(2008/11) November 2008

<font color="ff0000">To those who have items to take from me:

Given that MOH has increased the flu alert to Orange, just thought I better make this clear. My husband is working in healthcare. So if any of you are concerned about coming to collect the items from me, I can mail your items to you.
Hello! Miss me? went shopping for 2 consecutive days! spent lots!

Kash, Mildy and I were at the Robinsons sale during lunch time too! i bought loads there. Actually we managed to walk out of Robinsons without paying! u know there is an escalator at the kids dept that leads all the way down past Gap and Esprit? Mildy and I went all the way down and got out. WITHOUT paying! but 2 of us chicken so went back up to pay. :p shd have just walked off.. save $375 i spent there.

Re: Swine flu
Actually hor, all of us shd just take care of our personal hygiene. if sick dun go out. don't go rushing out to buy the mask cos if it doesn't fit u also no use.

Re: Husky's death
I am a dog lover but hor, i feel that in this case, the owner was at fault some what. Of cos that maid is an idiot to run and hide. As if ppl won't know she was the one that killed the dog. To me, i won't allow my maid to walk Cody. Cody doesn't know her and vice versa. either she bullies my dog or my dog bullies her. Same goes with taking care of kids. if u want ur maid to take care, u have to take that risk too. its a life at stake here, be it a bb's or an animal.
also retractable leashes are very dangerous. My dog trainer told us u cannot retract the leash in time, e.g. if ur dog dash across roads, attacked by other dogs or attack other dogs or worst case, attack humans. plus they are easily tangled so pls try not to use them.
Mummies ... which BRAND of apples can we make into puree for our babies? My MIL bought the apples frm the market and it tastes sourish ... Steam and blend into puree for Lucas, he tasted it and gave the funny look.
I can really feel for your friend's loss. Must be really tough for them. It ever happened to me once. I was in the lift and before my dog could walk in the lift closed. I panicked and quickly pressed the open button. Luckily the life open opened if not i can't imagine what's gonna happen.

How long have u waited for the book? I sent in my order as well and still haven't receive too. It's close to 2 weeks liao.

U still going BKK? Be careful wor, dun anyhow eat at roadside stalls.

I bought organic apples and they tasted sourish too. After that i did some read up and they suggest using red delicious. But i can't find them and bought gala apples instead. Haven't try yet so dun know sweet or not.

Woah. u all so excited till forget to pay ah. Lol.
luckily never ganna caught if not explain also dun know they will believe or not. Seems like that so much stuffs to buy at the sale.

HAve an enjoyable gathering to mummies who are going to chillipadi's plc!
dymples: ya totally agree..wow heng i never go coronation plaza look for maid was so tempted cos their so many agencies but all th shops so small like anytime can close down wor...anyway was too far from my place so i went to North to find. My agency lady is gd, prev one gave a lot of rubbish recommendations. *phew*

Jo: Not sure abt apples and pear...i gave pear to baby also bit sour wor...so i now give bananas just scrap off from spoon. Baby loves it. But i also keen to know how to feed apples..the preparation and which apples too

rainbowcandy: porridge u mean homemade? I tried giving today to baby she vomited all out i tink maybe bcos 1. smell too fishy cos ahd ikan bilis in it 2. grains not 100% dissolved therefore hard to swallow..poor gal i decided not giving porridge till 8 months.

If u meant cereals, i giving EYS one..very nice. Nestle also has many flavours.
Hi mummies,

Busy past few days so no chance to log in...

Sorry to hear about your friend's husky. It must be very sad for them

Lilian: The bento sets look soo nice! I ordered a few tools in a recent spree, can't wait to start using them!!

Bear, haa what loot did u all get?? Until can forget to pay LOL...

Jo: Havent tried apple puree yet, still got diff brands?! Was just thinking of those red apples fr supermarket...

Chillipadi and rest: Looking forward to the gathering tml!! Coz havent met most of the mummies b4 haha
Updates for the night mummies...
Added olwen and DMK =)

<font color="aa00aa"><font size="+1"><font face="'Verdana'"> Nov Mummy &amp; Baby List </font></font></font>

