(2008/10) Oct 2008

<font color="aa00aa">lili
I guess it depends on individual bah. For my last pregnancy, I din even gain a gram during my 3rd trimester but lose some more cos I was sick.</font>

<font face="tahoma"> rach's mummy,
i also showed my hubby where to get things from NTUC... in case short of things then he can go run errands

as for the laundry, most of them are washed by my MIL. i only wash the mattress covers, blankets and pillow covers. easier coz these can dump into the washing machine
<font color="0000ff">Mousebb,

There's nurseries on the 4th/5th/6th storey as well.

If yr ward happen to be on 6th flr and nursery is full, they will temporarily put on the available ones first on other level. That was what happen to a mummy who gave birth and was in the same ward as me.

<font color="aa00aa">Ribena
That's the reason I dont want to sterilise the stuff now. Wanted to do it on the other day but my hubby was asking where am I going to keep those stuff after I sterilised them. Hence I decide to do it a day before my c-sect.</font>
<font color="119911">hi all!
back from gynea visit. Tanya growing well. doc estimates she will be about 3.1kg at birth. i already given after delivery meds! making everything seem so real liao...scary haha. qn, do u mummies get an MC from your gynea during your regular visits?

wow some of you actually losing weight? i still putting on weight leh
must be all the mooncakes and cravings i've had... haha

lili>>nepia can get at NTUC. i think how long baby uses NB and S depends on the baby's growth. i got frend who never buy any newborn. she just use the one hospital give. once finish her baby (boy) graduate to S liao

washing>>oops i'll get right on it today :p haha else if baby pops now,she'll have no clothes to wear!

mspiggy>>dun worry, think those still can wait becoz we can always feed direct from breast first

icylemon>>u stopped working liao?

blur>> hey have u done the CTG at Dr Wee's yet? are u doing any 3/4D scan? i find our package dun include a lot of things leh. today the post delivery meds cost $80
<font color="aa00aa">Littlebluey
I see. Am afraid they will put me and my bb on different level and I will be very sad lor. My hubby asked me what if this situation really happen on the day I give birth, I told him then I will tell the hospital I will get post-natal depression if they separate me and bb! Hahaha!!! But seriously, every mummy will want to be near to their bb.</font>
<font color="ff0000">mspiggy</font> ya lor. we doing confinement cannot go out mah. so need the ah lao to go &amp; buy. i oso show ah lao the diapers to get for NB. ask him to look at the brand. yet he went to recongise the nos. "oh is S64." i told him NO NO!! is drypers, size S. 64 is the nos. of diapers. ai yo!!!

<font color="aa00aa">juz us</font> no ah. i m still working.
wat diapers u gals bought?

so far i bought 2 pack of drypers size S from NTUC. 2 packs for $24+.

didnt get anything for nite use. coz i think i will change the diapers pretty often for my NB.
<font color="0000ff">Mousebb,

If u opt for 1 bedder, then your bb can be in the same room as u mah, like that u won't be sad le

Juz Us,

Happy to know that your little one is doing well
Seems so surreal like, she's coming soon!

<font color="aa00aa">Rachel's Mummy
I bought nepia for day use and pampers for night use. Total 2 pkts NB and 4 pkts S-size.</font>
<font color="119911">ribenali>>no prob

ya if sterilise too early then also worry wait unsterile again haha... i think u can request for baby to room in, if ur room mate doesnt mind :p

wash>>can wash baby clothes tog with towels and blankets not :p

icylemon>>oic hahah i very lazy leh.. only do all these when i not working. weekday nights always find no time
like yesterday night i finally cut my long locks
now hair short short liao...boo hoo... heartache, kept for so long. for diapers, i bought pampers when it was on sale some time back
<font color="aa00aa">Littlebluey
Me opted for the 1-bedded room. My hubby prefers me to have a good night sleep during night time and so already told me to leave bb in the nursery during night time. </font>
Morning ladies!
Ahhh! Getting ganchiong also, just washed my PJs last night, yet to pack my hospital bag lay! Btw, am in my 33w le! Have washed part of bb's clothing last weekend, hope to finish it this weekend then can start tidy up my bb's wardrobe. Hoho...time flies, bb will be out in 4-6weeks time! Unbelievable, last time still trying hard to conceive!

