(2008/11) November 2008

Chillipadi, ur gal is a budding artist! usually kids paint humans when they wanna show a family, but ur gal is damn creative. painted fishies!

Alibaba, thanks for the link.. i already left a msg.. decided to get a jumperoo too!

Thanks mummies for the compliments. she really surprise cecil and me. her attendtion to details was so good that she included the sunglasses that my vain hubby always wear on his head and gave me lipstick and eyelashes. She gave herself a ballon and the starfish is my helper - her aunty roda.

I paid $170 for 5 two hours session. The price is very reasonable as I have been to other art studio where I paid like $480 for 10 session but one hr each session. Also the kids paint on canvas and not paper. Most art studio let the kids paint on paper. The Art Jamming Studio let the kids paint on canvas which is much better. Very reasonable the price. I will probably continue to go there and let her paint to expel all of her energy. She has a lot of energy and also running jumping.
ya I know tats Y Im so upset, its my fault
Good morning mummies, hope all of you have a great long weekend!

Swine Flu:
Had got an sms last night reading...
"PLEASE SEND ALL CONCERNS: SWINE FLU - Pls avoid crowded places - avoid Hougang area - 1 suspected case, polyclinic closed by CDC till further notice!"

Not sure how true is this wor
her painting is very niclye and neatly painted, not sure how old is she but bet she must be at least in primary school to have such neat skills and creativity.... you are so blessed

ai so...so scary ah...hougang kana liao ah...
bear -
Hmm, guess your baby Z is still young to flip actively ba...
My baby at 5 months also not as active now.
Now he can flip from his right side to left side only (dunno why!), and spin 360 degree (this the dangerous part).
Guess that was how he got himself falling off the bed
meg turned 5 in Feb this year. she has always enjoyed drawing and painting. We try and give her alot of exposure to stuff that she likes to do. I was told by the art instructor that she sat for the 2 hrs and painted but of course the instructor gave her pointers. Now we are looking at which wall at home we can hang her paintings.

Chun or not ur info. I stay in Hougang leh. I checked MOH website and http://www.crisis.gov.sg/flu/ but no mention of the suspected case. Me oso quite paranoid.
Chilipadi, precisely lor, when i received the sms from one gf, my friends also call me to confirm, hehe, dunno izzit true...no news from the media...
Swine Flu
This is the update I got http://www.crisis.gov.sg/flu/
"In Singapore, we had two additional cases for investigations today. Of the 27 cases investigated thus far, 23 cases have tested negative for Influenza A, 3 cases tested positive for the usual circulating seasonal strains of Influenza A, and one is pending laboratory investigations.

So far, a total of five persons (3 Singaporeans and 2 foreigners) who have been to Mexico in the last seven days were put on voluntary phone surveillance. Of these, one Singaporean has completed the seven-day phone surveillance and is well. One other Singaporean was reported to have flu-like symptoms today and was admitted to CDC this morning. Laboratory investigations are however negative for influenza A. The others are doing well."
dun believe in mass sms.. someone stupid out ther is jus playing a stupid plank to scare people. Only trust those TV/Radio news k..
Hi mummies!

Mosh: Pat pat..glad to hear ur gal is ok, accidents are bound to happen but as long we be more careful next time!

Alibaba: Haa yah think my boy quite 'long' so he looks bigger than his age :p

Kiki: Understand exactly how you feel. After my bb fall off the bed a couple of wks ago, I dont dare to leave my eyes off him for a second..

Chilipai: Wow..Megan is so gd at drawing!!

Me also tempted to get the 2nd hand jumperoo, but more eying the other WTS one at Redhill, but is $180 hmm...still thinking.
chilipadi> wow... very nice drawing by Meg. Those eyelashes she drew curls so beautifully. She even drew your helper as a starfish!

shop4stuffs> thx for sharing t site!

glad_gal> try negotiating the price down!
Afternoon mummies,

Be more careful next time. I have an incident too. I sat down with my girl on the playmat and let her play with some toys, then my elder one came in the room and didnt closed the door (i on the aircon). So i was thinking to stretch my hand to closed the door and put my girl sitting alone. (i thought i just need 1 or 2 seconds only), the moment i turn back, my girl topple and her head was the first to reach the mat.. And of course she cry badly! But i cuddle her immediately and was so guilty of myself.. stupid mummy..

