(2008/11) November 2008

i'll be sending my baby for 6 in 1 when she is 6 weeks as recommended by my PD.

i am using Avent Isis Uno, but bot it w/o e cooler bag. silly me!
me doing confinement myself, no CL so pretty much lotsa freedom. my confinement ends this weekend, 31 days.=P i washed my hair at e hospital on day 3 already.hahah..

You can always walk in to any OCBC to get it done.

You want to try my LC? If expressing, you try express every 2-3 hrs. Before express drink a hot drink. Try some nursing tea or Fenugreek too.

I chose OCBC coz more branches.

Ordered already. Shipment already left drugstore. Might have another spree in Jan coz the Medela stuff a lot OOS now and I will need them. So likely to try again in Jan.
Ya I know what u mean, today I got so fedup with her that I cannot even stand hearing her voice!!!

Dymples, Bear
I will try to ignore her comments. Now my priority is to nurse back my health and increase my breast milk. Nearly give up, thanks for all of your support
have u tried nursing tea? ordered from MIM, waiting for it to arrive in the mail. hope it helps to boost my supply! coz i will need to start pumping to store some EBM really soon for when i return to work. i am afraid to take fenugreek in case on side effects..are you taking that too?

that's e spirit! just focus on taking good care of yourself and ur baby ya? nothing else matters.=>
Haru, actually nursing teas main ingredient is also fenugreek.
its the only herb supposedly scientifically proven to increase ss.

Mosh, dun give up. have u called for a lactation consultant?
Tried MIM de. But I take once a day only. Seems a little effect but hard to tell coz I seldom express still. Fenugreek I haven tried coz I want to check with my gynae first.
JJMom: I can't manage all by myself, I ha confinement ldy standby the moment i reached home from hospital, after first CL left I had another one come in for another 28 days..although its really really expensive to have it for another mth...

I have hire 2 full time maids to help out at home, one full time take care of baby the other will clean and cook. Still cheaper than hiring CL..

Perhaps u can consider a part time cleaner who can clean hse, iron and wash clothes for u...it csts only like $12 an hr but really worth your money. At least u have tim for urself, and shouldn't tire yourself out.

Dymples: Can you let me know on Melrose catering food if its nice after your party is over? very curius to know how their food taste.
<font color="ff0066"> Bear</font>,
Dun worry yah.. my BB is also not on 100% BM. Cos I supplement her wz FM at night juz so I can sleep longer.

The most important is... as long as BB consumes some of our BM is good liaoz. It's not the quantity tat matters. It's the quality.

<font color="ff0066"> happywifey</font>,
Nope. Sweetest Moments din charge me extra for changing items leh. Could it becos I'm ordering 50-boxes from them? *scratch head*
Maybe you can mention tat you know a friend who managed to changed the items wz out extra charge. Then see wat they say yah.

<font color="ff0066"> Jynnsan</font>,
I also dunno leh... cos for my older gals tat time no 6-in-1 jabs. Most are done separately. Hope some mommies here can help you on this.

<font color="ff0066"> washing hair</font>
I've been washing my hair everyday since I came back from the hospital. But I make usre to blow dry my hair thoroughly before coming out of the room.

Btw, I'm thinking of getting a hair cut + colour + treatment. Anyone got any good salons to recommend?
I tot of going to Shunji Matsuo or it's cheaper sister, Icon. But heard tats it's super expensive.

<font color="ff0066"> mosh</font>
Way to go gal!!! We'll all jia-you together and we will succeed in BF-ing our babies yah. Go-Go-Go. YEAH!!

<font color="ff0066"> Horlicks</font>,
After drinking Horlicks, I find tat my milk ss really seem to have more leh... dunno whether it's cos my BB is suckling more tat also contribute to this?
This morning, jux 1-side managed to pump out 70ml leh. So happy.

<font color="ff0066"> CC</font>
Sure! Will update you on Melrose catering after my BB's 1st Mth on 20Dec. I also hope tat it's good.

