(2008/11) November 2008

I dun think thats fengmo. Seems like allergy to something? If it has not subsided after sometime and has disturbed him, beta go see PD bah.

I think im using huggies, PM me la...

hubby friend daughter also like this but said the red dots is very small and may not be very visible to the eye, that is somekind of virus which i forgot what is it and he said luckily he brought the girl to kk in time.

however, it could be heat rash too coz lately the weather is very very hot...try bath bb more often if 2 times, then try an afternoon bath (3pm) too lo...

as for hive, nurse told me before that it will subside 1 and it will grow like an island and also it does not have sting mark 1. you see closely, stretch the skin,to see if theres bite mark. if yes, its insect/bug bite. hive is due to allergy too
Chilipadi & mummies at the gathering:
Sorri couldn't make it cos down wif flu on thurs. Thot could make it but became worse, and wif swine flu alert nowadays, and wif so many bbs, better not go.
(Thx Chilipadi, for replying to my sms that morng).
Hi mummies - pls advise, for cooking the veges together with the porriage, how do we prepare the veges? Blend them into small bits and add to porriage to cook or boil separately, then blend them and add to the porriage?? Not sure what to do with the vege. Also for the fish and minced pork, do we need to put them in the blender first before cooking the porriage or no need?
Kiki, pls update for me:
nick: sunshinekid
baby: Gavin
EDD: 24 nov 08
Birthday: 16 nov 08
weight: 7.4kg
height: 67cm

<font color="0000ff">Dymples, can share where is the maid agency that u go to? My current maid is from this maid agency at Coronation Plaza. Well, she was good initially, but due to her being stubborn, tell lies and keep making mistakes, hubby and I have decided to get a new one. Her contract is ending this June, so I reckon better start lookg around. Sigh, so ley chey, having to train one all over again</font>
heya mummies, updates for the day...
Added Mummy Vincy, fruche, sunshinekid
Updated Milderina® =)

<font color="aa00aa"><font size="+1"><font face="'Verdana'"> Nov Mummy &amp; Baby List </font></font></font>

