(2008/11) November 2008

Ok lah... got Jes & bboy also... haha...

For me its not so bad to work today coz I do get the 1 day off in lieu. I will be taking it the friday before my gal's BD coz I'm checking into the chalet on that day.

Wah... if I were you, the aunty sure kena scolded by me... I cannot tarhan such stuff de. Haha.

<font color="0077aa">Hello peeps, wa i din even knw that today is PH for some leh, hubby sun morning already left for work till tues.. sianZ...

The cakes all looks so lovely! *envy*

i've tried chillipadi before, but its at the restuarant at NTU, quite good wor the food. nonya style.. something different
i can't tell you the servings becos my fren booked the whole place for his DD full month. there's kuehs and the curry, redang all very sedap
I am already very busy with my son's upcoming birthday. My current maid she tells me she want to go home intially take a week leave to see her son who is still hospitalized. I pity her and quickly booked an air ticket for her to go home. without realising actually we need to go to the embassy to apply home leave than can let her go back. End up i have to reschedule her flight which cause me a 100 bucks to change the flight schedule. Guess what? who say good pp who do good deed will be paid? My MAID tells me she wants to go home for good, and don want to work for me. She reali makes me trouble for nothing. Now I have to search for a new maid ASAP. as she is leaving on the 4 Nov. The worst part not to retrain the new maid, but is to hope my son gets along well with her. you know now our bbs has this stranger wary. even i every sat go back my mom's place, brandon always cry when he saw my sis. die. I don know how to cope like that. now very stressful. Ask my maid can she don leave. she insist on leaving. Maid treat them good, no use. No gratitude!
Me too... only juz started sourcing last week. But seems like lots of the bakers already fully booked for month of November. *faintz* Somemore I still tink I was early. Piangz!!

Enjoy chatting wz all of us here.
I've tried the chillipadi outlet near Bugis Junction. I find the food quality so-so only. Maybe cos I'm nonya myself so I'm very picky on the food. But the kueh pie ti is nice.

Aiyohz... poor thing *sayang* Really headache lah all these maids. Has your maid completed her contract? Cos for all my maids, when they break contract and return home, I make them pay for their own flight ticket home. Each of my maid has $500 deposit hold by me. If they break contract or do anything funny and I need to send them back... then tat $500 is used to pay for their tickets, etc. I dun care what MOM says lor. Else all these maids only know how to make use of employers kind hearts and spin sob-sob stories.
Dymples, think year end got more babies b'day, haha! me too, oso thought i'm already very early, who knows...

Bboy, you sure you call the ang ku kueh factory and not else where? haha

lynn, most maids i know all got a "story" behind them... if tats the case, better dun keep yr maid, let her go before she turns nasty or make things difficult for you all. and yes, you should make her pay for her own airfare if she's not completed her contract with you.
Your maid seems like trying to con you ... pity her for her son who is in hospital and you willing to buy her air tix to go back then tell u she wanna go back for good. Tell her to pay you for the air tix ... else you can forfeit that air tix and she can come up money with it herself then u help her book again *nasty jo*
yah,, tot if they wan to go back u no need to pay for air tix?? Better check with agent.. If tts e case no need cancel and rebook like wat Jo say i guess.. jus deduct direct from her pay?
my son Zzzzzzz...

bo pian, must show some respect to auntie or maybe i sounds too gentle.

thank you dymples.

i at first also tot call wrg number. then i did ask: you here home baking huh? n she said No, is factory hor.

same fact. my maid told me she has to go back this mth or next mth juzt now. said her mother need her to sign important document. i v firm said 'NO, COS I HAVE EXAM DEC' and deep deep my heart i said "must b ke ke one, cos a lot of stories made up by maid just want to go back shake leg (enough $$$ already)" PAISEH I V STRAIGHT PERSON :p. anyway, she finishing her contract next yr june. think i have to find a new maid soon.

a little update about my son:
name: brendan chng
birthday: 16 nov 2008
last weight: 16 oct 2009 - 9.5kg only (premature born bb @2.5kg only)
height as at todate: 78cm
teeth: 5 upper and 2 lower
milk: enfalac
Lots of maids especially those from philippines will wanna go home at end of year to celebrate X'Mas and New Year. So be prepared for lots of sob stories. Suddenly all their family members will be sick lah... meet accident lah... hubby run off with other woman lah. Every year end is like that. Even got several agents complain about this to me before.

