(2008/10) Oct 2008

The other time, my place also got this inconsiderate owner let the dog anyhow poo. Then one day, I was very free I actually go and follow him when he bring his dogs for a walk. Then his dog poo and he wanted to walk away but because I was glaring at him, he had no choice but to pick it up. I did it for a few days in a row. Heehee! Now no more liao. My hubby say I siao!

Taka fair: Me wanna go again leh. Aiyah, shop with hubby hor no fun. Keep saying no need this no need that.

Remember the bath foam that I wanted buy from yoys r us but didn't? I saw it at taka fair and it was $7 cheaper! Heng ah!

got fabric box meh? i detached my PIS and is carrying it bare in my LC bag.. wahahahah... :p where's the fabric box? gee i better go bk hm n dig up the backpack!!! :p

Good afternoon mommies!
Hoho...I am going to meet our chio bu aka ribena tomo at clementi 2pm! Wahaha...finally can see our chio bu's "lu san zhen mian mu"! hee...

Congrats, good for u! I am still waiting to be called for 3rd interview
become giraffe le!
then today I should ask you along. Your hubby in this aspect different from mine.

Me: Looks good hor.
He: Buy lor.

If only applicable to my things.

Taka fair
I know I'm obsessed. But final word. All free gifts redeemed. No more. I thought I could claim the chair. Sigh. Free gifts all gone on first day. So silly.
If you two stand side by side, pple will think you both bff. Ergoing bb and carrying lss bags.

You really siao ah. Can't imagine you doing that though.
gd afternoon mummies,
just came back from the bb fair... bought some toys and clothes... and of cos.. trade in for pigeon bottles.. dun dare to trade more.. so just change 1 first.. just in case... if bb can use.. will go trade in again.. keke

congrats, jelly...
wow.. so many posts already. unable to catch up.

just want to vent a little...
my MIL called and asked how much my bb weigh. then i told her around 6.5kg. then she said my hubby's cousin's bb who is also 4mos is already 7.97kg. i feel so bad. now i feel like my bb didn't eat enough that's why didn't gain much weight.
have meh??? alamak... i better go hm n find.. i really dont see a fabric box leh... must be blind.. :p

wow... hope i can go taka fair tonight too.. hearing all the loots u ladies got... i so wanna go shopping too!!! :p
my bb cradle cap not so much, a little. Will buy olive oil.

Jelly congrats get a job. All best to u.

Finally used ergo carrier yesterday and today. Quite good lei. Anyone know can use up to how long? In terms of weight
good afternoon mummies.

wow! nice to meet up with some of you gals yesterday.

XY - have to agree, marcus's head really big! kekeke...

karen - another pretty mama!

penny - steady lor! pump while eating lor.

jelly - you are another pretty mama!

jjmom - nice to meet you. u look like an old friend of mine.

dimpletot - you look young!! looks like juz grad from JC.

mona - hehehe.... see you pretty often yah.

juz us - nice meeting you babe.

mspiggy - finally see you in person.

mint - didnt get to say hi to you.

diane - you are another young & sexy mummy wor...
dun feel bad lah... I think as mummies sometimes we must learn to one ear in one ear out. Otherwise everyday sure got sth upset us.

see u should have shopped with us. We just egg each other on. And get inspired by what others buy. Kekekekeke.

Got my delivery. Looked so much in the shopping basket but now look so little in the taka bag. :p

hahaha... Plus pildough. We can be triple bff.
Got rear view mirror? Shucks would have wanted to get that for hubby too. What brand ah?

Congrats jelly!
can shop some more! Or treat us to teh! Mo1 mo1 liang2 xin1 and choose which. Or actually, since u were expensive to hire inthe first place, do both!! Ok when's the next gathering? ;P
I think jjmom also should have 3-4 boxes max right? Ok think our pumping wondergirls whitepaper and ribena should have no problem clearing our supply. I got 2 more boxes who wants? 13 bucks flat if pass to u at next gathering.
you too.. hot mama!

thanks again... i'm just glad that my stint in my current co is going to be over. dun give up looking for a job... keep looking....

okie, kopi teh on me at next gathering...
uh oh, I already started my boy porridge at 5.5 months, how come some PD say must wait til 7 months har? Is it difficult to digest?
on ah!

O did not notice pildough's bag. The mirror hangs below the rearview mirror so that driver can see bb. Useless for me because I need a 2-way one. More important for bb to be able to see me.

Confession. I have always called you i-cyle-mon. Until dimpletot told me yesterday it was icy-lemon. Duh.
don hear what they comments.. Everyone said my bb so small lor.. but he's 6.9kg whenhe's 4 mths and I don think v small too.. My friend also said my 4 mths bb looks smaller than my 3mth neighbour bb...
I got the urge to buy PIS leh... But with my pathetic ss of 60ml not worth it right?? haiz... I don know what happen to me.. hahahaha...
hi dimpletot - next time will go and say hi! Will love to join in next gathering to see all the ladies i have been chatting to and gathering tips!

