(2008/10) Oct 2008

my fren is doing that fully not me. Coz i not fashionable one. hee.. hee.. I only help out here n there. She not working and TTCing.

opps, dun do tat in the class.. mayb u will need to plan the pumping schedule and ask the info counter there if there is any nursing rooms.
scootababy is hip carry, so he can still see the world...

hahahaha... yah will do that
Things of the world... Haha must remind ourselves...

Saw the thread. Aiyah, I don't buy her 190 prices are long gone argument. Its just a matter of how much less profit she is willing to make.

I think the can still see lots. Kate was turning her head here and there to kpo. Theory is that they are more secure facing in, and can choose to look away. Facing out they might be over- stimulated and cannot hide when they want to. But everything also got theory I take all with pinch of salt. As for legs, I prefer this to bjorn. Think as they grow older butt is bigger and it'll just be normal sitting, legs not so wide? Or maybe trains them to be more likely to be able to do splits next time!! Hah!
dimpletot, me gog on sun lah..cos hb not at hm and i dun want to stay at hm and face ILS :p But gonna b 1st time i head so far along with bryan...hope he dont scream in the mrt ride!
Seems like a huge storm is brewing here at Sengkang!!

Mousebb, good for u, finally u can catch some rest.

Ribena, the clothes looks nice but free size right?? I have to wait till i lose all the mummy flab that can order.
Karen reporting live. Ya got 3 kinds baby monitor. I also bought the one dimpletot bought. Good enough. They have the rotating ones if you like that.
<font color="aa00aa">Anyone here ordered McDelivery before? Am thinking to order some food for my son tonight cos he has been on "solid food" strike since Tuesday! How long does it take for the order to reach your place? Which way is better, order online or via phone? </font>
i ordered via phone. depends on their schedule for delivery. Sometimes 30mins, sometimes 45 mins, at times even up to 1 hour.
Then I will consider getting a Beco! Dun mind getting a pre-loved one...
$150... ok what...

I ordered online before. It came 20mins later!
My items are here!!..heehee..wanted to wash all the new clothes but I think my washing macine is out of order!!..keeps loading and unloading water.


I ordered mac online before. Very fast!..they were here in like 15mins..maybe depends on location..

There's Avent..I wanted to buy BPA free but they dun have.
Oh yah... just remembered that yesterday some mommies were saying PIS is bulky and heavy.

But do mommies know that you don't have to bring the whole backpack or sling. The motor has its own "fabric box" and can be taken out from the backpack to be carried in your own bag.
<font color="aa00aa">Whitepaper
No wonder I find PIS not heavy at all cos i put the motor in the "fabric box"

I still carry the motor in the backpack though... coz I put all my other stuff in the backpack, and I dun bring handbag anymore
Penny, Diane,

If we are using BPA-free bottles means we don't have to change bottles every 3months or so, am I right? If so, I'll just invest in a BPA-free bottle.
Initially I also carry the motor in the backpack but the backpack can't contain all my barang barang and I have to take my handbag too, so now I carry the motor in a carrier and bring along another handbag...still 2 bulk but at least slightly lighter...

Congrats!!! Hope I can be as lucky to get a new job and leave my current one...
Hi all, I need to contact Monyetnakal urgently regarding BP pickup. Any mommies have her contact? Please let her know or PM me her contact.

thanks. i believe you will find anew job soon as well... jia you

busy bee
r u on her FB? Maybe can try and contact her then? i will try to pick up the stuff from u on sunday nite if possible
congratz !!!
i m still looking ard for new job ler

i can find her contact on the oct mum contact list. u dun have tat list?
i pm u
Hi Jellypurin, Yes I have sent her an email. Waiting for her response. Just trying my luck to see if anyone has her mobile number. Anyway do note that I will be out at the various mass collection points from 4:40 to 8pm. So if possible try to collect your items before or after this time. Thanks!
<font color="0000ff">whitepaper, penny,
It's the milkbags tat i bought from bluey, think abt $6.50 per box of 25. Let me confirm when i reach home
Karen, jellypurin, thanks on the update for wimsa entrance. jialat..dun think i handle the stroller + heavy bag alone

Whitepaper, i only bring the motor with its own fabric box..but still heavy leh~ initially i also bring 2 bags..look quite silly leh..each shoulder hang 1 bag. After my KS classic noel sky came, i jus need to bring 1 bag and the small cooler bag
Congrats! Wow, go one time and got it! You must teach me your tactics eh.

Taka fair
Hmm, after home, I realise I should have bought the two-way mirrors for use in car. Aiyoh, now regret not getting just now. Like that, I would be visiting the fair all the time. Now I guai guai wait for my delivery.

Beco Hip carry
Hmm, frankly hor, I don't think it's comfy carrying it hipstyle. Ditto the Ergo. They're actually designed for front carry, and to a larger extent, for back carry.
thanks. pay raise is 10%, good enough for me... i was afraid i was too expensive for them and hence i din expect a pay raise at all...

no tactics... i galang gabok that day when i went for the interview...i din know what to prepare and i was feeling stupid as i could not answer some of the questions...
Just brought Regina for her 6-in-1 jab today. Ht 61cm and Wt 7.2kg. Ht dropped to below 50 percentile leh.
Wt also drop abit. Should I be concerned? GP said all is well.

Going to catch up on the archived posts now.