Rachel's mum &amp; mspiggy,
Same same, me also bought hubby to NTUC, showed him where and what brands to get for bb's stuff, just in case! haha...even took the photos with camera, worried he may forget!
At least u know when to sterilise.. i dunno when to do so ah. Tink got to play by ear already.

RE: Weight Loss
I've read somewhere that weight loss is one of the signs of labour. Dunno how true it is but mummies do keep a look put for other signs as well ah.

Juz Us:
Wow!! Tanya is doing great! and 3.1kg is a good weight for delivery.

I will be gg to see my Gynea later and i really cross my finger that Claudia will be 2.5 kg at birth, cant imagine if she's too big/ small at the rate she's growing. All i want is she got to be healthy.
<font face="tahoma"> re: diapers
i bought nepia and also pampers

juz us,
glad to know all's fine

i bought this neckfloat for my son before. personally i find it not really useful. </font>
<font color="0000ff">Icylemon</font>

<font color="0000ff">I got Pampers NB x 2, one MP NB x 1, 4 Pampers (S) x 4 and 1 MP (S) x 1 hahahhaha ;p like alot hor keke *oops*</font>

<font color="0000ff">Ruffles</font>

<font color="0000ff">How've u been? the float looks cute!</font>

<font color="0000ff">Mousebb</font>

<font color="0000ff">Then it shd be ok lar, dun worry too much
<font color="ff0000">mousebb</font>, i was looking at the drypers NB. wah lao. so small!! end up i bought the size S.

<font color="0000ff">Ruffles</font> i wont get the neck float for my kids. i feel odd odd de leh... imagine u have something on ur deck. so uncomfortable.
<font color="aa00aa">Rachel's Mummy
You are right! The cutting for dryers is quite small. Last time we received these drypers diapers as gifts on my son's full month celebration. Although the size stated is S-size and my boy is only a month old, but to me, the diaper like too small for my then chubby boy.</font>
How much is the mini thermal pot huh? Wow, u really standyby many diapers lay! Hee...

Bluey and Ribena,
Update us ur check-up ya!

Juz us,
Congrats! So envy, that is ideal weight for bb at birth!
<font color="0000ff">Phtanus,

It's $49 (UP: $99) for card members, it's the La Gourmet 2.5 litres pot, there's oso a free thermal flask (0.5 litres) worth $55.90! keke
<font color="aa00aa">Ruffles
Initially I also want to get for my boy but my hubby "strongly" objected. He said bb's neck is the most fragile part of the body and imagine something hanging on the poor bb's neck, the whole body weight will be pulled down by the float in the water.

It maybe useful for older babies when they start to learn swimming.</font>
Hahah- lilbluey you got a lot of diapers leh! I only got 1 pack of S for bb. If not enuff, will send HB to buy. Also din buy much cos am not sure if my gal is fussy lor.

For those delivering in Mt E, I saw they give a pack of Pampers NB, and another goodie bag when you discharge.

Float - ya.. not sure if uncomfortable or not for bb to put round the neck. Ok will kiv ... now nothing to do except lie on bed and incubate my chick ..heh
<font color="aa00aa">Littlebluey
The thermal cooker is a good buy leh! Too bad my hubby only believes in the slow cooker he bought otherwise will go grab one too.</font>
<font color="0000ff">Phtanus,

The sale is on from 9-11 Sept for members, I think it's the ideal size to cook porridge for junior in future muhahhahahaha ;p

Got 1 NB mammy poko (Night) only as of now. Couldn't find NB Nepia at NTUC cos' selling S &amp; other size.

Since Hospital giving 1 NB, then get another 1 NB Nepia. Later, 1 S Mammy poko (Night) + 1 S Nepia.
<font color="0000ff">Ruffles,

Think I muz be crazy, now come to think of it really seems alot hor! muhahahahahaha...I thot since got sales juz stock up. Now muz tie my hands le for the time being with diapers! keke..