<table border=1><tr><td></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>S/N</TD><TD>Nick</TD><TD>Baby Name</TD><TD>EDD</TD><TD>Baby Birthday</TD><TD>Current Age</TD><TD>Last Weight</TD><TD>Last Height</TD><TD>Drink </TD></TR><TR><TD>1</TD><TD>Yokoh</TD><TD>Braedon</TD><TD>20/11/2008</TD><TD>02/10/2008</TD><TD>6 months 28 days</TD><TD>7.1kg</TD><TD>63cm</TD><TD>EBM + Enfalac </TD></TR><TR><TD>2</TD><TD>Olwenlim</TD><TD>Gerard</TD><TD>19/11/2008</TD><TD>10/10/2008</TD><TD>6 months 20 days</TD><TD>7.4kg</TD><TD>63cm</TD><TD>Half EBM + Half Friso + 5 spoons of rice cereal </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>Rachel</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>7.3kg</TD><TD>63cm</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>Luke</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>7.1kg</TD><TD>63cm</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>3</TD><TD>Babyzel</TD><TD>Rachelle</TD><TD>04/11/2008</TD><TD>16/10/2008</TD><TD>6 months 14 days</TD><TD>7.82kg</TD><TD>66cm</TD><TD>EBM &amp; 1 feed of Friso </TD></TR><TR><TD>4</TD><TD>Yoyosan</TD><TD>Charlene</TD><TD>08/11/2008</TD><TD>17/10/2008</TD><TD>6 months 13 days</TD><TD>6.4kg</TD><TD>63cm</TD><TD>TEBM </TD></TR><TR><TD>5</TD><TD>chilipadi</TD><TD>Emma-Jane</TD><TD>11/11/2008</TD><TD>17/10/2008</TD><TD>6 months 13 days</TD><TD>6.0kg</TD><TD>65cm</TD><TD>EBM &amp; 240 ml similac every nite </TD></TR><TR><TD>6</TD><TD>Kash</TD><TD>Euan</TD><TD>13/11/2008</TD><TD>25/10/2008</TD><TD>6 months 5 days</TD><TD>7.25kg</TD><TD>66cm</TD><TD>TEBM </TD></TR><TR><TD>7</TD><TD>amore </TD><TD>Cheyenne </TD><TD>03/11/2008</TD><TD>26/10/2008</TD><TD>6 months 4 days</TD><TD>6.7kg</TD><TD>64cm</TD><TD>BF+EBM+semi solid </TD></TR><TR><TD>8</TD><TD>Glad_gal</TD><TD>Greg</TD><TD>06/11/2008</TD><TD>27/10/2008</TD><TD>6 months 3 days</TD><TD>7.3kg</TD><TD>67cm</TD><TD>BF &amp; EBM/FM at night </TD></TR><TR><TD>9</TD><TD>Jo</TD><TD>Lucas</TD><TD>08/11/2008</TD><TD>27/10/2008</TD><TD>6 months 3 days</TD><TD>7.6kg</TD><TD>67cm</TD><TD>3 FM feeds + 2 solid food meals </TD></TR><TR><TD>10</TD><TD>tri_Angel</TD><TD>Trella</TD><TD>11/11/2008</TD><TD>27/10/2008</TD><TD>6 months 3 days</TD><TD>9.5kg</TD><TD>67cm</TD><TD>Dumex Mamil Gold 1 + Semi-solid </TD></TR><TR><TD>11</TD><TD>DMK</TD><TD>I-Ho</TD><TD>07/11/2008</TD><TD>28/10/2008</TD><TD>6 months 2 days</TD><TD>7.6kg</TD><TD>69.8cm</TD><TD>Similac </TD></TR><TR><TD>12</TD><TD>Lynn</TD><TD>Brandon</TD><TD>26/10/2008</TD><TD>29/10/2008</TD><TD>6 months 1 days</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>Frisco Gold </TD></TR><TR><TD>13</TD><TD>Yen</TD><TD>Jalen</TD><TD>17/11/2008</TD><TD>29/10/2008</TD><TD>6 months 1 days</TD><TD>6.2kg</TD><TD>63cm</TD><TD>Frisco Gold </TD></TR><TR><TD>14</TD><TD>KiKi</TD><TD>Qi Huan</TD><TD>09/11/2008</TD><TD>29/10/2008</TD><TD>6 months 1 days</TD><TD>7.2kg</TD><TD>67cm</TD><TD>EBM + Sem-solid </TD></TR><TR><TD>15</TD><TD>JessLee</TD><TD>Ryan</TD><TD>26/11/2008</TD><TD>29/10/2008</TD><TD>6 months 1 days</TD><TD>6.8kg</TD><TD>64cm</TD><TD>EBM + Nestle Nan 1 + Semi-solid </TD></TR><TR><TD>16</TD><TD>Zeal Mummy </TD><TD>Joan </TD><TD>07/11/2008</TD><TD>30/10/2008</TD><TD>6 months 0 days</TD><TD>7.5kg</TD><TD>66cm</TD><TD>TBF </TD></TR><TR><TD>17</TD><TD>Fifi</TD><TD>Alyssa</TD><TD></TD><TD>31/10/2008</TD><TD>5 months 29 days</TD><TD>6.3kg</TD><TD>63.5cm</TD><TD>BF + EBM </TD></TR><TR><TD>18</TD><TD>wtan</TD><TD>Broderick</TD><TD>16/11/2008</TD><TD>31/10/2008</TD><TD>5 months 29 days</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>19</TD><TD>Peanut</TD><TD>Asta </TD><TD>14/11/2008</TD><TD>03/11/2008</TD><TD>5 months 27 days</TD><TD>7.8kg</TD><TD>66cm</TD><TD>Enfalac + 2 solid meals </TD></TR><TR><TD>20</TD><TD>Karen</TD><TD>Jowenda</TD><TD>29/10/2008</TD><TD>03/11/2008</TD><TD>5 months 27 days</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>TBF </TD></TR><TR><TD>21</TD><TD>happydays</TD><TD>Caden</TD><TD></TD><TD>04/11/2008</TD><TD>5 months 26 days</TD><TD>7.8kg</TD><TD>63cm</TD><TD>Frisco </TD></TR><TR><TD>22</TD><TD>Jeanne</TD><TD>Eva</TD><TD>25/11/2008</TD><TD>04/11/2008</TD><TD>5 months 26 days</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>Nestle Nan Pro 1 </TD></TR><TR><TD>23</TD><TD>JJ_Zou</TD><TD>Givan</TD><TD>15/11/2008</TD><TD>05/11/2008</TD><TD>5 months 25 days</TD><TD>8.06kg</TD><TD>66cm</TD><TD>TBF </TD></TR><TR><TD>24</TD><TD>Sha Sha</TD><TD>Jayla</TD><TD></TD><TD>06/11/2008</TD><TD>5 months 24 days</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>TEBM &amp; Dumex Mamil Gold (1x Nite feed) </TD></TR><TR><TD>25</TD><TD>Carol Neo/Raygal</TD><TD>Jadon</TD><TD></TD><TD>08/11/2008</TD><TD>5 months 22 days</TD><TD>8.0kg</TD><TD>67cm</TD><TD>EBM &amp; S26 Gold </TD></TR><TR><TD>26</TD><TD>Cutiemum </TD><TD>Jaden </TD><TD>12/11/2008</TD><TD>09/11/2008</TD><TD>5 months 21 days</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>Frisco 1 (changing to Similac) </TD></TR><TR><TD>27</TD><TD>alibaba</TD><TD>Trysten</TD><TD>20/11/2008</TD><TD>10/11/2008</TD><TD>5 months 20 days</TD><TD>7.0kg</TD><TD>64cm</TD><TD>TEBM </TD></TR><TR><TD>28</TD><TD>Baby23</TD><TD>ziyee</TD><TD>11/11/2008</TD><TD>10/11/2008</TD><TD>5 months 20 days</TD><TD>6.8kg</TD><TD>65cm</TD><TD>Frisco </TD></TR><TR><TD>29</TD><TD>minkybear</TD><TD>Issac</TD><TD></TD><TD>11/11/2008</TD><TD>5 months 19 days</TD><TD>7.65kg</TD><TD>64cm</TD><TD>EBM &amp; 1 feed of Goat's Milk </TD></TR><TR><TD>30</TD><TD>joyce_7580</TD><TD>Yu-Qi</TD><TD>11/11/2008</TD><TD>11/11/2008</TD><TD>5 months 19 days</TD><TD>6.67kg</TD><TD>61cm</TD><TD>TEBM </TD></TR><TR><TD>31</TD><TD>annkarin72</TD><TD>Shaun</TD><TD></TD><TD>12/11/2008</TD><TD>5 months 18 days</TD><TD>8.5kg</TD><TD>68cm</TD><TD>Similac </TD></TR><TR><TD>32</TD><TD>Haru</TD><TD>Heidi </TD><TD>16/11/2008</TD><TD>13/11/2008</TD><TD>5 months 17 days</TD><TD>6.6kg</TD><TD>63cm</TD><TD>BF + EBM </TD></TR><TR><TD>33</TD><TD>Milderina</TD><TD>Claudia</TD><TD></TD><TD>14/11/2008</TD><TD>5 months 16 days</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>34</TD><TD>Hugomum</TD><TD>Hugo</TD><TD>18/11/2008</TD><TD>14/11/2008</TD><TD>5 months 16 days</TD><TD>8.9kg</TD><TD>65cm</TD><TD>FM Enfalac A+ + Semi-solid </TD></TR><TR><TD>35</TD><TD>bluebear</TD><TD>Asiel</TD><TD></TD><TD>15/11/2008</TD><TD>5 months 15 days</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>Partial BF </TD></TR><TR><TD>36</TD><TD>Aden's Mummy</TD><TD>Aden</TD><TD>27/11/2008</TD><TD>16/11/2008</TD><TD>5 months 14 days</TD><TD>6.11kg</TD><TD>63cm</TD><TD>TBF </TD></TR><TR><TD>37</TD><TD>Snnowy</TD><TD>Quinnlyn</TD><TD></TD><TD>16/11/2008</TD><TD>5 months 14 days</TD><TD>5.5kg</TD><TD>61cm</TD><TD>TBF </TD></TR><TR><TD>38</TD><TD>Cookieoreo </TD><TD>Brian </TD><TD>17/11/2008</TD><TD>17/11/2008</TD><TD>5 months 13 days</TD><TD>8.9kg</TD><TD>67.5cm</TD><TD>TBF </TD></TR><TR><TD>39</TD><TD>Dymples</TD><TD>Janessa </TD><TD>24/11/2008</TD><TD>17/11/2008</TD><TD>5 months 13 days</TD><TD>6.7kg</TD><TD>65cm</TD><TD>TBF + 1 Feed Friso </TD></TR><TR><TD>40</TD><TD>Enne</TD><TD>Leighton</TD><TD>01/12/2008</TD><TD>17/11/2008</TD><TD>5 months 13 days</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>41</TD><TD>Sabre</TD><TD>Tyler</TD><TD></TD><TD>18/11/2008</TD><TD>5 months 12 days</TD><TD>8.2kg</TD><TD></TD><TD>Dumex Mamil Gold 1 + Semi-solid </TD></TR><TR><TD>42</TD><TD>Lilian</TD><TD>Kayla</TD><TD></TD><TD>19/11/2008</TD><TD>5 months 11 days</TD><TD>6.6kg</TD><TD>63cm</TD><TD>Enfalac </TD></TR><TR><TD>43</TD><TD>rainbowcandybaby</TD><TD>Jalen Eden</TD><TD>27/11/2008</TD><TD>23/11/2008</TD><TD>5 months 7 days</TD><TD>8.1kg</TD><TD>69cm</TD><TD>Mamex Gold </TD></TR><TR><TD>44</TD><TD>Gal.dolphin</TD><TD>Sky</TD><TD>25/11/2008</TD><TD>24/11/2008</TD><TD>5 months 6 days</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>TBF + Semi-solid </TD></TR><TR><TD>45</TD><TD>Bear</TD><TD>Zachary</TD><TD></TD><TD>24/11/2008</TD><TD>5 months 6 days</TD><TD>7.3kg</TD><TD>62cm</TD><TD>TEBM </TD></TR><TR><TD>46</TD><TD>Mosh</TD><TD>Vernise</TD><TD>30/11/2008</TD><TD>28/11/2008</TD><TD>5 months 2 days</TD><TD>7.0kg</TD><TD>64cm</TD><TD>Enfalac </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>
I got my maid from one of the agency 'Made-to-Measure' in Coronation Plaza. Was told the lady boss wld fly to Indo to select the maids and trained them on her own. Overall, for mi abt my maid, close 1 eye .. still acceptable. She wld show her blackface once in awhile.

