(2008/10) Oct 2008

<font color="0077aa">eelyn: hmmm... for me, whatever i do with C is often thematic so it is easier for me to research and easier for her to make the connection.

Maybe we can start with a theme e.g.:
Under the Sea
Cartoon character - e.g. Sesame Street

Then can easily google for craft work:
- colouring sheets
- paper plate crafts, etc.?

I am not sure if I can join you guys so I will not put in my name first.

Freda: Nice meeting you that day and good luck with #2.

BBGoh: congrats girl!

Buffy - nice meeting you too! Cate is so charming - active and spontaneous. I'll be joining more of Oct thread outings as Gareth is simply too clingy to me, must expose him to more toddlers of his age. Once i'm out of sight, he will burst into tears...

Daisy - how's little jaz? Heartpain to see her lower lips so swollen on sat.

XY - update us with Marcus 3rd First Day of CC.
Hang in there, the first tri will be over soon!

Yeah, don't stress yourself out...you did it successfully the first time so worries! Just relax...
Pinkimum hi! wow u are quite far along. *Hugs*...i can imagine how tiring it is for you... during my 2nd preg 1st tri, all i want is stay in bed and lie on the sofa... all my cells are screaming out "I want a maid!!!" during that period of time. hang in there..hope you get a maid soon or at least hope your tiredness gets a bit better soon....

Freda, nice meeting you!!!!! very nice to see you again hehehe. Gareth is so sweet....ask u, do you guys sometimes dissappear without saying bye to him thats why he may be a bit insecure? i am just asking coz you seem quite concern with his clinginess so trying to see if can help you find a cause for it...
yes we shld meet more often.
Jaz lips still red red..
thanks for asking. yesterday she had a fever from a jab too.

Buffy and eelyn...I prepared a set of Butterfly theme crafts and cut outs and info intending to do with them this weekend, but lazy mommy here either too lazy or too busy to start with it. Sigh.... what happened to all my energy??!!!!
3rd time DAY 1 at CC
Not too good. Marcus didn't cry or cling onto me. But he refuse to participate in his PG activities. Kept wanting to go join the N1 or N2. Haha...

And he keep going to the tap to wash his hands or fill the little cups with water, wash the toys etc.

Nap time also refuse to sleep. Walking all over, inpecting the place. Fiddling with the art works on display...

At 3pm, when some of the kids start waking up, MR KPO went to wake those still sleeping. He pulled the pacifier from hs PG's 大哥, he woke up angry and both boys got into a mini fight. Hilarious.
Thanks. The last scan at 20week, still can't see the gender leh. Waiting for the next check up next sat.

Thanks. I am just sooo tired. At least the boy is sleeping now and I can take a breather. Phew.
Thanks for the advice I think the difficult is in calculation to see when is the O day :p Its not a bad thing to have 2 boys also. They can play soccer and boy games together

Don't stress yourself. Relax, pat pat.

Glad that you and E had fun on his bd celebration, wah you planned so many events for him. Hehe I have to say, at least E can identify the correct gender haha.
BDAY BASH - 26 Sep (530-830pm)

VENUE : Anchorage?

arts n craft? any easy to clean n fun ideas that will be fun for our tods? BUFFY! u always doing stuff with C.. do share ideas!?

FOOD - pot luck

CAKE - we'll plan for this closer to date? since dunno how many attending yet

1. eelyn + kaitlyn (tofu &amp; mince chicken patties)
2. xy + marcus
3. daisybuttons (fried rice for the tods)
4. jjmom2008
5. Freda
6. mint
8. ypg
9. bbgoh
10. Wan Chuen + Kaijie (donuts)
mspiggy! 9am class has a late withdrawal and I was on the waitlist so they managed to put me in oredi! seems like Jaz will be mtg Tristan and not Nat.
I asked them if Nat is on waitlist but they said no...you wanna try come over to 9am??? or is it too early for you? or issit the timing not so convenient coz of Wes's class?

JJmom....oh my god. this is horrible....she's 18mths...i tot such things don't happen anymore after 1 yr...
feel like crying...
oh my goodness! Poor thing. Wonder what's the cause. And the cc is in bt batok!

will our kids go through growth spurt at this age? Regina seems to be sleeping much more these few days.
Morning ladies!