aiya, u should come in and announce
then i will be like u chiong down.. keke

ur hubby was funny.. ask u to go ask ur boy. Since i become a mother, my hubby will bring me go makan and bought a cake and sometimes flower. I remember my 1st mothers day, he was away and he actually prepared everything in advance, bought a cake, a bouquet of flower and a card and ask get someone to send to me while he is in Europe! Was touched, haha.. Hopefully this kind of treats can continue forever.

agreed with other mummies, Megan was creative!

take your time! No one dare to rush u.. hee
she's good... i can't even draw so nicely myself.. notice she drew herself prettier with nicer eyelashes whahaaa.... i hope my darling wil hav some sort of talent in future as well... Now all she loves to do is to bite on papers and plastic -_-
I think the booth at Expo (selling t exersaucer) was set up by Infantino Enterprise. U can try calling them to see if u can get it at t offer price.
Your hb so thoughtful! Mine is such a stone.
Joyce> XIAN MU !! i hope my hb got half ur hb "romantiness"... anyway nvm, gg bkk spent his bucks.. i dont care...

peanut> nini got 2 teeth aready ah.. i still cant see Trysten one yet.. mus be v funny to see one... i guess shld be soon.. waiting patiently.. haa
my turn to gena headache.. tink weekends for me is even more tiring than work days..
Any bbs here who refuse to lie down on rockers liao? mine now can use her arms raise herself to sitting position.. v dangerous..
peanut> trysten will twist or flip in rocker.. dangerous.. now seldom let him sit on it.. or else mus have someone beside him den ok.
ya ur hubby so nice.. mine so long no giv flowers liao.. cos last time he always buy from wholesale and wrap himself.. so now he give excuse tt we live together he cannot wrap and giv surprise.

ya mine exceptionally funny cos quite huge lei for a baby...
peanut> got pic anot. i wanna see leh. hahaha.. no wonder she so cranky la.. got big tooth erupted..
Tnks! will try calling later. I saw FP rainforest jumperoo selling at OG at $259.

ha.. ya, he is definetely more thoughtful than me, that's why i feel guity sometimes. But surprised is getting lesser nowadays as compared to dating times! Peanut, ur hubby is thoughtful too, at least he has the (heart) to buy and wrap his own! u can tell him that surprised can still be given even though both of u stay together mah.. he can buy and wrap when u are not at home!
Alibaba, must buy more bras kk..
she doesn't like people to try open her lips to see e teeth one.. will scream.. i can only see them when she laughs or cry.. haha.. so timing mus be damn zun to capture tt in camera
chey... cos its much cheaper u see... my man has never been a romantic guy. During courtship mayb once in a blue moon.. aft marriage say more angry more.
peanut> ur lao gong v good oready.. my ah lao hor.. only buy 1 bouquet of flower for me once & the next one is during the wedding day (not counted) .. full stop liao.. to console myself. one solitaire (proposal) & a LV bag (after marriage).. til now.
Lilian (tunapuff77)=> gosh when i read again..sounds like PMS lor..it's PMs...private msgs..hehe..yup, i did went in there but can't seem to find the option..
<font color="ff6000"><font size="+1">Dear mummies,</font>
need your valuable advice.. Brought aden to the PD @ 5.5mths and his weight was 6.23kg, gained only 120grams in a month. Have been on TBF.

My mil wants to introduce formula becos he is not gaining weight, and anyway, she has always felt that my food intake, nutrition level has not been good hence, baby of cos wont grow lor.. so now with the recent weight gain, she is asking me to ask the PD whether we can introduce formula like every once/twice a day.

Although i understand her concern, but i'm determind to bf at least till a year and i'm kinda affected by her comments and also concerned abt aden's weight gain.. how....
mummy2nia > Was thinking why on earth u want to activate your PMS ??? LOL

aden's mum> Hmmm.. i think its better to get PD's advise. Anyway, u will b giving semi-solid soon, more nutritions can b topped up from there.
Doesn't gain much weight doesn't mean BM not gd rite? Dun get too affected by MIL comments.
<font color="aa00aa">Lilian
PD's advise was to give him some supplements e.g "babyplex" which she prescribed. She advised to start semi-solids in another 1week bcos i have ezcema, but mil has starting introducing yday(in a way also to pacify her cos i'm not too keen on formula yet so let her give him abit of rice cereal 1st) But PD was saying to intro new food only every mth wor.. </font>
i had called Infantino and the lady was kind that she said ok to sell at $149. just to check, do u do what is the retail price outside?

oh is it? tnks for ur info. wil keep a look out.
Wow.. They're nice !
T retail price stated by Infantino is $299. Little Hugz selling at $219. So $149 is really a gd buy lor.
Joyce, the retail price is $249 for evenflo's 2-in-1 exersaucer.