This wu zhi mummy (That's mi!) thought have been giving the correct amt of porridge for Lucas. He start eating porridge once a day in the morning, 11am since Monday. And his next milk feed at 3pm ... he has vomited all his milk on Tuesday and Today. Only till this evening, MIL show mi n e maid the appropriate amt to feed then I realise we have overfed him and that should be e cause of his vomitting after his milk feed at 3pm for the 2 days. Saw him vomit ... this mummy ownself feel so xing ku but dunnoe the reason till now.

From the first time, MIL told maid how much rice to cook the porridge ... so I assume that is the correct amt .. but never go measure it in a soup bowl myself.
I shall get Red Delicious apple first. Let me know abt Royal Gala apple.

The sticker on apples show the brand of the apple. Hehe. My MIL bought from the market ..the apple w sticker 'ki ki' ... sourish.
You want to beef up Lucas is it? haha.
What did you add in the porridge for him? I usually add fish or veggie and minced meat but I can tell that she is getting xian of it already. Sometime take 3 mouths dun want liao. Thinking any more new recipe for porridge?
blessed 11,
I started cereal n puree very early on my baby at 3mths old...wanted to start home-cooked porridge for my boy so want to kw what to put inside? I heard that baby porridge need to cook until very soft after that need to use the sift so that it gt a better texture.

I will be late tml cos hubby is working. Will join you ladies once he is done.

Spin, Enne my gal looking forwrd to meeting her playmate. I tell her tml goo kaikai got jiejie and gorgor she so happy, went to get and shoes out and start wearing them this afternoon.
I really hope he can look more chubby .. but of cos he is not willing to, then I cant force him. Hehe.

I've fed him porridge w carrot ... now porridge w pumpkin. Think not much choices for 6-8mths old babies.

oic, nvm in this case, at least bb J will get her jab by 9 mths...very fast will be 9 mths liao...


wow, u bought so many things ah! must be great buys! I was at the outlet in raffles city coz nearer to my office and i had a lunch appt there
the q was so long i almost wanted to give up.

I din want to say to my fren that why he let his maid walk his dog...dun want to add salt to his wound liao.. but he did tell me later that normally either he or his wife will walk the doggie. Last nite he was engaged in a scheduled conf call while the wife was still bz with the baby. Doggie wants to go peepee so maid walked him down. Fren is staying at the 2nd flr and he looked down from the window to check and saw everything was fine. Many maids working here don't work using their hearts. There are some nice ones for sure...but how many employers can be lucky? Do you want to take a gamble is yours 1 of the lucky few? My HK colleague told me that there was a case in HK, juz because the employer verbally scolded the maid for doing something wrong, the maid later added washing powder into baby's milk. Hiaz! dunno why they can be so cruel as babies, toddlers and pets are innocent...


yah loh i experienced that before too... but that time i pressed open the lift door refused to open. some of the lifts in older estates perhaps lousy like mine. I have to use my body to block. My gal kenna once before liao.... luckily she din cry as it banged onto her. that time hb was the one bringing her. hiaz...
Gathering - On 2nd thg, I am not going tomm. Working in hospital , now already orange alert. Better not to have too much close contact especially wif all young babies, shall meet yr again next gathering.

Hope the swine flu is gone by then. Enjoy yrself ya.
Hi mummies,

Been very busy at work so havent log in for a long time. Would like to know the details of tmr's gathering.....or rather today....

