(2008/10) Oct 2008


I like that! Hands on your lap! I'm gonna try it!

Pull-up pants is the only option we have!

yah i got what u meant. so they will be staying with your in-laws when nat comes home? or follow nat home too?

i would say if your in-laws don't mind, then more conv for you to have maid stay there... then u just ferry nat to and from their home daily lor.
I think jelly is letting go of her Phil maid. Maybe she will suit you?

Anyway, I like my current Myanmar maid. Yes language is a big headache but her attitude is very good. Very unassuming too, unlike my previous two maids. I went to the agency that one of the mothers here rec. Agency is strict with the maids, but they're kind to them too, because one of the employees is from Myanmar too. She said that once we use Myanmar maids, we will see the difference between them and those from other countries. True in my case.

Ya... only 4 stops but i start work quite early... and it's at changi north... so morning will be very rush... & looking at the construction, my hse should be ready by next yr...

kiddy class... not really consider abt it yet (lazy mum n I dun wan to stress myself on that) we are still considering whether to send her to playgrp next yr or not or start her w nursery in 2012 and have to depend on location too (whether my mum will still be looking after or what) I can't plan when it's not confirmed. *headache*

i'm ok at work... now learning how to do flight booking for co. event (*HEAD BIG BIG*) so pop in once in a while.

LY is coping well over at my mum... she put on weight somemore... keke... but we always sneak away when we leave her there... but i heard she is running a fever ytd...
<font color="119911">dimpletot,
heeheehee...having the maid staying with them is my request in turn for them to have 1 =P

so yes, only Nat comes home with us everynite, maid stays put at inlaws =P</font>
Ya, I want to offload my maid. She's quite gd w toddlers n not young babies... That is why I need to change her for a more experience one. If u r interested in interviewing her, let me know. Thanks
<font color="119911">jelly,
hmm...we might b planning for #2 once we settle down so better to get some1 who can handle Nat &amp; bb too. Sorry =P hope u get a gd maid soon *pat pat*</font>
No prob. Jus an advice, ESP u planning for number 2, must find one w experience and know how to take care of infants n a toddler at e same time!
<font color="119911">purple,
juz to share, most of the playgp, pre-nursery r full for 2011. Some even have long wait list for nursery for 2012 (-___-)''

we also put off planning Nat's schooling earlier coz like u, we have too many loose ends at tat time. Thinking back, we shd have booked places at both locations (ours &amp; inlaws) &amp; decided when time comes. Juz my tots
<font color="119911">jelly,
how old is your current maid? any exp with kids b4?

Have u found an exp maid to replace current 1? Cannot do an 1 to 1 exchange at the agency?</font>
Sesame street show (3pm) and lunch (1pm) on 10 Sept
1. Mint
2. Busybee
3. XY
4. Jolly
5. Cheerbear
6. icylemon (R&amp;R mum)
7. <font color="119911">jjmom</font>
8. <font color="119911">daisy? heehee...</font>

We have not decided makan where leh. How how??
<font color="119911">there r :
1. pasta mania
2. a jap restaurant
3. a jap hotpot restaurant (quite small)
4. KFC
5. burger king
6. subway
7. coffeebean
8. starbucks
9. thai restaurant
10. foodcourt</font>

SK/Punggol mummies,
Want to meet and cab or train together?
<font color="aa00aa">JJmom,
i m so happy to know that you have plans to have #2. yipee!! good!!

tmr... i will prefer fast food. coz the kids can have fries &amp; can also run ard bah. i dun know abt the rest.

<font color="0000ff">*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~
Sesame street show (3pm) and lunch (1pm) on 10 Sept
1. Mint
2. Busybee
3. XY
4. Jolly
5. Cheerbear
6. icylemon (R&amp;R mum)
7. jjmom
8. daisy? heehee...

We have not decided makan where leh. How how??
there r :
1. pasta mania
2. a jap restaurant
3. a jap hotpot restaurant (quite small)
4. KFC
5. burger king
6. subway
7. coffeebean
8. starbucks
9. thai restaurant
10. foodcourt

SK/Punggol mummies,
Want to meet and cab or train together?
<font color="119911">R&amp;Rmom,
r u actually my mil in disguise? or u wanna to help support my #2 financially huh? heeheehee...On u lah!</font>
I gave him para and temp went down abit. I think no point bring to PD for now since he will give the same med? Heh the distraction trick for diaper change sounds good I shall try it.

Even if use pull up pants also need to 'force' him to lie down for cleaning properly and putting cream right? How's your pregnancy so far? How many weeks now?

Suddenly rem haven't 'seen' Lilbluey around recently?
<font color="aa00aa">Hello, mummies!

