(2008/10) Oct 2008

i only hv exp on abacus leh... hehe... nd ur hb to help on eng next time...
Hihi Jolly, nice to see u, thanks for your wishes!

Lilbluey: Hang on, soon you can see your princess! I sure drool over her coz I love bb gals!

Eh I haven't started trying, reason is eh.. I am trying to find out what are the things I can do to increase chances of a gal haha :p

'Outsiders' always have things to say one. My son is not small size, yet my mil commented his skin colour not nice, face not rosy etc. Asked me to cook more nutritius food.

Anyway, enjoy your long weekend mummies!
yah i always on sweater then wrap myself with blanket while at home. so its just the MS sympton lah.. thanks for reply

as i queit worry abt it and when very cold till i cant stand i ll puke out
Wan Chuen,

Heard if you want a girl, you have to do it just before ovulation, and not on the day itself, or days after.

Um...obviously i didnt follow my own advice coz I'm having another boy...hahah
Congrats BBgoh!!!

Yes, I felt cold everyday in my first trimester, but now I am in my second, my body is warming up!

Yeah yeah, I'm having a boy! saw his little banana on the scan two weeks ago!
Daisybuttons, Freda, XY, Buffy,

if you dont mind, I might crash your picnic party on sat, although Julian has class at that time actually, hehhee....
bigflamingo - congrats on your #2.
BG outing - come come! The more the merrier!

I don't mind boy or gal - just give me #2 before i turn 35 years old!! So desperate hor *sign*

Wan Chuen - i think bigflamingo is right. I read it somewhere.
XY, thats the same map I used to crop! hehehee!

bigflamingo, of course dun mind! come come!

Freda, looking fwd to meeting you!
hehehe i think u must be visualising swan lake, near the gate from Napier and nearer foodcourt right?

bbgoh...once past 12 weeks, try to drink tonics. but not too heaty ones lah.. maybe cordyceps...warm up your body.
BDAY BASH - 26 Sep (530-830pm)

VENUE - someone's condo?
pls feel free to include urs if available. i can only check mine nxt sat as there is a 2wk window for booking.

arts n craft? any easy to clean n fun ideas that will be fun for our tods? BUFFY! u always doing stuff with C.. do share ideas!?

FOOD - pot luck

CAKE - we'll plan for this closer to date? since dunno how many attending yet

1. eelyn + kaitlyn (tofu & mince chicken patties)
2. xy + marcus
3. daisybuttons (fried rice for the tods)
4. jjmom2008
5. Freda

since most can make it after 5.. i'll change timing to 530-830pm?
So if I want to go to casa verde, which car park is the nearest? When I enter the area through Evans road, I turn left to the cp?

Jo is still under 10kg I believe. Plus she had a couple of diarrhea bouts some time back and didn't eat much. My mum also remarked (though just a matter of factly) that she is thin. My husband always comments hat both parents are not thin but she is so thin. So if anything, i should be more worried than you. But I also saw photos of myself when I was really young, and i was really thin as a kid. (now h did it get to this?) so if you want to worry, let me worry first.

Congrats! So many preggers in his thread. Nice!
I want to go to the Botanic Gardens too!!!! Have to wait till next year.

My mom flies in on Saturday. I can't wait! Miss my family so much and I could really use someone else to distract the 2 boys. In the last stretch right now. 36 weeks pregnant now. Back hurts like crazy.

Saxo - If I remember right, the covered parking for the Visitor's Center is probably the best bet. It's the outdoor cafe run by Les Amis right? That's where we normally park when we go there for makan.

i have just transferred to you for iherb:

Funds Transfer to Other DBS/POSB A/C
11 Sep 2010 08:35 AM Singapore
To Account POSB Savings
218-00838-0 xinying
Amount S$45.55
Transaction Reference 3126197527

Thanks for the help!
mousebb, i dun think WM is underweight lah. Izzy is also 23mths now and weighs 10 point something kg. PD didnt comment at all. She lost a bit of weight recently due to childcare, I think. Forever whining these few days..

koalababy, jia you! I rem when I was ard 36 wk + a few mths back, very eager for J to pop, when I knew I would want him to be back in the tummy just a few weeks later.. ;p
Let me check with the husband and get back to you. He has been working long hours.

Sesame street
Do your toddlers watch sesame street on tv? It's shown on okto at 8am! I have been wanting for Jo to watch it but no chance. Too early.
yep and 8.30 am is the exact time elmo gets his spot on tv.

congrats! yeay sweet katie is going to be a jiejie

i thought i was the only one having concerns over abby's weight. whew. i think she's too puny and after the gastro, her tummy's really gone. i want that sweet paunch back
BDAY BASH - 26 Sep (530-830pm)

VENUE - someone's condo?
pls feel free to include urs if available. i can only check mine nxt sat as there is a 2wk window for booking.

arts n craft? any easy to clean n fun ideas that will be fun for our tods? BUFFY! u always doing stuff with C.. do share ideas!?

FOOD - pot luck

CAKE - we'll plan for this closer to date? since dunno how many attending yet

1. eelyn + kaitlyn (tofu & mince chicken patties)
2. xy + marcus
3. daisybuttons (fried rice for the tods)
4. jjmom2008
5. Freda
6. mint

since most can make it after 5.. i'll change timing to 530-830pm?
BDAY BASH - 26 Sep (530-830pm)

VENUE - someone's condo?
pls feel free to include urs if available. i can only check mine nxt sat as there is a 2wk window for booking.

arts n craft? any easy to clean n fun ideas that will be fun for our tods? BUFFY! u always doing stuff with C.. do share ideas!?