Aden's mummy, u are the mum. why do u need to pacify ur MIL? tell her off. If the PD is not worried abt ur boy's weight gain, why shd she be? moreover u have already said u have allergies, ur kid has a very high chance of developing the same thing. PD also say don't intro solids, and u went against his advice. sometimes, u really gotta stand up for wat u believe in. other things i m willing to compromise, but not the health of my kid. Not trying to be harsh, just stating how i feel ya? i know its hard to get nagged at everyday but i feel somethings cannot give in.

Just to clarify some things abt allergies. A lot of ppl think that by introducing certain things into ur bb's diet, and he/she has no reaction that means he/she isn't allergic. sorry to tell u, that's not it. Allergies might not manifest now, but later. It could be a combination of food that tips the body's immune system and cause things likes hives and eczema. it is hard to isolate the allergens of chronic food allergies. Don't get it confused by acute food allergies like peanuts. that kind of reaction is IMMEDIATE, but most food allergies' symptoms are long term and mild (i.e. ezcema and rhinitis compared to anaphylatic shock).
adensmummy, i think no harm to intro formula once or twice a day.. and u can continue ur BF.. my bb is also gaining weight very slowly.. now only 7kg at 6mth.. now 6 mth n 1 week.. his weight stagnant since 4th mth so i intro FM when he is 5 mths old.. and now gain abit more le.. ;p
u can bf &amp; still give FM at the same time.. some pple doesnt have enough BM so they supplement with FM. it's ok to intro FM to bb de.. my boy do take FM when nv bring enough BM out. but since u have enough BM den FM isnt a must to give.. to intro solid shld follow PD's instruction.. not all bb are ready or suitable to statrt solid early..
I think i mentioned it before, the top few allergens that Asian bbs below the age of one are allergic to are: peanuts, cow's milk, bird nest and eggs. Aden's mum, all the more u shdn't give FM!

If u have enough BM, then there is really no reason why u need to give FM. i dunno why ppl feel that a fat bb is healthier than a slim one. research show that fat bbs have a higher chance of growing up obese. as long as ur bb is healthy can liao!

BTW i m allergic to cow's milk. and my symptoms are just ezcema and rhinitis. that's one reason why i m so determined to bf for as long as i can cos i know my boy will def develop allergies. my hb is also hypersensitive!
Bear> talking abt hives... Kayla's hives are 'almost' gone. We still dunno wat caused it!
The only thing we did is to apply oil on her after bath.
Lilian, prob not pressure hives but like what i have.. idiopathic lor.. her skin prob needs more moisturiser.

Research also showed that ppl that have ezcema have a defective gene that prevents some layer of the skin from forming properly! hence the skin is always dry and cracks leading to inflammation (something like tat). in fact, it is estimated abt 70% of the world population carries that defective gene!
My #1 also has eczema. Mostly appeared at the fold skin part esp his leg. Have to keep on apply moisturiser. Not sure whether is it because i ate too much of peanuts during pregnancy? Then for #2, i try to avoid peanuts as much as i can..
teenyweeny-I understand how u feel, for my #1.. tat time I was quite determined for TBF but coz he got a bit of jaundice and so MIL gave him FM, although I was quite disappointed but I know she also meant good for bb. But somehow as the mum, u know what's best for him, so if u minded introducing FM, stick to total EBM then, coz FM doesn't necessary mean he will put on more weight. I know of BM baby who is very very chubby too. patz patz but I understand the impact of MIL remarks., esp for my case, she is the primary caregiver.

Bear-I like the way u think! So any improvements in the way ur MIL takes care of Z?? she got listen to u??
Lilian, I've unticked that, hopefully that works!

Aden's Mummy...i suggest you seek PD's advice..

Mummies, kinda feeling shitty..my stupid colleague saw my bb's pic and said loudly, "wah..ur baby so big ah..wat u feed sia.."

Wah piang..feel like slapping him..but i tahan only..somemore say infront of ppl..i just said, "u ar..damn mean leh.." and control my anger..

Seriously ppl, dun u think it's kinda hurting when someone say these things about ur kid? small cannot, big oso cannot..then wat can?? Grrr.....
yes. ppl tend to give harmless comments.. but jus ignore la... as long bb growing healthily is a blessing. dont take it to heart okie.
