(2008/10) Oct 2008


I think it's normal to not gain too much weight at our stage right? Coz baby growing big and squeezing out organs inside, so can't eat too much anyway. Correct me if I'm wrong

Your weight gain at 11-12 kg quite ok right? My Doc initially wanted me to gain 10-15 kg, but I didn't manage to lar (but baby big though). So I guess your weight gain is perfectly within limits. So don't worry too much, and don't think of losing weight, maintain can le. We can work hard at losing the weight after that

Your hands and feet still swollen? Funny that you still get these when you gulp so much water everyday leh... Doc never say anything? Raising ur legs doesn't help? How... I also very anxious for you...

wow... so good, you gals can still weight lost... me at this stage i still continue to put on weight lei... jia lat

Isn't GNC selling Fenugreek, too?

SOFY 40.5 cm
i got 4 packs yesterday at Greatworld Cold storage... 4 pcs/ 1 pack

And, bought Mammy poko 1 pack NB. Couldn't find Nepia brand at all...
how many NB & S should we get first?
How about drinking more water? It will actually help in water retention. Else, "tong" for a few more weeks... baby coming soon!!! My SIL also got very serious swollen legs when she's preggie... I see also feel very pain...

Rachel's Mummy
Congrats wor!!! Finally finish washing le!!! hahaha!
Littlealmond, din know swollen feet will be painful, I thou juz swollen. Drink more water to clear it & 'ren' for awhile more

For those with experience, how much weight will we lose immediately upon delivery? If baby is 3+kg, will we lose about 5kg, considering weight of water and placenta?

I booked my massage lady le... so proably starting massage 5 days after delivery (if I manage to deliver vaginally)... hope it will help in tightening up my belly too...
whitepaper, heard we will lose 7kg immediately after deliver according to Mrs Wong, so u don't have to worry at all. U basically din put on any extra weight. All the 7kg is bb's, water bag, placenta & etc
So good, envious *sob sob*

But read from other threads some mommies only lost 3kg upon delivery leh......... and don't envy me lar, I lose the pregnancy weight also still fat lar, gotta lose more...
<font color="ff0000">whitepaper &amp; JJmom</font> yeah!! dump everything into washing machine mah. then ask hubby to hang them up to dry. alot leh.... used up all 6 bamboos sticks.
<font color="0000ff">Whitepaper,

Like you, I found myself lighter using the home's scale but at the clinic, the figure always seems wrong! HAHAHAHA...

I juz weighed myself tis morning becos am going back for review as well later and realised that I lost about 2 kg hmmm...hopefully tht's true! hee hee

Little Almond,

Normally swollen legs could be due to some reasons, inadequate bed rest, not enuf water intake, water retention and etc..So gd to keep yrself hydrate. Some pple will say that when it's time for labour, the legs would oso start swelling!


RE: Washing, I'm still halfway there but at least I know I've something in the drawers le hahaaha ;p
Rachelmom, I also dump everything inside the w/m &amp; my 6 metal sticks not enough wor...*pangz*

Din expect these tiny little clothes to take up so many space @-o but real cute to c them so hanging there

I still need to do at least 1 more round for the towel, cloth diaper &amp; other stuff this weekend ^_^"
<font color="0000ff">Jjmom</font>

<font color="0000ff">I juz bought the mini thermal pot nia hahahaha, nothin else to buy wor, Q at the cashier was bad! -_-"</font>
<font color="aa00aa">Whitepaper
I also remember Mrs Wong mentioned before the moment we give birth, we would lose about 5-7kg instantly due to the waterbag and the placenta etc. I also remember she said before we would come to one stage (the later stage) when mummy will stop to gain weight but bb will start to put on quickly.

Rachel's Mummy
You are very fast! But please get your hospital bag packed soon hor. </font>
<font color="0000ff">littlebluey</font> jia you!!

<font color="ff0000">JJmom</font> u bought the metal one ah. izzit good? my mum oso have. toyogo de... 6 for $38 i think. pretty light hor.
<font color="aa00aa">Mummies
Is Parentcraft still located at TMC, 3rd level or has it shifted to AMK Hub le? </font>
<font face="tahoma"> Good morning ladies

I've washed the clothings and also packed the bag now. Last Sunday bought another Toyogo drawers (4 tiers) for the clothings.