Wow,so many good news! Dimple, bigflamingo, bbgoh and pinkimum, heartiest congrats!

Wow, so fast, u meeting bb S soon, feeling excited for u!

Hope E has fully recovered, must be bz packing for the trip right? Enjoy ya!

Hm, I very not guai during this confinement, sneaked out few times, and I bought Isaac to barney musical last fri, he enjoyed very much! Hee...We had as simple full month celebration for bb J last Sun. Confinement aunty leaving tomo, my real battle starting soon, hope I can cope well with my boys! *praying hard*
Hi Mummies..

Any of your little ones not speaking up yet..
My girl still refuse to speak up..have nvr hear her calling for mummy...

So worry, as I will be sending her to child care next year..
I thoth tods at this age shd slp up to 14hrs max. Is Regina clocking more hrs in bed?

I had not heard of growth spurt at 24mths but I guess it could happen
<font face="georgia"><font color="0000ff">Daisy,
Oh ... we are really fated not to meet! sob sob

9am too early coz we are trying to leave home together with wes for his class at 11am. </font></font>

Mine doesn't speak much either, although she has started calling mama, papa and jiejie. But not to worry at this point, I think when they start to speak, you'll hope that they don't speak so much.
she usually sleeps 10 hours thru the night then 1-2 hours of nap. But recently, it has been 10-11 hours sleep plus 4 hours in total for nap.

i am having the opposite problem with izzy. she keeps getting up at night (sometimes almost every hr) and wakes up at 5 / 530 / 6am. she has been crying inconsolably; no one can touch her and she cannot tell us what she wants. This has started since we sent her to childcare 1 mth ago. I cannot imagine this continuing - how will she get enuff rest at this rate!? and the "best" part is she wants to go to childcare. She will take her uniform and wants us to wear it for her. Today after her CC, we cleaned her up and tried to change out of the CC uniform, she refused. cried and cried until we brought her another clean piece to wear. I dun think she is even getting 6hrs sleep at night...
Diaper changing
How often do you change diapers?
I normally change 6 hourly unless there's poop or Marcus drinks too much and it gets too heavy.

At Marcus CC, they change diaper after lunch, ie during bath time, which is ard 12, after nap and snack, which is ard 3.30pm and at 5.30pm. Seems kinda excessive to me.
Sounds like Izzy is missing childcare. Maybe she wants to be in the CC instead of home. Haha...

Is she napping more at the CC? Over stimulated at CC?
Good morning mummies...

Think the standard is to change diapers every 3-4 hourly. 6 hours kind of long unless its night time when they are sleeping and lesser water intake thus lesser output.
<font color="119911">XY,
like elch, i keep to the timing of abt 3~4 hourly for diaper change since infant except for nite time.</font>
sounds like she's over stimulated at child care. It could be a form of 'stress'. Does it happen over the weekends as well?

i'm a lazy mummy. Will only change diapers when full or poop. So works out to be about 3-4 diapers per day. And yes i think marcus' cc for changing diapers is excessive. Diapers expensive leh. If it's not full, why change it?
Maid rant
Good morning mummies. Argh I think I praised my maid a little too early. Every day I asked her to vacuum the floor and on tues, thu and sat, to hand mop it. Last night, I was feeding my dogs cheese and some got onto the floor so I used a piece of tissue to wipe the floor and the tissue turned up black! I didn't believe it and thought it must be the cheese and so tested some other parts of the floor and same result. With the kind of dirt on the tissues, I believe not only has she not cleaned the floor yesterday, she has even not cleaned it for a week. It's amazing how some mummies trust their maids when they go to work. I mean, I am in the house, just in my room and she already dared to be lazy. Plus she has been with me for only 2 months and I already see her pattern. Sigh. I really don't have maids luck. Heh. Maybe I am meant to do chores.