I myself got maid tell me such sob stories before. But I tell them... Sure. You can go back. But...
1) I will use your $500 holding deposit to pay for flight ticket.
2) I will withhold salary payment for the month she is going back. Until she comes back then I will pay her.

Once they hear all this, suddenly their family member will get well, hubby no more run off, etc. Maids nowadays too much pattern liaoz. All to smart to act "ke lian". Haiz...
peanut: i check le.. agent say even havent 2 years contract finish, employer is liable to pay the return flight.

Dymples: no wonder i find so funny, at first tell me okok will come back, confirm. later then tell me her son so serious have to go home for good. yeah hor, i didn realised christmas is coming soon and is their most impt of the festive.
The sad thing is i didnt know that have to hold her 500 dollar. i give her back every cent and she had sent home. but a lesson learnt, next one i no longer so nice le. thanks for the advice.
so if they insist on going back, u use the 500 buck to buy the ticket?

gal_dolphin: today a lesson learnt! u also ah.. remember to keep a deposit of 500.
bboy: don be too soft hearted like me.. end up nothing but trouble.. this is my second maid. my first maid from indonesian throws temper say want to change employer.. small girl 23 year old. say her not happy. she ma chiam like my another daughter see her throw temper. thought i have this one filipino will be better.. but see.. haiz..

can advise wat is this $500 deposit?
i dun tink my maid has this..
my maid also play games with me.. first wk already told me 4x wanna go home.. then last friday not feeling well n INSISTED wanna go home..so bo bian i called agent.. then i go for break time as in i left her in the hse n i went out with my son in the afternoon.
to my shocking surprised..when i came back she told me she wanna stay!faintz.. for the 4th time.. so i called the agent n told her..then after much counselling.. she begged me to give one last chance n she totally finished the $10 phone card i bot for her within a wk! so after much hesitation.. i decided to give her 1 last chance.. well.. she was a changed person overnite.. work faster n initial to cook *claimed she cant cook first day when she came now suddenly everything also can do.. lolz..
so far she is ok.. i've yet to ask her to look after my son.. only do chores n cooking..but she is learning.. i hope she can maintain..
wat do mummies with maid think?hehe.. can share ur experience?

u can try getting a trf maid.. not all trf are bad. at least u can get one fast.. let me know if u need help..my agent if u wan i think she can get the maid for u in a wk too.. she can also email u the biodata to view so tat u dun have to keep gg down to the agency.. that's wat i did.. coz no time to go down to choose also..

oh mummies, me still havent confirm my cake!!!haiz..been so busy with my son.. he is now not napping so long so i barely have time in the afternoon to go online. haiz.. how how?n most of the cakes makers are either fully book or gg for hols... sigh.

Did you tell them you need the 涛龟 (I think tt is the corrtect term for the kueh. Cos they manufacture from 20cents kueh to $1 ang ku kueh. The design of it shall bear the peach and the shell of tortise. You need to tell their it for 1st bday to step on.

You mind I ask you which area you stay cos I know they dun do delivery.

There is a confectionary located in Pandan Loop (West area) I believe they also have tt too.
D'Confectionery of Asian Kueh Expertise
207B Pandan Loop
Singapore 128400
Tel: 6773 2203

For the above, i also dun think they do delivery too.

I saw your bb's particular. Even though he was born premature but is of a good weight
(I saw on tv last friday, a bb born premature at 25 weeks, only weights 500g at birth but now at 9th month, he weights 10kg)

You know I was planning for a maid say maybe 2-3 yrs down the road (cos I still very much wants to go bk to work force) but all your horror story puts me off. I think send the kiddos to cc or ifc sounds so much better.
Do check the MOM laws on what you can do and cannot. Dun get yourselves into trouble coz I think the newer laws do not allow you to hold back money at all (although many agents will tell you to do this).

