this year, my gal's school got 'mini' streaming where they will start to group the 'good' and 'bad' students into classes. From there the supposed aim is to concentrate and help the weaker students. But I also heard that most schools will instead send the best teachers to concentrate on the "top tier" students and then neglect the 'lousy' ones. Dunno how true this is.
J3 will be starting childcare at My First Skool come 1st June. Boh pianz... got family politics and plus my dad is getting really worned out caring for J1 and J3 together. My heart so pain... having to send J3 into CC.
ok. perhaps another time, then.
any FTWM need a mid-week break? take leave n join us? haha, do I sound like in pasar malam zhao shen yi, huh?

My gal sometimes ask me why there're so many tests/exams in singapore schools? How to answer? Talk about the "why". As they grow older, the "why" also become more challenging to answer
I would love to.... but cannot take leave now leh. Have a couple of events at my hotel to see through.

Haiz.... at least yours will ask why. Mine will be sssoo stressed until will cry and refuse to go school. Then will start to throw tantrums cos she feels overwhelmed. I see already so heart pain. Makes me feel like migrating to somewhere far far away.... hhmm... maybe go Canada. At least got better work/school-life balance there. SG is a pressure cooker. Sianz.
Canada? Good choice! I also like Canada. Jus last week, hb n I were talking abt making a visit to Banff. Beautiful place!
Yah... cos I feel Canada is more Asian tolerant and friendly as compared to Australia & US. New Zealand is more for retirees. Europe too ex. So left with Canada. hahahahaha....
But Canada very far from home, hor? If migrate there, cannot come back often.
Hv u stayed in Australia before? Your nick remind me of a in-house brand name of a aussie store
I'm really getting sick of MAIDS!!!

Yesterday evening she complained having rheumatism and muscle pain. Today, she complain heart pain. My hb juz called agency and the boss will call to talk to the maid ... if she got medical problem, I will send her back straight away ...

fuming over recent maid problems!
Yup... I was a Melbournian for 4-years. hahahah... and yes yes. My nick is the house brand for the baby clothes from either K-Mart or Target?? Can't remember liaoz. Used to buy lots of those for my 2 older J's cos cheap and good. *lolz* How come you know? You also stay in Australia before?

Aiyahz... once migrate there I also dun want to return to SG too often. For me is ok cos my family is not so tight-knit. Each of us busy with our own lives and family. Only gather for special occassions then like so fakie type.

Oh dear. I really agree that it's not easy to find good maids now. Is your this maid ex-Sin and experienced? I also can't stand maids who keep complaining here pain, there pain.
I changed back to the first agency which is quite good de.

This indo maid got no experience at all de.

The agency insist I bring her to GP and if really a need to the hospital, bring her there .. agency says sure can claim de. But we decided juz bring her to GP tonite, if need to refer her to hospital we will juz return the maid to the agency.

We got the agency to speak to the maid and she says is not bcos of workload that she is having heart pain and yesterday she vomitted abit of blood also and having heartpain for past two days already but only complaint to my mum today she is having heart pain and crying ... sit there all day holding on to her heart.
For your next maid, maybe you wanna look at those transfer maids. Then when you interview them tell them straight-up that you got 2 golden rules:

1) You keep $500 of her cash with you. In the event the maid breaks contract, you will forfeit that $$. (Btw, I've already checked with MOM. And they said as long as both maid and employer is agreeable to this condition, can add into the contract and it's ok on MOM side. Not breaking any law here).

2) In the event she is terrible, lousy, etc, you will also forfeit her $$$ and that your policy is to send back to country plus black-list with MOM.

I did this after I got sick of all my previous maids antics. During the interview process, those lousy ones will ownself not take up my work offer. Hope this helps.

Last week, I turned on air con cos Nat was down with fever. I didn't want the heat to aggravate her temperature. Can u imagine I turned on the hse aircon from 11am to about 5pm, then from 9pm to about 3am, so that she will have a good nite sleep? I think this month my electricity bill will rise like the temperature
. hb sure complain.

We feel for u. Unless one has other options, otherwise, the employer is almost always at the mercy of the maid, isn't it? She probably know that you are kind hearted, and will not ignore her medical-related complaints.

I've yet to hire any domestic helper so far. But already heard so much of -ve experiences.

hehe, that's brand name for kids' wear in Big W. I was in Qld for a while. 4 years is a long time, did u not like your stay? Why come back? Melbourne has lots of good chinese makan. No need to suffer home sickness where food is concerned.
Please be careful. If really got heart pain and vomit blood could be sign of TB. Dun want to scare you here. Agree with your decision. Just send her to GP for check-up. If anything more serious, then send her back to agent. Cos when comes to claiming from insurance, you can be sure the insurance company will find ways and means not to agree to your claim.

Somehow I feel your maid is lying. Is she very young?
I think you should change agent. Coz this agent is obviously giving you problematic maids. Try the one I gave you last time ba.
Jo, i feel t same way as Dymples.
Whether t heart pain is real or fake, there is no point in keeping her liao.
Today heart pain, tomorrow head pain, later dunno where pain

Aly_Nat, Dymples ... you went Aust bcos hub went for business?
Oh yah. Big W! heheh... Melbourne is more cosmopolitan compared to Qld. But I feel better to bring up my gals in SG first. Else due to skin colour, sure to face discrimnation. Also, I want them to know their roots. That they are Chinese and Singaporean. Certainly dun wish for them to develope identity crisis in their teen years.
aly_nat, last sat K woke up from her afternoon nap and cried. Then she pointed to the air-con. Want me to turn on air-con -_-"
ya. hb went there to work. My siblings migrated to Perth for a long long time liao. So I visit them once a year whenever we are based in Singapore. If need to buy anything from there, maybe I can help.

ya, Melbourne definately more cosmo. Were u there on migrant status? Qld people like forever on vacation. Last time hb went to work in NT. Worse - like forever sleeping. Short time stay in AZ is nice.

my ex maid also give the same excuses.... vomit bloodm, heart pain etc... send her to gp.. den keep having the same problem.. try ask doc to refer her to hospital. my gp told me, dont see anytin wrong on her...& maybe she got hidden medical issues & asked me to send her back...
