(2008/10) Oct 2008

<font color="aa00aa">Littlebluey
You are another "naughty" mummy! You are supposed to have complete bed rest too right? Better go rest.</font>
<font color="aa00aa">bbgoh
That time I was quite blurred also and thought how come TMC din issue any mc for me. When I asked the nurse, the nurse told me to get it from my gynae. Come to think of it, it sounds logic bcos there are so many clinics at TMC and if TMC is going to issue MC for our ML, they also cannot sign on behalf of our gynae mah.</font>
<font color="119911">forest>>mine worst! apply annual leave >14 days will lugi all weekend + PH, all count as part of leave!! i complained that the extra one month ML is to make up for eating my PH and weekends lol... i think only my stingy company like this! </font>
<font color="119911">means we can only apply for ML after we discharged from hospital?? but my office cannot apply leave from home! </font>
<font color="aa00aa">Vanilla
re: PJs
I had c-sect when I delivered my boy. Din get those dress PJ but the normal top and bottom ones. Din hurt my wound at all. Your wound will be covered by 2 layers, 1st layer with a super big bandage and the 2nd layer, a thinner one, something like a plaster. Most probably the thinner one will be removed by your gynae when you go to remove the stitches. Dont worry! </font>
<font color="aa00aa">bbgoh
That's right!

Juz US
Dont need. Usually we have to apply ML before we give birth. Last time for me, I applied my ML based on my original EDD but it happened that I gave birth earlier, so when we submitted the MC to our HR dept, they will amend the date accordingly. </font>
<font color="119911">oic thanks mousebb

PJs>> i saw Plaza Sing cotton on body got sale. button up PJs set at only $10</font>
Is it difficult for u to wear the PJ bottoms? I prefer wearing bottoms than dress actually as those PJ dresses I own are pretty short and I'm afraid of exposing myself easily when in hospital leh...
I've placed my order for that. Overseas spree by Prettymama. But i haven rec yet. Tink by the time, it comes, i should have given birth liao. Singapore GNC is selling more ex.
Juz Us,
huh.. ur co. count PH and wkends as part of ur leave? tats quite terok!! then u shd try to max. ur leave at 14 days in order not to lugi ah...
<font color="119911">lili>> basement one or 2. is the 2 pc type. but i din really like the print, so din buy ;P btw their bedroom slippers very nice and comfy! $1 only! go grab :D that one i bought a couple hehee

forest>> yes i always do that. but when wanna take leave for maternity cannot mah. what i gonna do is take 14 days AL, follow by ML, then another 14 day AL, follow by childcare leave, then +14 day AL. hahaha hope can get approved!

nursing wear>>btw i saw one of the BP threads selling clearance nursing tops at only $20, in case anyone interested =)
<font color="aa00aa">elch
No problem at all. Hehe! I have the same worry as you, scared wear the dress PJ would easily exposed myself.</font>
mousebb, elch
same, that why i buy top &amp; bottom for stay in hospital...

also, another concern is that i'll be wearing disposable panties, worry what if the pad not stick, then how....haha maybe you gals didn't think of that

but at home, i will wear dress, when BF lock the door...CL won't come in.
the pureen pads is the stick on type or string type?

u can ask dr adrian abt the HL.. i ask him bcoz my work place is at suntec and having the F1 soon so i will hv difficulty going to work (have to walk more) and hence i ask him to give me lor.. and yes i admit coz of my stupid HR.. sighzz

u ok liao mah? feeling better? need more rest ya.. i oso trying to rest more.. the v area will pain if i walk too much.

sofy 40.5cm - i go suntec watson no hv leh.. maybe will go sk one to find when i go for my next checkup.

thanks for concern.. will rest more

just wanna check if any one knows the contact number to you long zi? My fren would like to seek his help for calculation for csect date.

Really appreciate!
In this case I think besides the 2 PJ dresses, I'll pack in my 2-piece PJ as well...at least I got a wider 'wardrobe' during hospital stay...hah...
<font color="aa00aa">lili
Last time I also wore the disposable panties with the stick-on pads, no problems at all.

Cheer Bear
The pads are the stick-on ones. Dont like the looped one. </font>
<font color="aa00aa">lili
I guess the issue is not the brand of the pads but the amount of flow that you will be having. This really depends on individual.

Dont agree that c-sect dont need to bring too many pads. Usually the flow will be extremely heavy on the next day after we delivered. That time my flow was super duper heavy until the nurse told me to just sit on the toilet bowl for the next 5-10mins. She even told me if this situation continues, she would have to alert my gynae.</font>
<font color="119911">lili>>yup like mousebb says, depends on flow. maternity type will be able to absorb more. otherwise u might stain ur clothes if use normal ones, esp the thin ones</font>
Juz Us,
good good.. i'm clearing balance of this yrs AL after ML as well, cos cannot keep until end of next year.. but urs sure is alot lor!! very good, can spend more time with ur bb!!
<font color="119911">forest>> yup yup, lucky i keep oso coz MIL wants me stay home til baby 6 months then can 'handover' to her :p</font>
Thanks Mummies, I will take it easy from now. Kan cheong too much over baby will only make things worst. I am feeling much better now, hopefully my muscle pull will recover fast.