Went for my son 6-in-1 today..brave boy...cried abit only. He is at 5.34kg and 63cm at 5mths 2 weeks. was told by pd to increase his food to include sweet potato and pumpkin.. so excited!

HiJoy - i start my son semi-solid when he is 17 weeks. He started with just rice cereal and brown rice cereal. Then incld fruits like banana, apples and pear, prune. I am v careful on what he can eat and always check w PD if he is ready. PD told me to hold off avocado and vegetables till later.

Hi R&R mummy - i spoke to Patsy that day and will be seeking 2nd opinion. I spoke to my pd and have arrange to see Dr William Yip to do ECG and Echo. Next week seeing Dr Wong, will see Dr Yip the week after. Did u seek 2nd opinion for Rachel?
talking about next gathering... so shall we do one in April? kekeke... condo gathering again or find some stroller/moms/babes friendly restaurant????
<font color="aa00aa">Joanne, Karen
Dont worry lah. Mine is only 6.3 kg. She will be 5.5 months in 2 more days. It's ok lah.</font>
My stupid condo don hv function room else I can volunteer mine.. here only got pit and small KTV room.

Me also looking forward to another gathering..
i agree with you. it's driving me nuts when ppl compare. next time for my #2 i'm going to make sure nobody else is pregnant so that no other bbies to compare with. hehe..
Hi Rebecca, sorry for posting my reply that you sent me via Facebook late. Too busy wif work and loads of email. With regards to whether Isetan sale / taka bb fair is worth going, i would say Isetan sale is much more better than Taka bb fair.But some wld say Taka more worth it.

Like some mummies say, the Taka bb fair is the same every year, same products, vendors stationed at same place too. So there is nothing much. There are alot of FP products on sale, but i still find them ex. The additional 10% taka card member discount is valid til 15 Mar, sun.

I happen to see Fisherprice jumperoo. I saw 1 thread that says $199, but when i saw yest at Taka bb fair, it was $239 le.

In the I bght Little Tikes Tricyle, Brighstars Bounce Bounce Chair &amp; Playskool Shoot &amp; Scre Automoated Basketball - all for $159 at Isetan private sale.

the Brightstar Bounce Bounce Chair looks quite similar to the Evenflo Exersaucer Gym, but its smaller and so much cheaper! Cos my plc cannot put Jumperoo, and Brighstar is much more appropriate for HDB flat.

Osh Kosh Bgos also got 20% discount. Finally bght 1 romper for my boy also. Material is so far better than other brands which i bght previously.

I also bought Thermos food jar (put porridge) at $46 (less 10%) at Isetan, quite similar to the BP thread of Low family. Foogos food jar which Low family sell at $30, is much more shallow and smaller compared to the Thermos i bght at Isetan. I also wanted to buy SIppy cup fr the BP thread, but in the end i bght from Pigeon (only $8+).

In the end, i lug so many items bk fr Isetan yest. but it was worth going.
i think that would be impossible... but i think by the time 2nd one comes, we all v relax liao...

looks like i really shd gd isetan...
<font color="ff0000">wan chuen</font>
is indeed to early to start baby on porridge at 5.5 mths. normally after 8 mths is more advisable. but who suggested you on porridge at 5.5 mths?
long time no see! How's yr boy doing?

U going on long trip huh? Bringing both kids?
I'm not v biz minded so no idea what to suggest u bring in... Unless US cos got so much to beow online.
thanks tweety and mousebb.

Hi tweety - haha ya but my boy v fussy when he drinks pear jucie he made a face, my mum taste it and told me it is sourish...just bot the rice cereal from Eu Ren Seng with Si Seng Powder..hope will make him eat more..

On Porridge - my PD also say wait.
So it was you who recognised my hubby. heehee! He told me one of the oct mummies recognised him and I tot it was xinying. lol!
<font color="aa00aa">Wan Chuen
re: solid food
PD also told us to start on cereal and slowly we can intro porride.</font>
hi dimpletot, im fine, thanks for asking.

My boy is now almost 6 mths old, yest brought him for his last dosage of 6-in-1. He is 67cm tall, and 9kg. Haha, jumbo baby right? but PD say he is not overweight, as he is slightly taller than bb of him same age. And tell me not to worry so much abt his weight, as once they know hw to flip n crawl, their weight will slowly decline.

I am not going for long trip, so wanted to do some online biz, since it looks like its a lucrative small income biz. I will be partnering wif my gf, so we will travel to BKK end tis mth , and then to Tokyo in May wif my hubby. I heard that Fancl and combi products are super cheap there, so mayb i will go recky.

my PD say i can start Remus on porridge liao, since i have started him on cereal n puree when he was 4 1/2 mths old.

Aiya, i cant post the item that i bght at isetan, cos file size slightly big. mayb i post on my facebook, then you guys who are interested can go n see. i tink im already a member in Oct thread mummy in facebook.

<font color="ff0000">wan chuen &amp; jelly</font> ya, is still young. infact babies at this age should have more milk. wait till babies are ard 8 mths then start porridge bah.
