(2008/10) Oct 2008

<font color="0000ff">Penny,
want to get the milk bags from me boh?

Any1 else need milk bags?</font>
and u don feel anything??? hee...

I got that.. but v hard to suck out leh..
I really pei fu can pump in public.. hahaha.. if me sure don know how.. clumsy me..

If nightmare, they will cry out loud while their eyes still closed... U try feed her some colic medi???
yaya she ll start with soft cry then the more late night the cry more loud loh &amp; is closed eyes.
i ask the caregiver feed her Gripe water too
if your bb cry at the same time everyday... likely colic leh... but hor, hv u ask the IFC what activities they engage her during the day?
<font color="aa00aa">busy bee
Yes! My hubby is coming home tonight! Finally i can have a good sleep tonight le!
<font color="aa00aa">bbgoh, tweety
Me too have sleepless night! Wenmin kept waking up at 1am, 4am &amp; 6am! The moment she made nosie I would quickly jump up and go check her cos I scare her fever come back again. Luckily she was just cranky and no fever *phew*!</font>
yah almost same time loh, ard 11pm ll start but its on &amp; off. when she start to cry i ll pat pat &amp; sayang her head then she ll queit. if till very loudly i ll wake her up.
asked le, they said most of the time she play alone on bbcot. recently she is practising on flipping so they let her do gym loh
i thk is bcoz she play too high too excited le
when i let her alone on my bed she also can be so excited &amp; scream then play her feet loh
<font color="aa00aa">Penny
You are starting a BP too! Will take a look and see if i can find something suitable
<font color="0000ff">tweety,
yah u shd c how penny pump in public...peifu! I will have accident spill even when i pump at home or office, don't even dare to try at public @_@''</font>
<font face="tahoma"><font color="119911">good morning!


you bought at the cafe!? wow.... steady!</font></font>
<font color="0000ff">pigeon sucker :
I also find it difficult to use leh, I suck but nothing come out? Mayb I din suck enough but worry might hurt Nat's nose if suck too hard...argh

taka card additional 10% till this sun
happy shopping</font>
when using tat to suck, u muz listen to d sound. Coz sometimes our aiming nt accurate n end yp sucking the flesh inside the nose rather than sucking the nostrils where the mucus are. When i suck wrongly, claudia will scream n cry and when i suck correctly, shewil be very good and sit there for me to clear her mucus. And i can see the mucus flowing into the bottle, when i see tat, i feel so satified n feel like i've achieve something. hee..

wat kind of milkbags u have? how much u selling me?
jelly, mousebb
dunno whether to start the BP or not coz dunno response will b good or nt...

u muz be v happy tat ur hubby is coming back today. u muz have missed him a lot ...esp during the sleepless nite
yes.. I feel she's GARANg too.. hahaha...

Maybe u need to check with IFC what kind of activities she having there..Try not to let her play too much...

we are poor mummies.. haiz.. Hope they recover fast then we can have a good night sleep...
Varner keep wakng up at night even when he turn his body..

hahaha.. me too.. not so daring.. keke...

pigeon sucker:
I think need to suck realy hard leh.. else nothing come out.. I tried few times, sometimes got come out, sometimes not lor.. It will stick at the funnel there, so need to open n c...
Guess he should be tired. Let him rest for tonite 1st then tmr nite onwards, he will have more engergy to help out. hee.

i left at 3 plus ytd. Rebecca and nicky wants to see the pic we took ytd ah.
I WANT THE MILKBAGS!!! but what kind and how much huh?

I'll be on course next week at Park Mall... any idea where I can pump? The toilets there super quiet leh... how ar??? sighhhhh... lunch time can go PS pump... but other times how?.........
Hi mummies,
So busy today.. come here to eat snake abit and detress...
Tweety i think its 20% normal and plus 10% if member, but only yesterday leh... I also bought the stacker after checking the price for you hahahha..
Hey mummies, anyone already started baby on solid?? I plan to intro him this weekend dunno whether it will be too early. btw my boy is 5mth 4 days old today
be like me loh. pump everywhere i can. in restaurants, car... but try nt to do it in toilet unless the toilet is very clean.

Got bb monitor. The one with the colourful daisy. Got video. Normal 299, selling for 249 or 259 at taka. Worth it. I got one but till now haven't used. Hope mine doesnt become white elephant. Dunno when to let her sleep in own room. Now w cot in our room seems more convenient.

pm u abt milkbags. I got 3 boxes left.

Taka fair
glad we went early. Gd call, icylemon! By 11 plus it was packed! I didn't know it opened at 930-10. When I reached at 1030 already got ppl shopping...

purple, we mainly bought toys I think. Aiyah, somtimes I think bb has too many toys. But what to do? Lazy mummy too tires to be clown allthe time, so let the toys do the singing. bought munchkin teether shaped as a hand hee hee. Can't wait for her to use it. Hope she likes then can stop torturing her thumb.

Wah isetan sale not bad eh? Too bad I'm not membr. I thot FS stuff quite cheap at taka, the walker to wagon I bought at 79.90 for my friend only 63 plus there before 10% discount! But from comparison of smaller toys seems isetan still
post and send us pix! Taken by random daddy innocently sitting at the side of fair haha.

aiyoh, you tai4 bu4 ying1 gai1 already. See us then never say hi?! We v friendly one, next time must join our gathering! Or at least say hi!!

We met mr mint too! Haha sounds like the key and shoe shop. He asked me whether this empty basket was mine and I was thinking hey another ergo... Then realised only later that it was regina sleeping inside!!

Verdict yesterday on carriers
ergo is comfy and idiot proof to wear. Slightly cheaper. Beco is simply very very swee. Good support too. Too bad for me, think the only way to justify buying beco is when I have second child.... Maybe by that time it'll be cheaper (dream on) there was some safety thing on the beco bp thread hor? Did u all see?
u are gone case. No med can save.

yah gotta walk quite long. When I went there was a bit of drilling that woke up my sleeping beauty @$:)&amp;@. So when I went home, walked to somerset instead.
fashion market got alot of ppl doing now.. do consider and do some research first..

I cancel my Isetan card liao.. haiz.. I think I get from taka ba.. anyway the same price...

I start solid for my bb alr.. He's turning 5 mths tomor.. hee... But I gave me rice cereal only and once a week..

I think if got Isetan member, then will be cheaper, else abt the same as taka..
I pump in class during the course? That's will be too attention seeking...

Thought of buying one but baby's legs have to open so wide leh...

ohhh... another consideration for me on Beco is baby can't see the "scenery" right, can only face my boobs??? then I think CH won't like that... espacially when he grows older. He's too kaypo liao...