<table border=1><tr><td></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>S/N</TD><TD>Nick</TD><TD>Baby Name</TD><TD>EDD</TD><TD>Baby Birthday</TD><TD>Current Age</TD><TD>Last Weight</TD><TD>Last Height</TD><TD>Drink </TD></TR><TR><TD>1</TD><TD>Yokoh</TD><TD>Braedon</TD><TD>20/11/2008</TD><TD>02/10/2008</TD><TD>7 months 1 days</TD><TD>7.1kg</TD><TD>63cm</TD><TD>EBM + Enfalac </TD></TR><TR><TD>2</TD><TD>Olwenlim</TD><TD>Gerard</TD><TD>19/11/2008</TD><TD>10/10/2008</TD><TD>6 months 24 days</TD><TD>7.4kg</TD><TD>63cm</TD><TD>Half EBM + Half Friso + 5 spoons of rice cereal </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>Rachel</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>7.3kg</TD><TD>63cm</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>Luke</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>7.1kg</TD><TD>63cm</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>3</TD><TD>Babyzel</TD><TD>Rachelle</TD><TD>04/11/2008</TD><TD>16/10/2008</TD><TD>6 months 18 days</TD><TD>7.82kg</TD><TD>66cm</TD><TD>EBM &amp; 1 feed of Friso </TD></TR><TR><TD>4</TD><TD>Yoyosan</TD><TD>Charlene</TD><TD>08/11/2008</TD><TD>17/10/2008</TD><TD>6 months 17 days</TD><TD>6.4kg</TD><TD>63cm</TD><TD>TEBM </TD></TR><TR><TD>5</TD><TD>chilipadi</TD><TD>Emma-Jane</TD><TD>11/11/2008</TD><TD>17/10/2008</TD><TD>6 months 17 days</TD><TD>6.0kg</TD><TD>65cm</TD><TD>EBM &amp; 240 ml similac every nite </TD></TR><TR><TD>6</TD><TD>Jenn </TD><TD>Felicia </TD><TD>07/11/2008</TD><TD>21/10/2008</TD><TD>6 months 13 days</TD><TD>8.5kg</TD><TD>70cm</TD><TD>Mamil gold 2 + 1 feed of cereal </TD></TR><TR><TD>7</TD><TD>vincy </TD><TD>vera </TD><TD>16/11/2008</TD><TD>22/10/2008</TD><TD>6 months 12 days</TD><TD>6.4kg</TD><TD>62cm</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>8</TD><TD>Kash</TD><TD>Euan</TD><TD>13/11/2008</TD><TD>25/10/2008</TD><TD>6 months 9 days</TD><TD>7.25kg</TD><TD>66cm</TD><TD>TEBM </TD></TR><TR><TD>9</TD><TD>amore </TD><TD>Cheyenne </TD><TD>03/11/2008</TD><TD>26/10/2008</TD><TD>6 months 8 days</TD><TD>6.7kg</TD><TD>64cm</TD><TD>BF+EBM+semi solid </TD></TR><TR><TD>10</TD><TD>Glad_gal</TD><TD>Greg</TD><TD>06/11/2008</TD><TD>27/10/2008</TD><TD>6 months 7 days</TD><TD>7.3kg</TD><TD>67cm</TD><TD>BF &amp; EBM/FM at night </TD></TR><TR><TD>11</TD><TD>Jo</TD><TD>Lucas</TD><TD>08/11/2008</TD><TD>27/10/2008</TD><TD>6 months 7 days</TD><TD>7.6kg</TD><TD>67cm</TD><TD>3 FM feeds + 2 solid food meals </TD></TR><TR><TD>12</TD><TD>tri_Angel</TD><TD>Trella</TD><TD>11/11/2008</TD><TD>27/10/2008</TD><TD>6 months 7 days</TD><TD>9.5kg</TD><TD>67cm</TD><TD>Dumex Mamil Gold 1 + Semi-solid </TD></TR><TR><TD>13</TD><TD>DMK</TD><TD>I-Ho</TD><TD>07/11/2008</TD><TD>28/10/2008</TD><TD>6 months 6 days</TD><TD>7.6kg</TD><TD>69.8cm</TD><TD>Similac </TD></TR><TR><TD>14</TD><TD>Lynn</TD><TD>Brandon</TD><TD>26/10/2008</TD><TD>29/10/2008</TD><TD>6 months 5 days</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>Frisco Gold </TD></TR><TR><TD>15</TD><TD>Yen</TD><TD>Jalen</TD><TD>17/11/2008</TD><TD>29/10/2008</TD><TD>6 months 5 days</TD><TD>6.2kg</TD><TD>63cm</TD><TD>Frisco Gold </TD></TR><TR><TD>16</TD><TD>KiKi</TD><TD>Qi Huan</TD><TD>09/11/2008</TD><TD>29/10/2008</TD><TD>6 months 5 days</TD><TD>7.2kg</TD><TD>67cm</TD><TD>EBM + Sem-solid </TD></TR><TR><TD>17</TD><TD>JessLee</TD><TD>Ryan</TD><TD>26/11/2008</TD><TD>29/10/2008</TD><TD>6 months 5 days</TD><TD>6.8kg</TD><TD>64cm</TD><TD>EBM + Nestle Nan 1 + Semi-solid </TD></TR><TR><TD>18</TD><TD>Zeal Mummy </TD><TD>Joan </TD><TD>07/11/2008</TD><TD>30/10/2008</TD><TD>6 months 4 days</TD><TD>7.5kg</TD><TD>66cm</TD><TD>TBF </TD></TR><TR><TD>19</TD><TD>Fifi</TD><TD>Alyssa</TD><TD></TD><TD>31/10/2008</TD><TD>6 months 3 days</TD><TD>6.3kg</TD><TD>63.5cm</TD><TD>BF + EBM </TD></TR><TR><TD>20</TD><TD>wtan</TD><TD>Broderick</TD><TD>16/11/2008</TD><TD>31/10/2008</TD><TD>6 months 3 days</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>21</TD><TD>Peanut</TD><TD>Asta </TD><TD>14/11/2008</TD><TD>03/11/2008</TD><TD>6 months 0 days</TD><TD>7.8kg</TD><TD>66cm</TD><TD>Enfalac + 2 solid meals </TD></TR><TR><TD>22</TD><TD>Karen</TD><TD>Jowenda</TD><TD>29/10/2008</TD><TD>03/11/2008</TD><TD>6 months 0 days</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>TBF </TD></TR><TR><TD>23</TD><TD>happydays</TD><TD>Caden</TD><TD></TD><TD>04/11/2008</TD><TD>5 months 30 days</TD><TD>7.8kg</TD><TD>63cm</TD><TD>Frisco </TD></TR><TR><TD>24</TD><TD>Jeanne</TD><TD>Eva</TD><TD>25/11/2008</TD><TD>04/11/2008</TD><TD>5 months 30 days</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>Nestle Nan Pro 