(2008/10) Oct 2008

ya R&R mum.. v true. I am glad i have the ability to try give E the best med care.. i see some children/orphans in China and i feel v v sad...

I am a Christian and I used to ask God why? why u give me a sick kid? Why cant i suffer instd..

i think God made E this way to show us all the miracle of a small bb who is able to fight thru 3 operations (2 on heart - 1 major heart bypass op)...before he turns 1 ..we as adults have to fight stronger and live life better. be a better person.
<font color="119911">diaper change :
i do diaper change every 3~4hrs coz i imagine it will b rather uncomfortable even if the diaper is only semi full. Juz like when we wear our mthly pads...argh
<font color="aa00aa">i dun know if i have shared abt myself to you mummies before.

i used to have comments but to me is insults.

comments from relatives. worst still from my mum &amp; my MIL.

<font color="ff0000">"think becoz you are too fat. tats why Rachel is born like tat."</font>

all these comments were shooted to me during my hospital stay &amp; confinement period. when we, mummies are pretty emotional time. if you mummies agree. esp after we have given birth.

during these period, i cried every night. non stop. esp i will cried in the middle of the night &amp; cried infront of Rachel. and i will mumble words like "是mummy对不起你,害了你一出世就要受苦,都是mummy不好,对不起."

i even planned to jump down from my unit. coz i told a very close forum mummy abt it. she was the one who has been supoprting me thru out.
What aboutthe pampers cruiser line? I saw them at cold storage and thought that it is too expensive but it has a cute elm print though...
You can pass to XY if I'm not there as I'll have to meet her to return her the carrier and harness which I borrowed from her. Thanks!
<font color="aa00aa">Jelly,
thank you!

Big Flamingo,
thank you very much.

Yes! E &amp; Rachel are doing very well. Vanilla &amp; myself are proud of our kids. ; )
Fruit Juice,
mummies, do you still give ur tods those fruit juice meant for them or fruit juice that we adult can drink?

R&amp;R mum,
so happy for you. jia you!

forgot to reply u on the F2 race... can't make it cos celebrating hb's bday too... but rem to send marcus my hugs okie!
Vanilla and R&amp;R, you moms are the best...it's really not easy for you and I think you have gone through or is still going through some difficult times. your babes are wonderful little babies...JIA YOU!!!
hi Jelly - not sure abt the cruiser line cos it is v exp and i didnt buy it.. cost like $0.5 per piece.

actually it is pretty funny - like huggies brand..i bought from Australia and the quality is much better than the ones sold in Spore..

the latest sample Huggies gave - no steamy bums.. wah that is the ultimate. I gave E to wear, he pooed and the diaper burst! and the poo is not much! in the end i had to clean his play yard..

hi R&amp;R mum - ur mum said that abt u? My goodness!

hi bigflamingo - thanks!

purple - i still stick to bb fruit juice...less sugar
I try to give only fresh fruit juice, or as real as can be like Florida Orange juice. Anything that says Orange juice DRINK i will not give, because i know its fake.
Wahahaha... i've been using huggies dry comfort, so far happy.

Now using huggies pull ups. Marcus water intake is not alot. So he also dun pee much. I'll inform the CC abt the diaper change.


Pls take care!
fruit juice
I give store board. But i will super dilute it. Maybe 1 part juice 5 parts water. Rebby drinks loads of diluted ribena as well.

Ya, the cruiser line is expensive and worse, i wanted to buy and hv rebekah try it but e packaging is written in pounds. Hv 2 crack my puny brain to buy e right size... Waste my time so din buy

The australian huggies r v v gd... But v ex ... I remember buying 1pk when i was in perth... Think 20 over pcs is abt $20 plus dollars...

I got e huggies dry comfort samples for sydney n so far so gd. Might switch to it after i use up all his exixting diapers.
Thanks. I will arrange a timing with you to pass you your stuff ok? Sorry for the delay. I've yet to receive the steamy bums yet too...

Blood Test
Dylan was given a blood test in the wee hours this morning when we brought him to TMC 24-hour clinic. His PD suggested a blood test since he had fever since last Wed. Can any mummies here enlighten me as to what the blood test is for?
In my tired and sickly state, I forgot to ask what the test is for but PD says everything's ok this morning when hubby brought Dylan to his clinic.
<font color="119911">Vanilla,
huh? the steamy bums so lousy?

