(2008/11) November 2008

Where are u proposing for the seafood dinner? If the venue not too far then i should be able to make it.

Pls order cerise sparkle for me!

So u went for the FP sale? Today no see u in forum, busy shopping ah?

Ya lor, so strange hor. Hmmm..

U received ur book? Me still waiting.. They replied me say sending out about 3-4 days ago. Haiz, so sick of waiting and opening letter box each time and see no book inside.

Hi mummies,

Saw the discussion on Jumperoo vs exersaucer a 2 days ago, and want to ask this question: since the weight limit for jumperoo is 11.5kg, is it still worthwhile for us to get a brand new one? 'Cos I believe most of our babies are around 7kg now, mine is already 8.6kg, meaning if they put on approximately 1kg each month, the most can only use for 3-4 mths right? I find it a bit 'wasteful' to get brand new leh......
Re: Feeding Cereal
I juz consulted my PD today regarding feeding bb with cereal coz my bb is also the same as yours, will push the cereal out with his tongue. The advice she gave me was to make his cereal more diluted to let him swallow more easily. Or we can add abit of the cereal to their milk and feed by bottle. The reason why they push the cereal out is maybe becoz they are not used to the taste of the cereal. that's y we can intro the cereal by bottle feeding first until they got used to the taste then we make it thicker gradually to feed them by spoon.
I tried it today by making a more diluted cereal and fed him by spoon. he managed to consume quite abit. Maybe you can try too.

Yah...we should try..I already put vicks on my bb.

Mummies!! Very excited to tell u, my bb two bottom teeth erupted leh...heheheheheh....so cute!!!!! Im the first to witness...the bliss of motherhood that money cannot buy lor!

Vincy..pls go to the website kindermusic.com.sg, got to Location and schedule and see the nearest school for trials. Im goin for mine this weekend.
Activity: Seafood Dinner
Date: WEEK of Jun 15th

1) Minkybear
2) Donut (Tues-Fri ok)
3) Joyce_7580
4) Lynn (Tues- Thur ok)
5) jo (tues-fri ok ... dear all, June 15th is jo's birthday ... hehe)
6) Moomummy
7) Happydays
Hi mumies,

2days nv log in and sooo many coconuts,donuts flying around!!!

peanutssss,donut,coconut... u nv failed to entertain and make this thrend a fun one ley!

So how is ysday gathering?

Take care!

The cooling pad nt much use de.There was once my gal having high fever,i put on the cooling pad and went to PD.Got scolded by the old nurse (which i knw very well).She said the cooling pad got no use and might make it worst!She asked me not to waste money on those stuff.

I tried the vicks applying on my gal's feet.But like not much use on her ley.
Night mummies...

So tired! My boy is super sick today! high fever + cough & vomit milk + runny/block nose

Never seen him so sick and cried so much in a day! He cried until his voice also become coarse.. just put him down to sleep... see some babies also sick hor.. maybe now's the season.. mummies take care too..

Baby Flu's Home Remedy:
Ya I also heard that adult vicks cannot be used on infants..
I read somewhere that we could try steam vaporizer method, which helps for croupy cough... maybe can try? =)

"Use a warm-mist humidifier or a steam vaporizer placed out of baby's reach to moisten the air; or place a bowel hot water on a hot radiator ( out of baby's reach ) in the same room as a baby. For quick and abundant steam for a baby with croup, close the bathroom door, turn on the hot water in the shower full blast,and fill the room with steam. Remain with baby in the bathroom until thru croupy cough stops. If the cough has not improved in 10 minutes, check with baby's doctor. "
<u>Baby Chart Updates:</u>
Baby Darius Data updated

Put mummies' birthday in? Haha, I don't mind as long as mummies here can share their birthday with us (birth year is optional thou =))

Seafood Gathering
Got to give it a miss... not really a seafood lover... so mummies enjoy ba!
Don't forget our monthly (or weekly) lunch gatherign @ HFC!
yeah, i finally collected mine from post office this morn coz i was not home yesterday. its very informative. my advice is to email them to send another copy immediately. i had to email them a few times to chase. complained that i would have just bot it from the bookstore had i known it would take this long.=P

my dad actually tot me to leave the spoon in bb's mouth for awhile for her to sort of lick it off the spoon. and it seems to work. she was taking the cereal quite well on the 3rd day already. will be trying some carrots this weekend. reminds me tt i gotta do some grocery shopping tom!