1 </TD></TR><TR><TD>25</TD><TD>JJ_Zou</TD><TD>Givan</TD><TD>15/11/2008</TD><TD>05/11/2008</TD><TD>5 months 29 days</TD><TD>8.06kg</TD><TD>66cm</TD><TD>TBF </TD></TR><TR><TD>26</TD><TD>Sha Sha</TD><TD>Jayla</TD><TD></TD><TD>06/11/2008</TD><TD>5 months 28 days</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>TEBM &amp; Dumex Mamil Gold (1x Nite feed) </TD></TR><TR><TD>27</TD><TD>Carol Neo/Raygal</TD><TD>Jadon</TD><TD></TD><TD>08/11/2008</TD><TD>5 months 26 days</TD><TD>8.0kg</TD><TD>67cm</TD><TD>EBM &amp; S26 Gold </TD></TR><TR><TD>28</TD><TD>fruche </TD><TD>Jonas </TD><TD>16/11/2008</TD><TD>08/11/2008</TD><TD>5 months 26 days</TD><TD>8.4kg</TD><TD>67cm</TD><TD>90% breastfeeding + 10%S26 </TD></TR><TR><TD>29</TD><TD>Cutiemum </TD><TD>Jaden </TD><TD>12/11/2008</TD><TD>09/11/2008</TD><TD>5 months 25 days</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>Frisco 1 (changing to Similac) </TD></TR><TR><TD>30</TD><TD>alibaba</TD><TD>Trysten</TD><TD>20/11/2008</TD><TD>10/11/2008</TD><TD>5 months 24 days</TD><TD>7.0kg</TD><TD>64cm</TD><TD>TEBM </TD></TR><TR><TD>31</TD><TD>Baby23</TD><TD>ziyee</TD><TD>11/11/2008</TD><TD>10/11/2008</TD><TD>5 months 24 days</TD><TD>6.8kg</TD><TD>65cm</TD><TD>Frisco </TD></TR><TR><TD>32</TD><TD>minkybear</TD><TD>Issac</TD><TD></TD><TD>11/11/2008</TD><TD>5 months 23 days</TD><TD>7.65kg</TD><TD>64cm</TD><TD>EBM &amp; 1 feed of Goat's Milk </TD></TR><TR><TD>33</TD><TD>joyce_7580</TD><TD>Yu-Qi</TD><TD>11/11/2008</TD><TD>11/11/2008</TD><TD>5 months 23 days</TD><TD>6.67kg</TD><TD>61cm</TD><TD>TEBM </TD></TR><TR><TD>34</TD><TD>annkarin72</TD><TD>Shaun</TD><TD></TD><TD>12/11/2008</TD><TD>5 months 22 days</TD><TD>8.5kg</TD><TD>68cm</TD><TD>Similac </TD></TR><TR><TD>35</TD><TD>Haru</TD><TD>Heidi </TD><TD>16/11/2008</TD><TD>13/11/2008</TD><TD>5 months 21 days</TD><TD>6.6kg</TD><TD>63cm</TD><TD>BF + EBM </TD></TR><TR><TD>36</TD><TD>Milderina</TD><TD>Claudia</TD><TD></TD><TD>14/11/2008</TD><TD>5 months 20 days</TD><TD>6.4kg</TD><TD>62.5cm</TD><TD>Similac + 1 feed of cereal </TD></TR><TR><TD>37</TD><TD>Hugomum</TD><TD>Hugo</TD><TD>18/11/2008</TD><TD>14/11/2008</TD><TD>5 months 20 days</TD><TD>8.9kg</TD><TD>65cm</TD><TD>FM Enfalac A+ + Semi-solid </TD></TR><TR><TD>38</TD><TD>bluebear</TD><TD>Asiel</TD><TD></TD><TD>15/11/2008</TD><TD>5 months 19 days</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>Partial BF </TD></TR><TR><TD>39</TD><TD>Aden's Mummy</TD><TD>Aden</TD><TD>27/11/2008</TD><TD>16/11/2008</TD><TD>5 months 18 days</TD><TD>6.11kg</TD><TD>63cm</TD><TD>TBF </TD></TR><TR><TD>40</TD><TD>sunshinekid </TD><TD>Gavin </TD><TD>24/11/2008</TD><TD>16/11/2008</TD><TD>5 months 18 days</TD><TD>7.4kg</TD><TD>67cm</TD><TD>Similac </TD></TR><TR><TD>41</TD><TD>Snnowy</TD><TD>Quinnlyn</TD><TD></TD><TD>16/11/2008</TD><TD>5 months 18 days</TD><TD>5.5kg</TD><TD>61cm</TD><TD>TBF </TD></TR><TR><TD>42</TD><TD>Cookieoreo </TD><TD>Brian </TD><TD>17/11/2008</TD><TD>17/11/2008</TD><TD>5 months 17 days</TD><TD>8.9kg</TD><TD>67.5cm</TD><TD>TBF </TD></TR><TR><TD>43</TD><TD>Dymples</TD><TD>Janessa </TD><TD>24/11/2008</TD><TD>17/11/2008</TD><TD>5 months 17 days</TD><TD>6.7kg</TD><TD>65cm</TD><TD>TBF + 1 Feed Friso </TD></TR><TR><TD>44</TD><TD>Enne</TD><TD>Leighton</TD><TD>01/12/2008</TD><TD>17/11/2008</TD><TD>5 months 17 days</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>45</TD><TD>Sabre</TD><TD>Tyler</TD><TD></TD><TD>18/11/2008</TD><TD>5 months 16 days</TD><TD>8.2kg</TD><TD></TD><TD>Dumex Mamil Gold 1 + Semi-solid </TD></TR><TR><TD>46</TD><TD>Lilian</TD><TD>Kayla</TD><TD></TD><TD>19/11/2008</TD><TD>5 months 15 days</TD><TD>6.6kg</TD><TD>63cm</TD><TD>Enfalac </TD></TR><TR><TD>47</TD><TD>rainbowcandybaby</TD><TD>Jalen Eden</TD><TD>27/11/2008</TD><TD>23/11/2008</TD><TD>5 months 11 days</TD><TD>8.1kg</TD><TD>69cm</TD><TD>Mamex Gold </TD></TR><TR><TD>48</TD><TD>Gal.dolphin</TD><TD>Sky</TD><TD>25/11/2008</TD><TD>24/11/2008</TD><TD>5 months 10 days</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>TBF + Semi-solid </TD></TR><TR><TD>49</TD><TD>Bear</TD><TD>Zachary</TD><TD></TD><TD>24/11/2008</TD><TD>5 months 10 days</TD><TD>7.3kg</TD><TD>62cm</TD><TD>TEBM </TD></TR><TR><TD>50</TD><TD>Mosh</TD><TD>Vernise</TD><TD>30/11/2008</TD><TD>28/11/2008</TD><TD>5 months 6 days</TD><TD>7.0kg</TD><TD>64cm</TD><TD>Enfalac </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>
<font color="ff0066"> Sunshinekid</font>
The maid agency I'm using is - Express Employment at Jurong East. Tel no. 6560 6689. Look for either Sharon or Cherlyn.
You can tell them tat you were recommended by Audrey. *Good Luck*