Huggies :
Any punggol mommies gng to order soon? Wanna tong bang
Thanks! Got Buffy's explanation via msn too...

Bravos to mummies like you and icylemon! Can't imagine how much you mummies went through! Just seeing Dylan down with high fever since last Wed, having trouble poo-ing, losing appetite, difficulty in breathing, nebbed and poked for blood test is heartbreaking enough for me....
hi elch - u can ask doc to give u the results slip...

does Dylan still have fever?

the other time E had fever for 6 days... due to cough... doc said 6 days fever had to break and it did....
<font color="119911">R&amp;Rmom,
Sometime old folks can b really vy insensitive. My own mom can b like tat too at times, also during my confinement

I can understand how sad &amp; depressed u must b feeling back then *hugz*

Dont look back at these unhappiness now, look forward to having more gd news from your brave Rachel
Vanilla – I also say the steamy buns are crap. After 2 hrs, the diaper became so full that it burst and the silicon inside came out. Also gave Vic red ass. So XY – no loss la.

For hygiene and comfort on the ass, I usually change the diapers 3 hrly regardless if it is full or half soaked.

Juice – I only give the real thing. No coloured / aerated drinks except for the occasional Yakult at parties. She drinks quite a bit of home boiled barley sans sugar.
<font color="119911">ruffle,
gosh...the steamy buns r a real disappointment sia...tsk tsk tsk!

now i wonder shd i even try it on Nat if i get them...bleah

talking abt diaper, i must pay u for the swim diaper lah, vy ex leh, i rem it's abt $3 a pc! I must rem to do tat when i meet u, Vic &amp; bb J at Marcus's party. Sigh...i getting more &amp; more blur each day
Don't think hubby asked for the result slip. He's still running a low grade fever this morning but the PD advises us to give him paracetamol for another 2 days even he's got no more fever. I'm so unwilling to give him so much chemical processed stuff. Haiz...
hi elch - hope D recover soon...

hi little doggie.. opps.. i didnt see u.. u inside or outside the gantry area?

hi ruffles and jjmom - i dun like the huggies .. i using the diaper for 1-2 hrs before changing him to a proper one for sleeping or going out... got 9 more to go...hahaha

hi jelly - hee hee i will go buy 1 pack huggies for Australia.. i like it alot...

re pounds vs kg.. i use a 2pds=1kg guide....
hi elch - yes must continue give pandol no matter what. this is the mistake i made.. i lengthen the time for pandol cos his fever seemed to go off... but it came back and stay 38 for a few days... nurse say no matter what keep giving at 4hrly.. whether have fever or not.. so if by the 6th day still fever we will know the antibotics not working and need run more test.

Is Dylan on antibotics?

i think better to give him med .. it is worse being sick than having chemical stuff in him.. when he is well then u can "bu" him back...
<font color="aa00aa">JJmom,
esp both my mum &amp; MIL are cantonese. and you know lah... some cantonese words can be quite "du".
hahaha... seems like everyone start to use the term 'steamy buns' for that free samples... the 'steamy buns' so jia lat ar... i hv not tried it yet... m still thinking to switch to huggies dry comfort when i used up my current lots...
He wasn't prescribed antibiotics when we brought him to the PD on Mon as his fever has more or less gone. Who knows it came back yesterday, hence this morning, PD prescribed antibiotics. We also got to rent the neb machine back home to neb him 6-hourly till Saturday. Review by PD again on Sat.

Had an argument with my mum and hubby due to our differing views on dealing with sickness since last Wed night. Mum believes in all kinds of medicines. Hubby believes in Western medicines. I believe in natural healing, followed by Chinese medicines. I was stubborn and insisted on letting Dylan fight the virus but I lost the battle when both mum and hubby nagged me non-stop into giving Dylan paracetamol. However, even then I didn't stick to giving it to him on a timely basis. This bout of illness thought me a lesson. Going the natural way is no doubt good but in some circumstances, Western medicine still gives a faster result. How much harm to the body the Western medication made is not in sight yet so we'll worry when time comes. This incident taught me to be more flexible. I was stubborn and delayed treatment hence the serious consequences. Dylan got more ill, I got infected. I have to take 2 days of MC and hubby got to take urgent 1 day leave. And the around $600 medical fees for the visits to the doctors. Expensive lesson learnt!
hi elch - most imptly is Dylan getting well...

