(2008/11) November 2008

okok i tried again. finally can liao.. also sent to jo for collaging..

my tummy @ week 18 , purposely took it last night de. hee..


morning mummies,
i am so sorry i have not taken my pix. i was out for a family dinner last nite and was home only bout midnite, too tired to take the pix. Hubby promised to help me by this weekend so that i can post. =P

i have no probs with my boss. in fact, i think he is prob the best boss to have. as long as you dun take advantage of the situation he is willing to be flexible. he told me i can try out working a lil from home as long as the work gets done aft the baby arrives. what a blessing.=>

what did you had for brekkie?? i had a curry bun that hubby bot from the old traditional bakery at whampoa..hee...
Hi ladies, received alot of emails from you all with your pic. Wait till I complete the collage, I will send it thru email to everyone, k?

Sometimes, I quite lazy to apply stretchmark cream for my butt leh. Heard alibaba abt her fren, guess I have to be more hardworking every night.
sumei, dreamyjo
yah i wun be pek chek for too long, jus need to get used tsk tsk..

my tummy slightly smaller then urs, gues mayb i'm smaller in size. Sigh.. havent gain a lot of weight, tink at most a few hundred grams, Dr Wong will scold me liao =(
same here. i had big curry bun for breakfast... am so full now...

u're so lucky to have such a gd boss.. my co is a japanese mnc . ev ting goes by book.. boss most of the time dun hiew us as long we dun create trouble... so far have no action after knowing tat i'm preggie. temp staff quite diff cos boss quite NIEOW! i believe my workload are gg to distribute among my colleagues! hopefully they dun hate for me tat.. -_-"
I had Mac's sausage mcmuffin and harshbrown for breakfast. Hehe.

I have to agree that some female boss (who dun have a partner) could be quite mentally unstable one. And my female ex-boss really er xin ... have semi-naked angmo male models on her wallpaper. Act cute in front of ang mo boss/guests. Knew everything abt the new handsome colleague on his first day at work.

So far for my job scope, I have no backup. Perhaps why boss wanna get a temp for so long.
peanut> gam sia hah.. actually have put on 2-3kgs liao...sometimes tummy look pretty obvious de wor... hopefully dun go too out of shape after giving birth..

gals, dun be lazy wor.. apply more moisturising lotion can help prevent although might not be 100% but at least help abit.
Morning ladies,

thanks for the warm welcome. Have not logged in for a day and there is already so much sharing and pics going around!

I'm going for my detailed scan on 7 July... feeling really excited about it. Can't wait to confirm the gender so as to guide my shopping!!! Was wondering if any of you ladies here are planning to BF after baby is born. If so, have you started looking at pumps?

Hmmm.... feeling hungry again...
wah....so many sexy tummy pix
i think my tummy biggest...will try to take this weekend and email to jo


how's ur detailed scan?


my scan was good... gynae said everything looks very good
so ok lah... 100% confirmed it is mickey.
i have leg cramp last night..now limp abit while walking... sianz. & i only ate few stalk of kang kong last night.. haiz. tong tong leg cramp.... & tonight gonna meet my gf at city area.. gg robinson shop shop.. see got any gd buy... any ting is worth to buy?
So many have bk or went for detailed scan.I hav yet bk the date for mine.

Re:bumper mat,
The bumper mat is very good!I love it alot too. Easy to clean when my gal dirty it.

I bought 2 of them (the world map one) and make into a play area for my gal by putting the playard around it. No worry that she will get hurts crawling,walking around it when i am in the kitchen.

Eating kang kong will cause leg cramp?
But i dun eat vege, i still hav leg cramp ley
Haru your boss so nice n understanding.

My boss hor, du yi wu Er wan..wahahaha, so far in my life I havent met someone like her. she treat everyone like that, although I pity her cause she is a lone ranger no friends ,then she self talk to herself, maybe due to her upbringing, her dad was very strict to her.. But when she targets me, I cannot take it, my colleagues ask me to separate away the emotionally part & concentrate on what need to be done. But sometime the word she uses is too hurting to forgive & forget. She is a perfectionist especially toward English & micro manages her staff, she cannot stand any mistake. Simple mistake like punctuation, forgot to put capital letter, use of wrong word in email also cannot. When we take MC, she will Q us like who pass the virus to u, how can u prevent it in future…what did doc prescribe you? What is the exact name of the medication u are taking? (My sup say that her way of showing concern, juz that she dont noe how to express herself)

Now i pregnant, she say u will be on long leave soon, so how are u going to plan your work? U know all yr coll are very busy, will there be help u need from them when you are more advance in your pregnancy? I told her no need till I delivery. Hope they will enage a temp before i go on maternity so that i can pass over.