Day after your c-sect, nurses will sponge you and change for you. They asked me if I brought my own stuff like disposable panty, maternity pads and PJs and changed for me. Personally I feel the PJ gowns more convenient cos after c-sect I find it rather difficult to lift legs to even change panties. So pants type PJs might not be convenient.

TMC parentcraft sells Fenugreek,I wanted to get it during my stay but forgot! Sigh....

Purebliss and Mousebb,
My lochia (discharge after the c-sect) is quite minimal. Flow was lesser then my usual heavy period flow. I guess in differs from person to person.

Maternity Pads,
I used the Pureen ones and also the mothercare ones. Equally comfy... They are longer and thicker then the sofy night pads. After delivery its quite inconvenient to constantly get in and out of bed, so better to use a long and thick pad.

My DH and I wanted to choose a unique and meaningful name for baby. Mikayla means "gift from God" or "Who is like God". But it seems the name doesn't sit well with some people who just can't register the name when we tell them about our baby's name. But we think it suits her well and love it!

Mummies to be...GAMBETE! The end reward for the body discomfort and stress is all worth it.

Take Care all!
So if we take our maternity leave separately (meaning take the first two months first, and after some time then take the next two months), the last two months is 20 days x 2 only, right?
hello mummies..
Today busy aft lunch,had mitting frm 2.30pm till 6.30pm. No tea break for me, i m so hungry aft the meeting.
Anyone gog for the bb tok organised by mediacorptv? Mi tot of gog..its 27 sept
<font color="ff6000">Hello Mummies!!!
recently hve been quite bz.
sumtimes happen at hme.</font>

<font color="#151B54"> re:pJ
i saw a shop located at Novena Square 2.
their price are nt ex. design nt bad too.
nt aunty design de. nt bad la. to me la.
u gals can go there n check it out.
which lvl, i forgot. price is nt more den $10.
if i didn rmb wrongly.</font>
morning mommies!

thanks for all the advice on what to bring and what to pack.

who's going for the mediacorp thingy? i scared go there for half a day and all it is is advertising for products and all the unnecessary hoohaa about celebrity moms even though there are freebies leh. But not a big fan of crowds also, just interested in the breastfeeding bit.

going to Novena to check out jammies today. I think i shall bring four sets (2 dresses and 2 seperate top and bottoms), i roll around alot at night and dress jammies tend to ride up then my belly and legs will be cold.. pfft.

Do you remember which floor?


my replacement very good. she's a senior sped teacher with alot of experience, i actually don't mind staying in the job to learn from her. now still getting my assessments, lesson plans in order.. i calculated after T4W7 after SA2, not much to do already.

re: maternity leave

i dunno how my hr calculate leh. i go on the 29th Sept, and go back on the 28th Jan. also filled up the 12 week ML form. Then, i have annual leave to clear also.. are you ladies going to clear this year's childcare leave? I read from the mom site, it's 6 days prorated which means 3 days this year as of August for mommies who havent cleared. Next year onwards, 3 days paid by co, 3 days paid by govt.

P.S. i also don't need letter to start ML but my hr has requested 3 things from me. copy of marriage cert, copy of birth cert and original of the mc gynae will write to certify i gave birth on this date.

ok.. hungry.. time to make milo and cheese sandwich. :D~
<font color="119911">morning all =)
yay me today gonna see gynea (and tanya)!

ribenali>> nursing tops thread i mentioned over here.

pildough>>sorry pls update this blur mom, wat mediacorp thing?

From my bathroom weighing scale, I lost about 1 kg from last gynae visit... bringing my total weight gain to 7+ kg... hope the scale is accurate... scully go gynae's use their scale and realise I actually put on more weight!!! hahaha

Hope baby's weight gain is slowing down too........ keep fingers crossed. Very scared tomorrow go gynae's and then told baby is now 3.3kg! Then with another 3 weeks to go, he'll be 4.35kg!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!
Gd morning all!

This year childcare leave will be pro-rated. If you have taken 2 days, only left one day to take. Unless your company is very generous to start with 6 days for the rest of 2008. They have yet to legislated this. Most likely legislation will be in end Oct.

Btw, does any of you have swollen feet? Mine is very swollen these few days and a bit sore when I walk.

Hi whitepaper, ur baby is growing very well. Seems like most of ur babies are asborbing well

I'm lucky, not struck by swollen feet. I guess it's common during late pregnancy. Do you want to try raising your legs up when you sit or lie down? Should help!

Yah baby absorbing too well le... hope he won't be a big baby...

<font color="aa00aa">Whitepaper
At this stage, I also find that I'm losing weight. Dont know is it my gal has absorbed whatever I eat or what. But the weight which I gained is still a lot, around 11-12kg. Hopefully can maintain at this weight or lost some more which I dont mind too. Hand and feet all swollen le.</font>