FOOD - pot luck

CAKE - we'll plan for this closer to date? since dunno how many attending yet

1. eelyn + kaitlyn (tofu & mince chicken patties)
2. xy + marcus
3. daisybuttons (fried rice for the tods)
4. jjmom2008
5. Freda
6. mint

since most can make it after 5.. i'll change timing to 530-830pm?
BDAY BASH - 26 Sep (530-830pm)

VENUE - someone's condo?
pls feel free to include urs if available. i can only check mine nxt sat as there is a 2wk window for booking.

arts n craft? any easy to clean n fun ideas that will be fun for our tods? BUFFY! u always doing stuff with C.. do share ideas!?

FOOD - pot luck

CAKE - we'll plan for this closer to date? since dunno how many attending yet

1. eelyn + kaitlyn (tofu & mince chicken patties)
2. xy + marcus
3. daisybuttons (fried rice for the tods)
4. jjmom2008
5. Freda
6. mint
8. ypg

since most can make it after 5.. i'll change timing to 530-830pm?
Re: Milestone
No one can beat bryan to that..i'm still waiting for him to call proper "mama" -_-" he can jump too but jus little teeth (6 only!! is that record-breaking??!! hehe) and not talking!!
<font color="0000ff">Dimpletot,

Congrats on another Princess! Definitely as sweet as Kate

Wah! I better stay away from those shops, hb says I'm dangerous if I go shopping alone -_-""


Congrats on another Prince!
Can always try for No 3!! keke

Wan Chuen,

Thanks babe, we can't wait to see her too in 4 wks time, pls let her stay in there till then


Hang in there, to some 2nd pregnancies are tougher just like in my case..but am sure it will be over soon

Take Care!


Fret not! soon soon! *Sprinkle lots of bb dust* on you

hi mummies! E did his first 2nd party on Sat and it was fun!

our fren loves open gym!

hi Bluey -- how are u? wooohooo... 1 more mth! v fast!

everafter - my son's mama = mummy, ah ma, grandma....

papa == all men and boys...(yes.. he looks at our dollar notes, points to Yusof ishak and call papa... amused the supermkt aunties to bits...)
Saxo, u enter Evans rd and drive on until you see the entrance pointing you to "N parks" or Visitors Centre. Its a ground level sheltered carpark. then walk to the only walk way that leads you to visitors centre and u reach casa verde on your left. Dont drive too far along Evans else you will end up at the food court carpark which is a BASEMENT carpark. that one will lead you to foodcourt, some small fishpond, Botancy Centre, and is nearer to Swan Lake than symphony stage.
morning mummies

thanks. i just hope this 1st trimester over soon

can i join the bday bash? would like to let seline meet her frens, long time no see alrdy

BDAY BASH - 26 Sep (530-830pm)

VENUE - someone's condo?
pls feel free to include urs if available. i can only check mine nxt sat as there is a 2wk window for booking.

arts n craft? any easy to clean n fun ideas that will be fun for our tods? BUFFY! u always doing stuff with C.. do share ideas!?

FOOD - pot luck

CAKE - we'll plan for this closer to date? since dunno how many attending yet

1. eelyn + kaitlyn (tofu &amp; mince chicken patties)
2. xy + marcus
3. daisybuttons (fried rice for the tods)
4. jjmom2008
5. Freda
6. mint
8. ypg
9. bbgoh
Thanks! Yah, I know which entrance. It's just a short drive away from JG. But once inside, there are a few car parks right? That's where I got confused.
Saxo, no there's a few entrances into BG. but if you make the right turn from Evans Rd, the one to visitors centre or N Parks, i think there's only one car park. to be sure, once you go in, turn left towards the sheltered ground floor cp.
do you know how much does the Tampines aunty charge for the huggies dry comfort? Thinking of switching if it's cheaper than fitti.

problem is regina is now in between sizes. The samples that i got for L size seems a little small for her and the XL that i got from xy is big. Headache!
<font color="0077aa">Eelyn, wah, I came in to check the forum and suddenly saw my name. LOL... Is there a theme for the bash? That will usually make things much easier.
Thanks. Oh got promo ah? Ok, will get hubby to go and buy the diapers when he's back. Heehee!

Hope you're feeling better.
hi mummies!

no theme leh.. free n easy.. haha
we need to clear up the room after so i guess nothing too diff to clean.. rest rm n shower facilities nearby so we can clean the kiddos if need be..

will u b joinin us?

everyone ok with timing n it being at anchorage? it's off alexandea rd.. if ok i will check if avail..
Hi mummies,

MIA for so long. I am so busy with my boy after my helper left. And I am currently preggie and that makes things worse. I am 22weeks and still vomiting.

Congrats to mummies who just popped and those expecting
Hiya mommies. Hope u r all hvg a great day still despite it's Monday.

U take care. R u currently in sg?

Am gd w anchorage for e bday party. I'll definitely bring smthg on that day... Just need to think hard wat it will be...

I'm good with anchorage too. Let me start cracking my brain on what to bring for the party. =)

Hope you are coping along well. Bear with it, confinement ending soon!

Libluey - catching your baby dust with a BIG bag. A bit tired to trying for #2, too many disappointing months. Going to take a break.
Hi mummies,
Dylan caught a virus on the last night of our Hong Kong trip and has been having high fever since then. Fever only broke off in the wee hours today. However, I caught his bug, possible that he gets fever due to me having it now?
hi elch - nope... if u catch it from him, he will be immune from the bug as he has it already first...unless u have a diff bug....

hope he recovers soon... u too...take care

I am not back in SG yet. So it's very tiring and difficult when the helper left. And I cant seem to find a good helper to replace.
<font color="0000ff">Pinkimum,

Congrats on your good news!

Hope u feel better soon

Btw, are u expecting a prince/princess tis round?


Dun stress yrself on TTC ya, most imptly must enjoy BD keke =D
