(2008/10) Oct 2008

<font color="aa00aa">Am still trying to catch up the posts. Wont be logging in so often for the next few days cos hubby is on leave. Want to spend some quality time with him and ah boy before meimei arrives

<font color="ff0000">ribena</font> OMG!! ur MIL is horrible!! no no no... dun divorce with uy hubby.

i m glad my hubby is supportive. till now after rachel's case, he dun talk to his mum liao.

u still have ur bb. dun divorce ur hubby ok. pls.. pls.. pls....
<font color="aa00aa">Sunny
Thanks. My heartburn is quite serious. Have always been eating small meals but sometimes even when I never eat anything, also have terrible heartburn.</font>
<font color="aa00aa">Rachel's Mummy
bu yao zhe yang lah! Tomorrow is my ah boy's 1st brithday mah. I must make up for him lor. Feel so bad for him that meimei is coming soon... these few nights hor, he kept crying for me and want to sleep with me.</font>
mousebb> try drinking sips of warm water instead and sit up as straight as possible. Note the food
you eat, might be acidic than you thought.
hi littlebluey

i am a passerby and came across this website when my frenz email me regarding the petition u gals going for... besides helping those working mum, i think sahm are well deserve to get what they supposed to benefit with.... let me have a self introduction before pouring out my anger.... my husband and i are local working as a research scientist in UK. We came back to singapore last year after our contract ended, hoping to have our kids receiving education in singapore. when we r back, we managed to find a job but our salary being cut 50% and most of the company r not family oriented.... i sent my 2 girls to childcare center and realised that besides the so called fees r high, the teachers dun look professional... SO i decided to quit job and be a stay at home mummy early this year....at the same time, i realised i was expecting my 3rd bb due sept.. may be this is god will for me to be a stay at home mum...i do not have much struggling giving up my job becos i wanted to be invoive in my kids developmental milestones... i dun have a maid, i dun want my parents or inlaws to look after them.. neither do i want to have them in childcare or infant care.... we moved back to hdb flat after i resigned becoz singapore living standard is too high for a single income family...

during the national rally, i was very happy becoz of the BENEFITS announced but it disappointed me totally on wednesday.... the so called benefit is nothing..... their main purposes r to encourage couples to have more children by giving out money and money... yes everyone r money face... but do u think by giving money, couples will give birth more.... the ans is no..... the money is not enough to cover the hospital bills etc.... the benefits oni for WORKING MUM, how about NON WORKING MUM WHOM GIVE UP THERI JOB, we give up our career to upbring the future leaders in singapore and yet we r being treated so unfairly..... singapore always think that non working mum r a bunch of yellow face wife that do not deserve to get what they supposed to have.... they feel that non working mum did not contribute anything to the society... then how about FATHER, they contribute to the society, and wat they get in the end? NOTHING not even a week of leave.... frankly speaking, i really regret coming back to singapore not becos of the implementation, but how the govt treat us....... furthermore, i understand for those whom have fertility issue going thru IVF will start next month and only get benefits if the IVF is done in govt hospital.. CORRECT ME IF I M WRONG. if that is the case, does it mean that govt hospital have a higher successful rate for IVF as compared to PRIVATE hospital... i dun think so... how about those going for IUI, no subsidies for them.... r they not a group of infertility patients....
<font color="aa00aa">Rachel's Mummy
Aiya! You 'naughty' gal! You come to my house lah...i give you eat lychee martini cake lor!</font>

you'll be letting ur MIL win if u really go ahead with divorcing.. cos the grand-daughter that she doesnt dote on will be the one who suffers.. in addition to you.. so your best revenge against your MIL is to hv a gd r/s with your husband. i can imagine that it's very difficult, but i agree with the rest in that you muz play soft tactics also..n let ur husband see how affected you r by ur MIL..how she is affecting your pregnancy etc.. everytime ur MIL does a small thing that annoys you or is not-so-nice, voice it to ur husband gently, saying you are trying to ignore it n forgive ur MIL, but it's really v.hard.. .

hang in there..n don't b rash ok?? all the mummies here are behind u!

Littlebluey and Phylicia,
thanks so much for consolidating our views, grievances and names..really hope our petition will work. i tink what really irritates me is the fact that eVEryOnE expected us (Aug-DEc mummies) to enjoy the benefits.. my boss, the receptionist at my gynae's clinic..everybody said we'll surely enjoy it. A reasonable expectation had been set because of their past practice in Aug 2004...that's why I feel so cheated. The unequal treatment between the Aug-Dec mummies and after-Jan mummies is really hard to swallow too. Ugh.

