(2008/10) Oct 2008

<font face="tahoma"> Hurray!!!! The petition works! Littlebluey and Phyl, thanks for all the efforts! And to all of us.... CONGRATS!!!! hahahahahahahahahaa </font>
I just login!!! And guess what!?!?! Got the BEST news of the day after the hectic time i had today!!!!

Great news mummies!!! This is really the HAPPIEST news!!!

Great thanks to Phyl and Littlebluey!! U gals did a lot to get this for all of us!!!

Also, to all mummies who supported the petition... we DID IT!!! ;)

I also agree that we ought to send our gratitude to PM Lee!!!
i had a busy time today!! and i only read ur sms now wor!!! *duh* otherwise, i would have been able to catch the news!! thanks for sms-ing me though, altho i didnt see it until now... :p

so happy now!!!!!!
Phyl and Littlebluey
Thanks for all the efforts! we made it.

same to all them mommies who were part of the petition!

congrats to us all!
Hi Mummies,
I m from the March thread. Due to overstocking, I m letting go of DOM Benedictine at $40 each ( I got it at $48 ). PM me if you are interested. Tnx.

<font color="119911">heehee ya lor! cheers to all, esp bluey and phyl! great work to show how united mothers can be ya ;P ytd night i was so sick and puked so super badly but still login to check status and feel happy at the news.

hahaha now wake up to eat a bit (tummy complain liao coz sleep with empty, queasing stomach) so faster login share the joy. HM 'scold' me coz last night so angry cannot sleep well. haha but the good news makes it all worth it ya ;P now gng back to bed. hee, check back in later in the morning =) yawnz </font>
morn all!
Wow cant believe still..
Couldnt sleep well..
Thanks littlebluey and phyl for making happen. Praise the Lord.
Now thinking how to deal w employers on the 4th mth. Hope can be flexible for my company. My colleague told me to prepare myself just in case transfer to other dept. So scare.. .
Good Morn Mummies! Am so excited over the gd news that i cant slp last night! hahaa 2am+ am still tossing!!! Littlebluey and Phly did a great job to help to get our voices heard!!
OMG mommies!!!

I just got the news when I logged in this morning... coz worked til extremely late last night!!!!!!!


I'm so happeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!


Think our government had really changed for the better - at least they are really listening... and REACH probably really works!
<font color="119911">lili_fc>>actually the 4th month u can choose mah. i guess if really worried about job then u can choose not to take. at least we still qualify for the bb bonus + CDA. i believe, like the 3rd month, u can choose to take it in a row or flexibly. flexibly will prob be easier on most employers. then u can go off half days when u not so busy? for me coz i teaching, a part-time staff is hired to cover me thruout the semester i'm gone, so by taking the leaves in a row, it will be easier for boss to plan. i feel so long we discuss tog wif our bosses what is best for us and the company, we can work sth out. =) good luck!

whitepaper>> ya i believe this shows that our govt can be flexible and understanding. =)</font>
<font color="119911">rebecca>> hey suddenly occur to me that mabbe u can try some bird nest.
coz nutritionist say that it is semi-digested and easier for our bodies to absorb the nutrients</font>
I got replied from PMO NPS

Thank you for your feedback.

DPM has read your letter and the National Population Secretariat (NPS) is replying on his behalf.

The Government has decided to extend the qualifying date for the Baby Bonus and other measures in the enhanced Marriage and Parenthood (M&amp;P) Package to 17 Aug 2008, the date of Prime Minister Lee's announcement at the National Day Rally.


Thank you for your feedback

The Government has decided to extend the qualifying date for the Baby Bonus and other measures in the enhanced Marriage and Parenthood (M&amp;P) Package to 17 Aug 2008, the date of Prime Minister Lee's announcement at the National Day Rally.

On behalf of DPM
Good Morning Mummies!!!

Thanks Phyl and Littlebluey for the hardwork!! CHEERS!