Can someone pls PM me the details???

must have sent it about 2-3 weeks ago??

Re: porridge
i think slow cooker should do e job fine right? planning to look for one this weekend maybe. thinkin if i should get one for mum too. since baby wil be there most e week.

i dun intend to get blender le..prob use a good grater instead so that bb can learn how to chew. of coz this will be after she has learned to take cereal.
Hi cookie,
My gal is using Pigeon teat. So far she's ok wif it. But recently she bit it until flat. Then last nite she been crying in her sleep. I check her body temperature but no fever leh. Duno what really go wrong.

These days realli no time to log in.. work long hours then come home is babysitting.. haiz... wa.. so many posts i just roughly screen through..

Kash, sorry to hear abt the door.. read alr very heartbreaking..
i used to have a chihuahua.. died alr due to old age. didnt decide to have another one, cause very heartbreaking loi..

vincy: wa.. don know u are a nurse.. very wei da this job.

dymples: yeah how can the pd so blur, now then realised never jab.. my frd she laboured, need to wait 10 hours later then tell her that bb got lung infection.. also at TMC
The gala apple is ok only. Not that sweet but it's not sour too. I think my gal dun like apple puree in general. She never finish the puree before. Think i will try something else. But now she having cough got phlegm so a lot of fruits can't give leh.

Come to think of that situation it still give me the creeps. I guess with dogs or babies, same will apply whenever going into the lift, press open till all in. My lift here a bit crazy cos after the door open, they close very fast. Usually after the first person walk out of the lift will close liao, so if we happen to be the second to walk out we got to use hand to press on the lift door.

So long ah and u still haven't receive? haiz, i think i may have to wait another week or so liao.
I also getting the slow cooker but got so many sizes not sure should i get the smallest one ($29)or the second smallest one($49)?
Hi all!

Back from the gathering at Chillipadi's place!
Sorry couldnt stay long as Baby Greg was cranky - he fell asleep immediately on the cab after we left, tired boy!

Chillipadi: Thks to you and hb for hosting us and preparing such a spread!! The food was really yummy, but our fav is the potato gratin haa we ate finish the portion we dabao back =)

Baby23, Olwen n Cookieoreo: Nice to meet u all once again =)

MInkybear n Fruche: Great to meet u both!! But cldnt talk much to you as u 2 came later on :p

Snnowy: Quinnlyn is really a very pretty girl with very big eyes and she can sit so quietly on daddy's lap, unlike my boy hiazz...

Happy: Nice to meet u too!
Attached the pix of both babies!!


Caden &amp; Greg
Mummies!!! Miss the fun here... been busy at work n can't log in here else everyone can see... haha~ hope everyone's getting on great! I haven't read all the achives only this page. will do so later.. anyway, kindly update my gal's info... thanks a million!!

Jenn Felicia 07Nov 21Oct 6mths9days 8.5kg 70cm mamil gold 2 + 1 feed of cereal
Done done =)

<font color="aa00aa"><font size="+1"><font face="'Verdana'"> Nov Mummy &amp; Baby List </font></font></font>

