(2008/11) November 2008

my boy's bday is on the 5th Nov, but we celebrate it on the 7th Nov. I actually confirmed my order with cupcake divinity end of Sept. I super kiasu lah..hehehe..

when is ur kid's bday? better confirm order soon to avoid disappointment.. :p
Hi littlevictoria,
I'm an Oct mummy and happen to read your post about cake from Cupcake Divinity (CCD). I ordered my son's cake from them for his 1st birthday celebration last Sat.

The 2-tier Winnie the Pooh themed cream cake's really beautiful and wow-ed the guests. Most guests commented that the cake's (top layer-vanilla, bottom layer-chocalate) nice and 'fragrant' but personally hubby and I prefer the taste of the cakes from PG.

The reason I ordered from CCD is because it's more hassle-free. I don't have to source for cake topper and etc to design the cake. PG charges around $120 for a 2-tier cake but not including cake topper which can easily cost $20 or more. So, I think CCD is reasonably priced.
that would be nice too! but better check with them on their schedule in Dec if you decide to order their cake.
Dear eLcH! thank you so much for your review! and make me more confident with CCD! since I nvr taste PG before so i'll not compare.. haha

will the 2 tiers too big? how many guests u hv?
do u hv any pics to show lei?
and thanks so much once again!!!
moomummy, thanks for the link. i hv just just only managed to secure a last set of micky/minnie figurines with babyterror online! phew... after much sourcing and hassle, finally got it.

little victoria, it's not a bad deal from cupcake divinity tat includes figurines. with PG, we hv to provide our own figurines wor.
ah Jes, hehe.. good good
Update - my friend engaged ah qing to help her clean her hse.. Very satisfied

aiyo.. I think i wan a 2 tier cake now. All look so so so nice

ah Jo, u tried PG's lemon drops flavor b4? Bear says she prefer it to orange zest.
how long ur maid with u liao?
mine is barely 2wks.. today just chu pattern. told me she is nervous.. feeling VERY nervous.. dunno y.. then requested to call home n speak to her mom.. then i told her she already used up the calling card n no $$ so she told me to use her $$ she brought S$20 here in SG so asked me to use her $$ that i safekeep for her..
haiz.. so i allowed her to call.. she can even chit chat with her mom n joke n smile then... later tell me her daughter got fever.. n she is woried lor.. then after that.. she no moood to work liao..haiz.. me tinking of changing her.. coz it's like every few days chu pattern. i very tired le.. somemore she still dunno how to take care of my son.. so far only know how to do housechores n nt do very good lor.. sigh.

wah.. CDD is sooo good?but they are fully book liao..

me thinking of getting from bakerzin.. coz the strawberries shortcake very nice!! or any mummies gt gd recommendation on good strawberry cake?? thanks ya..
woh this thread run super fast.

hallo to oth mummies. im new here.

i order my son 1st birthday cake from PG. is the number 1 shape with mickey mouse theme. min order is 3kg cost $143. triple layer chocolate. additional i bought this from smh:


anyone need? i can borrow u aft 16 nov.
According to CCD's guidelines, 2 tier (6" + 10") is about 3kg for estimated serving portion of 45-50 pax. I've got around 70pax and I still have about 2 palm size of left over. I didn't dare to cut too big a piece initially as I'm afraid that there won't be enough but who knows I was too stingy and end up with leftover! But I'm not really complaining as I get to eat it for breakfast and tea the next 2 following days!
i'm so very envious of u mummies who managed to book with cupcake divinity!!

ah lian, good to hear tat yr friend is happy with my recommendation.

maids: married or unmarried oso depends lor. cos like us we want the maids to help take care of our kids so naturally for me, i tink married one with kids better cos i tot maid will be better at looking after kids if she herself has kids. then if unmarried ones, could mean she may not hv commitment to the job cos she probably no need to earn to provide for the family... pros and cons bah.
You're welcome! I won't say CCD cake is yummy but not bad since there's compliments from some fussy guests. Standard's there but I much prefer PG cakes! Hah!
ah lian, the other day you asked me wanna share the winnie pooh cake topper i thought u bought liao, how come still havent buy ah? haha

ya lor, single ones maybe just want come out here play play worst still, mayb wan find a man here and get married!!