Re: pneumococcal jab
i understand that there will be a follow up jab when the child is about 1 yr old. any mums who will be skipping this and doing it at a later date?

sounds like i can have a makan competition with ya, hahah..coz my colleagues also always amazed how much i can eat. hopefully my appetite will not be this huge after i stop Bf-ing in future. hahah..

oh dear, hope you can get some proper rest soon. the weekend is almost here, get hubby to help out ya? hope ur darling will be all better soon!!
Hi Pam,

Keen too...trying to transit bb to let him hold his bottle himself hee..thanks!!

Doidy cup colors: http://www.bubshack.com.au/shop.html

1. Pam - red
2. Pam - cerise
3. Pam - Turqiose
4. Haru - cerise
5. Haru - cerise sparkle
6. Karen -
7. Blustar - Turqiose
8. Blustar - Jade green sparkle
9. Lynn -
10. ManTou Bear - will check my PM later

1. MTB - will check my PM later
2. Echt (dec 08 mommy) - turquoise
3. Echt (dec 08 mommy) - yellow/red
4. waterbaby- turquoise
5. fifi- cerise sparkle
6. babyzel - ?
7. JessLee - blue
8. Mummy2nia - yellow/ Purple Sparkle
9. Glad_gal - turquoise
So tired from work..zzz

Pam: Didnt see previous posts..do let me know how to pay u ok..

FP sale I guess can give it a miss?? Also feel jumperoo cannot last too long for baby though it sounds really fun!! May rent it then...

Lynn: Thks so much for the info! WOw..the trial class also quite expensive, no wonder saw pple selling the trial vouchers in WTS thread. So u took up the pkg? How many sessions is the pkg? Me still thinking...

Cookieoreo: Ha..was thinking of getting those 'easy to use' and waterbased vaccum cleaner.
BTW, has anyone tried the Rainbow/Delphin vaccum demonstration?? The one that cost like over $3K?! They came to my hse to do demo..apparently the water became soo dirty and dark (i wasnt ard for the demo) after cleaning up our bed and baby's cot!! But hb figured we don't need such a 'industrial cleaner' and anyway we have 'survived' for so long :p Sigh but i really hate to vaccum coz my current one is soo noisy.

Kiki: Oh dear hope your bb recovers soon!!

Haru: Ha..u finally got your book!!
Thanks Haru &amp; Glad_gal!
Just put down my boy to sleep *again* he can't really sleep well cos keep coughing
so poor thing, hope I can suffer for him

Anyway, no baby update today...
Hi Pam,

I'm keen too!but wanna find out if it works?
is the price stated in the website in SG?

Doidy cup colors: http://www.bubshack.com.au/shop.html

1. Pam - red
2. Pam - cerise
3. Pam - Turqiose
4. Haru - cerise
5. Haru - cerise sparkle
6. Karen -
7. Blustar - Turqiose
8. Blustar - Jade green sparkle
9. Lynn -
10. ManTou Bear - will check my PM later

1. MTB - will check my PM later
2. Echt (dec 08 mommy) - turquoise
3. Echt (dec 08 mommy) - yellow/red
4. waterbaby- turquoise
5. fifi- cerise sparkle
6. babyzel - ?
7. JessLee - blue
8. Mummy2nia - yellow/ Purple Sparkle
9. Glad_gal - turquoise
10.dolphingal - blue

oh seafood gathering.. yummy!my fav!
may i know where it will be?
anyone bringing bb along?=)

where is the FP sale?!! *excited* i din know abt it!
I juz started working at new place lah ... ask mi pon ten ... u sot to.

Activity: Seafood Dinner
Date: WEEK of Jun 15th

1) Minkybear
2) Donut (Tues-Fri ok)
3) Joyce_7580
4) Lynn (Tues- Thur ok)
5) jo (tues only)
6) Moomummy
7) Happydays
OK mommies thanks!!
Not taking any more doidy cup orders unless someone drops out ok.