<font color="ff0066"> Maya Massage</font>
Tomorrow will be Day 4 wz Maya Mummy Massage. So far I find her massage skills ok only. Too bad no head massage to complete the session.
Also I would prefer slightly more manipulation on my back. Right now she's more like 'rubbing' the whole back up and down only. Not kneading the muscles or anything.
But overall result after 3-days binding is good. My tummy is quite flat liaoz. Somemore after each massage session sure got 'heavy flow' again.
Tat's good cos womb will be 'cleaner' bah.
Oh yah.. I also stopped applying the Jamu b4 the binding cos my tummy got rashes coming out. Getting itchy. *sob-sob*
really? i didnt know that! haha..anyway, wil give it a try tom. just received the nursing tea today. i pumped other side aft lettin baby latch on just now, manage to get 40ml, quite happy coz i only got like less 10ml for past 2 days.

thats really good! i have been drinking milo, horlicks and instant oats but since i latch on most of the time, hard to tell e real effect. hahah..
dymples: I think most massage ladies so-so I used 2 Malay massage ladies first one was very very gentle..! But wrap was ok tummy was v. flat.

Second one I told her i wanted more strength and she gave more strength, she also massaged breasta area, next morning my breasts engorged but a lot of milk. Her wrap was not as gd as first lady.

I tink for real back/shoulder massage we should head out to massage joints for full body massage where they have proper bed and facilities for a better massage, i tink the masssage bed makes a difference too..
Which means the 6-in-1 is suppose to take on 1.5 months?

I had submitted my CDA form but no news. Was told by CDA clinics that we also need to submit form for approval if we want to use our CDA account for pay for the vaccination.

Thanks, i will join the next (Jan) Spree
Avent nursing pads
Hmmm does not work for me ah. Leaked so much. Not absorbent at all. Is it only me? I usually can soak up the whole disposable one. Feel like something is wrong since so many of you said the Avent ones are very absorbent.

Mommies whose babies r taking the above.
I've 6 new tins of NAN HA 1 (900g) to let go cos my son is taking Friso comfort due to his reflux. Expiry date is May 2010.

Letting go at S$34 per tin or S$200 for all 6 tins. I'm also giving away a brand new pack of Drypers S size diapers (64pcs) if u r getting all 6 tins.

Pls email me at [email protected] if u r interested.

p/s: I may b slow in reply (2-3 days) as I'm taking care of my son alone n won't hv the time to come online daily.
Hi good morning mummies...

Very long never post liao, after Vera baby shower, my MIL admitted hospital, then last week passaway. Busy with funeral. Finally over now.

btw anybody interested in CROCS? 40% discount from retail price. I am organising one.
sweetest moments:
i was gg to order 60 boxes! the lady wasnt very friendly too. she said can add items (must pay) but cannot change. guess will call them again to ask.

hair cut:
I have been going to shunji matsuo until i got pregnant cos it got inconvenient to travel there. Shunji is the most exp, but his other more junior stylists are gd too. there is a korean girl there that i like but i forgot her name. my sis goes to icon, she is quite happy with their cuts too.

Jab: am bringing my baby for her 6 in 1 at 6 weeks too

confinement: you are doing confinement yourself?! wow, so steady! btw, my CL is leaving on the 28 day, so u can start drinking yr cold drinks then instead of 31 days! hee..

Guess what! i latched my bb at 1030 last nite, not enuf, she fussed for more and we topped up with FM at 1130 and she slept till 6am this morning!
Hi all

Today I m on my own liao.. HB went back to work after resting for the last few days.. Managed to finished the laundry and oso mopping the floor.. Felt so contented.. but whole body aching now..


I will be going for the 5-in-1.. and tomolo will be bringing bb for the 1st mth Hep B.. I checked with the polyclinic, they do offered the 6-in-1 oso..
<font color="ff0066"> CC</font>,
Yup... agree wz you. For good massage must go for those spas. I like St Gregory's.

<font color="ff0066"> Karen</font>,
The Avent Disposable Pads are only good for home use cos once wet gotta change liaoz. Yesterday I used all my 3-pairs cos keep leaking milk.

