(2008/11) November 2008

Enne> Yup, Dr Adrian Woodworth. Your 1st also with him? Is c-section really ok? Gulp! sounds scary. Did u try for natural 1st? If c-section means my EDD will be earlier right?

Fifi...dont worry about low pacental, my last preggie also low during detail scan, it went up in 3rd trimester. Is quite norm for preggie mummy. If still low then have to go for C-section. Now try not to have sex, dont carry heavy stuff or squat lo. Try not to take plane also due to the pressure.
hi Fifi,
how was e class at KKH? I wanted to sign up for the weekend classes starting july but its full! so tryin to see if hubby can make it for weekday class or if we can do TMC's programme instead.

ur sandwich sounds good oh. me thinkin what to have for dinner..surprisingly i am not hungry even tho i had early lunch. but i did had a slice of sara lee cake at 3pm..and a glass of milk.=P
Yes,2nd bb going to be Csect.No pt trying for me and dun wanna go thru the pain again.
Csect is nt as scary like wat u have touts.It just takes abit longer time to recover and not advisable to be preg within the 1st 6 mths.
The most painful part is at the 2nd day,when the nurse asked u to get out of the bed and walk.After tat,everything is like normal.I even handle my gal during the confinement alone.

Normally Csect will be done at wk 38 onwards...
bladers, okok i know whr already... i read from somewhr that there are many mummies gog to cheong choon.. but dunno whr. thanks for highlighting.
Fifi, nopes there isn't warranty if u bought it from the US. But S'pore's ones are also under one yr warranty. i dun think it will spoil within one year.
How was your experience with low lying placenta? Did you have a lot of complications? My gynae juz told me that I have low lying placenta. Although she said that for 90% of the people who have, the placenta does shift up, I am still very worried.
am tinking to have the ipoh hor fun @ TPY hub there.. from a roasted duck shop.. they put alot of "bak you por" duno if u know wat issit anot..keke :D
pkum dun mention, most imptly is that u must know the price difference of the item so u wld kno whether to buy from them bcos sometimes Kiddy palace and major retailers got 20% sale sometimes still cheaper...
Its not bad so far. The teacher is detailed although the first lesson covers some first tri stuff. Some of their sessions are with the physiotherapists too.

Local now 15 mths. I oso think wont spoil so fast. But coz its few hundred dollars, I want to make sure if anything wrong, i can get it fixed. But $300+ is sure tempting. How did you order?

Thanks. Squat oso cannot ah. Wah then I better use my toes to retrieve my printouts from the printer in the office le. Our network printer is placed low. I juz can't help feeling worried. I even think... I am quite thin so wad if my womb does not expand enuff?
So angry with my HB he checked his credit card bill and i swapped $600+ for maternity and BB items this month, keep making so much noise...but before we had BB he sad no problem he can pay for items cos only small money, now he say differently.

Moreover, ask me get a car after delivery get a good conti car,BMW, talk like damn 'dua zeng', I now so angry will only commit to a cheap cheap Jap car. Knowing so miser.
Maggie-Yup I din try coz cannot lo.. it be dangerous if bb wanna come out and blocked by my placenta thus was scheduled for c-sect ard 37-38weeks. Of coz its painful lo.. when wake up.. cry also pain don't cry also pain.. haa..

Fifi-my placenta didn't move up at all even till last trimester thus was scheduled for c-sect asap but I encountered bleeding non-stop at week 35.. my bb almost premature luckily was given injection to strengthen him in case early labour, after that bed confinement until my scheduled c-sect. Actually I was scheduled for c-sect in 37-38week afternoon but on the same day morning I experienced labour pains and contraction thus was rushed for emergency c-sect coz be dangerous if bb was to come out himself lo... After delivery think few weeks bring my bb go back baby checkup at TMC, I experienced heavy bleeding again and was hospitalized for few days.. doc say this could happen due to my placenta being very low previously.. in and out was hospitalized 3 times till the nurses also recognize me.. most imptly if placenta don't move up.. cannot squat don't strain urself..
Fifi-my gynae previously also say most of the time, placenta shd move up.. but maybe I am the unlucky few lo.. hope urs will move up.. hope this time round mine will too but I be opting for c-sect again coz my HB scared my wound rupture thus don't wish me to take the risk.
womb wont expand enuf? never heard of it lei, won't happen lah.. our womb shd be v stretcheable one.. Me also v thin person

