(2008/11) November 2008

?? u send k to ur mum place once or twice a week? i tot K is a weekend child.. u only brot her back during weekends?

peabuts, K is a semi-wkend kid now
haha.. We try to bring her back on 1 or 2 wkday nites, then send her back again t nxt morning... Jus like Shortgal i guess

soho, ya take it easy. Dun tink there's anything wrong with u la. Jus tat t right time is not here yet.
Jia you and don't despair... Did u try to time and do it during your O period?

Mummies are right, sometimes when u r too stressed quite difficult to strike one leh..

*spray babydust all over the thread*

Might not necessarily be bad experience. Could be simply that the maid has no skill with kids & maybe no confidence. The kids can sense that. Alyssa used to not be so comfortable with my mum's maid, refusing to let her put her to sleep or feed her. However, as my mum's maid gained confidence in handling Alyssa, can see that Alyssa is more cooperative.

Nice cakes. I really envy people who can bake. I dun have this skill at all. Heehee.

Is your working hours starting at 8.30am? Why don't you try to get an arrangement with your boss that if you come in late, then you leave later. Both my boss & I go by this requirement, as long as they do not have any morning meetings/duties. So if my staff are late, I won't niao then as long as they dun leave early and they are not late for any morning meetings or duties. I myself often enter office about 8.45am instead of 8.30am but I often do not leave till way after my knock off time. This allows me to spend a bit of extra time with Alyssa in the morning, can laze in bed abit with her, very shiok!
oic..keke...see when we can meet. Prawn noodle oic...shd try one day..

Yup me gg bk to workforce soon...emmm maybe i will also miss my SAHM life like u...of cos will miss the kid one...but no choice..

for what u working the salary much higher than wat u want to change lo...

hope nini is fine...
Nini ah.. stil a lot of gas in her tummy lei.. dunoe y so long liao stil like that.. Jus last nite while i was trying to change her into pyjamas, she ran off naked.. running and farting at same time... put put put put 4times continuously.. funny sight..
welcome geraldine & fran0408!

hmm, my gerard also throws up now & then. not too often but doctor says it's becos he's too lazy to chew so need to go for feeding clinic. haha. troublesome kids i have.

congrats aden's mummy! no wonder i saw u buying some baby clothes in the sprees.

snnowy: lovely cakes! open a bakery & sell lah. i will patronise. since i live near u

how's my ah lian & ah kiki?

jo: yah, like the rest say, better monitor & keep a sharp eye. don't want her to suddenly lose it & retaliate to him one day.

soho, nothing wrong w u lah. don't worry. u still young. i tried for 4 yrs b4 i got gerard. & i never used birth control b4 tt either.

in case i don't come in tomoro, have a good weekend mummies!
Fifi, reaching office at tat time is OK for me de.. Just feel tat he so rigid and niao ....

Nuts, hahaha... put put put, so unglam! kaka
Issit her diet causing t wind? Or it can b Gain FM too. Recently K oso constipating.. suspect is t new Gain FM leh

RCB, yalor, pay cut cut. But no choice la. I want to be happy.
I dont spend on branded stuff, so i tink still can survive.
<font color="0000ff">hihi mummies...
something to share..abt some new diaper causing rashes..

hihi fifi..
very nice to hear from u..how r u coping? so far so gd? can feel didi para-para already?

dun give up..the other time we also tried for a while for #1 &amp; #2 took me slightly longer too..the mth i hv decided 1 is enough, the next mth aft i missed 1 day, tried testing with the clear blue device, then + liao..then that few wks before i started action hor..i took slimming pills somemore leh..
wtan> thanks for the info about the pampers. maybe that's why my boy is having weird rash on the bum. he's never had this problem. I am using the pampers active balloon stretch type. could it be the one?
I'm still an amateur. Wait till I brush up my skill and also saved enough capital. By then think I lao ko ko liao.

So funny, your nini. Image running and farting. Think you can go pharmacy and buy those medicine for relieving wind.