y'day at my hse void deck late at nite after 10, i saw a maid flirting with an indian, tsk tsk tsk...
I do have one to sell if you want. It's the exact one shown in the picture I posted earlier on. It's washed and in tip top condition though not brand new since it's been placed on my son's cake last Sat! PM me to liase if keen.
ah Jes, no la, haven't buy any. Cos still consolidating all items i need before ordering.
Ya, i dun understand why they like indian/bangladesh men. My mum's neighbour's maid also lor. My colleague's ex-maid also...

eLcH, alamak i posted in Oct thread b4 seeing ur post. hahaah... Ok, will PM u
$150 for a 2-tier cake is berry good price wor. I'd go for it. Somemore from Cupcake Divinity. Sure mei-mei one. heheheh...

Haiz.. all maids like to compare lah. For me most of my maids are those ex-SG or trfs maids and are experienced type. But they still agree to my 'penalty' clause. So far when I make them 'pay' for their early termination, they will do so lor. No issues so far. Hah!

I dun care what MOM says lor. Most of the time these maids won't complain cos they ownself break the contract early wor. Plus I'm too fed-up with all their patterns. If my government dun look after me, I'll look after myself. hahahahah...

eLcH & Jo,
Nice nice cakes you have there. I can't wait to see my cake leh...

You ordered your cake already? I juz placed order with delectable delites for a 2-tier cake. Hope their cake taste as good as it looks.
ah lian, becos only indian/bangladesh men will go and sian the maids, haha

Dymples, i ordered my mickey cake from PG le, i hope it will turn out good, though i still like cupcake divinity
I din dare to order from PG after hearing all the stories. I scared they 'cock-up' my order... cos it's not a simple 1st birthday cake. It's a combined birthday cake for 4-persons lor. heheheh..

Luckily I managed to find Delectable Delites. So thankful she willing to take in my order.

What type of cake you ordering? Going for 2-tier or single tier?

Certainly. Pls click on the link below for Delectable Delites webby:

So far she's quoting me about $150 for a 2-tier fondant cake. But this price varies according to the design chosen. I find all her designs very nice too. Very creative and beautiful. heheheh...
Dymples, i was skeptical abt PG too, heard of both good and bad reviews, but again cos i didn't wan to spend too much time on sourcing as i think i'm already quite late, tats y lor. but nxt yr i shall endeavour to book from cupcake divinity, hehe. i ordered a 2-tier cake cos all the pics PG sent to me all 2-tier only leh.

how u get to know Delectable Delites? hope your combined 4-pax cake will turn out pretty pretty
i also ordered mine from PG liao.. wanted pooh bear but aft being told pooh bear figurine hav to get ourselves i immediately look at other choices (being a super lazy mum).. shortlisted baby sesame and hello kitty (personally preferred sesame cos i dun really like hello kitty) and gey kiang ask my hubby which one he choose.. and he said hello kitty!!! piang.. so in e end i've to go with that cat lor.. kakaka..

I agree CCD is prettier.. while i was at PG another mum came and collect her pooh bear 2 tier which i initially wanted.. I asked her if i could take a look at it and turn out i find it kind of plain looking.. colours a tad too light.. CCD more colourful and lively.. But yes at least i know e taste of PG cake is good.. Chose lychee martini for top layer and triple choc for bottom
just to share, this is the mickey cake from PG i hv chosen, but mine will be pink instead of blue, and if w/o those toppers it will be very plain lor.
Dymples, thx for sharing another source! yes, the design is very nice too! and the price is acceptable ya! heehee emailing the owner.

Jes, actually PG design is nice too! juz not that colorful.. CCD and aimummy use a lot of colouring which ppl will not eat them la :p
Your cake is so sweet and pretty. Nice colours for girl.

Nice cake too!

U really cute leh, think u must be thinking abt other things when u ordering ur cake... Luckily it's thomas the train not some other girly stuffs, if not big trouble. Haha...

Aiyah, u should tell me mah, i can sell u my pooh bear figurine. : )same as elch's.
little victoria, i tink i'm really very attracted to CCD's fanciful colours lor, haha..

peanut, cos initially i was unable to get any mickey/minnie figurines so i bot some other toppers as well, now end up i got quite a few items lor, haha
Dymples, Delectable Delites on leave from 2nd week of Dec till year end.. sad..
her two layers cake is smaller, tot i can order from her instead.

