(2008/11) November 2008

hi minkybear,
yea! def, tummy feels extra taut aft meals. i had tom yam sliced fish bee hoon with side dish of asparagus and thai tofu.

you are reall still very slim!=D

i was tempted to do it too! but now that my belly is much hairier, thinkin twice. maybe i will do it w/o stripping, hahhah...or just ask them to photoshop.hehehe...but i think in e meantime i will ask hubby to take DIY for me. coz he has the dSLR which takes pretty good shots.

Hey don't mention, Bear. It's jus a little help only.
Hopefully, my hb dun have to work this Sat so that can accompany me go Cheong Choon store, as well help you ask. Then will let you know next Monday.

Ladies, FYI:

Cheong Choon store @ Upp Cross St is opened on Mon-Sat, 1.30pm - 8.30pm only
Jenn, Haru, my AD PG does these things too.. prob will get him to shoot.. i think totally naked will be tough.. may be topless? i got a lot of stretch marks so will def telling PG to photoshop it off.. Haru, dun have to worry abt hairy tummy.. there is something called Photoshop! kekeke...

Jenn, ya may be first bb won't see so much.. anyway u are very slim.. hahah much better than me.. i got a bludge liao u dun have leh.and u are 20 wks!

Minkybear... hope u won't be sneezing ur way to the printer.. teeheehee...

Thanks Jo, like that can go in the evenings.. not so warm.
jenn> so gd ah. actually my BS oso offer to take for us. hee.. but i still prefer those specialise maternity shot. v natural relax type... shall see how... need to budget abit cos gotta spend so much $$ -_- even my gf now asking me wat i wan for bday... haha.. i told her now my mind is all about bb stuffs nia..
if i still dun put on my gynae start to panic liao..

reali? can give me the email so i can post and ask all mummy to send their tummy pic to u for u to compile :D

Thanks :D
hi ladies,
i think i'm almost 100% signing up for KKH antenatal class. seems quite hard to get any info from TMC. the person in charge always nt around and AMK hub seems far away for us. anyone else taking antenatal at KKH?

my videographer also offered doing the maternity photoshoot/video but not cheap. so thinkin if can do a nice shots on our own would be great too.
Where's Peanut ah? she so quiet today.. heehee..

Hui, i managed to gain back most of my wt that i lost in the first trimester! my gynae nv say anything abt gaining wt leh.. he just told me as long as bb is growing, dun need to worry abt the mother's wt..

Haru, if you want i can PM u my PG's contact. he used to advertise on this forum. i dun want to be banned for advertising for him! heh...

Any mummies using Bumper Mat? I just ordered one.. my frens told me its very useful. wanna check if u guys used it and ur feedback! for first time mummies, u can check it out here.
i'm here.. quite bad mood at work due to some change in arrangements so also not much mood to join in the forum, jus read thru nia.. Then jus now sneak out for tea break, shared with my colleague a kids meal then followed by another nugget meal!! tok abt mac then i happy.. tink tonite cant eat much for dinner again
Poor Peanut... i do miss u leh.. wanna share what happened? if not this Bearbear will try to cheer u up okie? U are making me hungry though.. i just had 2 durian puffs, aft which bb kept kicking me.. either bb likes durians or hates it so much that he/she is taking out on me.

Hui, oh u are welcome. u also wanna buy ah.. u also heard gd reviews abt bumper playmat? Seems like a lot of ppl buying the design i want! which one u buying?

Sumei, don't forget ur homework ya? kekeke..
Bear..I have a bumber mat too for my gal. I like it alot leh, can leave her at bumper when i need to move away, change diaper. When older that her play area.

u dont look preggie at all leh...wahahaha, when reach 7mth sure boom boom very fast. I was like u when i 1st preggie now fats loosen liao, so tummy grow faster.
Deamyjo, during the begining i also take 2 tablet a day, within 2mth I from hyper turn hypo also, the specialist did not cut away my medication but reduce my dosage. It take me 9mth to go back from hypo to normal range. Then he tell me I am save to conceive, within 1 mth i pregnant. When i preggie then he tell me the risk factor of myself & baby that make me worried. Now can only pray hard that my baby will be healthy. I will only go off medication next mth..hooray.
<font size="+2"> All Mummies,</font>
<font size="+2">Kindly send your tummy photos to Jo by this sunday 22 June 2008, She will compile all together and put in collage. her email add is : [email protected] .. ok for everyone?</font>
tsk tsk.. sigh.. some resuffling of work which makes my job unmotivating thats all.. i will be alright once i mentally accept e new arrangement.