<font color="ff0066"> Chillipadi</font>
Wow!! The food all looks so so yummlicious. Too bad I could not join you georgous mommies for the gathering.
Haiz... I spent the long weekend coaching my #1 for her P1 exams starting this Tuesday. Wanna faintz liaoz.

<font color="ff0066"> Rainbowcandybaby</font>
I'm a SAHM to 3 princesses. I'm staying at CCK area. How about you?
Exam over finally..... Phew... Hope i can clear all subjects in one go....... Gonna pray hard...

I'm late for the collage, issit too late to send over now.

late for the email as well...

same here, my boi is big (heavy) also...
bear, lilian,
my boi will keep quiet when he see stranger but he get over it very quickly.

Hai, 2 of my hami just passed away yesterday don't know what happen..
Paiseh can't make it for the gathering coz MIL went malaysia so need to stay home with my baby. Sad to miss it, hope to have another round yeah.
Good Morning!!!

Bibi, finally exams over huh!

Bear, wat u mummies bought at Robinsons?

Expo exhibition-
I chiong down on Sat after my bro told me Evenflo exersaucer on sales. I bought Ultra 2-in-1, only $149. Hehehe... Wanted to come in here and tell u all.. but ahhh.. too busy with bb
Good morning mummies,

Glad to see some of you when you came to pick up cereal. Sorry to rush you all to come coz hubby working in healthcare so I clear all the pick ups asap better. Dun want to put any of you at risk when you come to pick up stuff from me.

Those who ordered the cloth books, the delivery is finally arranged for tonight. The lady in charge was soooooo slow. So fed up. Delay so long. Those who have already opted for mail, please confirm normal or registered mail &amp; PM me your address. Those who have yet to indicate, I will call you today/tomorrow. If you did not give me your contact number, pls PM it to me.

Re: Table of Nov babies
Just a suggestion. It may be useful to state when was the last time we weighed our babies. Else, the numbers dun serve any useful purpose. I'll start with mine... Mine was last weighed at 4months. Sorry Kiki, give you more work.
morning ladies,

It was really bad yesterday nite. I was trying to carry bb to her bed and didnt see that her left hand was behind her, thus twisted her hand against the bed, she cry so loudly
then we realised she didnt move her left hand and quickly bring her to KK A&amp;E. Waited for abt 3hr, doc confirm the joints at her elbow was dislocated!!! He put in back really fast like within 1 sec, he said its ok liao, shld be back to normal. Shortly after tat she starts to move her left hand and able to grab things... phew wat a relief... I feel so guilty abt it. Luckily hubby was quite supportive, he didnt blame me cos he knew bb always very active but I still feel very guilty abt it..
Spin-u 'block' me huh, how come cannot see u. haha.

Oh, hope next time got chance to meet up.

Lilian-sounds like a good buy!!

My hubby also say tat but I still feel very guilty lor. Im always the one scolding my hubby for being so rough with bb, ended up Im the one who hurt her...sigh....
Good morning mummies

Monday blue... weekend always past sooo fast..

seems like it's a lot of fun at chillipadi's place... haiz missed it.. next gathering at maggie's place right?

glad gal> greg look such a big boy!

mosh> pat pat. bb is fine now..accident do happen be more careful next time ^_^
hi Enne - U cant see mi meh ?? strange. I can see you leh

hi Mosh- oh.. it must be veri painful for ur bb.

gd mrning alibaba
Fifi> I'm opting for courier for my stuff. Will send u address of my mama's hse.

Enne> Yeah, gd buy, must buy! Little Hugz is selling at $219. My gal likes it, but... can't sit in there for long. She prefers t Jumperoo.

mosh> pat pat. Nobody want tis to happen. Be more careful nxt time lor. 3 hrs wait at KKH? oh dear... i can imagine how anxious u were.
morning mummies,
A wet blue monday. How I wish I was in bed.

glad that baby is ok. Don't feel do guilty as accidents do happen. We are not god so bound to make mistakes.

