(2008/10) Oct 2008

wahhh... went for meeting and got archive already!!!

Sorry if I'm late in answering -
THERMOS food jar: I bought the pink foogoo one... coz cuter than the plain stainless steel one
thought it will be quite useful when bringing baby's food out
as for the korean rompers, I bought the one with the bow tie and the rugby inspired one...

Mummies, i hv a "xing bing"..my mum is currently taking care of my boy. But i dont like it whenever she hv friends/relatives over at her place playing with him lor...im kinda upset that everyone is playing with him and i cannot b there. Yesterday got some relatives pop by. i was playing with Bryan and my mum wanted to carry him. I was rather pissed! but i told her nicely no. I think she wanted to let the relatives carry him. But, pls lor..i travel so far everyday to see my son. Who are the relatives so impt to carry my son! When i abt to leave, she immediately bring Bryan to the relative's arm!
im so upset~
Hi Ruffles,
Good idea... I shall adopt your method to contribute in the forum more instead of just silent reading all the time, and keep looking ard whether my boss is passing by..
<font color="aa00aa">Karen
My gal nap on her own during day time. Last time she used to sleep on her own during night time and we din even have to pat her. Nowadays she knows how to sa jiao le and wants us to pat her before she sleep.</font>
<font face="tahoma"><font color="119911">mousebb,
poor WM, hope she recovers fast! how is she now? fever gone?

i think becoz your boy is not staying with you... you wanna every min with him when you're there. it's normal. dont worry.... dont get upset. </font></font>
Wow Kylie, u very big biz woman! So many BPs. Be careful on 'advertising', bee lee told me that new rule in BP will be cancelled and $25 not refunded if organiser "advertise" their BPs on the various threads. I maybe able to go Taka Sale wt u, this week too busy with BP stuff to settle. Let u know.

Whitepaper, think I will get the foogoo jar as well. The Korean Rompers are really nice! Sigh so many things to get!!!
Wow lucky ah. My girl gets cranky when she's sleepy in the day time and needs to be rocked to sleep. The thing is ... at 6.3kg, she's getting to be a tad too heavy for me to rock her. Sigh. So wonder if I'm the only mum doing that cos all the mummies have no complaints, even for big babies like Marcus, CH and Arielle.
<font color="aa00aa">everafter
I guess you really have "xing bing". Your relatives dont visit your mum's place everyday and I'm sure your mum also wants to intro her grandson to her relatives and friends. Relax lah! Maybe you can consider doing part-time so that you can have more time to spend with bryan? </font>
<font color="0000ff">Karen,
sigh...how i wish lah...fat hope with my notti Nat. Nanny juz told me this morn tat if Nat is sleepy then she's ok with pat to sleep, if not, nanny has to carry her &amp; pat @-@''

Mousebb, WM so guai ^_^b</font>
<font color="aa00aa">Karen
You may want to put her in the sling instead of you carrying her so that you hands will not feel so tired?</font>
yah I'm doing that at times. But hard to get bb out of sling after she has fallen asleep. And for warm days, slings add to the warmth. Aiyoh, think my girl is too spoiled.
<font color="119911">busybee,

haha, actually i do BP for interest, not so much on profit making..

great if we can meet up again.
pls let me know ya</font>
<font color="0000ff">everafter,
must learn to 'let go' a bit, juz think of it like every1 loves your boy bah
<font color="aa00aa">Karen, JJmom
You are wrong! She would make a lot of noise whenever she is tired and I would try to help her find a comfy position by either placing her on the bouncer or place her on her tummy before she fall asleep.</font>

We used to rock CH to sleep in his rocker, or his Papa (being the ever doting one) will rock him in his arms. But now, my Mum trained CH to be pat to sleep instead. So we just place him on his side, give him his bolster, and pat him to sleep. He usually fall asleep pretty fast if he's tired.
If the rest of the dresses are already here by next week, then I can go collect from you since you'll be home the entire week.
<font color="aa00aa">Karen
First bb is always very precious one! I used that method on wenxuan last time and I can sling him for the whole afternoon just to shut up his mouth. Come to the 2nd one, I'm more relaxed le. If she wants to cry, I would let her cry a bit and when she feel tired, she would eventually fall asleep.</font>
<font color="aa00aa">everafter
Is Bryan the first grandchild in your family? Usually the lst bb in the family would get a lot of attention. </font>
Morning mummies,
My boy has been fussing the whole morning. Then don't wana drink milk. Don't know what he wants and he is back napping again.

I still need to rock my boy for his nap most of the time. If I am lucky, he falls asleep at the breasts and I will carefully put him down. But sometimes he will wakie and need to rock him back to sleep. Then morning and evening short naps, I will try to put him in the bouncer and rock. I am just thankful that night time, I just need put him in his cot and he falls asleep himself.
Kylie, me too. I do BPs to enjoy the cost savings for my little one and also it keeps me occupied. SAHM like me after I am done with chores and stuff, when bb is napping it can get a little boring at times.
BB sleeping:
Mousebb, WM can sleep on her own??? so good leh.. Varner forever need ppl to pat even shake to sleep.. haiz..

Oct mummies all business woman huh??? so many mummies doing BP.. envy...

Food jar:
I'm thinking of getting one to... later then place order..
<font color="aa00aa">Whitepaper
Nowadays I try not to look at the BPs unless I need to buy somethings. I still have so many sets of new clothes in the drawers for the kids. Dont dare to buy anymore.</font>
whitepaper, trace
where is the collection location you indicate for the jar? we can meet together to collect if convenient

Loripop so much cheaper! Next time must stick to trusted sellers. Their margins are lower. Ready stock some more. Gd thing she not selling the ladybug one I bought. Now tempted to buy cherry one. Yikes.

On Bryan
very natural to feel this way... U only get to see him a little while everyday of course u wanna spend every min with him!
sure no problem. when you going? maybe i can tag along if time permits. i worry i forgotten about the BP things that i bought..ahhahha too many liao
Seller will contact me when stocks arrive

Taka baby fair
Tomorrow I'll be going at 11+am... with my Boss!!! hahaha........ so update the good deals there once I'm back in office k?
My girl too. She used to love nursing to sleep but now, spoilt by daddy's rocking, she needs to nurse and be rocked to sleep. Sigh.

Haaa, I guess so. My arms are aching as I type. Lucky I didn't sell off my MIM sling.
dimpletot, but gek sim lor i bought 2 designs frm "baby" and loripop hv the same designs and cheaper
sigh~~i cannot convince myself to "let go" on bryan's thingy leh...and upset that seeems no one support me also. cannot complained to hb cos he said i deserve it
nvm, complain here!!

I cannot cut and paste but the link is in the previous archive posted by everafter, just do a ctrl F...

I'm also carrying and rocking my bb to sleep - he is now 9.5kg at 5.5months. My back is killing me, though wrists are okay. The way I see it, I will never regret cuddling my baby a lot - one day he won't want my cuddles anymore, so must cuddle him more now.
dun get upset leh...take it easy ...

i bought so much from baby! i even bought the xl bibs from her! i shd be more gek sim :p


Dun be sad lah. Maybe u take 2-3 days leave to spend with Bryan. At the end of it you might be only too happy to pass him to yr mum kekeke... For me, anybody want to carry is Yes Pls!!