yah man, jus now during the nugget meal bb also moved a lot inside.. also wonder if she likes it or complaining abt it tsk tsk.. I tink better cut down, ever heard of how nuggets are made? actually quite disgusting
Vincy, thanks for ur feedback.. at least the money spent on it is worth it.. wanted to buy the 2.3m long one but i think too big!!! i hope i will gain some wt soon lor but i think my heartburn is causing me to limit the amt i eat.

Hui, so u like Bumper Mat a lot? very useful to u? just curious, why u need 2? wanna cover ur whole house with it for Jovial to play ah.. hahahah...

Alibaba, the dimensions are there.. i think if u buy during a BP, there is usually a discount. plus it is rather long and bulky so if u buy from the shops u still need to luge it home.

Peanut, hope u will feel better tmr! cheer up ok? ya i watched Supersize Me.. aft that i swore off Mac.. for only 2 wks then buay tahan, need to eat my McSpicy patty liao... it is made of old chickens that can no longer lay eggs right?
Hui, don't mention. Hopefully I can finish it within few days. Cant imagine a photo with all tummies of MTB. Need to include name on each small pic?

peanut, dun get moody for too long over the new work arrangement.
It was worst for me last week. MD (my direct boss) wanna a temp to replace mi for 6mths. 2mths before I go maternity, 2 mths during my maternity and 2 mths for handover. If the person performs well, will extend her contract for 6 more mths. Got tat feeling I will get retrenched after maternity.
Peanut... go back for a good nitz sleep, cheer up ya : ), my boss also make me crazy, she use very hurting words that make me feel very affected. she loaded me with 50% more work after i was preggie. Recently i go for a 2 day course, when i am back she say the course u went is 700buck, bring yr course material tomm, I need to test u.... sometime she make me feel like a criminal the way she talk, very Interrogating . November is my only motitivation..wahahaha
oh dear.. ur boss is v insensitive lor, hope he's not harbouring that idea.. bad man.. Dun worry i wont pek chek for too long, after a while wil be fine =)

yah.. from Supersize me and i tot i heard from other source as well. Better dun discuss too much, Alibaba doens;t wan to hear tsk tsk..
vincy, your female boss sounds so mean. Some female bosses like to make things difficult, especially for female subordinate. My previous supervisor ever threatened to throw a ruler at mi. Crazy. She created alot of problems at work and finally was asked to leave.
wah ur female boss even worst.. i hav a feeling she's a spinster am i rite am i rite???!!!?
Ok lah after hearing urs and jo's, my case is stil ok..
Your boss same as mine. Now advertising for a 6-mths temp for me. Same feeling as u. Tat's y. Not sure if he's waiting to get rid of me.

u so slim. I only gain 1.2kg but my tummy is growing. Considered litte? Waiting to weight again in 2wks time.
Jo, Yen,
my boss also start asking me when i wan to engage a temp to cover me.. i told him i may only get the person in mid Oct.. so early for wat.. my workload also not say v heavy, teach her finish liao then let she kiao ka meh..

on the other tot, for both of u, mayb ur jobscope too indispensable liao thats y ur bosses v gancheong to make sure nothing goes wrong
I'm currently 17 wks pregnant but haven't book the date for detailed scan leh.. My next appt with Dr Koh is on 30.06.08 (around 18 wks++) I will book during my next appt.

Your boss is so mean. Must try to relax k...

My boss also mah.. Want me to teach my colleagues after i told her about my pregnancy (Ard 2 mth++).
Gals, why all you so slim... make me look so fat. *sob*.. minkybear has a nice bum yet still slender. Bear, jynn, jen bum is not very obvious and still very thin and has long body.
Mine look like supersize wo. Could it be fat huh? I think i eat too much liao. Darn, going to be difficult to shed off all these fats.