Baby23, Olewlim, gladgal, fruche, happy, cookieoreo, minkybear, snowwy
Thanks for coming to my place. It was fun to see all the gorgeous babies and to put a face to the nicks. I don't mind doing another gathering maybe in 2 mths time. Hopefully, we will have more mummies joining us. Also thanks for bringing food as well. Hope I did not miss out any mummies who turned up.
how's weekend??

Mine the same everyday, busy taking care of baby, very tired, barely sleep 2-3hrs everynite.. Haven't went back home to sleep since bb discharged, missed my own bed, my own bolster...

My baby notti, changed the tube for him on sat, he go pull out on sun!! Make me and MIL so stressed after several failed attempts to insert back, meaning he suffer pain yea.. he seems to know now, he see the tube he cry, put him down he cry.. haiz.. if he cry cannot insert else will come out from mouth instead.. finally after 1 hr.. using a new tube manage to get it in..

Hang in there. Did the doc say how long he has to be tube fed? Is there any repercussion if he is not tube fed and fed normally? I feel the pain for baby L. Don't blame him for wanting to pull it out or object to having it insert in. My heartpain for you and baby. Big hug to both of you.
Hi morning mummies!

Thanks for opening up your place!
It was realli fun seeing mummies there.Pai seh,din bring food and still taopo! Your potatoes gratin is so NICE! *yummy*

Thanks for sending me back home!


Re: Collage
Mummies, i am still doing it.Pls giv me sometime ok.Once done, will update and send out to you ladies.

Ok.. send me fast b4 i change my mind! heeeeee *jus joking*
mosh -
oh dear, glad that ur baby is ok now

Me too, accident happened yesterday. Was taking turn to have lunch with hubby, it was my turn to eat but hubby came out from our bedroom for a while. Shortly after that, we heard a big cry and scream from the room! My hubby dashed to the room and found out that our baby fall down from our bed!!

My heart almost stopped and pop out from my mouth!! Poor little baby was crying and screaming non-stop for 5 mins! Hubby was quite guilty so I didn't scold him so much.

Wanted to send to KK A&amp;E but decided to observe him a little while, after 5 mins and feeded some milk, he was ok and smily again! *phew!*

But it was good enough to scare us. I told daddy if anything wrong with baby, I'll go with the baby too, too scary already.

Have to be extra careful next time and never leave him unattended, even for 1 second!
Updates in the morning...
Added shop4stuffs and youngest baby on board - BiBi's Kayan!

Happy 6th month birthday to happydays's Caden and Jeanne's Eva

FiFi: thanks for the 'extra work' assigned to me hor, hee hee =)
Added another column 'Last Weighed', mummies, pls provide me your baby's age when u last weighed him/her, if you can rem k? No obligation

<font color="aa00aa"><font size="+1"><font face="'Verdana'"> Nov Mummy &amp; Baby List </font></font></font>