<font color="ff0066"> happywifey</font>,
wow! 60-boxes is alot leh... hhmm... so strange they dun change for you. Is the items of the same value? The lady I deal wz sounded young and was quite nice.
Dun feel bad. I think you are doing a very great job already. Once your milk is stable, you will be able to pump more and I'm sure you will be able to give him 100% EBM 1 day. Jia you

Your situation is like mine when I had my #1. MIL, CL are all not supportive of bfing. All my hubby cousin, SIL all super pro FM and noone give BM for more than 1 month. When I do direct latch, they would stay in the rom and give a lot of comment. When bb had growth spurt, she latch almost every hour and they would go like"You got no milk for bb? BB not having enough? You want to try FM" Tell you, I cried everyday from cfm till i thought I have post natal blue that I simply end my cfm in 3 weeks.

I really perserve on and bf my #1 from day 1 till she is 16 months when I delivered my #2 on 16 Nov. For #2 when I bf, ppl around simply keep quiet.

I will advice you to do your part as a mother - that is to give simply basic need to your bb by bfing. In order not to stress yourself by hearing too much of your MIL negative word, simply bring the bb into your room and close the door when you bf (you tend to produce more when you are less stress)If your MIL is not showing any respect for you and your emotion especially at this cruial point, you do it the more tactful way, close the door rather than aruge with her as in the end of the day, she is still your hubby's mother.

Take a step at a time
hi mummies,
coming in to just let out my feelings.. had a rough afternoon. went to PD tis morn as baby's spots were getting worse, turns out its cradle cap. have to apply some cream for her for bout a week.

but aft coming home she has been crying almost non stop. i feel like i hv been carrying her all day n couldnt even go pee. everytime she manage to stop, she will cry like few min aft she's in her cot. worst part is when she doesnt stop crying even when i carry her..end up she cry i also cry... so frustrated w myself. like now she just started crying again..while i am carrying her... i hope i can keep my sanity till hubby comes home..
You mean the non-disposable ones right? Aiyah, like that, then I waste money since it hardly can contain my leakage at all
The Pigeon disposable ones can hold quite a lot of milk.
Happy wifey,
I will be choosing OCBC over StandChart as there are more branches. Moreover Sun Plaza also have OCBC so easier for me to carry out the transactions if any.

I ordered MIM nursing tea too but dun take it regularly also not sure whether is it working for me. I wanted to try Fenugreek but GNC all supply low, i can't get any. Got to place order and wait 1-2 weeks. Looks like a lot of mums are either taking or storing Fenugreek. Hehe...

Is ur bb crying due to colic? U must stay calm if not will affect bb also. Try every possible method and see what ur bb wants. My bb also sometime like tat, so i got to try all sorts of methods. Like put in sarong,cot, bed or rocker? Check if diaper wet or is she hungry... everything i can think of lah.. also got to act cute when trying to talk to her. my bb will calm down when i place her on my chest and then pat her back.

i jus change the teats to no2 last night. i think bb can take in milk better with it.
hv placed my order with SM
decided not to change the item cos the item i wanted was of a higher value, but happy that i got this settled. the lady i spoke to today was nicer too!
hv also placed my order with melrose for my buffet. feel so productive today

I sometimes get emotional when taking care of my bb too, its tough for u esp with no CL so dun put too much stress on yrself yah? hope yr hubby comes back soon!

i wish i could persevere like u did, but its really tough esp when she cries shortly after i put her down after latching. am so afraid they are right that I dun hv enuf milk and am starving my baby so no choice succumbed to pressure to feed her FM
<font color="ff0066"> Karen</font>,
Ooppsss... sorry. Typo error. Should be Avent Washable Pads. Pigeon disposable pads are more absorbent but then once wet cannot leave too long also cos scared will
harbour bacteria mah. So the Avent is good for home use and then use the Pigeon dispoable ones when outside.

<font color="ff0066"> Blocked Ducts</font>,
Haiz... I kena blocked duct yesterday. Then had to 'burst' the white blockage on my nipple. Today my nipple so sore cos after 'bursting' the blockage,
it became like cracked nipple.
Haiz... End up had to express milk all day today and feed BB wz EBM. Any mommies experience this also?

<font color="ff0066"> EBM</font>
So sad... whilst expressing milk today, intially can get nearly 100ml from both sides. Then later in the afternoon became only 60-80ml from both sides.
So had to add-in FM into the EBM to make 100ml.