Yet to bring out the new steralizer and bottles. Also just realised havent went to service my breastpump motor. so many things to be done!!!!! </font>
Good morning ladies!!!

Had been busy for the past few days. Had no time to go through the thread yet.

Hope everyone is doing good.
<font color="0000ff">Rachelmom</font>
I prefer the metal 1 than the bamboo 1 loh coz my mom use the bamboo 1 &amp; always have lizards inside...I vy scare!
<font color="0000ff">Icylemon</font>

<font color="0000ff">I oso use the metal ones! keke
U oso jia you on yr hospital bags!


Parentcraft is still located at TMC level 3

Icylemon... Finally u did baby laundry. Haha...

RE: Water retention
I heard drinking more water will help. It's those that don't drink enuff water that will have this problem.
<font color="aa00aa">Littlebluey
Thanks! My hubby's colleague was asking him yesterday.
You also garang leh! Doctor give you mc to rest and you still go JL's cardmembers sales. Hahaha!
Keep us posted of your checkup hor. </font>

I also haven wash &amp; sterilizer the bottles &amp; pump =P Haven go figure how to use the new sterilizer yet...hahaha
<font color="aa00aa">I'm only going to sterilise the bottles and breastpump the day before I go for my c-sect. If happen that bb wants to come out earlier, will "throw" all these tasks to my hubby le. </font>
<font color="ff0000">mspiggy</font> oh yeah! u remind me abt the btls! i oso need to take out &amp; standby le. tat day i went to NTUC with ah lao. ask him to recongnise the similac FM, small tin. if not enough BM, ask him to buy the FM for standby. hehehe...

steraliser i m still using it for lil Rachel so still ok. medela breast pump tat day i try. still working well.

<font color="0077aa">JJmom</font> ya. i oso scare of lizard one. yuck!!
Morning Mummies,
how's everyone feeling?

Rachel's Mummy,
u're really fast... !! hahaha, but good lah.. at least u got it done le!

u washed ur bb clothings alot of rounds ah?? kekekek.... cos' u mentioned "rounds"... kekeke..

yes, Parentcraft is still at TMC 3rd level.. its only the antenatal classes were being conducted at AMK Hub due to their renovations..

u cannot do so much laundry right? must take care still wor...
<font color="0000ff">littlebluey</font> yeah! i will.

<font color="ff0000">xinying</font> ya lor. after yesterday i damn gan cheong liao.
<font color="0000ff">Mousebb</font>

<font color="0000ff">JL near my place mah, since going out for lunch with mum, juz popped by for a while nia! keke..

I will keep u all updated later thanks

but i still put on weight instead of lose weight..

i also havn't wash &amp; sterilizer the bottles yet... but once sterilizer, where to put the bottles?

Havn't pack the hospital bag yet...
<font color="aa00aa">Forest
Thanks! I remember that time the antenatal class was conducted at the Thomson Lifestyles Centre on 5th storey and was very crowded. Guess that was the reason why they now shift the class to AMK hub.</font>
Re: Medela PIS
Any 2nd time mummies already use the Medela PIS? Can advise which are the parts that can sterilise and which parts cannot be sterilised? I think I will take it out and sterilise 1 round first.. Pls advise.. thanks!!
i think they r renovating the floors at TMC for holding the classes.. cos' Mrs Wong mentioned that they rented the place at AMK Hub until end of this year, and it costs them a bomb to rent!!!!
<font color="aa00aa">Forest
Except for the motor, tubings, membranes and valves, I threw everything into the steriliser to sterilise. </font>
<font color="aa00aa">Forest
I see. So AMK Hub is only temporarily! LAst night I was still telling my hubby TMC now have about 4-5 4-bedded ward liao hence dont know still have chance to get free up-grading if opt for 4-bedded room.

Besides 3rd storey, do you know where are the rest of the nursery located? I dont want the hospital to allocate a room to me where it is not near to the nursery.</font>

If i were to sterilise now, how do i keep the stuff? Is it too early to sterilise now or its perrfectly fine to do so now?