For me, I agree with all maids beforehand that they get home leave every 2 years at the end of the contract (i.e. close to the time their work permit expires). If they renew contract with me, the home leave is 2-4 weeks paid leave (airfare + salary + I do give bonuses at this time too). No early home leave &amp; we do tell them that if they terminate contract early, they pay all the airfare home (though we have never done this coz all of them will guai guai serve up the 2 years to save the money).

For my current maid, I have made an exception to let her go back for Christmas &amp; New Year this year (early by about half a year) but only for 2 weeks. I told her that I will not allow the home leave during this period all the time as the airfare is much much higher (up to $600 more). Its a once in a blue moon agreement. This time I agree because (1) my mum who was her ex-employer used to give her 4 weeks but this time she will only get 2 weeks coz I cannot be without a maid for so long, (2) I understand that she has not spent Christmas with her kids for the past 5 years since working for us, (3) I give her abit of incentive so that she will continue to be as good to my daughter (she's the grateful kind).

Those who are allowing Phil maids to go back on home leave, please remember you need to get the re-entry permit from their embassy. Else, they will not be allowed to leave Phil to come back to SG.

If a maid keep wanting to go back, not that much use to keep as their heart will not be in the work.

Getting a maid is like lucky draw. May get a few failures before getting a good one. But if you have a good one, your life is really much easier. My mum had some really haywire maids till this one that I took from her &amp; her current one. And for these 2, we took a risk to hire them coz its not through agent. We pay everything for them to come her upfront - air tickets, work permit fees, etc etc. But its like striking lottery finally.
Lynn, Gal.Dolphine &amp; Fifi,
Strictly by law and MOM regulations, we are not allowed to with-hold any money from the maid. However, before each of maid starts work with me, I will tell them of this condition of mine. That I will deduct $50 from their salary every month (after they hv fully paid up agency loan). I will keep deducting till I have total of $500 with me.

Then I will tell them, if they complete their 2-years contract, they will get this money back. To safe guard myself, I have a book to record down how much I paid as salary and how much I have as holding deposit. Then every month I will make her sign on the book as acknowledgement.

Then if any of them fail to complete their contract due to the maid ownself wanting to terminate, I will use that holding deposit to either pay for the agency fees (to get new maid) or buy air ticket to send them home.

I started doing this after my first maid and learned that being kind is no use. End up I suffer more financial loss not to mention the inconvenience of changing maids.

So far, my maid #2 and maid #3 hv "paid" for the agent fees or air ticket back liaoz. Before they left, I also made them write a letter that they know they are terminating the contract early and that I never ill-treat them in any way. In addition, I will return them any 'balance amount' from the holding deposit after minus out the airfare or agent costs.

This is just me sharing how I deal with my naughty maids. I've been bitten more then once and I really fed-up that our government only knows how to safe the interests of the maids... but how about us? Who's protecting us? Only we ourselves can protect ourselves. I'm not going to be taken for granted again by an ungrateful maid.
re: maid terminating before 2 years is up
there is apparently a new rule that if they want to terminate their 2 yr contract prematurely, we have to pay for their air ticket. Is this correct?
re: maid terminating before 2 years is up
there is apparently a new rule that if they want to terminate their 2 yr contract prematurely, we have to pay for their air ticket home. Is this correct?

Pls dun misunderstand me yah... I do treat my maids well when they are under my care. I make sure they get 1 off day per month. But for special occassions like Hari Raya (For Indons) or X'mas (For Philly), my maids get 'extra' off days during these public holidays.

My maids also get to eat whatever dinner she cooked - be it salmon fish, beef steak, or even my cod fish. She also sleeps in her own room and goes to bed latest by 10-pm daily. She only wakes at 6.30am on weekdays and 7am on weekends.

However, she needs to follow my home rules and of cos there are certain high end food stuffs that we do not share with her.