Ah??!! how come ur hubby ASK u to get BMW? shdnt he be the one getting? aiyorz
happy-Yeah its painful when trying to get up on the 2nd day but after few tries is ok.. but for me.. I keep getting up to carry and take care bb myself, ended up in hospital due to bleeding, got scolded by HB and MIL.. was 'warned' for this 2nd preg to be good girl stayed in bed and don't move abt too much, maybe personally I not very 'strong' ba.
peanut and fifi, don't worry la we woman are made from rubber haha can stretch everywhere...
thin no prob jus back might suffer more that's all so must stand properly don strain it too much.
just had peanut donut yummy.. hehe..
Fifi,peanut-I always wonder how come some preggies can be so thin, I mean as in never fat other places apart from their tummy only!!!
peanut, he has a conti car already, tell me to get one too so look nicer.

Now think of it bcos of $600 already make so much noise, now he say co-sponsor my car, I think it better take his words with a pinch of salt, end of the day I am the one paying for all. Might as well get a cheap car, which I am happy.

Feel sore that he made so much noise.
-_- my hubby also always jokingly ask when i can get a BMW for him.. cos he always brag his ex-gf's father promise a BMW if they get married.. phui... I told him even if i go geylang work until old also not enough $ to buy for him whahaa.. His current car i also contribute $5K wor.. now tink back a bit stupid rite. Car shd let husband get themselves mah
I want sara lee cake too... see lah Haru... make me have cravings...

Fifi, i dun think will spoil so easily lor.. i would take the chance cos i asked around liao. In fact Wtan also bought one from US and so far no prob with it. i got a fren to get it back for me. u can try hackleyhme.com. then use Vpost to ship back.

Bladers, oh no.. then how now? guys lah.. think bb stuff very cheap.
OH YEAH forgot to update, I went for my scan the day b4.. shd be able to confirm gender this week but my bb shy, legs close tight tight so cannot confirm.. wondering if the 'hotdog' seen last checkup still stays as one or 'morphs' into a hamburger already. hee hee.. now need to wait for my detailed scan next week!
how come hb will ask ur to get a gd car for them?? usually i am the one asking him when u getting a car lidat.. so i can enjoy.. hehe.. due to license being revoked. at the moment he is riding bike. i am the only license holder. haa.. bb can only get to sit on daddy car in another 3yrs plus later. sianz.. gotta wait...
wah, sounds good leh.. u makin me think about dinner already. but nowadays get headache easily and i always got to go home and nap aft work. sometimes torn between taking a nap and having dinner..

dun be too upset ok? think its just the initial "shock" he got when he saw e bill. am sure afte a while he is cool with it. it is afterall for u and baby. => mine is role reversed. hubby is the one who likes to shop. and he is the one who open e mails and i hardly see any credit card bills. i think he dun dare to show them to me, scared i start naggin.=P

sure! i like marble cake flavour. can buy a tub of vanilla ice cream and put as topping oh!

our current car is paid for fully by me. coz i was e one who decided on it with parents. my dad paid for the downpayment while i pay for all the other expenses incl instalments, petrol, etc. but i let my parents use it whenever they want to. we stay near each other so thats a good arrangement. plus my dad is the one who helps to wax e car!hehehe..
LOL! Your description so cute! then do u wan 'hotdog' or hamburger?

yeah.Is very painful when trying to get up the 2nd day.My tears jus rolled down! My hb was laughting at me... labour pain can tahan. Getting out of bed cannt tahan.
haa.. me over 30 liao loh.. then i ate saralee cake v v long time ago when i stil v small.. v long never eat liao so also din notice they stil selling.
peanut, bladers:
At least your hubby got car. Mine dun even have driving license. Pengz. Muz force him to go learn.

I hope so too. Now still accepting the news. So far I dun have any bleeding yet. *Touch wood*. Hope it goes on well. I tell my baby: "Mummy not strong so you muz be stronger ok."
Haru, u better watch ur diet! ice-cream on top of sara lee cake??! wait fat leh.. must control!

Enne, u so cute leh.. from hotdogs to hamburgers.. wah u guys keep talking abt food.. me so hungry now..