1. Pam - red
2. Pam - cerise
3. Pam - Turqiose
4. Haru - cerise
5. Haru - cerise sparkle
6. Karen -
7. Blustar - Turqiose
8. Blustar - Jade green sparkle
9. Lynn -
10. ManTou Bear - purple sparkle

1. MTB - red
2. Echt (dec 08 mommy) - turquoise
3. Echt (dec 08 mommy) - yellow/red
4. waterbaby- turquoise
5. fifi- cerise sparkle
6. babyzel - cerise sparkle
7. JessLee - blue
8. Mummy2nia - yellow/ Purple Sparkle
9. Glad_gal - turquoise
10.dolphingal - blue

Price on the web is in AUD. I am taking the exchange rate of 1.12 or whatever rate is on paypal. Total est cost per cup exc local postage = SGP$13.53

Read abt it here: http://www.bubshack.com.au/learn1.html
I hv not used it before but have read about it in parenting mabazines when I was in Australia. I think its easier for bbs to drink from this rather than a cup else the water will spill all over them, and compared to a sippy cup this would be more hygenic (easier to clean the spout) and cab help train them earlier to drink fr a rim.

Let me know if you are keen else we wait for 1 more mommy to take the slot =))
Update on my avocado 21/5 @9pm: Officially ended its life with body lying in the bin now..
Took out from plastic and found its half brown and feel softer.. decided to giv it a risk and cut open it. Got a spark of hope when i managed to cut it quite easily - means not hard! And then.. scope out the fresh.. found some parts stil kind of hard -_-.. and then... try to squash into puree.... cannot... stil not soft enough.. tried a bit.. taste kind of raw.. errkk.. Failure announced.. Feel a tinge of sadness as i threw it away.. it has faithfully stayed with me for 1 week.. and becos of my impatience it has to end its life jus like tt..
my condolences to your wasted avocado..lolx
Funny leh, everytime i buy avocados, i don't put it in the rice bin or whatsoever for it to ripe.i just leave it on the table at room temperature nia. usually 2 or 3 days after i've bought, it'll be riped oredi. Sometimes will turn really brown in colour, but sometimes partially green/brown.
Perhaps next time you buy those partially brown ones and try leaving it on the table for a couple of more days then you cut it?
<font color="ff0066"> Peanut</font>
kekekek... My condolences on the demise of your beloved avocado. I'm sure it's happier now in avocado haven.
gosh u look worst than an octopus?? tts scary.... u made me feel like me v lousy lei.. cos 1 bb ony i already can so easily get pek chek with her..
dinner was ok.. in e end each pay $30.. quite reasonable for buffet. e nex gathering u mus go... its GONNA B ROUND TABLE!!!! SO EXCITED!!!
definitely we'll always try to get a more central place one.. dun worry

For those who dun eat seafood.. we can go other chinese restaurant one. i was suggesting to minkybear e hokkien restaurant at raffles place so tt is 1 alternative to look at liao.

aiyorz tampines too far lei.. me pedi noon time at orchard then go back my mama place.. i miss her.. tsk tsk tsk..
poor bb.. mine also not recovered from flu yet.. haiz.. these few nites sleep also keep waking up and whine.. dunoe how..
sleepyz liao..
nite nite
gd mrning mummies

Mummy2nia - hw ur bb ? my gal's cough seem gettin worse,. will be bring her to see doct later.. sigh

Zoo -
any mummies brought ur bb to zoo >?
moomummy, vincy:
I dun think its a good idea to feed cereal by bottle. It may prevent baby from learning how to chew and swollow (which causes more problems eventually). It's also a bad feeding habit which may eventually lead to dental problems (from excessive sucking). There is also a high risk of choking.

If baby refuses cereal, you may want to try other brands. Also, try adding a bit of water before you add milk. It makes the consistency of the cereal smoother. This worked for my daughter. Without the water, she dun like the texture so will clamp her mouth shut (different way of refusal from urs I guess). Changing spoons also helps.

Besides these, you may want to show your baby how you eat. Let them copy you. Helps.

My condolences!
PEANUT! YOU murdered the poor avoocado! MURDERER! WAHAAAA
bt i guesss it is ok it will probably rest in peace nw :p

Ya for the dinner we can just go to any old chinese restaurant with ROUND TABLE! must be round table hor no round table don't want.

By the way my son love cereal. v cute he will always say "mum mum mummmmmm" when he is eating the cereal. i will start him on pumpkin during the weekend hope he like that too.
Cooling pad - ok, bought it for Jadon yesterday. It seems to help lar...or maybe psychologically. He hates it, but after a while he is ok with it. But with the pad on his head, he refused to raise his head high to see things, instead, he will raise his eyes when he wants to look up, which is quite funny to watch. I find that this is good to use when bb is lying down and going to sleep. Its seems to help make him feel abit better.