When it comes to working, most important is being happy at work cos majority of your time is spent there. I think you spend more time looking at your nasty boss and co than your lit K and hubby.
However I do have a friend who has a different thinking, She does mind not been happy at work cos money is her biggest motivation. She said since she is working, she rather earn big buck and retired earlier than to be happy, earn little and work longer in life. I think at the end of the day, it boils down to individual bah.

any idea for mother's day dining venues? wanted to go Soup Restaurant but they insisted that we have to take their Mother's Day menu which is -__-
i will be having a laksa party for my family. =P

best to make reservations as it will prob be packed everywhere!
looking somewhere in East/North East area leh..

crystal jade - sian
tunglok - where ?
i cook - cannot make it as I got gathering on Sat afternoon...

any other idea? hotel buffet?
<font color="0000ff">nut,
mayb try giving nini gripe water? think it's suppose to help relief wind in tummy.</font>
Thanks all for your encouragement...its so assuring...
Definitely won't give up, hubby also has positive mindset so I am hapy too, despite trying for so long. Least I can spend more time with my gal now.

WOW a lot of good shows wor..i anna watch too..IP MAN and Iron Man...sigh hadn't been to cinema after my gal was born! Like suaku oredi.

Somemore Eclipse movie coming soon!
kiki: Close to ovulation date I thin but I missed out 2 days...based on the calculator, this mth must check calculator first oredi...thot EYS pillcould do MAGIC but I was wrong haha..
kiki, ya better book early
Go airport la, many restaurants there. Tunglok i tink Marine parade there have. Hotel buffet very ex for that day....
My sis booked Tunglok Orchard le.
<font color="CC3366"> Kiki
How abt korean BBQ at east coast? Its spacious, and there's a TungLok nearby and waraku next door..
thanks mummies, my sil called and told me she booked soup restaurant le, apparently they got another Mother's Day menu.. oklah lazy to ask around...

very sick and sian on friday afternoon... my nose bleeds again walao.. wanna gohome liao..
Yup, my friend is married with 1 kid. Her 1st bb borned after 12 yrs of marriage. She is super lucky to get a v v good maid. Her maid take care of her bb alone when she needs to go overseas for biz trip every month.
For me, I cant I'ld rather be happy and earn lesser. Who knows if earn more, by the time retired, maybe no life to enjoy cos vomit blood liao.
hi everyone!!

Happy mother's day! shld give ourself a pat on our back. *pat pat*. hee..
i missed everyone! so am busy lately. anyone got miss me?

congrate aden mummy! enjoy the lovely preggy moment. btw, when is kiki they all due?

peabut, ur gal so cute. cant stop myself from lauging. but hor, shld try the "fei zai sui". heard it gd for wind.

poor lynn. hav to work during holiday..

lian.. sound like u super sianz in ur current job. can imagine everyday, u drag urself to work.. hav to think what u want in ur career.

snnowy, u add me in ur fb already?
ur cakes look lovely and yummy too! wanna sink my mouth into it.. *hungry*

wtan, thanxs for sharing the pamper's news. im using the pamper balloon stretch, it seem fine.

btw, ntuc is having sales, celebrating 37th anniversary. stuff like pampers, bottle cleanser all hav sales.
same to you rainbow and the rest of the mummies here..mummies are the most wei da!

Talking abt mummies, how would you feel if you mum has already booked with your sibling for dinner but not you where you had asked her for Mothers day meal in advance..? Does it make sibling more impt than u..? I am so feeling this way..
hello... *wave*

supplement: did u ladies give ur bb any supplement? thought of giving bb vitamin to boast his immune system.. i wana to buy over at the counter.. any reckon?

ucler: my boy got ucler on his upper lips. very poor thing.. very painful.. every time i apply the medicine is such a struggle.. i heard that pp who usually had uclers is lack of certain minerals.. any one has any idea?

wash hair: my boy hates washing his hair.. everytime we wash his hair, he will scream and cry until very poor thing.. and he will twist and turn to wiggle his way out of my arms.. haiz

HAPPY MOTHERS' DAY in advance, everyone! cheers
olwen &amp; mummy or ricky brothers: thanks for the encouragement..definitely will jia you..like what most ppl said will come when least expected so i shld just stop thinking and expecting..(otherwise period come very disappointed).lol

Baking cakes/cake business:
WOW, we have a cheryl shuen in the making? U mummies seen ehr baking site? Her cakes and pastry are lovely..but costly too.