Juz Us,
baby Tanya's weight is good! very fast hor... u even got med liao!!! kekeke...

dont worry, im also putting on weight... not losing weight like the rest of the mummies... hahaha, resigned to the fact liao.. kakak...

i tot to take out the pump to sterilise.. more so i can test all of the stuff, and be sure its working... hahaha.. and then, when i deliver, i can sterilise it again before use... hehehe..

becos we are not c-sect.. very hard to agar a date to sterilise right before delivery leh.. hahahaha...

dont worry so much!! do keep us updated abt BB Claudia ya!!

yes, AMK Hub is only temporary..

i think they'll try to put our bb in the same level nursery lah.. hopefully, wont be so zun lor.. :p

i saw the video for the neck float.. i tot the bb doesnt look v comfy leh.. :p
<font color="aa00aa">lili
You wont be able to find NB nepia at NTUC. I ordered mine on-line. Not sure other places like Meidiya, Isetan and BHG have NB size anot.</font>
Thanks! Like what mousebb said, it is a good buy! Will jio my hubby to JP tonight! Hee...Btw, what time is ur appointment? U feeling better today?
<font color="119911">thanks all! but my gynea always remind me that is just an estimate. thats why she never bothers to update me on the baby's weight one

ruffles>>Mt A oso "give" 1 pack of pampers NB with the goodie bag

phtanus>> i think dun nid ba? dun u intend to breatfeed direct? then how come need bottles? anyway hospital will have bottles if u nid them.</font>
Lilbluey - hee. Just dun buy anymore now till deliver. I plan to ask frens to give me diapers when they come or at 1 mth celeb. Practical lor. Dun want those prepacked baby clothes sets - I find quite useless. Closer frens have already been 'assigned' bb items to buy so I dun get duplicates. heh.
what else you gals bring beside these:

For mummy stay
• personal nightgowns (front-open types for easier breastfeeding)
• cardigan
• bedroom slippers
• sanitary pad
• polythene bags (for your soiled linen)
- pump, milk bottle?

For baby (but provided by TMC), still need to bring?
• baby vests
• disposable diapers
• toiletries
• a baby bag
• wrapping blanket
• a pair of mittens
<font face="tahoma"> littlebluey,
the thermal pot sales is JL or Robinson? I bought 1 Tiger thermal pot for my mum... very useful
<font color="0000ff">Re : DH running errands</font>
Wah...u mommies really experience lei, take pics at NTUC somemore. I must do tat too liao, thanks for the tip

<font color="0000ff">Re : sterilizer milk bottle</font>
I need to do it at least 1 or 2 time, to learn how to use since it's our 1st time lei if not, when confinement, still need to teach DH.

<font color="0000ff">washing</font>
I will wash 1st round with detergent then rinse 1 more round...kiasi mom. I also separate clothes with all the diaper cloths &amp; towels.
<font color="aa00aa">Littlebluey
Dont worry that you have over-stocked your bb diapers. NB esp those on TBF, will poo a few days everyday and hence you would find your diapers run out very fast. You would change the diapers until your hand 'luan". Hahaha!</font>
<font color="0000ff">Phtanus,

I think it's quite a gd buy thou

My appt is ard 12 pm ++ but heard my gynae will reach office only ard 11 am ++ so still early bah hahahahaa..

Still feel the tightening and cramps occasionally hmmm...med ended ytd afternoon so later see wat he says bah...hmmm

Juz Us,
Hm...ya, intend to BF. Coz some frens told me their bbs were "big eater", the colustom simply not enuf for bb, thus they feed formula first while waiting for milk supply to kick in. Hm...will try my best to TBF anyway! Thanks ya!
<font color="aa00aa">lili
You dont have to bring any stuff for your bb. For some mummies, they would bring an extra romper for the bb cos they scared bb will feel cold inside the car or cab, but as long as you adjust the air-con in the car, it should be alright.</font>

<font color="aa00aa">Rachel's Mummy
I guess the 2 pkts drypers can last you for 2.5-3 weeks bah cos for NB bb, we need to change their diapers like every 3 hrs.

I think my ah boy will be jealous of his meimei leh. How? </font>