Dentinox teething gel - also bought this for Jadon. When I apply, he seems to be less cranky for that 5-10mins, after that, start all over again. So I guess it does help to numb the pain for a short short while, so good to use before bringing him to sleep so that it will numb the pain for him to fall asleep better.

Brought him to doc yesterday and he is having fever 39.6!!! I was shocked! Doc say cant give much medication, so cont. with the Paracetamol and give him lots of water...he cant sleep well last night, so poor thing. Keep wimpering in his sleep, can imagine he must be feeling so uncomfortable.
if his fever is still high,what you can do is lie him on a cooling gel cushion. those that they use in KKH to bring fever down for babies. they say this is better then sponging your kid.
maybe u can give it a try.
Robinson got sale! I think it's going for $220-$15 rebate/discount for robinson card member.
I aldy hv an excersaucer.. but was also thinking about buying the jumperoo.. a bit hesitant since my bb is about 7kgs but I keep on telling myself that I can try for a #2 so i can maximise its use!! hahaha

I am also on leave today! Btw, there is a philips sale advertised in lifestyle section today but it didnt state if they sold any avent stuff.

Pneumococcal jab
Haru, i am taking only 2 jabs -- I cannot remember the schedule but you either choose to take all 4 jabs or just 2. Plus if the GSK alternative launches b4 my bb's 1st jab, then I will choose the GSK one instead. The only time where you can consider taking 2 is if the baby is not in a day care. As my baby is exclusively taken care of by nanny and myself, i choose to go for 2.

Peanut.. seriously your posts are damn farny... you should consider a writing career!! or start a blog or something hehheh
Doidy Cups Update!

Apparently she has these colors which are not posted online. Let me know if you wanna change color. Will put in order on Sunday =))

Yellow / Orange/ Purple/ Pink
(refer to the color samples here: http://www.doidycups.com/)

Mommies who want to change please do so on the list below ok. and if you choose the colors above ie pink,yellow,orange etc please pick a back up color in case it goes oos!)

1. Pam - pink
2. Pam - cerise
3. Pam - Turqiose
4. Haru - cerise
5. Haru - cerise sparkle
6. Karen - cerise sparkle
7. Blustar - Turqiose
8. Blustar - Jade green sparkle
9. Lynn - blue
10. ManTou Bear - purple sparkle

1. MTB - red
2. Echt (dec 08 mommy) - turquoise
3. Echt (dec 08 mommy) - yellow/red
4. waterbaby- turquoise
5. fifi- cerise sparkle
6. babyzel - cerise sparkle
7. JessLee - blue
8. Mummy2nia - yellow/ Purple Sparkle
9. Glad_gal - turquoise
10.dolphingal - blue

Okie dokie!
morning mummies!
gonna try to give carrot to baby tom, so excited!

RE: feeding veg AND fruits AND cereal AND milk
hey mummies, i am wondering how my mum prepare bb's food when she is able to take veg and fruit and cereal and milk at all one meal? or shall i ask mum to feed her cereal and milk first then followed by veg and fruit after a while?

also thinking how we are gonna do it on weekends if we have to bring her out for most of the day. hmm..any ideas?

er..is ur nick officially donut now?=P sorry to hear about ur avacado. well, u did ur best. *pat pat*

i can't wait to bring bb to e zoo too! but hubby says maybe wait till she is a lil older so that she can actually play around at the petting zoo. but i am thinking it would be fun even for now for her just to see e animals and check out her reaction,ha ha! are you planning to bring ur bb too?
Haru -
RE: feeding veg AND fruits AND cereal AND milk
I feed her puree before feedin her milk. i did it seperately.

Wanted to... but heard bb is too young to bring to zoo as their immune system nt strong yet
Morning mummies!

Wah, i think it's the sick season lor. Just send my bb to the doc. Got fever, cough, runny nose, sore throat...basically the works!!! Sigh...she's not her usual happy self. I put wet towel on her and the fever subsided for a while.