<font color="ff0066"> Babyzel</font>,
I also thinking of getting Fenugreek to increase my milk ss. Wah... GNC no more stocks and gotta place order somemore. *faintz*
Dymples, ur boobs prod less milk in the evenings. that's normal.
dun worry.. u will realise in the mornings, u will prod a lot. cheer up! i also the same. evenings i can only hit abt 80ml. mornings can hit 120ml... U poor thing, have to clear ur block ducts. u did it urself?

Re: fenugreek
I m still having the runs man! one day can have diarrhea for 5xs!! luckily no tummy ache one. just LS.

Haru, its like that.. the only thing u can do is to tell urself they will outgrow it. could it be the cradle cap making her uncomfy?

Snnowy, i really hope i can continue to give EBM for as long as i can.. realised that my bb doesn't feel full aft 100ml of EBM, he will continue to root for more and refused to settle until we give another 30ml! my CL says we need to increase his feeds to 120ml!!! i only just managed to get 100ml regularly, now must hit 120ml? very disheartening.
Babyzel: My baby seem to be drinking faster with teat 2 when I tried it yesterday. Shall monitor and see how..

Happywifey: Wow...me also waiting for the day bb can sleep thru the nite sigh! Wonder if giving some FM will facilitate this??

Cutiemum: Seems like you are coping well
That's great!

Haru: Hope your bb has stopped crying, and you are less stressed... Take a break when your hubby is home!

Bear, less milk in the evening?? No wonder, feel my ss also dropping sigh. Currently only pumping twice a day but last time can easily get 100ml but now must pump a few times before hitting 100 ml.

FM: Which brands are you all using? Thinking of introducing soon otherwise bb might reject later on...coz have a feeling I won't have enough BM when I go back to work..:x
hi mommies...

sorry to interrupt.

i have 2 boxes of lansinoh milkbags (25 bags each box) for sale. $10 per box. Prices exclude postage. Please PM me if you are keen as I do not check this thread frequently.

Lansinoh Milkbags - breastmilk storage bags for storing and freezing breastmilk. leak proof double zipper seal. self standing bag. Bisphenol -A (BPA) free. designed for safer breastmilk storage.
<font color="ff0066"> Bear</font>,
Oic.... heheheeh... forgotten all these liaoz. THks so much for reminding me tat milk ss will dwindle twds evening. I was getting worried how come my ss can suddenly drop.

Haiz... yah lor... gotta clear the blocked duct myself. What I did was let BB latch on. Then when the nipple softer, use my fingernail slowly press and 'prick' the blockage.
*YyeeoouuccHHH* So pain-pain. Once the block released liaoz.. can see some milk trickling out. After that also got some blood come out. Haiz....

<font color="ff0066"> Haru</font>,
Hang in there babe! It's really not easy when BB is crying and we can't figure out the cause. Could be she's over-stimulated by the 'outing'.
Hope your BB has clamed down liaoz. When your hub is home, leave BB wz him for a while then you take some time-out to recharge.
Haru, hope bb and you are feeling better now. Don't be too stress k? must take care of yourself first. Possible to get some help, mabe ur mum? It is not easy to handle alone. I am also very worried when husband has to go bk to work. Though i am staying with MIL, these 2 weeks me and hubby have been taking care of bb most of the time.

Bear, i think you are already doing very well re breastfeeding! We all are learning it and persevering together. So let's all jia you tgt ya!

CDA a/c, me haven't open yet. mabe will go for OCBC.. thot both banks the same?? Or one offer better rate than the others?

I wash my hair everyday actually. I know i am being stubborn, but really can't help lei... Hope it will not cause too much of a problem.

I start my massage 2 weeks after delivery and the ML kept saying why i start so late. Cos she said body will be heathier if start earlier. I think she is right to a certain extent, feel better after her massage but just tt the binding is really making me very uncomfortable. But my belly is still there ... hope it can go away soon. But i think also difficult to lose weight la, has been eating all the meat for confinement. Sick of pork and chicken!!! ; )

The same thing happened to me a few weeks ago, baby almost all the time crying. Like whatever I do doesnt calm him down! I thought something is really wrong and brought him to OSTEOPATHIC massage and it helped a lot. The doc was very caring and patiently try to give us solutions

Also we went back to the basics like burp him well after feeding, swadle when sleeping then now he is much better!!