<table border=1><tr><td></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>S/N</TD><TD>Nick</TD><TD>Baby Name</TD><TD>EDD</TD><TD>Baby Birthday</TD><TD>Current Age</TD><TD>Last Weighed</TD><TD>Weight</TD><TD>Height</TD><TD>Drink </TD></TR><TR><TD>1</TD><TD>Yokoh</TD><TD>Braedon</TD><TD>20/11/2008</TD><TD>02/10/2008</TD><TD>7 months 2 days</TD><TD></TD><TD>7.1kg</TD><TD>63cm</TD><TD>EBM + Enfalac </TD></TR><TR><TD>2</TD><TD>Olwenlim</TD><TD>Gerard</TD><TD>19/11/2008</TD><TD>10/10/2008</TD><TD>6 months 24 days</TD><TD></TD><TD>7.4kg</TD><TD>63cm</TD><TD>Half EBM + Half Friso + 5 spoons of rice cereal </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>Rachel</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>7.3kg</TD><TD>63cm</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>Luke</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>7.1kg</TD><TD>63cm</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>3</TD><TD>Babyzel</TD><TD>Rachelle</TD><TD>04/11/2008</TD><TD>16/10/2008</TD><TD>6 months 18 days</TD><TD></TD><TD>7.82kg</TD><TD>66cm</TD><TD>EBM &amp; 1 feed of Friso </TD></TR><TR><TD>4</TD><TD>Yoyosan</TD><TD>Charlene</TD><TD>08/11/2008</TD><TD>17/10/2008</TD><TD>6 months 17 days</TD><TD></TD><TD>6.4kg</TD><TD>63cm</TD><TD>TEBM </TD></TR><TR><TD>5</TD><TD>chilipadi</TD><TD>Emma-Jane</TD><TD>11/11/2008</TD><TD>17/10/2008</TD><TD>6 months 17 days</TD><TD></TD><TD>6.0kg</TD><TD>65cm</TD><TD>EBM &amp; 240 ml similac every nite </TD></TR><TR><TD>6</TD><TD>Jenn </TD><TD>Felicia </TD><TD>07/11/2008</TD><TD>21/10/2008</TD><TD>6 months 13 days</TD><TD></TD><TD>8.5kg</TD><TD>70cm</TD><TD>Mamil gold 2 + 1 feed of cereal </TD></TR><TR><TD>7</TD><TD>vincy </TD><TD>vera </TD><TD>16/11/2008</TD><TD>22/10/2008</TD><TD>6 months 12 days</TD><TD></TD><TD>6.4kg</TD><TD>62cm</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>8</TD><TD>Kash</TD><TD>Euan</TD><TD>13/11/2008</TD><TD>25/10/2008</TD><TD>6 months 9 days</TD><TD></TD><TD>7.25kg</TD><TD>66cm</TD><TD>TEBM </TD></TR><TR><TD>9</TD><TD>amore </TD><TD>Cheyenne </TD><TD>03/11/2008</TD><TD>26/10/2008</TD><TD>6 months 8 days</TD><TD></TD><TD>6.7kg</TD><TD>64cm</TD><TD>BF+EBM+semi solid </TD></TR><TR><TD>10</TD><TD>Glad_gal</TD><TD>Greg</TD><TD>06/11/2008</TD><TD>27/10/2008</TD><TD>6 months 7 days</TD><TD></TD><TD>7.3kg</TD><TD>67cm</TD><TD>BF &amp; EBM/FM at night </TD></TR><TR><TD>11</TD><TD>Jo</TD><TD>Lucas</TD><TD>08/11/2008</TD><TD>27/10/2008</TD><TD>6 months 7 days</TD><TD></TD><TD>7.6kg</TD><TD>67cm</TD><TD>3 FM feeds + 2 solid food meals </TD></TR><TR><TD>12</TD><TD>tri_Angel</TD><TD>Trella</TD><TD>11/11/2008</TD><TD>27/10/2008</TD><TD>6 months 7 days</TD><TD></TD><TD>9.5kg</TD><TD>67cm</TD><TD>Dumex Mamil Gold 1 + Semi-solid </TD></TR><TR><TD>13</TD><TD>DMK</TD><TD>I-Ho</TD><TD>07/11/2008</TD><TD>28/10/2008</TD><TD>6 months 6 days</TD><TD></TD><TD>7.6kg</TD><TD>69.8cm</TD><TD>Similac </TD></TR><TR><TD>14</TD><TD>Lynn</TD><TD>Brandon</TD><TD>26/10/2008</TD><TD>29/10/2008</TD><TD>6 months 5 days</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>Frisco Gold </TD></TR><TR><TD>15</TD><TD>Yen</TD><TD>Jalen</TD><TD>17/11/2008</TD><TD>29/10/2008</TD><TD>6 months 5 days</TD><TD></TD><TD>6.2kg</TD><TD>63cm</TD><TD>Frisco Gold </TD></TR><TR><TD>16</TD><TD>KiKi</TD><TD>Qi Huan</TD><TD>09/11/2008</TD><TD>29/10/2008</TD><TD>6 months 5 days</TD><TD>5 months</TD><TD>7.2kg</TD><TD>67cm</TD><TD>EBM + Sem-solid </TD></TR><TR><TD>17</TD><TD>JessLee</TD><TD>Ryan</TD><TD>26/11/2008</TD><TD>29/10/2008</TD><TD>6 months 5 days</TD><TD></TD><TD>6.8kg</TD><TD>64cm</TD><TD>EBM + Nestle Nan 1 + Semi-solid </TD></TR><TR><TD>18</TD><TD>Zeal Mummy </TD><TD>Joan </TD><TD>07/11/2008</TD><TD>30/10/2008</TD><TD>6 months 4 days</TD><TD></TD><TD>7.5kg</TD><TD>66cm</TD><TD>TBF </TD></TR><TR><TD>19</TD><TD>Fifi</TD><TD>Alyssa</TD><TD></TD><TD>31/10/2008</TD><TD>6 months 3 days</TD><TD>4 months</TD><TD>6.3kg</TD><TD>63.5cm</TD><TD>BF + EBM </TD></TR><TR><TD>20</TD><TD>wtan</TD><TD>Broderick</TD><TD>16/11/2008</TD><TD>31/10/2008</TD><TD>6 months 3 days</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>21</TD><TD>shop4stuffs </TD><TD>Ace</TD><TD>13/11/2008</TD><TD>02/11/2008</TD><TD>6 months 2 days</TD><TD></TD><TD>8.3kg</TD><TD>68cm</TD><TD>Similac </TD></TR><TR><TD>22</TD><TD>Peanut</TD><TD>Asta </TD><TD>14/11/2008</TD><TD>03/11/2008</TD><TD>6 months 1 days</TD><TD></TD><TD>7.8kg</TD><TD>66cm</TD><TD>Enfalac + 2 solid meals </TD></TR><TR><TD>23</TD><TD>Karen</TD><TD>Jowenda</TD><TD>29/10/2008</TD><TD>03/11/2008</TD><TD>6 months 1 days</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>TBF </TD></TR><TR><TD>24</TD><TD>happydays</TD><TD>Caden</TD><TD></TD><TD>04/11/2008</TD><TD>6 months 0 days</TD><TD></TD><TD>7.8kg</TD><TD>63cm</TD><TD>Frisco </TD></TR><TR><TD>25</TD><TD>Jeanne</TD><TD>Eva</TD><TD>25/11/2008</TD><TD>04/11/2008</TD><TD>6 months 0 days</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>Nestle Nan Pro 1 </TD></TR><TR><TD>26</TD><TD>JJ_Zou</TD><TD>Givan</TD><TD>15/11/2008</TD><TD>05/11/2008</TD><TD>5 