But i really enjoy my coll, company benefit & scope of work here. That my only motitvation.wahahaha, pray hard that she will change for better.
I sent Jo my photo liao.. Later if got time will post it up here

After hearing stories abt ur bosses... I felt lucky to have a good boss. He's a local indian with 3 kids. He's pretty understanding. Sometimes he see me carry things, he will ask me if they'r too heavy for me, need his help not. Hee.. Agree, men make better bosses.
many elderly said kang kong no gd can cause leg cramp de wor... else either u lack of calcium or u nv cover ur leg when slp in air con. =P so try to cover ur leg while slping in air con. hee

Sound scary to hear women tat is not married..they especially are career minded women... my aunty oso lidat.. she not married. & now totally dun talk to family. always hide inside the room... the screw loose liao...
me yest middle of night also leg cramp.. but not sure if its due to the pregnancy or not, cos last time occasionally also like that.. lasted for about 2mins. suspect i walk too much, always go out dun wan go home hahaa..
then this morning while walking to the mrt station, suddenly feel v floaty almost lose balance and hav to use side fence to support. the person walking behind me mus hav tot wats wrong with this person..
I dun used to have leg cramps tat often. But after pregnancy especially since 2nd trimester, I had leg cramps every night, but not very bad cramps though. I would simply stretch my foot straight up and it recovers. Only few times cramps that will last 1-2mins.
tink shld be bah.. i will rec mine today latest by 1pm.. prev i order is Pooh n Friends.. if u wan later i post and let u know?
hi favoured,
i am definitely plannin to BF all the way for as long as poss. i am a believer of mum's milk is best. => pray that baby takes on to mummy's milk well.

so will u be gg for a DS since Dr Chan does not do it?

hey ladies,
going for lunch soon? my colleague bot nasi lemak for everyone, just ate it. dunno if that is brunch or early lunch.haha..but i think will prob take another bite later. def cannot last all the way thru e afternoon.=P

TGIF mummies!!
any plans for the weekend yet? hubby is plannin to bring me tom to tis interesting place at selegie selling huge thosai and other indian food. looking forward!!
oh, just to share something silly with you all. i actually brot my old smelly blankie to bed last nite and i slept like a baby!! hubby said i'm so sneaky to bring it to bed. coz i was previously so against bringin it to bed. hehehe...
haru> did u mean ur "chou chou" lolx.. my chou chou duno throw to where liao.. haha..

gtg lunch liao ciao~~ ev one have gd lunch k!
wahahha i also got one big chao chao.. but its at my mama place cos i too paiseh to bring it over to his place. A bolster and i love to play with its soft string wahahaa... the dirtier the nicer the smell. The moment i get home is to see my old fren tsk tsk
Hi ladies! busy morning for me.. had to present to my minister this morning.. luckily done liao.. but sun morn still gotta work.. sigh...

Wah so many nice curves! Jo! u also carrying low hor.. and u also a boy leh.. Hui's one looking a bit high, may be gal? Sumei's one too!

Peanut, hope u feeling better today!

Re: bosses
i was just telling myself i have pretty gd bosses until one of them came and scolded me untul 8pm. apparently he not happy with me recently bcos i didn't like the way he was pushing his work to me and told him off. usually we get along we gam one.. aft that incident where i told him off, he come and attack me. wanted to use my preg as an excuse to get more funding when the actual truth is that he over committed himself and ran out of manpower. I was so mad i told him off again. sigh.. my story very complicated becos of my position. urgh!

Vincy, my heart goes out to u... for me, i m stucked here cos i m supposed to finished my studies.. like it or not. sigh..

Favoured, i got a fren to carry back the Medela PIS for me from the US.. so much cheaper there.
Wow, I think all the mummies here have nice bump curve. hehe. All have to do homework instructed by Teacher Bear.
Peanut i m here lah.. today back in my main office not in the lab.. here since 7.30am. work until now lor.. sigh... one day i will tell u guys my work situation.. not gd to post online..

Haru, u so cute leh.. ur smelly blanket how old liao? since u were a kid? i dun have any smelly pillows/ blankets.. my mum said i was an easy bb to take care. hungry just lie in the cot and wait.. nv cried much.

Alibaba, u also very slim wat.. dunno what u gals are envious abt.. shd be envying Jenn and Alibaba!
wah so early so many post liao nice pictures too hee...

ok la most moms should put on weight by now. which is suppose to be good.

bear ya having a boy boy..
hehe peanut i brought my old friend to my new place too it is a doll my mom sew for me since i was 2yrs old hehe..
good to be childlike haru nothing wrong with it ah. we just grow in size bt we are still little children in our heart.
peanut cheer up la work is just work. switch off after work and enjoy your evening.
i love friday! hhee... cause end of a long work week.
mothers shouldnt work we all should just quit n meet up everyday to have tea and yoga and massage and facial and waxing haha..
cool to see all the big bellies all walking together.
bear.. fair lots of friends, colleagues & students guess that im having minnie.. hahahaha.. shall see the result next weeks..

me too.. weekend burnt liao.. project submission this coming monday.. need to work on that..alot of work to compile and calculations.. after this.. Im 101% declare FREE.. No more modules..no more project. Just waiting for graduation nia..
hui i think i bought the same mat v cute got winnie the pooh and a yellow bear mat with two side got lots of monkeys on the yellow bear some more v cooling right?
hi yvonne! ya of course can join la i didnt even ask i just gate crash hehe...

young moms.. i guess we all still young la.. hehe

alibaba and bear,
hee..yup. had it since I was really young. i didnt want to bring to our place when i got married but hubby secretly brought it to our place w/o my knowledge coz he knows how much it is like my security blankie..hehehe..

welcome yvonne!!
dun forget to take a pix of ur glowing belly to share with us.=D