Guess i gotto postpone the Kindermusik trial class...SOBS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And her swimming tomorrow... sbe poor thing, can't sleep last night..finally slept at 2am. Okie..will be loggin out to take care of her.
Hi Pam,

Am changing one of my colours;

1. Pam - pink
2. Pam - cerise
3. Pam - Turqiose
4. Haru - cerise
5. Haru - Pink (back up:cerise sparkle)
6. Karen - cerise sparkle
7. Blustar - Turqiose
8. Blustar - Jade green sparkle
9. Lynn - blue
10. ManTou Bear - purple sparkle

1. MTB - red
2. Echt (dec 08 mommy) - turquoise
3. Echt (dec 08 mommy) - yellow/red
4. waterbaby- turquoise
5. fifi- cerise sparkle
6. babyzel - cerise sparkle
7. JessLee - blue
8. Mummy2nia - yellow/ Purple Sparkle
9. Glad_gal - turquoise
10.dolphingal - blue
Next time then… Later need to rush back to take care of my boi.. u really know how to enjoy life.

Same here, my boy 9.5kg coming to 10kg liao and I’m still thinking of getting a jumperoo for him. Naughty boy keep jumping, my hand going to break if I don’t get him a jumperoo. Maybe keep for #2 lor…

E pic so cute. I mountain tortoise don’t know how to change font and attached pic. Only know the basic msg only.
Gd morning mummies!
Damn tired and having bad migraine now. my bb had fever after his vaccination yesterday. was super cranky thru the nite..till now, his fever haven't subsided yet..haiz..

thanks for helping me add my bb's details to the list.

i did not try using the bottle feed method coz i really want my boy to learn to consume his foods by the spoon. so all i did was to make his cereal more diluted and it works for him so far.

I did tot of bringing my boy to the zoo, but maybe only in another 2 or 3 months time..
Good Morning!!!

u haven advise mi if u can make it for the kindermusik class on the 14th June 2009 at 3pm.

Peumococal jabs,
I am letting my girl take the 3 vaccination one. Her first jab starts when she is 7 month old, then 9 month then 12 months. I didnt let her take earlier then this cos there is the 2, 4 and 6 months 6 in 1 vaccine and think it will b too much for her. so now after ther 6 in 1 i will start with the peumococal. It really depends on the individual parents for this jab. Some prefer to take after they are 1 as they dun have to take so many jabs. but I think this jab is pretty impt though still not yet made compulsory by the government. and children below the age of 2 is of higher risk for it. I would advise dun take chances, bring them for the jab as soon as you can.

Read this: http://www.hpb.gov.sg/hpb/default.asp?pg_id=865&amp;aid=1342

I let my boi took the jab 2 wks ago,when he had his lasy 6in1 jab.As my gal is attending CC and there are like soooo many virus out there,so i let him took it now instead of 1yo.
I tink is best to let your bb take the jab as early as possible coz is pretty serious if caught the virus.
yes, it can be very serious, and its very ez for them to catch it when they have cough/ fever n doesnt recovers. dun take chances mummies.
Hi Pam,

Am changing one of my colours;

1. Pam - pink
2. Pam - cerise
3. Pam - Turqiose
4. Haru - cerise
5. Haru - Pink (back up:cerise sparkle)
6. Karen - cerise sparkle
7. Blustar - Turqiose
8. Blustar - Jade green sparkle
9. Lynn - blue
10. ManTou Bear - purple sparkle

2. Echt (dec 08 mommy) - turquoise
3. Echt (dec 08 mommy) - yellow/red
4. waterbaby- turquoise
5. fifi- cerise sparkle
6. babyzel - cerise sparkle
7. JessLee - blue
8. Mummy2nia - yellow/ Purple Sparkle
9. Glad_gal - turquoise
10.dolphingal - blue

Peanut, there there.. next time wait for it to be completely brown.. hehehe...

Re: FP sale
I felt so cheated when i read that other mummies got other stuff there aft i left. When we got there, it was just a small tentage. My hb tot those were the 'must buy' section so went to ask the salesgal where were the rest. The lady just said in a pissed off tone "that's all we have". So my hb replied her sarcastically, "wah ur sale so big." she still had the cheek to say, "we tried our best liao." What a liar!!!

Anyway i got my highchair from Kiddy Palace. Just to let u know, the Rainforest highchair is selling cheaper at Kiddy Palace than the sale. i bought it at $191++ while the sale is selling at $200. Kiddy Palace is having sale too, 20% storewide for members, 15% for non members.