For me, I belive in treating a maid like a fellow human being, but there must be a line drawn. Like in a company, there is line drawn between my boss (upper mgmt) and me (lower mgmt). I believe in treating my maid with respect. I dun scream or yell at her nor do I make her do things I myself would not do. I will talk to her firmly to correct her mistakes. Else I will just ask her to re-do the task. No need to scold... waste my time and energy lah.

I just dun like maids to take my kindness for granted and to step over my head. If they are not happy to work for me, like in any company, they are free to 'resign'. But like a contract in a company, if there is early termination, then a penalty clause applies.

Hope this clarifies my advises and intentions. I dun want people to misuderstand hor. Thanks thanks.

According to MOM, the employers are liable to pay for the air ticket regardless of when the maid terminates her contract. However, this has given rise to maids who 'chu pattern' and come up with excuses to go home. After all, they dun suffer any penalty for early termination. The maids got good life cos our government protects them too much. Lots of cases I've seen, the maid not happy... ask to go home. They dun bear any consequence. But the employer is poor thing... gotta come up with $$$ to pay for her air ticket, pay for agent fees to get new maid, pay upfront maid loan again... blah blah. Haiz...
that seems quite unfair since there is nothing holding them back after their min loan repayment period, and we 'loogi' the air fare for nothing.

you mentioned there a penalty clause applies for early termination? what's that?

hheheheh... paiseh for the confusion. The penalty clause I stated is in relation to people breaking contracts in a corporate scenario. So for my maids, I have done my own version of the penalty clause -- all my maids will have $50 deducted from their salary per month. This deduction is done by me and kept by me up to the amount of $500. I call this a 'holding deposit'. If the maid is good and completes her 2-year contract, then this amount in full is returned to her. But if she 'chu pattern' and cries wanna go home, then I'll forfeit that $500 deposit and use it to pay for her air ticket home lor.
But even if she sign, its still illegal right?

My mum did that for previous maids before this law. But this current one we didn't as she has proven reliable.

Yah its to protect the maids but no protection for the employers de.

last nite my maid told my husband that she have to go back. sounds like v Cham. i beside her reading my book n quiet quiet. n husband said:

if you want to go back before 2 years contract, CAN Lah but i have to call your agency tomorrow for emergency and this is very SERIOUS + possibility you will be blacklisted for not serving up to your contract. a lot of documents like insurance bla bla bla need to settle better you can go.

she kenak shock n asked 'Y emergency Y blacklisted SIR'

now i feel so cham that dun know how to peacefully self study for exam ah.

btw, Anyone taking ACCA here?

there is one website for employer blacklisted maid: http://singaporemaidcomments.blogspot.com/

i stay bedok reservoir view. understand they wont do delivery cos only few dollars kue. they said 1 day in advance book can already so i will order later from them. pandan super far liao :p
oh i see.. haha, thats quite clever! I shd hv done that from the start! but if MOM's rule is that employer is supp to pay the fare home, then wouldnt that be against that rule since the $500 is in principle their money?

now my maid is saying she wants to terminate earlier and go home early next year and i am trying to keep her back cos she is good with my baby. any ideas? ;p
i tink it's illegal.. Jus my guessing. probably ur maid is unhappy to work for u becos of this?? as u know, ppl tends to compare... when they meet their frens. they will start to ask about how is their workload etc.. pay &amp; off days.. this happened to my previous one.. she like to compare &amp; ask. den complaint.. kns one. which i feel it's really no pt having someone at home who is not happy. end up i sent her back to her kampong. hehe.. &amp; i knew she hate me so much which i dont care.

Agreed that having a gd maid depends on luck! probably .. must see "8th character" can match anot..
walao.. i am thinking of 'buying that lottery ticket' next month

I didnt know that employers need to pay for t air tix even if t maid wanna break t contract! Really got such rule?
i tink we are liable to paying maid's air tix if they wan to go home. their problem = our problem... government side them too much.. tat many maids are abusing it...
No problem. Thanks. Yes, I'm holding his birthday party this sun and I've not ordered any cake yet.
Now seeing all these beautiful cakes here make me drool and more undecisive.