Vincy, oh dear, you are in the same shoe as me. Thankfully, you be able to go off medication soon. Hang in there. normally for pregnant lady with thyroid, dr will prescribe medication which is safe for the bb, so shouldnt worry too much. Must take care yo and eat more healthily.

Peanut, just think of it as a new change. dont worry too much.

boss: I guess good boss is really hard to come by. I had my share of boss woes. But what to do. Now pregnant cannot change job, can only ren. But after hearing vincyl, jos boss experience, mine is still ok. I shouldnt complain too much.

Gals, dont worry too much. Temp is only short-term, will not be able to replace you want. Think positive ok.

Maternity shot : I think i will not want to spend $ on it. Can ask Hb to DIY at home for my personal keepsake.

Supersize me : I watch it too.
My hubby is so irritating. i just commented that i put on too much weight liao. from 48 to now 58.. wow, 10 kg liao... he say keep it up. good for bb. huh... really feel like hammering him. Is it normal to put on so much weight at such a short time. But gynae never say anything leh...
Detailed Scan
Do all your gynaes tell you that you're going to get a detailed scan the next time? I'm already 21 weeks and have a appt two weeks later. Gynae never mentioned anything about details scan to me lei. And there was also no detailed scan done 2 weeks ago, when I was about 18 weeks.
Karen, yup detail scan is mentioned to me before hand when i book for the oscar. For me it comes in a package. oscar @ 12 weeks and detail scan @20 weeks. I think your gynae very funny never inform you. Maybe you better call up and ask bah.
dreamyjo, dun worry too much abt the weight gained, as long as BB is fine n gynae nv say much den should be fine le..

karen, the detail scan has to be done within 18-22nd wk so i think it's best for you to call up fast just in case they missed out =)
WOW, all the mummies flaunting the new 'curves', cool, free I will take some pics too..and BB purchases...already filled up half a cupboard space.

JO, what does Cheong Choon sell exactly..? Seen a few thread talking abt this shop but dunno what they sell...any idea? It's quite near me so I can probably pop by soon, issit above the S11 coffee shop..? 3rd floor rite?
our boys age just few days apart ya! Stay home mum can get routine &amp; frustrating at times so always have to think ways to keep mind occupied. I'm planning to put him in a playgroup, let him 'season' a little before #2 comes along. My sis warned me to do so before bb born, else he might get overly sensitive that we might not want him. How abt u? Is he in any CC?

Happy, Dreamyjo, Jo
tks for the warm welcome!

Tummy photos
interesting!! looks like i will have to 'hold my breath' before snapping!!
bladers, heard that Cheong Choon store sell all baby stuffs. Yup, it's at the 3rd flr. I remember got a coffeeshop there but dunnoe issit S11. Will go over this Sat to have a look and keep you all updated next Monday.
Good morning.

Your boss so ks to teach ur colleagues when u are 2mths pregnant?

come to think of it, maybe boss scare we may resign and be SAHM. So he also get backup in case. I check with my other colleagues when they go on maternity leave, boss oso never get extra help. Maybe I'm too sentitive.

tummy pic,
I've taken 2x..Cannot rem how long was it. Try to take this wkend.

Today is friday!
Here's my tummy! 20 weeks.. saw the stretchmark?? remember to take care dun be like me wor.. my stretchmark is very obvious only after my tummy start to grow then is slight better..
wan cover my room.. so #2 also can use :D.. Jovial very rough play wan.. can sit on mattress and juz lie backwards..keke

i will email u my pics.. thanks.. so far any mummies email u?
hi gals,
i took pic liao ... but need to shrink the pic.. -_-" cant post here leh.. duno how to resize it wor..

my fren tat time apply lotion &amp; she forget about her butt.Den realise she had red color wormy stretchmark. she said she clarin's scrub &amp; apply firming lotion ev day til now it's less obvious aready. she said now left white lines less obvious liao...

yah i know.. spinsters got a kuan one.. mayb they v sore to see married/pregnant women so they purposely make things difficult to them. My colleagues always say they're mentally not balance tts y =P

Tummy pic: this few days return home late lei. will try to get a pic taken over the weekend =)