months 29 days</TD><TD></TD><TD>8.06kg</TD><TD>66cm</TD><TD>TBF </TD></TR><TR><TD>27</TD><TD>Sha Sha</TD><TD>Jayla</TD><TD></TD><TD>06/11/2008</TD><TD>5 months 28 days</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>TEBM &amp; Dumex Mamil Gold (1x Nite feed) </TD></TR><TR><TD>28</TD><TD>Carol Neo/Raygal</TD><TD>Jadon</TD><TD></TD><TD>08/11/2008</TD><TD>5 months 26 days</TD><TD></TD><TD>8.0kg</TD><TD>67cm</TD><TD>EBM &amp; S26 Gold </TD></TR><TR><TD>29</TD><TD>fruche </TD><TD>Jonas </TD><TD>16/11/2008</TD><TD>08/11/2008</TD><TD>5 months 26 days</TD><TD></TD><TD>8.4kg</TD><TD>67cm</TD><TD>90% breastfeeding + 10%S26 </TD></TR><TR><TD>30</TD><TD>Cutiemum </TD><TD>Jaden </TD><TD>12/11/2008</TD><TD>09/11/2008</TD><TD>5 months 25 days</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>Frisco 1 (changing to Similac) </TD></TR><TR><TD>31</TD><TD>alibaba</TD><TD>Trysten</TD><TD>20/11/2008</TD><TD>10/11/2008</TD><TD>5 months 24 days</TD><TD></TD><TD>7.0kg</TD><TD>64cm</TD><TD>TEBM </TD></TR><TR><TD>32</TD><TD>Baby23</TD><TD>ziyee</TD><TD>11/11/2008</TD><TD>10/11/2008</TD><TD>5 months 24 days</TD><TD></TD><TD>6.8kg</TD><TD>65cm</TD><TD>Frisco </TD></TR><TR><TD>33</TD><TD>minkybear</TD><TD>Issac</TD><TD></TD><TD>11/11/2008</TD><TD>5 months 23 days</TD><TD></TD><TD>7.65kg</TD><TD>64cm</TD><TD>EBM &amp; 1 feed of Goat's Milk </TD></TR><TR><TD>34</TD><TD>joyce_7580</TD><TD>Yu-Qi</TD><TD>11/11/2008</TD><TD>11/11/2008</TD><TD>5 months 23 days</TD><TD></TD><TD>6.67kg</TD><TD>61cm</TD><TD>TEBM </TD></TR><TR><TD>35</TD><TD>annkarin72</TD><TD>Shaun</TD><TD></TD><TD>12/11/2008</TD><TD>5 months 22 days</TD><TD></TD><TD>8.5kg</TD><TD>68cm</TD><TD>Similac </TD></TR><TR><TD>36</TD><TD>Haru</TD><TD>Heidi </TD><TD>16/11/2008</TD><TD>13/11/2008</TD><TD>5 months 21 days</TD><TD></TD><TD>6.6kg</TD><TD>63cm</TD><TD>BF + EBM </TD></TR><TR><TD>37</TD><TD>Milderina</TD><TD>Claudia</TD><TD></TD><TD>14/11/2008</TD><TD>5 months 20 days</TD><TD></TD><TD>6.4kg</TD><TD>62.5cm</TD><TD>Similac + 1 feed of cereal </TD></TR><TR><TD>38</TD><TD>Hugomum</TD><TD>Hugo</TD><TD>18/11/2008</TD><TD>14/11/2008</TD><TD>5 months 20 days</TD><TD></TD><TD>8.9kg</TD><TD>65cm</TD><TD>FM Enfalac A+ + Semi-solid </TD></TR><TR><TD>39</TD><TD>bluebear</TD><TD>Asiel</TD><TD></TD><TD>15/11/2008</TD><TD>5 months 19 days</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>Partial BF </TD></TR><TR><TD>40</TD><TD>Aden's Mummy</TD><TD>Aden</TD><TD>27/11/2008</TD><TD>16/11/2008</TD><TD>5 months 18 days</TD><TD></TD><TD>6.11kg</TD><TD>63cm</TD><TD>TBF </TD></TR><TR><TD>41</TD><TD>sunshinekid </TD><TD>Gavin </TD><TD>24/11/2008</TD><TD>16/11/2008</TD><TD>5 months 18 days</TD><TD></TD><TD>7.4kg</TD><TD>67cm</TD><TD>Similac </TD></TR><TR><TD>42</TD><TD>Snnowy</TD><TD>Quinnlyn</TD><TD></TD><TD>16/11/2008</TD><TD>5 months 18 days</TD><TD></TD><TD>5.5kg</TD><TD>61cm</TD><TD>TBF </TD></TR><TR><TD>43</TD><TD>Cookieoreo </TD><TD>Brian </TD><TD>17/11/2008</TD><TD>17/11/2008</TD><TD>5 months 17 days</TD><TD></TD><TD>8.9kg</TD><TD>67.5cm</TD><TD>TBF </TD></TR><TR><TD>44</TD><TD>Dymples</TD><TD>Janessa </TD><TD>24/11/2008</TD><TD>17/11/2008</TD><TD>5 months 17 days</TD><TD></TD><TD>6.7kg</TD><TD>65cm</TD><TD>TBF + 1 Feed Friso </TD></TR><TR><TD>45</TD><TD>Enne</TD><TD>Leighton</TD><TD>01/12/2008</TD><TD>17/11/2008</TD><TD>5 months 17 days</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>46</TD><TD>Sabre</TD><TD>Tyler</TD><TD></TD><TD>18/11/2008</TD><TD>5 months 16 days</TD><TD></TD><TD>8.2kg</TD><TD></TD><TD>Dumex Mamil Gold 1 + Semi-solid </TD></TR><TR><TD>47</TD><TD>Lilian</TD><TD>Kayla</TD><TD></TD><TD>19/11/2008</TD><TD>5 months 15 days</TD><TD></TD><TD>6.6kg</TD><TD>63cm</TD><TD>Enfalac </TD></TR><TR><TD>48</TD><TD>rainbowcandybaby</TD><TD>Jalen Eden</TD><TD>27/11/2008</TD><TD>23/11/2008</TD><TD>5 months 11 days</TD><TD></TD><TD>8.1kg</TD><TD>69cm</TD><TD>Mamex Gold </TD></TR><TR><TD>49</TD><TD>Gal.dolphin</TD><TD>Sky</TD><TD>25/11/2008</TD><TD>24/11/2008</TD><TD>5 months 10 days</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>TBF + Semi-solid </TD></TR><TR><TD>50</TD><TD>Bear</TD><TD>Zachary</TD><TD></TD><TD>24/11/2008</TD><TD>5 months 10 days</TD><TD></TD><TD>7.3kg</TD><TD>62cm</TD><TD>TEBM </TD></TR><TR><TD>51</TD><TD>Mosh</TD><TD>Vernise</TD><TD>30/11/2008</TD><TD>28/11/2008</TD><TD>5 months 6 days</TD><TD></TD><TD>7.0kg</TD><TD>64cm</TD><TD>Enfalac </TD></TR><TR><TD>52</TD><TD>Bibi</TD><TD>Kayan </TD><TD>27/11/2008</TD><TD>30/11/2008</TD><TD>5 months 4 days</TD><TD></TD><TD>8.9kg</TD><TD>63cm</TD><TD>TBF </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>
Chillipadi-checkup doc not satisfied with his weight.. too slow and keep hovering.. actually he got oral feed but 20ml every 3hr.. which is so little.. now he is growing appetite also grow ma.. but we can't give him more milk nor water.. so whenever he drink till the last drop of milk, he will cry very hard.. doc say that little bit of milk is to stimulate his sucking, not for him to really drink, thus can't increase now.