So slpy... can't wait to go home... zzzzz
happy-I wanted hamburger coz I got a hotdog liao haa.. but my intuition tells me hotdog again.. haa but I am happy with either la.. most impt healthy.. hee.. will update after my detailed scan!!
ladies can give me some inspiration on what to have for dinner? haha eat until sian no craving today. not even soup.
Enne, i want those super big hotdog buns (the american types), I want a Carl's Junior burger and for desserts i want a slice of sara lee cake. :p no imagination...

Minkybear, i usually slp abt 1am and wake up at 8plus. this morn had to wake up early to go to work so super exhausted now... slpy.... Ah Yat like got discount for their dim sum. can check their webby.

I gave some inspirations abv.. hahah hopes some suit ur taste. Dunno what to do tonite also. hb finishes work at 8 some more.. sian...
u can try Red star resturant located at Blk 54 Chin Swee Rd #07-23. they are more of traditional type with aunty pushing trolley of dim sum..
it's super crowded during weekends. no reservation is allowed.
Thomson Plaza. Peach Garden tim sum is nice!! Also push car

you can get med from gynae to keep for headache if not normal panadol also can.

when i got #1 i also spent alot but this one still dun have the kick to buy anything yet leh..keke
thanks for telling me abt red star alibaba.. i actually work opposite that place... i think i will skip that place it is like going back to work haha
Fifi , dont worry 90% it will go up, I have a miscarriage that y is common for low pacental, not to carry heavy stuff & squatt, my gynae advise me not to have sex till the pacental move up, I also very thin, I am 1.68cm tall & 42kg nia before i preggie. Then when i delivered I am only 50kg. But my gal weight 3.2kg. So thin or fat is not a issue.

I have no urge to bu y baby stuff as at now, hee. My gal birthday next week now busy prepare for her 3 birthday celebration & every weekend busy attending birthday parties. Whole of Jun & July is packed with parties to go.
Wah vincy, you thinner than me wor. Before i preggie I am 1.58m and 40kg. Now I reach 46.8kg le.

My gynae oso say no sex. Lolx. I told my hubby... too bad... he will have to ren for the sake of our darling.
harbourcity at PSA building not bad too, but they only open at 10am.

guess what..i just ate a plate of hokkien mee (while listening to hawker uncle blasting away hokkien songs on his stereo)..hee..

Fifi and vincy,
well, hubby will just have to "help himself" for now then. its for the best of the baby anyway, they will understand.
fifi : Ya must force him to learn so you can get more comfort being the passenger, in true fact, I personally dun like driving, bcos I love being the passenger all the while..can't imagine having my own car have to drive and focus, not like now can sleep all i want...

Hui: Gd that u dun feel the kick actually quite tiring to keep scouting ard for things..buy oredi kenna scold by HB damn 'yuan wang'. But after your #1 u can reuse most of the items which save a lot of money.

bear: hotdogs i love ikea ones the most cheap and real gd!! Ikea food very solid ley! Sara lee cake dun buy chocolate, i bought few weeks ago and tastes really funny!! Maybe quality drop over the years...

Haru: I will try but very upset after he said that to me, I will now ask him go with me scout buy 2nd hand items, see if he feels happy or not.. anyway I also dun mind 2nd hand items, normally he's the one who will nag to buy new ones. Your HB v. good and domesticated if only mine is half like yours...he totally bochup everything one, only drives me to my shopping destination, sometimes feel so sian.

peanut: Ya, I won't sponsor one, want they get themselves bcos they shld ferry the lady ard.
cheong choon>> went there ytd evening with my aunt. very small shop but i think can get most baby's basics there. got to bring my hubby there as i forgot what model of stroller and other things he wants to get.. he is not forgetful like me.

car>> we just got the new fit. more economical in terms of mthly payment and fuel consumption. hubby always talk abt getting a white BMW. i think he will have to wait longer haha.
pkum: Impt thing is do price comparison, small items like towels and all quite affordable but for large items like stroller and all have to compare.

Honda Fit is nice the new one bigger than older model.

bear, I went Cheong Choon to see the strollers and do some comparison on prices lor.. In fact, I went to OG to take down prices for Combi strollers.. den I go Cheong Choon, the prices is ard 5%-10% cheaper than OG.. Thinking of getting the Well Comfort COmbi stroller costing $405.55 outside and Cheong Choon selling $385..