So many maid stories here.
Understand that the air ticket is bear by employer but is not towards the end of 2nd year then maid can go home? Or she can "utilise" the air ticket any time? or we have to pay every time when she su ka want to go home?
Sorry.. so many ques from me.
Home leave is usually end of 2 year contract unless you want to give yearly or let her go early, etc. If she die die want to leave is terminate contract -> 1 way ticket home.
anyone tried CupcakeDivinity?

2 tier Mickey &amp; Goofy theme cream cake @ S$150

Size &amp; Estimated Serving portion per cake: (we only cater to 3 size and in round shape only)
- 7" size is about 1kg for estimated serving portion of 10-15 pax
- 10" size is about 1.5kg for estimated serving portion of 15-20 pax
- 2 tier (6" + 10") is about 3kg for estimated serving portion of 45-50 pax

I like 2 tiers a lot, as never has the chance to get a 2 tiers cake lei.. but cost a bomb $150! should i???

how long can the calendula cream be kept? i bought 1 a few mths back...now still has almost full tin...but ur spree is so cheap...till so tempted.
wow, all the horror maid stories.

my maid of 1.5 mths old oso got problem, now her HB went MIA, every week i help her to try call her HB but everytime oso can't get thru or no pick up, she said she's worried abt her daughter which i sympathise with her but i told her there's nothing we can do if he doesn't answer any calls at all. i even let her write 2 letters back home ever since. sometimes i see her like appear so sad like tat so last wkend i asked her if she wants to go back? i told her if she decides she wants to go back better tell me, dun wanna "force" her to work for me if she's feeling miserable...

sigh... where to find a problem-free maid??
little victoria, i had wanted to book my cake with cupcake divinity but they were all full till end Nov. so if u r interested, better book with them fast!

2-tier cake from PG oso cost $100 above, so i think this price is ok lah, moreover the cakes from cupcake divinity are even prettier than PG i find.
I dunno wor. Usually I think expiry is about 1 year-1.5 years. I getting from drugstore -> got 15% plus the buy 6 bulk discount. I see really cheap so worth buying. I'm also getting desitin but not from drugstore coz I found US$4.79 each.
if u are looking for a pretty and well-decorated cake, i think the price is acutally quite alright. but if u are particular abt the taste, my fren said that such cream cakes are VERY creamy. so depends on what u want lor.

I am facing the same prob too. mine keeps telling me that her husband cries everytime they talk on the phone (i allow her to call back now and then) cos he cannot cope at home with the kids, so wants her to go back earlier. sighs, i want her to stay on until my girl starts her playschool at 2Y cos she is good with my girl but also dun want her to work here feeling miserable. maybe i am too nice to allow her to call back so often (about 2x a week)?
kash, oo nvr notice mine is a cream cake, but they are as pretty, so i dun mind.. 150 cheap ya?

Jes, u make me tempted to book with them now :p yeah! i oso find cupcake divinity are prettier than PG.. or book a smaller size:

Mickey &amp; Goofy theme cream cake including plastic figurines @
- 7" size @ S$45
- 10" size @ S$75
Hi mummies!

Wah...everyone is busy with the planning of the 1st birthday party for our kids. tiring but exciting! hehehe..

you are looking for micky and minnie figurines for your gal's birthday cake? I actually got my boy's sesame street figurines from an ebay store.
maybe you can try with this seller? So far, this seller very prompt and takes quite good care of the items she's sending to you.

Good luck!
ah lian,
Orange zest flavour from PG ... refreshing ... at least not the usual chocolate or vanilla sponge cake bah.

I've placed an order for my boy's bday cake from cupcake divinity too. yep, costs me $150 for the 2-tiered cream cake and I'm providing them the sesame street figurines to top the cake too.

Heard from my colleague who ordered their fondant cake for her gal's bday this year, the feedback on the cake was that it was abit too dry, but the design looks pretty though.