Jes, hope i order with CCD the end, then i take pics for u to see la,
ur gal 2nd year BD can order 2 tiers again lor! CCD has yet to revert whether 31st Dec avail onot
Oh dear... hope you are able to place order with CCD then.

Hahahhaah... Hello kitty is cute leh *bias opinion*.
As for colours maybe can tell them to use brighter colours?

The cake design is nice. Tink with all the additional toppers will look lagi nice. Just be careful dun overload with too many toppers in case the toppers all topple over. *lolz*
wow, the CCD cakes look so nice! didnt realise fresh cream cost so much less than fondant cakes.. feel so guilty spending so much on my fondant cake now! littlevictoria, if u really want, better quick chope your date with CCD first!

gal dolphin,
my maid has been with me for abt 10 mths now. is yr maid new i.e. no prior working experience and never been away from home before? they tend to take longer to adjust being away from home. my also kept saying she wanted to go home, cannot sleep at nite, heart keeps beating very fast etc etc.. but after awhile she was ok liao. so u hang in there and monitor her for abit. but if she is not really good with your baby, then if i were u, i may consider switching maid, cos to me, my baby is priority, not the housework etc.
galdolphin: I think your maid reali chu pattern. I say change her since sky still havent gotten use to her.. she every other day like tt tell me she want to call home. can die.. change her..

Maid: cannot treat them too well. today i interview 2 transfer maids. i ask them what the reason the employer don want them?
1st: laughing... hehe.. sir says i use too much water.. hehe..
ME (thinking): not funny at all..
ME: how many times sir tell u not to waste water?
1st: hehe.. many times mom.. hehe..
(cannot make it)

2nd: I don like ah ma.. she keeps on nagging at me.. ask me to sleep at 12mn and wake up at 5am.
ME: oh.. my house also got one ah ma..
2nd: Ah ma very strange.. she don like to use blender to blend the spice.. ask me to pound pound the spice.. very hot, i don like..
ME: ah... i see
(confirm cannot make it)

Anyway, i found a maid (NEW) no experience.. experience in her hometown, take care of old pp. ever took care of small babies. 27 years old. widowed.. one daughter 8 years old. hopefully ok.

Cake: I got mine also from CCD. this comin sat am celebrating brandon's birthday!
u r rite.. my fren also advise me to change coz she only touch my bb when i need to have my meals..din really help me take care of him n she dun even dare to bath him!imagine she has a 2yr old daughter!yet not look after by her!haiz.. so married one not necessary is good..she is new.. no prior working experience n only went away to manila for 1mth.. then miss home so went back home.. but lied in the biodata mentioned wrk 5mths.. sigh.. so i tink i really need to switch.. but then again.. have to teach all over le.. sianz..
plus she is only 2wks with me le.. then i return hor.. i really lugi.. have to pay for everything ALL over again..
now she like tat.. i also dun dare to leave my son with him alone.. even in future..

thanks Jes! i'll go n get a piece tomlo!! =)

but like tat hor. she not with me for 1mth le.. sianz.. n she wanna work..so if i dun wan her.. it's my fault le.. then i need to pay for her ticket!sianz.. anyway my sky also not close to her..everyday i still doing most of the things for sky.. only less cutting..of the ingredients nia.. haiz.. now do things slow down liao..not like the past few days when she agreed to change.. then now mentioned she is mentruating hence very tired.. ask me to understand her.. then who understand me???!!! i still need to bf my son,cook for my son, bath my son n put him to zz!!!haiz.. somemore told her not to cry she dare tell me she got feelings.. already PROMISED me not to cry on fri when she begged me for one last chance.. sianz.
If I only realize I ordered a girlish cake after I open the cake box in front of all my guests ... I need to find a hole and hide liaoz!

re photoshoot
One relative gave us stack of makeover photoshoot invitation card during Lucas full mth (its Naughty by Nature Image Consultant co) - free makeover and two free photos. And intend to use it for my son's 1 year old. Never do I check this co out till now and realise this image consultant co has alot of bad reviews and had court case with CASE cos of their inappropriate hardcore marketing strategy. I found out abt it this morning after two days failed attempt to contact them at their hotline. Now I need to source for affordable photoshoot package for Lucas. Any recommendations?

ah Jo, ya, dont go to NBYN. I went there b4 for family shoot. Sucks.
There're a couple of photo studio advertising here in this forum