falling off the bed>
seems like a few babies kanna aready... my bed is surrounded by walls &amp; mattress is on the platform .. so i am not so scare of bb falling off from my bed.. mummies be more careful hor..
Falling off frm bed - can understd hw heartpain when bb fell frm bed. we juz hv to be extra careful. my #1 fell dwn frm bed quite a nos of times.. really heatache.
share something sweet with you mummies,
On Sat, we decided to bring meg and emma to botanic gardens. But we woke up late so decided to have brunch than head to botanic gardens. we stopped by at cluny court for brunch. After eating we walked around and stumbled upon this art studio called The Art Jamming Place and coincidently this placed is run my Cecil's friend. Meg who loves painting decided she wanted to stay and paint. So needless to say, our plans changed. Meg spent 2 hours at the studio painting while Cec, emma and I walked around had ice cream. When we went back to pick Meg up, she gave a pleasent surprise. She painted me a Mother's day present. It was her interpretation of our family. I am so proud of her. Here's a pix of meg's painting.


As she liked the studio so much, we signed her up for 5 sessions. Great way for her to express her creativity.
That is so sweet of meg! Wonder when will my boy give mummy a Mother's Day present ;) hee..
How much u paid for 5 sessions?
Gd morning!

RE: shopping at Robinsons
EH!!!! Mildy and I were gg down to the cosmetic level to PAY for our purchase leh.. not like we forgot to pay for it. we thought just go all the way down we shd be able to get to the first floor but ended up outside Robinsons. The more i think of it, the more i wished i just walked off. haha...

Mosh, oh dear.. don't beat urself up too much. not to scare u but once a joint has been dislocated before, the tendency for repeated dislocation is higher. so take care when u carry ur bb ya?

Kiki, oh no... ur bb also ah.. i dunno if i shd be happy or wat, my boy dun like flipping. so the chances of him falling off is like next to impossible.. for now.. haha..

My updated info
EDD: 28th Nov
Last weighed: 3 mths 3 wks

NICE~~ warm in the heart...

yday only toking about mother day with hb.. i ask him where's mine? he ask me ask from my son! @#$%@^ kns..
