(2008/10) Oct 2008

Hi littlebluey, I have just re-pm u my details. Wanted to log in during work time but very difficult. Very busy and anytime my boss can walk up behind me

Thank you so much for doing all these for all the MTB.

Btw, just my signature too in the online petition.

This news really spoil my mood and make me think dun know how many times of our "SINGAPORE"!

OH my gdness.. that's great news!!!
i'm so happy! i jumped out of my room to tell my MIL and she wondered what happened to me.. hahaha.. i was so excited i cldnt even speak properly for a few seconds..

Thanks littlebluey, dimpletot and phylicia!
beeeg beeeeeg hugs to dimpletot, Phyl and lilbluey for doing up the letter and rounding all of us up!


bundaberg ginger beer, gassy mineral water, cut oranges after meals, a squeeze of lime in warm water, gaviscon and mylanta.. i vary between these for heartburn. i also tend to eat dinner before 8 for time to digest and stay upright and active until i burp, a few times. sometimes like baby liddat, my husband will pat my back sympathetically when i cannot sleep due to the bile and indigestion.

also do you constipate? if you do, i feel that it kinda contributes to the heartburn and indigestion.


ya.. my mom say eat durian, baby's skin not nice. want to gain weight? eat ice cream, cakes and have full cream milk and food with lots of lemak. sure gain weight..

mmm perfect excuse to go out and makan. before we delivery, any mommies keen to meet up? i wouldn't mind the company.. we can all stuff ourselves and have heartburn together. ^_^

but they mentioned 'and other incentive measures'.. hmm.. let's watch the new tonight..hopefully they'll give more details.

the past few days hv really been a rollercoaster ride for us all..
<font color="0000ff">Mummies,

They will need time to pass the legislative laws and everything but since they alrd back dated I dun think they can go back on their work, nevertheless it's really a SUPERB and UPLIFTING piece of gd news!

Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!

<font color="0000ff">Mint

It's ok! We can send a gratitude letter to PM Lee and the rest who make it possible based on all the names submitted

Great job gals! Thanks to you that all of us get to benefit.

Hmm... maybe that jbrown will now have to eat her words. Heehee!

littlealmond, it's the whole package that will be backdated. ML included.
We made it!!! Congrats to all of us!! We have to show JBrown now wat we call ren duo jiu shi li liang!!!

Thanks Diane &amp; everafter for ur sms! I was having dinner with my hubby when i see ur sms.

Icylemon &amp; curioxete:
u r rite. after the encouragements and advice that all mummies here had given me, i will stand strong and fight soft tactics with her. Thanks sweeties!!!
thinking about how to extend my maternity leave..

because the 3rd month according to MOM is not compulsory right? i had to ask my co to approve because my contract stated only 2 months but i told them gahmen will cover up to 10 grand plus cpf for the third month.

pushing my ML two weeks later to a few days before my c section so i don't have to go back to work mid dec.

anyone had difficulty convincing your co to let u take third month?

and now, this fourth month how to negotiate..
Littlebluey, i think jbrown sure go and hide!! hahaha...sour grapes din expect we would get our deserved entitlements! woohoo~~~
Phyl, Littlebluey!

a million thanks from the bottom of my heart!!!!

I was so happi till i shouted "yes!" and gave my mum a shock! hahaha

This is reallie great news!

Luv u gals, its reallie amazing how everyone come together and our efforts finally paid off!

Congrats to all the mummies!
Keep smiling and we can finally have sweet dreams tonite!

Its a relief that our voices are heard. This is reallie great!
I know who she is because I was the first to respond to her, ha. But I thought you knew who she really is.

New implementation date
Thanks so so so so much to Phyl and littlebluey!!!!! I'm sure many others also wrote in too! And we were heard! Haaaaa, the power of pregnant women!!! Kudos to all of you, every single one of you! I never thought the govt will respond but am so so happy they did!
phyl &amp; littlebluey,
i would suggest that maybe we can get a BIG THANK U card for PM Lee and include all the mummies name

anyway, phyl hope u hv receive the email that i send u regarding my details this evening
Hey, aren't you a teacher? I know how I'm going to make use of these 4 months ML. I'll take pre-birth for a month starting 1st Oct, Nov and then Dec I'll not take since it's the school holiday. I'll take another two months from Jan, so I'll get a total of 5 months!!! And this is only possible with the help of angels here. Then I'll take no-pay leave. So this extra month of ML will mean I will get an extra month of pay! yipppeees!
Yay... great news.
Now i can stop thinking of ways around the loopholes. Haha...

Littlebluey, Dimplelot, Phyl and all mummies... with our tiny voices combined, we can work wonders. Yippee....

i not under moe leh. i'm working for a vwo so under 21 days annual leave so the one month school hol dun apply to me. i'ld go back to office and ask about the extra month..

shall i ask.. my hr is such a bitch. she just told me i've exhausted all 21 days for this year.

i'm so envious of you, karen!
hey mummies,
just heard the good news..yippee, the package has been backdated to 17AUG08 =)
soo happy!! Big thanks little bluey &amp; phyl !!
<font color="ff0000">Gratz to all those workin mum!!! ^_^</font>

<font color="ff6000">pildough,</font>
<font color="0077aa">ya lor. that's y i dun dare to eat too much durians. coz i got bad ezcema on my legs.. den scare will spread to my #3. n oso scare that too much durian will worsen her condition(if she hve eczema too)</font>
Qualifying date for enhanced M&amp;P Package backdated to Aug 17
By Lyn Lee Foo, Channel NewsAsia | Posted: 21 August 2008 2054 hrs

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SINGAPORE : The qualifying date for the Baby Bonus and other incentive measures in the enhanced Marriage and Parenthood (M&amp;P) Package announced by Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong in his National Day Rally speech, has been changed.

The government has decided to backdate it to August 17 this year to benefit more couples expecting the arrival of their babies.

The 50 per cent co-funding of assisted reproduction technology treatment will also be effective from the same date.

The move is in response to appeals from mothers-to-be who will have their babies born before January 1 next year.

They have requested for special provisions to be made for them so that they will not miss out on the benefits from the enhanced package.

However, the actual payment of the enhanced Baby Bonus and subsidies will only be made after the necessary legislative and administrative changes are completed. - CNA/ms

What more can be done to get Singaporeans pro-creating? Give us your views at www.channelnewsasia.com/maybebaby.
<font color="0000ff">Yes, Icylemon,

Letter from PMO!!

It's a surprise for me wor!!

Anyway, I alrd express our deepest gratitude to PM Lee and his cabinet of ministers..

<font color="0000ff">Mummies,

Dunnit to thank me everyone played an important part in joining the petition and airing our voices!

So So So Happy that we are being heard!

<font size="+2"><font color="ff0000">PHYL &amp; LITTLEBLUEY RULES!!!


yesh..i am soo happpy ! couldn't believe my ears when my fren called me..quickly rush home &amp; login and wow..its really true!! cannot sleep liaoz..hahahah
<font color="ff0000">Chris</font> hehehe...

serious leh... team work from aug - december mummies really make this happens.

women power!!