Guess everything is back to normal and ends well... Heheehh!! Today the forum mood should be cool and cheery!!!!

My hubby says " YOu pregnant women are really powerful... cannot upset you all and never know what comes next. :D"

BIG BIG Thanks to Phyl and Littlebluey !!!

I was so happy and smiling all the way when I first saw the ST this morning...
Good good mood le...

But my Boss might not be :p...he came walking ot me "smiling"... wow you got 4th mth le.
Rebecca, try taking durian. My durian feast works!! My girls put on ard 400gm each after their last visit from gynae during my 28 weeks. If you dun like durian, drink more milk... 3 cups a day and eat lots of fruits and iron food product.

If you scared heaty, after eating durian, drink salt water or boil chrysanthamum tea.

My glucose test result out... boreline case... normal sugar count is 142 and mine is 149. Gynae says maybe last 2 weeks I had too much durian and grapes and thats might be the reason. So her instruction to me now is NO SPECIAL DIET but CUT OFF from durian. My csection date had been confirm... ARGH! 30 Sept 2008... Hubby look at calender and tell me this is better date... zzzzz he says never chiong anyone chinese horoscope in the family... Mummy I can still stay in this thread right?
Morning mummies...
Today is a happy morning for Aug-Dec mummies ya... so happy to hear the news...

Thanks littlebluey and Phyl for the hardwork... BIG HUGZ>>>>...
I agree wif icylemon. JBROWN muz be eating sour grapes rite now. hahahahaha!!!

My dad was excited when he got to noe the news last nite and kept shouting for me to watch the news when i'm in the bathroom. My fren called me early tis morning to tell the gd news. She scare i miss out. hahaha!! the world is so happy for us except JBROWN *opps*
<font color="ffff00">Mornin Mummies!!!</font>
<font color="0077aa">WOW!!! can feel the excitment wor~~

<font color="aa00aa">mousebb,</font>
today ur b'day?! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!

<font color="119911">Juz Me,</font>
hmm.. birdnest ar.. veri ex leh.. can buy those 1pack 6bot de ma.. hehe... i dunno hw to cook oso leh...</font>
<font color="aa00aa">Purebliss, bbgoh, Whitepaper
Thanks, mummies!

Your c-sect scheduled on 30 Sep liao? Mine on 1 Oct (provided my gal guai guai). We can visit each other le! Of course you can stay in this Oct thread lah... I believe a few of us may pop earlier, sometimes in Sep too. </font>
<font color="ff6000">Mummies!!</font>
<font color="0077aa">actaully i find that the news really benefit the workin mum. as for SAHM, we dun really gain much benefits. but aft all, happy for u all leh.. ^_^

tik the JBROWN muz be punchin her chest!!! LOL!!!</font>
Good morning ladies!

<font color="aa00aa">A big thank you for Littlebluey &amp; phyl.</font>

<font color="0000ff">mousebb</font>,
Isn't this a big birthday present for you. <font color="0000ff">Happy Birthday!!!</font>
<font color="aa00aa">Tweety, Rachel's Mummy, Rebecca, Ribena
Thanks, mummies

One of my wishes already come true le - BB bonus! Hahahaha! </font>
Mousebb, ya la...my stupid hubby... he says 30 sept 08 csection. He says that day tuesday and then i stay 4 days in TMC by then i discharge will be on 3rd Oct and at least over weekend, in laws and my parents ard to help out. I ask him 3rd oct le... he says weekend in hospital very crowded and when i discharge, everyone working... anything la... no diff. Give birth on 30 Sept and 3 oct , i also need the steriod jab.
<font color="ff6000">Mummies,</font>
<font color="0077aa">actually dis so-called arguement happen on ytd. y sum mummies still so long winded n repeat the whole tin again. indeed i saw a few "new members"(dunno hw true it is). find that they are kinds of KAYPO leh...</font>
Mummies, could murielle and jbrown be the same person??? Seems the way they talk or wrote got some similarities... moreover this nick is very newly created.