Anw, thanks again!!
THANKS Phyl &amp; Littlebluey for your hard work!!

and Dimpletot too..
Read your write-up.. very steady too. You gals very good writer
<font color="aa00aa">Mommies!!!</font>
<font color="0077aa">i juz came back frm my chk up. result nt veri good. eveytin is good but except for my gal in my tummy. her weight is juz 1571g. haiz... my gynae told me that by nw i'm 32wks preg. my bb should be 1.6kg to 1.8kg. haiz... i dunno wat to do leh. haiz... i so sianz... no mood liao ler.... can any mommies here teach me n intro me wat food to eat so that my gal can grow fast? really veri helpless leh... </font>
<font color="ff6000">cookie,

just need to give us all a voice.


glad to hear that all went well for you. for baby putting on weight, best is durian! durian fruit, durian puff, durian cake, durian swiss roll!</font>
<font color="aa00aa">Littlebluey

Eat durian, ice-cream, chicken rice, fried kway teow and drink milk. Btw, what was the birth weight of your 1st two kids? Dun worry so much. Still have enough time for you bb to pick up weight.</font>
<font color="0000ff">Rebecca,

Think drinking powdered milk help to fatten up the baby. Perhaps u cld give it a try!

Dun worry too much ok
Eat and Rest well!!

<font color="ff6000">sky; dimpletot,</font>
<font color="0077aa">haiz... i tried takin durian. but heard frm lots of ppl that too much durain might be too heaty. i dunno leh... haiz... so sad. i tink i absorb all the nutrients... </font>
<font color="aa00aa">mousebb; Littlebluey,</font>
<font color="0077aa">ice-cream, chicken rice, fried kway teow are my fav. i drink milk. every morn. i drink fresh milk. but still didn really grow well leh...</font>
<font color="0000ff">Littlebluey,</font>
<font color="0077aa">i'm really worried. coz my gal juz weigh at 1.57kg leh... my gynae say too small size bb liao leh.... haiz.....</font>
<font color="aa00aa">Rebecca
Could be you and your hubby are both small-built so your bb also small size bah. Once bb is out, just let your bb drink as much milk as possible, your bb will gain weight very fast le. Dont stress yourself and worry so much. Did you try taking those fish oil capsules? That time when my gynae said my boy not gaining weight, he suggested I take fish oil.</font>
<font color="119911">hi rebecca, since ur preg, how much wt u gain? and ia gree wif bluey that u should try those mother formula milk with more nutrients meant for the unborn child. i tried anumum and liked it. mabbe u can try too?</font>
<font color="0000ff">Littlebluey,</font>
<font color="0077aa">i scare of the smell n the taste of the milk powder. wat brand of milk are u takin?

<font color="aa00aa">mousebb,</font>
my body built is those thin de ba i tink. i'm always underweight. but my hubby is nt. he's those kind eat muz exercise. if nt the weight will grow, grow grow.

<font color="119911">Juz Us,</font>
b4 preg, my weight is 49kg. n today's weight is 58kg+</font>
<font color="0000ff">Rebecca,

I can't take milk powder wor becos one thing I'm lactose intolerant and on the other hand, my bb is too big for his gestational age and my gynae asked me cannot take any milk leh...

I got some samples chocolates flavours, u want? I can pass it/send to you

<font color="0000ff">Littlebluey,</font>
<font color="0077aa">ic. whr u got the sample? u send it to me lor. easier for u n me ma. u workin. i oso need to look aft 2 kids.</font>
<font color="119911">Juz Us,</font>
<font color="0077aa">no leh... keep askin me to take fish oil pill, calcium tab n the iron pill lor...

<font color="0000ff">Littlebluey,</font>
u send me lor.. easier for u ma.. ^_^</font>
<font color="0000ff">Littlebluey,</font>
<font color="0077aa">hw u wan to send it to me? normal postage or registered mail? if registered mail, juz let me noe hw much the total. i pay u back. ^_^</font>
WOW! That's a piece of great great news!!! Where can we say thanks to PM Lee n DPM Lee??? Of course not forgetting mummies who put in the effort to petition!
Big THANKS to Littlebluey and Phyl for all your efforts!!! And of cos not forgetting all the mummies who make this appeal a big SUCCESS!!

We are all HAPPY mummies now!
Yeappp.....Big thanks and hug to littlebluey &amp; Phyl.

Only bb bonus w effect from 17 aug or all *question* How about 16 weeks ML and Child Care *question*
