(2008/10) Oct 2008

Enya, okay no problem. I ask my brother whether he can help me to collect it.
My girls okay... 1.6kg each at 30 weeks. Still small... hahahahah!

It must be a vy great feeling to do much a thing for our unborn bb hor? U must keep all the emails to our PM & their reply for your boy next time. Tell him the stories

Thanks for your effort

Btw can u email me the letter with the name list to PM & his reply email too
I would also like to show my gal next time
<font color="aa00aa">Trace, Mspiggy, JJmom, Cheer Bear, Littlebluey, elch, Enya
Thanks, mummies

Yup. My boy shares the same birthday as me.

Marriage cert is for registration of the child's birth cert.

Glad to hear that your bb is doing well.

Me and hubby also watching the live telecast for tge table tennis now. Jia Wei won the 1st round. </font>
<font face="tahoma"> purebliss,
i think your twins not small leh... 1.6kg is of good weight!

imagine you're carrying 3.2kg now!!!!! </font>
Went for my checkup yest, missed out on so much here.

Bb is doing gd at 1024g 28weeks
but mommy totally no gd. My gynae was shocked at my weight gain
He said I must have ate durian, told me cannot eat liao else bb may have difficult for natural birth

My total weight gain is now 12kg liao, still have another 3mths to go leh

Who is this Jbrown? What her business with us huh?
Still trying to catch up on all this thread...
Enya &amp; MsPiggy, i do look like a hippo now... Yesterday even create a "dirty" joke with hubby... hahahaha.. I told him i look like a female ape. HAHAHA!!! Dunno whether u all can get what i mean or not.
the $ to $ is when u open account for ur bb then u put in $1 the govt put in another $1 to a max of $6k.. the money in this account can only be use to pay child care fees, education, etc.
<font color="0000ff">Jjmom,

Tht's wat my DH said next time can show our boy how hard his mummy and the rest of his mummies "fought" to get the bb incentives muhahahaha...then later my DH said, "U will keep repeating to your son, until he can recite alrd" *diaoz* -_-" so evil!! hmmm

Dear Mummies,
haizzz.. me reported late... very busy these 2 days... today, think i may not have time to post much.... BUT... i just wanna come in and share the happiness of all!! hehehe...

Happy Birthday!!! and ya.. ur boy's birthday also today right??
Enjoy the fun times with the whole family ya!!!

I'll have to catch up on the postings laterrrrr....
littlebluey and phyl and all mummies,congrats to all of us and thanks for the great effort and initiative taken to makes this happen!

hi mummies, may i ask a question? i'm confused with the maternity and childcare leave...

so if 16weeks maternity, shd last most of us till Jan09, then will we still have the 2/6 days of childcare leave to claim for year 08?

or is it like since we're still under maternity leave so the childcare leave will be forfeited since maternity leave will supercede the childcare leave?
<font color="0000ff">Icylemon,

World No 1 not possible to lose la unless there's a major upset, she seems to like to test water for 1st round, give her opponent win then later game sets whacked them properly hahahahaha...

<font color="ff0000">lyndx</font>

really depends on ur coy. u got to wait for ur HR to come out with the email whether to have prorated of child care leave or not.
Happy Birthday, mousebb!

Littlebluey, can u email me the letter+names u sent to PM/PMO as well as the reply u received as well? Want to keep for my boy to see next time.. heh. Thanks so much!
couldnt really sleep after waking up to go to the toilet last night..now a little zombified at work. hah.. but still so happy. (muz hide happiness from colleagues at wk tho..think only 1 of them shares my joy..the one who doesnt hv to cover my work..=P)
iceylemon, oh it's like that ah? not MOM decide lah?? it's up to company's discretion ah? even for the 2 days also must prorate ah? okie i shall check with my HR then thanks =)
I haven't been an active writer of this thread but I pop in now and then to catch up on the happenings on the mummies giving birth in the same month as I.

I find this thread very enriching. It's my first source of news on the effective dates of the maternity package from this thread. Last night I was telling my family how unlucky a person I am - I tend to miss out on everything good by a mere bit almost all the time. I'm most interested about the 4th month maternity leave. I hope it really can be extended to us.

When my gynae felt that my baby was too big at 26th week (990g), he asked me to cut down on my carbo intake (rice, noodles, bread), as well as chocolates and ice-creams. So to gain weight, you might want to try eating more carbo.

The dollar to dollar thing was also a puzzle to me until my sister explained it to me:

From the time the baby is born to 6 yrs old, you can take your time to put money into the baby bonus bank account up to $60000, eg. my sister chooses to put in $1000 every year in Dec. The govt will match what you put into the account up to $6000. So altogether, the baby's account will have a total of $12k.

However, this sum of money cannot be used as cash. It can also be used for education purpose eg. tertiary education, local university education, edusave. If it is not used up at the end of the child's education, the money will go to the child's CPF ordinary account next time.

I hope this helps.
Littlebluey, U get what I mean??? Imagine a female ape look... big belly then the 2 boobs very heavy and ..*dirty things* I dunno y i told my hubby this but suddenly tout of it after my shower when I look myself in the mirror. He Laughs his head off.

we will also be getting the 6k..its the CDA thingy...dollar for dollar matching by govt or something. The $4k is cash gift to us given in instalments.
Purebliss>> my last day is 3 wk later.. my job is very stressful and not pro-family. it would be difficult to apply leave as my boss will give black face. i rather stop working with them.
<font color="0000ff">Seems most of the items will be effective from 170808, only the baby bonus payout muz wait for the legislative laws to be passed. The govt aims to do so by Oct

Pkum, ^5, same as my case 2 yrs plus ago. I resign due to this reason and then also that time i keep having bleeding during my first trim and my boss still wants me to travel everyweek.

Littlebluey, no la... it just that sometime i dunno y i see something that has some resemblance to things then i will OMG over there. Cos that night, hubby watching the documentary show on apes... so I saw a pregnant female ape and how ape nurse their babies... quite similar.
Purebliss> my boss very funny, i m down to 3 wks to train my replacement and still ask me to do ad hoc stuff. how can i complete the training? i do not want to 'force' the replacement too hard, if she went off, they will have a hard time. coz not easy to work with them... haha..

table tennis>> i hope singapore will win.. jia u! any new score now?
Like Icylemon, I also feel for the babies born b4 17 Aug 08

I feel tat if the govt can do pro-rate for 6mths from 1st Jan 09 for the adopted foreign kids then they should really do much more for our spore babies. Hope these mommies will 'fight' for the babies' right as a sporean.
<font color="0000ff">Pkum,

U alrd in ORD mode, dun care lar if can't finish they oso can't do anything rite? Dun stressed yrself too much

Be HappY!

I guess those mummies who delivered before Aug 17 will definitely make noise too hmmm...