<table border=1><tr><td></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>S/N</TD><TD>Nick</TD><TD>Baby Name</TD><TD>EDD</TD><TD>Baby Birthday</TD><TD>Current Age</TD><TD>Last Weight</TD><TD>Last Height</TD><TD>Drink </TD></TR><TR><TD>1</TD><TD>Yokoh</TD><TD>Braedon</TD><TD>20/11/2008</TD><TD>02/10/2008</TD><TD>6 months 30 days</TD><TD>7.1kg</TD><TD>63cm</TD><TD>EBM + Enfalac </TD></TR><TR><TD>2</TD><TD>Olwenlim</TD><TD>Gerard</TD><TD>19/11/2008</TD><TD>10/10/2008</TD><TD>6 months 22 days</TD><TD>7.4kg</TD><TD>63cm</TD><TD>Half EBM + Half Friso + 5 spoons of rice cereal </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>Rachel</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>7.3kg</TD><TD>63cm</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>Luke</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>7.1kg</TD><TD>63cm</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>3</TD><TD>Babyzel</TD><TD>Rachelle</TD><TD>04/11/2008</TD><TD>16/10/2008</TD><TD>6 months 16 days</TD><TD>7.82kg</TD><TD>66cm</TD><TD>EBM &amp; 1 feed of Friso </TD></TR><TR><TD>4</TD><TD>Yoyosan</TD><TD>Charlene</TD><TD>08/11/2008</TD><TD>17/10/2008</TD><TD>6 months 15 days</TD><TD>6.4kg</TD><TD>63cm</TD><TD>TEBM </TD></TR><TR><TD>5</TD><TD>chilipadi</TD><TD>Emma-Jane</TD><TD>11/11/2008</TD><TD>17/10/2008</TD><TD>6 months 15 days</TD><TD>6.0kg</TD><TD>65cm</TD><TD>EBM &amp; 240 ml similac every nite </TD></TR><TR><TD>6</TD><TD>Jenn </TD><TD>Felicia </TD><TD>07/11/2008</TD><TD>21/10/2008</TD><TD>6 months 11 days</TD><TD>8.5kg</TD><TD>70cm</TD><TD>Mamil gold 2 + 1 feed of cereal </TD></TR><TR><TD>7</TD><TD>Kash</TD><TD>Euan</TD><TD>13/11/2008</TD><TD>25/10/2008</TD><TD>6 months 7 days</TD><TD>7.25kg</TD><TD>66cm</TD><TD>TEBM </TD></TR><TR><TD>8</TD><TD>amore </TD><TD>Cheyenne </TD><TD>03/11/2008</TD><TD>26/10/2008</TD><TD>6 months 6 days</TD><TD>6.7kg</TD><TD>64cm</TD><TD>BF+EBM+semi solid </TD></TR><TR><TD>9</TD><TD>Glad_gal</TD><TD>Greg</TD><TD>06/11/2008</TD><TD>27/10/2008</TD><TD>6 months 5 days</TD><TD>7.3kg</TD><TD>67cm</TD><TD>BF &amp; EBM/FM at night </TD></TR><TR><TD>10</TD><TD>Jo</TD><TD>Lucas</TD><TD>08/11/2008</TD><TD>27/10/2008</TD><TD>6 months 5 days</TD><TD>7.6kg</TD><TD>67cm</TD><TD>3 FM feeds + 2 solid food meals </TD></TR><TR><TD>11</TD><TD>tri_Angel</TD><TD>Trella</TD><TD>11/11/2008</TD><TD>27/10/2008</TD><TD>6 months 5 days</TD><TD>9.5kg</TD><TD>67cm</TD><TD>Dumex Mamil Gold 1 + Semi-solid </TD></TR><TR><TD>12</TD><TD>DMK</TD><TD>I-Ho</TD><TD>07/11/2008</TD><TD>28/10/2008</TD><TD>6 months 4 days</TD><TD>7.6kg</TD><TD>69.8cm</TD><TD>Similac </TD></TR><TR><TD>13</TD><TD>Lynn</TD><TD>Brandon</TD><TD>26/10/2008</TD><TD>29/10/2008</TD><TD>6 months 3 days</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>Frisco Gold </TD></TR><TR><TD>14</TD><TD>Yen</TD><TD>Jalen</TD><TD>17/11/2008</TD><TD>29/10/2008</TD><TD>6 months 3 days</TD><TD>6.2kg</TD><TD>63cm</TD><TD>Frisco Gold </TD></TR><TR><TD>15</TD><TD>KiKi</TD><TD>Qi Huan</TD><TD>09/11/2008</TD><TD>29/10/2008</TD><TD>6 months 3 days</TD><TD>7.2kg</TD><TD>67cm</TD><TD>EBM + Sem-solid </TD></TR><TR><TD>16</TD><TD>JessLee</TD><TD>Ryan</TD><TD>26/11/2008</TD><TD>29/10/2008</TD><TD>6 months 3 days</TD><TD>6.8kg</TD><TD>64cm</TD><TD>EBM + Nestle Nan 1 + Semi-solid </TD></TR><TR><TD>17</TD><TD>Zeal Mummy </TD><TD>Joan </TD><TD>07/11/2008</TD><TD>30/10/2008</TD><TD>6 months 2 days</TD><TD>7.5kg</TD><TD>66cm</TD><TD>TBF </TD></TR><TR><TD>18</TD><TD>Fifi</TD><TD>Alyssa</TD><TD></TD><TD>31/10/2008</TD><TD>6 months 1 days</TD><TD>6.3kg</TD><TD>63.5cm</TD><TD>BF + EBM </TD></TR><TR><TD>19</TD><TD>wtan</TD><TD>Broderick</TD><TD>16/11/2008</TD><TD>31/10/2008</TD><TD>6 months 1 days</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>20</TD><TD>Peanut</TD><TD>Asta </TD><TD>14/11/2008</TD><TD>03/11/2008</TD><TD>5 months 29 days</TD><TD>7.8kg</TD><TD>66cm</TD><TD>Enfalac + 2 solid meals </TD></TR><TR><TD>21</TD><TD>Karen</TD><TD>Jowenda</TD><TD>29/10/2008</TD><TD>03/11/2008</TD><TD>5 months 29 days</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>TBF </TD></TR><TR><TD>22</TD><TD>happydays</TD><TD>Caden</TD><TD></TD><TD>04/11/2008</TD><TD>5 months 28 days</TD><TD>7.8kg</TD><TD>63cm</TD><TD>Frisco </TD></TR><TR><TD>23</TD><TD>Jeanne</TD><TD>Eva</TD><TD>25/11/2008</TD><TD>04/11/2008</TD><TD>5 months 28 days</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>Nestle Nan Pro 1 </TD></TR><TR><TD>24</TD><TD>JJ_Zou</TD><TD>Givan</TD><TD>15/11/2008</TD><TD>05/11/2008</TD><TD>5 months 27 days</TD><TD>8.06kg</TD><TD>66cm</TD><TD>TBF </TD></TR><TR><TD>25</TD><TD>Sha Sha</TD><TD>Jayla</TD><TD></TD><TD>06/11/2008</TD><TD>5 months 26 days</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>TEBM &amp; Dumex Mamil Gold (1x Nite feed) </TD></TR><TR><TD>26</TD><TD>Carol Neo/Raygal</TD><TD>Jadon</TD><TD></TD><TD>08/11/2008</TD><TD>5 months 24 days</TD><TD>8.0kg</TD><TD>67cm</TD><TD>EBM &amp; S26 Gold </TD></TR><TR><TD>27</TD><TD>Cutiemum </TD><TD>Jaden </TD><TD>12/11/2008</TD><TD>09/11/2008</TD><TD>5 months 23 days</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>Frisco 1 (changing to Similac) </TD></TR><TR><TD>28</TD><TD>alibaba</TD><TD>Trysten</TD><TD>20/11/2008</TD><TD>10/11/2008</TD><TD>5 months 22 days</TD><TD>7.0kg</TD><TD>64cm</TD><TD>TEBM </TD></TR><TR><TD>29</TD><TD>Baby23</TD><TD>ziyee</TD><TD>11/11/2008</TD><TD>10/11/2008</TD><TD>5 months 22 days</TD><TD>6.8kg</TD><TD>65cm</TD><TD>Frisco </TD></TR><TR><TD>30</TD><TD>minkybear</TD><TD>Issac</TD><TD></TD><TD>11/11/2008</TD><TD>5 months 21 days</TD><TD>7.65kg</TD><TD>64cm</TD><TD>EBM &amp; 1 feed of Goat's Milk </TD></TR><TR><TD>31</TD><TD>joyce_7580</TD><TD>Yu-Qi</TD><TD>11/11/2008</TD><TD>11/11/2008</TD><TD>5 months 21 days</TD><TD>6.67kg</TD><TD>61cm</TD><TD>TEBM </TD></TR><TR><TD>32</TD><TD>annkarin72</TD><TD>Shaun</TD><TD></TD><TD>12/11/2008</TD><TD>5 months 20 days</TD><TD>8.5kg</TD><TD>68cm</TD><TD>Similac </TD></TR><TR><TD>33</TD><TD>Haru</TD><TD>Heidi </TD><TD>16/11/2008</TD><TD>13/11/2008</TD><TD>5 months 19 days</TD><TD>6.6kg</TD><TD>63cm</TD><TD>BF + EBM </TD></TR><TR><TD>34</TD><TD>Milderina</TD><TD>Claudia</TD><TD></TD><TD>14/11/2008</TD><TD>5 months 18 days</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>35</TD><TD>Hugomum</TD><TD>Hugo</TD><TD>18/11/2008</TD><TD>14/11/2008</TD><TD>5 months 18 days</TD><TD>8.9kg</TD><TD>65cm</TD><TD>FM Enfalac A+ + Semi-solid </TD></TR><TR><TD>36</TD><TD>bluebear</TD><TD>Asiel</TD><TD></TD><TD>15/11/2008</TD><TD>5 months 17 days</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>Partial BF </TD></TR><TR><TD>37</TD><TD>Aden's Mummy</TD><TD>Aden</TD><TD>27/11/2008</TD><TD>16/11/2008</TD><TD>5 months 16 days</TD><TD>6.11kg</TD><TD>63cm</TD><TD>TBF </TD></TR><TR><TD>38</TD><TD>Snnowy</TD><TD>Quinnlyn</TD><TD></TD><TD>16/11/2008</TD><TD>5 months 16 days</TD><TD>5.5kg</TD><TD>61cm</TD><TD>TBF </TD></TR><TR><TD>39</TD><TD>Cookieoreo </TD><TD>Brian </TD><TD>17/11/2008</TD><TD>17/11/2008</TD><TD>5 months 15 days</TD><TD>8.9kg</TD><TD>67.5cm</TD><TD>TBF </TD></TR><TR><TD>40</TD><TD>Dymples</TD><TD>Janessa </TD><TD>24/11/2008</TD><TD>17/11/2008</TD><TD>5 months 15 days</TD><TD>6.7kg</TD><TD>65cm</TD><TD>TBF + 1 Feed Friso </TD></TR><TR><TD>41</TD><TD>Enne</TD><TD>Leighton</TD><TD>01/12/2008</TD><TD>17/11/2008</TD><TD>5 months 15 days</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>42</TD><TD>Sabre</TD><TD>Tyler</TD><TD></TD><TD>18/11/2008</TD><TD>5 months 14 days</TD><TD>8.2kg</TD><TD></TD><TD>Dumex Mamil Gold 1 + Semi-solid </TD></TR><TR><TD>43</TD><TD>Lilian</TD><TD>Kayla</TD><TD></TD><TD>19/11/2008</TD><TD>5 months 13 days</TD><TD>6.6kg</TD><TD>63cm</TD><TD>Enfalac </TD></TR><TR><TD>44</TD><TD>rainbowcandybaby</TD><TD>Jalen Eden</TD><TD>27/11/2008</TD><TD>23/11/2008</TD><TD>5 months 9 days</TD><TD>8.1kg</TD><TD>69cm</TD><TD>Mamex Gold </TD></TR><TR><TD>45</TD><TD>Gal.dolphin</TD><TD>Sky</TD><TD>25/11/2008</TD><TD>24/11/2008</TD><TD>5 months 8 days</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>TBF + Semi-solid </TD></TR><TR><TD>46</TD><TD>Bear</TD><TD>Zachary</TD><TD></TD><TD>24/11/2008</TD><TD>5 months 8 days</TD><TD>7.3kg</TD><TD>62cm</TD><TD>TEBM </TD></TR><TR><TD>47</TD><TD>Mosh</TD><TD>Vernise</TD><TD>30/11/2008</TD><TD>28/11/2008</TD><TD>5 months 4 days</TD><TD>7.0kg</TD><TD>64cm</TD><TD>Enfalac </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>
Chillipadi - Im sorie for nt informing you unable to attend the gatherin today . I was down with veri bad headache. So Sorie.