Apologies but am in need of many tins of the following:

[1] 400g Enfapro A+ ($10/$11)
[2] 900g Enfapro A+ ($32+-)
[3] $5 Off Enfapro A+ Voucher

Pls pm me if you've any to let go.. thanks &amp; appreciate lots! =)

Am also in search for pre-loved Parklon/LG Bumper Playmat, pls pm me..
its normal to chg every 3-4hrly. and seem like Marcus' CC practise same as Seline's. maybe all the CC have this same practise
I think ur maid mightnhad cleaned the floor but not clean enough. In e words of my mom, the maids are writing/drawing emmulets. Anyhow clean. Over time, e floor becomes dirty. Can tell her to clean the floor at a specific timebon 2/4/6. They u can monitor.

My helper recently chg diapers for rebby every 2hrs. I freaked out cos she was dnd it w mammy pokos... Since then, I bought ntuc pull ups....

I also change every 3-4 hours. Lately somehow I find they get heavy real fast... possibly their water intake has increased.


Maybe you are destined to get a PT cleaner... at least within those hours, you know they are definitely working...
<font color="aa00aa">good morning mummies.

Rachel my dear daugther has given me lots of surprises lately.

1st was her hearing. now her heart condition. she is stablise now.

only need to go back to KK for review again by her surgeons in 2 years time.

her surgeons were very happy with her improvment. i ever shared abt her hearing issue with them yesterday. they were happy for her too.

looking back... for the past 3.5 years... the worries i had for her. is now worth to exchange for a pat on the shoulder to myself. i am not a good mummy but i try my very best to take care of her.

now tat her heart &amp; ear's problems are more or less stable. i will have to concentrate on her spinal cord now. hopefully she need not an op for tat.

what a mummy wants is always to have a healthy child.

<font color="ff0000">aside to Vanilla Pod, be strong. i m sure E will be like Rachel. getting well very soon.</font>

now another worries i have... Regine again has nose bleeding. it seems like she is having it 1-2 times in every few months.

i intend to bring her to the poly clinic &amp; get her referred to KKH ENT.

some friends said is pretty common for nose bleeding.

but i recalled she has a fall few months back. but my dad said she did not fell on her nose but the side of the face. that makes me think of the fall last year when she fell off from the supermarket trolley.

thanks R&amp;R mum.. i am so happy for u...

E is on review for his heart in 6 mths time.. he was such a terror when Dr Wong checked him... Dr Wong said he is v fierce..haha Dr Wong cant do echo then..sigh!

yes sometimes i pity him...so young and visits to Dr's clinic more often than he visit shopping centres (when he was less than 1)..
XY, we change diapers every 4 hours at this age or if its very full or she poo. perhaps at the CC they get him to drink water more often than at home, so the diapers get full faster? I think its not easy for the cc to get a balance. if they end up changing too rarely, some parents will complain coz to some parents 6hrs may be a bit too long to them. perhaps u can feedback and say for Marcus if its not full dun change until 6hrs?
<font color="119911">R&amp;Rmom, Vanilla,
*pat pat* weida mamas
m sure your kiddo will b well soon under your great care &amp; love!</font>
thanks JJmom ...

re changing diapers... i am so pissed w Pampers Active -- i think they change the quality cos there is this new line called Cruisers...

i change when full... or semi full.. like bigflamingo - worry bacteria breeding..
Fyi, Dylan and I may or may not make it for the race this Sun as Dylan's coughing again and has to be put on neubilizer 6 hourly. Not sure if he'll recover in time. Haiz.

<font color="aa00aa">Vanilla,
i used to feel upset. like what you mentioned. as our kids are not tat healthy. they really visit the Dr's Clinic or hospitals more than any other kids.

but i have try to look at the bright side. compare our kids to those with serious life threatening illness. ours can be cured by operation or medication. looking at those kids who are not as lucky as ours esp those with leukemia or cancer tat needs chemo. i really feel that their parents are even stronger than us.

kekeke... seems like E is not a 不好惹的小孩.

i wont say we are "wei da". juz that we have to face certain pressure &amp; difficulties that most of you wont want to face.

i will rather my kids have running nose or cough as a minor case once a while rather than going thru operations.

thats why when i used think abt it &amp; asked myself... why do i have to go thru all these.

i will somehow tell myself in a calm way. well, if god arrange me to go thru all these then i have to face in.