For E's case doc v cautious and quickly give antibotics cos he believed i spread my cough to E (which is true)... the mistake i made is wait too long after taking the first course of med... till E devloped sec infection. so he was nebbed too.. 3X a day... technically w prospan and zytrec if it does not go away i shld quicky see doc again after 1week.. i dragged until E started vomitting at night...

we learn something each day...
Re doc visit,
i agree also dun drag, if after finishing the med, should see the doc again....juz 2mths ago i was like practically seeing the doc every week! until my 4th visit the GP finally give gabriel antibodics cos he was still coughing then....actually i was like hinting him to give him antibodics after my 3rd visit, but he think it was not necessary...but the 4th visit he was still not well + having slight fever again so he also give up and prescribe antibodics!

vanilla, my gp told me prospan could have some side effect of causing our toddlers to cough more if take too excessively. juz take note!
actually docs shld not give antibotics freely cos our bbs will build resistance and they need stronger ones...

in my case i was given antibotics so doc knows the strain of my flu needs antibotics and in first visit gave E his....

thanks little doggie for ur note
vanilla, little doggie,
Dylan's prescribed antibiotics, neb, Prospan and Zyrtec this time round too.

Luckily Dylan cooperates and did not fuss when he's nebbed, else it's going to be a battle every 6-hourly till Sat.
vanilla, true antibotics can't be taken freely n now i have the feeling docs dun really like to give antibodics too, esp @ 1st visit....for my son case, i m very afraid of them having fever! cos they have history of seizure! will have "butterfly in my stomach" whenever they have fever! i cant sleep and have to make sure i give them medicine "on time". STRESS!!!
Hello mummies...

icylemon, vanilla- U mummies are really very wei da and great!! And am sure Rachel and E will be growing well, strong and healthy!! ;)

Changing diapers:
I oso change Kaelyn's diapers every 3-4hrly..
On the huggies steamy buns, I was oso surprised tat one of the diaper was torn/burst opened in the middle of the butt area there.. Duh. Luckily I discovered it early b4 Kaelyn pee or poo!! Else I'm in for a hard time clearing the un-needed mess!!

On medication and antibiotics:
Think Kaelyn's PD is more kiasu and practises on the safe side one... Got once I brought Kae there for her runny rose and slight cough and aft the PD examined her and realised her throat is slightly more red, she worried might kena infection hence she prescribed antibiotics str away... Hub and I were still thinking was there such a need meh...sigh.
Diff PDs have differing views and we are not in the best position to 'argue' much with them oso..

elch- Hope Dylan gets well soon!!

blood test shows a few things. PD gave me the results sheet and explained the various items.

1. if there are a lot of white blood cells, means that body is fighting bacterial infection. that shows them whether or not to prescribe antibiotics.

2. platelet count - indicates for dengue. but cos it dips only on 4-5th day, can't tell if blood test is done too early

3. another type of blood cells - if the count is high but the white blood cells isn't, then chances are it's a viral infection. hence, no need antibiotics.


i would say just give to control the fever. usually fever needs to run it's course anyway (5-6 days), so even when you medicate it will still be high, but at least not as high as if you didn't.

anyway, high fever below 40-41 is not dangerous. it's the body fighting the infection by emitting heat. so just ride it out.

take care!

yah, last time i also believed in letting my body fight it out. cos thought will get stronger mah.

but this time, i see doc very soon, and try to nip the infection asap, so that i won't pass it on to k.

otherwise, sometimes there can be no end. she pass to me, she gets well, then i am still sick and i pass back to her again! jialat.

thanks nickypower. ya lor dun need the un needed mess from bursting diaper...

little doggie - ya but i think pandol or suppository shld bring the fever down..if it doesnt then doc will give antibotics...

hi elch - yup.. E has the same med... now neb is no longer needed he is on oral neb of a lesser dosage... will stop it today....