Snnowy- sorie to dissapoint you &amp; your gal .
wow, the food spread looks yum!! sorry i had to give this gathering a miss as my hubby has been working late recently so wanted to spend some family time. => thanks for sharing e pix, gladglad!

i think the smallest size should be ok for e slow cooker? coz they dun really eat that much rite? hmm...can experienced mummies advice if it will still be sufficient even when they grow older and take in more porridge?

thanks for constantly updating e table, its brilliant!!
Nice to meet u to gladgal. Hopefully we'll meet again!!

And really good to meet the other mummies....pleasant surprise to find that most r experienced ones!! Can advice me!!

Kiki, pls update for me:
nick: fruche
baby: Jonas
EDD: 16 nov 08
Birthday: 8 nov 08
weight: 8.4kg
height: 67cm
90% breastfeeding,10%S26

hi mummies: thanks to chillipadi for cooking so much. feel so bad for poking minkybear to organise &amp; then so many didn't turn up. haiz. wish i cld have ta-pao but my husband said wanted to go house viewing so afraid the food would spoil. megan &amp; emma r so pretty!

great to meet the mummies yesterday, some new some old. at last seeing snnowy in person. thanks again to glad gal for taking pix &amp; cookie for being so fun as usual.

alibaba, chillipadi: yah, my maids "chu" pattern now. donno how, even w no off day, they can still make "friends" w the thai &amp; bangla workers. i don't mind if i was a rich tai tai, no need to work &amp; i'm around to accompany the kids at home. but i go out to work so hard &amp; take all this rubbish from my bosses, i expect them to do a decent job at home. so distracted, they can even forget instructions immediately after i give them. told them to cut out my huggies barcode, they only cut out the points &amp; threw the rest of the wrapper away. i really saw red yesterday over this. maybe it sounds like a small matter to some of u but i accumulated exactly 7 huggies packs to get the barcodes &amp; they threw it away just like tt. in the past we cld say salaries were so low, it's excusable. but now their salaries r so much higher &amp; their work is more slipshod. the standard of maids has really fallen. my mum's maid has never in her 12 years pulled these stupid stunts on us, she's so uninterested in men anyway. my 1st 2 maids when i had kai were much better. sigh.

btw, anybody got huggies barcode to sell me?
Hihi ..woh the spread look so yummy, too bad due to the swine flu, we all need to be activited back to hosp to do help out. now my gal down wif flu. haiz

whos updating pls help me, tks tks

nick: vincy
baby: vera
EDD: 16 Nov 08
Birthday: 22 oct 08
weight: 6.4kg
height: 62cm
Tupperware Icecube with lids

Anyone want to join me for the purchase...offer for May till 17May - 2 for 16.60 (normal is 27.60) ...lifetime warranty... got other stuff too...you can PM for the brochure...dont know how to load here....its a pdf file
Hello mummies ...

Juz to share ... I went Bugis Junction BHG today and storewide sales of 10-30% discount. Almost all regular items also have discount ... for kids section - all milk bottles, clothings and toys. It's not "Up to XX% discount", its at least 10% to 30% discount storewide! Heard tomorrow last day.

Really enjoyed my shopping today! DUN MISS THIS BHG SALES! Hehe.
Hi good morning mummies

Have a happy Sunday!

New Moms Exhibition is kinda small I think, not very crowded yesterday maybe due to Swine Flu, pp are staying at home. I was there yesterday from 4pm to 9pm, at the BMSG booth, giving out phamplets to pregnant mummies so didn't really check out the other booths.

I bought the ABD bb box detergent (1.2kg) for $5.50, maybe just a few cents discounts. I saw many daddies carrying huggies diapers and drypers.. prob cheaper than outside I guess.

Today is the last day, the exhibition is from 12noon to 10pm at Expo Hall 4.

<font color="0000ff">rainbowcandybaby</font>
Welcome to the Nov mummy thread

<font color="0000ff">Bear</font>
So crowded ha and pp can just leave without paying??
<font color="0000ff">vincy</font>
Sorry to hear that your gal is sick. Hope she will recover soon. Ya sometimes due to unforeseen circumstances, need to do OT when we are in the healthcare industry.

hi mummies,

my baby all over the body has red little spot except face. is that hive or fengmo?

or is it something i ate so he like that. i ate danggui chicken yesterday

he no fever lei. help, please