When the colic happens I feel like I can lose myself and break down. My husband is overseas as well and now I really appreciate his help!!
sometimes I'm like tat also. Cause too tired then dunno what to do to make baby stop crying. But just calm urself down first, it helps. I'm used to baby crying liao, so now it doesn't make me panic already..

I'm bought NAN HA. But only fed baby like 3 times only.. Wasted lor.. Anyway I heard NAN HA's taste is quite close to breast milk.

Just now expressed out 100ml to feed baby. I was still thinking is it too little. Anyway baby only finished about 70ml. I'm monitoring to see how long it last him..

How many diapers have u used till now?? I've finished 2 packets of Pampers NB and finishing my 2nd packet of Mamy Poko..And baby is still pooing watery stools every feed..Normal??
morning mummies,
thanks for all ur encouragement. it was much better aft i posted yesterday. took time to feed, and shower her and she calmed down. was also able to take a break when hubby came home. she's asleep now so i managed to take my time with breakfast.

Osteopathic? i have never heard of that, what is it? =P

last nite i was only able to pump 40ml on one side about midnite. but i just gota keep it going. am only able to find e time to pump once a day (when hubby is home) now, so have to start slow. and i gota keep massaging while pumping just to get the small amount. my baby is also still poopin the mustard yellow watery stools, BF babies stools are like that. so no worries ok?
hey mummies,
do your babies stay awake alot durin e day? i noticed my baby looks really awake and doesnt seem to want to sleep during the day. but i dun want her to go w/o a nap too. if she stays awake for too long then she will have her next feed w/o a nap.. wondering how long i should play with her and keep her active.she's normally awake after feeding and a diaper change.
re : cda account/baby bonus
cash bonus - most hospital can process for you, you just need to give them bank details.
cda - account will be opened for you, just need to chose ocbc or std chart

re : breastfeed
drink lots of fluid and you will have more supply before and after bf and latch and pump at every feed.

re : carry to sleep
is it ok to carry bb to sleep b4 putting bb down on cot? will it become a habit?

for me i will try to put him facing down to sleep, he can sleep longer in this position too

re : rashes
any bb with red rashes (due to heaty) so far? whats to be done? need to standby just in case. thanks

Re : hair drop
any mummies start to drop hair already? if yes, when start and what to do? i wanna go for rebonding on my fringe only and coloring the whole head 2 colors...

re : enfalac
any bb on enfalac? is it heaty on your bb so far? my bb yesterday no poo .... initially was on similac..thinking of switching back, have bot another similac but enfalac just open....
re : massage/post natal (urgent)
im already 1.5mths after delivery, is it too late for massage or post natal massage? post natal is to push up womb rite? how abt slimmign tummy? my tummy still like 5 6 mths preg ley. very very sad

They identify and correct the disturbance of tissue mobality throughout the body, The massage is very gentle and safe for babys and childrens.When the doctor massages the baby it only looks like she is touching him. But actually she is getting rid of the accumulated gas in the tummy which causes colic.Corrects the movement of the bowel etc.

The place is in BIOPOLIS
My 2 older kids are on Enfa series all along, so for this baby, I will also give Enfalac next time, when I stop breastfeeding.. I find the kids adapt to it well, no constipation, and not too sweet.

Hair drop,
We will oni start dropping hair when baby turns 3MO. Well, just got to buy some hair tonic, serum, or go for hair treatment lor.. We will drop hair for 3-6 mths, even longer at times.. It's pretty scary when u wash hair.. hahahah. Sink get choked..:p
the funnel that comes with the medela pump does not cover whole aerola lay... Mayb only 1/2 of it. Wonder is tat ok not
hi mummies: just a quick post.

*blur* anybody else popped or have we all done already? congrats to the recent ones.

haru: try infacol, ridwind or dentinox! my rachel &amp; gerard r v colicky too. ridwind works like magic. my godson's mother says infacol too but it was OOS at the pharmacy yesterday.

FM: am giving my bb enfalac too, so far no probs.

can you share the contact for the bb massage with me too? thanks!

hope yr bb's cradle cap goes away soon!