Need your advice, pls. Wenmin is 10.2kg now (as on 1 Sep - 23mths) and my sil keep saying that she is underweight and want us to check with PD. Do you think she is underweight?
To me, her weight doesnt bother me at all as long as she is healthy but then the constant nagging from my sil is making me worry leh.</font>
<font color="0077aa">Botanic Gardens PICNIC
JJmom, XY, sms me when you have decided.
Buffy, Freda, lets meet up around 10am on the green field on top of the slope near Symphony Lake!

Date/Time : 11 Sept Saturday 10AM

1. Daisybuttons (food: cheese sausages) Time: 10am preferred
2. Freda (food:almond jelly) Time: 10am preferred
3. XY (food : fishballs) 10am (will ask hubby's friend)
4. Buffy (food: mini sandwiches) 10am (Preggie friend coming along but we are eating at cafe first then will walk over to meet you mamas)
5. JJmom (to confirm and bring food if coming)
7. </font>
JJ mom

Hope to see you there! I've been trying for #2 for months...and still no luck. *Sign*


I think WM's weight is fine. So long as she is eating well and sleeping through the night, no problem.
<font color="0000ff">Wan Chuen,

Hahaha..u still remember me wor kekeke ;p~

Been bz of the late so hardly post..so how hv u been?</font>
<font color="0000ff">Mousebb,

I think WM's weight is ok, dun let pple's remarks get to you, most imptly she's healthy and developing well, weight issue is secondary lar


Dun stressed yrself, am sure u will find yrself with gd news real soon!
mousebb, Jaz also about the same weight leh. doesn't it mean she's underweight too? I agree with freda, as long as she's eating well, sleeping well, learning well. no biggie. i think i am resigned to the fact that both my kids like me, cannot put on weight kind. my parents used to worry about me too, but what to do, high metabolic rate. i can't possible force even more food into their mouth...
they will puke.

Either your SIL dun have kids, or she has chubby kids huh? either way, dun let her get to you. i hate it when ppl keep harping on it machiam implying i starve them. heee...
U better plan w/o me.
We'll gate crash BG if we all wake up in time. Will set alarm for 8am and wake the troop up!

Tell her... girl slim better.
<font color="aa00aa">JJmom, for me to know for you to find out. kekeke...

then my # 3 you want to help me support boh??

Freda, this week long weekends.... mai tu liao...

tonite rape your hubby!! upside down!! all night long!!

kekeke.... juz kidding yah!!

jia you!! Freda jia you!!!
<font color="aa00aa">Freda, Bluey, Daisybuttons
Thanks. So far she is eating well and sleeping thru the night. She seems to eat a lot as compared to her brother but I guess she could have high metabolic rate cos she cannot keep still but keep running here and there and climbing up and down all time.

Daisybuttons - my sil has 2 gals, 7 &amp; 11 yrs old both very tall and her kids were very chubby when they were at wenmin stage. She always say I let them eat what they want to eat and spoil them wor! And she always claim those food are not nutritious for my kiddos!
At least your kids are like you who dont put on weight easily. My sil ever commented wenmin's size doesnt take after either my hubby or me cos she is small size when both of us are not. </font>
<font color="0000ff">Vanilla,

How r u &amp; E? Recovering? Hope you do


She probably has a high metabolism like wat Daisybuttons says
RR mon, lilbluey

I was hoping to have a 2 years age gap between #1 and #2 but missed the deadline liao.

haha.. sure RAPE my husband tonight. And hopefully tonight is the night I'm ovulating. Eggs - please come out to meet sperm. hahahha

Daisy - can I have your Hp? cos I only have XY and if she's not going, I wouldn't be able to contact anyone.
BDAY BASH - 26 Sep (3-7pm?)

VENUE - someone's condo?
pls feel free to include urs if available. i can only check mine nxt sat as there is a 2wk window for booking.

tods can swim! - late afternoon sun not so bad.. we can do painting too..

FOOD - cater or pot luck?
(daisybuttons: potluck better, may not have enough for catering, and more straightforward)

CAKE - a #2 cake for all? or we can do cupcakes again..

1. eelyn + kaitlyn
2. xy + marcus
3. daisybuttons (fried rice for the tods)
4. jjmom2008
5. Freda

Eelyn - congrats on your #2! So envious =P
Shall we shift the timing to morning cos since most of the toddlers need to take afternoon nap.
Thinking of keeping it short and sweet - say 10am to 1pm?
Thanks for asking, I am fine. So u all ready for the arrival of ur princess?

I also think WM's weight is ok, healthy more impt. Besides, if all along her body size is like that then no cause for worry, it's not like her weight suddenly drops.

Jia you and hope to hear good news from you soon!
<font color="0000ff">Freda,

Yr msg so farni, I was laffing away at my desk later my colleagues will think I"m mad!! wahahahaha ;p~~

It's ok lar, am sure u will get a BFP real soon!!
Muz update us with yr gd news ya keke

Hee hee, thanks dear it's a bonus but most impt bb is healthy


Good to know that, hope that he's cleared for all his bday celebrations coming up and the trip

Wan Chuen,

Good! Good!

Tis round has been a tough one for me..still hanging on..now counting down to a mth's time hee hee

Actually for no 2 nothing much to buy leh -_-"" oso dunno why like buy nothing much tis round ;p~ and worse nothing much is done too! Talking about nestling instinct...

Maybe we are taking it too easy tis round hee hee..;p~
Nothing much to buy? Princess leh.. sure have alot alot of things to buy.

Everytime i walk pass something pretty or pink.... i'll stare.. then tell myself : Heng i dun have a daughter. Keke...

u got rec my invite?
<font color="aa00aa">mousebb, ignore your SIL lah. 废人说废话.

as long as the kid is healthy dun bother abt the weight. WM is not underweight right?
<font color="0000ff">XY,

Hb said to buy after she's born wor, I oso saw a lot of pretty pink stuff for gal gal but never reali stir my heart alot hahaha ;p~


Oh yes! I gotten yr invite!

Thanks for the invitation,
love the invitation card so cool!!I will try to make it if my condition permits becos tis few wks, hv been veri unstable, keep having 'cramps' &amp; bad leg swelling' currently on medication to control.

Soo many upcoming partieS.. but can't make it

xy: my fil in hospital so I am nt sure if joining for lunch tmr.. Def gg for e show. Text u later tonight /tmr

mousebb: dub worry as long as wm is eating and sleeping well
see ash, I think he is prob one of e smaller size boys..was initially concerned but dr Lilian say prob he will shoot up during puberty or so. As long as he is meeting his dev milestone, it's ok. Ignore your Sil

Jjmom: how much do I owe u for e book? Pm me. Jiayou on #2

bluey : take care..and plss shop more for your gal :D

daisybutton: will jaz b gg uss this time?

Purple : you can homeschool LY w your exp

wanchuen: hope k recovers soon.

Dimple / bigflamingo: any update on e gender of #2?
<font color="aa00aa">XY
Got your invite and rsvp liao. So sorry that we cannot attend cos hubby needs to work on that day. Thanks!

Mummies, thanks for your assurance. Actually I know my sil is saying it out of kindness but sometimes words do hurt esp when she keep harping on it. I'm not going to bother with what she said anymore as long as wenmin is healthy and met her dev milestones.

Mummies who are trying for #2
Jiayou and hope to hear good news from you all soon!

hi mummies

how r u all?

can i join the bday bash party on 26 Sep?
let me check with my hb
and then confirm again.

i would like to ask somethg abt morning sickness.
i believe u guys knew tat i m having #2, nw i on week 8.
bcoz last preg i totally dun have MS so no experience abt it.
i always feel cold from internal specially if rainy day or in the aircon room. the feeling is like 'caught flu' but i got no fever so wondering if its just 1 of the MS sympton?
anyone had it b4?
and i also puking non-stop, most of the food cant absord
<font color="0000ff">wah liew, type so long then hang cannot send!

Freda, I PM you my hp oredi this morning... I will reply ur FB mesg again tonight.

Birthday Bash.. sorry leh, if change to morning i can't make it coz Jaz has JG. need to go to this lesson coz it will be the last lesson before she misses the next 2 lessons coz I am going overseas!

XY, wah...where is symphony lake ah...ok,. for ur sake and JJmom i went to find a map! do you know where is visitors centre and Casa Verde? Casa Verde is the cafe where a lot of ppl eats breakfst there at weekends? you park the public sheltered cp at visitors centre, walk towards casa verde. once PAST case verde, you turn left...walk walk walk until you come to a wooden railing where you can look down to see symphony lake. But to get to the green grass patch where we are, you dont need to pass by symphony lake. At the wooden railing, you turn left, and walk along the big wide path. you walk and walk and will come to a place where the ground on your right slopes down to a nice big patch of green green land. thats Palm Valley according to the map. just come down the slope and find us. text me when you otw so we can wave at you. or you can walk with buffy from casa verde. Buffy, u be coming from casa verde right? not from halia?</font>

gynae says 90% girl!


you need to take a trip to paragon... club 21 kids, little colette, calling your name... hahahaha.


I thot WM has such chubby cheeks usually ppl won't say she's skinny. and you're so skinny now too.

personally, I feel that my parents and MIL has more patience when it comes to feeding, so kate eats more when they are i/c of meals. when it comes to weekends and her parents feed her, usually after she says no a few times we just let it be. no perseverence.
<font color="aa00aa">dimple
I guess this is bcos wenmin is short. My fil always say her head and cheeks very big and chubby but her body is very small. </font>

bbgoh - congrats on your #2.
I remembered feeling cold all the time when i was having #1. Always wrapping myself in shawl until the pantry aunty ask me "Why are you so cold?"

Take care and 1st trimester will be over soon!

Daisy - opps. thanks! I can't check my private email account as it's blocked. Will login tonight. xie xie!
Wow..you have a very detailed map. And luckily you put up the map cos i was visualing another spot at BG.
