(2008/10) Oct 2008

i agree completely!!! i always find that my hubby will have more cravings than me leh! and if i want to eat something, he'll suggest something else... fan si le!! hahhahaha...

i think after we've given birth, we can consider having a durian outing hor.. hahahaha.. quite a no. are durian lovers!! wahahaa... :p

Rachel's Mummy,
im taking the multivits.. but cos' i still have the folic acid tabs, i am taking them too.. hehehe.. :p

<font color="0000ff">Mousebb/Forest,

Your DH have more cravings that you all, hee hee tht's so strange! Seems like they are the ones who are "preggie" ^_^


Think we shd organise a durian feast for all the durian lovers here! Yippee!!

<font color="0000ff">Lili,

Hope u are feeling better

Think our durian feast hv to wait till after we gave birth leh, else later our gynaes are going to make alot of noise! muahhahaha

<font color="ff6000">Hi Mommies!!</font>
<font color="aa00aa">hw's ur day today?</font>
<font color="119911">hope all of u here are doin well!!</font>
<font color="0000ff">^_^</font>
<font color="ff6000">littlebluey,

I made the transfer to you liao!


I agree with you, reno must never do with people that you know. cos sure got problems, then easier to hantam people you don't know.

gals, esp whitepaper and purebliss,

I saw Doc Wong yesterday! Bb is growing well, 1.04kg already at 27 weeks.
I've put on 7kg so far, and 1.5kg in the last 4 weeks alone. Doc says that's ok, can continue putting on 1.5kg every month.

We saw bb Kate yawn! so cute!</font>
sure no prob... hope by then, we are all free &amp; slim by then... haha

wow.... your bb so cute... yawn..
Glucose test:
I did the test already, I must have weird taste, coz I told my hubby the drink quite nice haha. But after taking it, I not hungry anymore. Dreamy U did the iron test and glucose test tog, thats y draw so much blood is it? U better tell the nurse abt the bruising when she redo the test for u.

Sleeping prob:
My sleeping prob is that my eyes are closed but my mind is still full of thoughts, so actually I almost no sleep at all, so normally I would get out of bed to go toilet even if not that urgent, since cant sleep anyway.

Sleeping position:
Eh me opposite of you, mousebb, my baby kicks me when I sleep on my back, so I got no choice but to sleep on my sides. But the kicks always quite low, not like Diane and the rest of the mummies. Chest bone area means quite high hor? Yah I must rem to check with my gynae in 3 weeks time.

I mentioned to my doc that I get tummy cramps, and usually at least 10-20 mins, so doc gave me med to "relax the uterus". On top of that I also felt some "hardening" of the tummy but at a specific point, as if baby stretching from inside, now then I know its contractions.

Oh dear, don't get so agitated about ur IL and the reno. Your health is more impt.

I am interested in the hypno birth taster, let me know when u intend to go ok?
<font color="0000ff">Dimpletot,

Will check tonite, thanks

Ah! Bb Kate is so adorable, glad to know she's doing well
hee hee


Slim is never in my dictionary leh, muhahahahaha ;p


Sure ornot? ke ke so farni leh!

Wan Chuen,

U muz learn to free your mind when u go to bed at night, else very hard to fall asleep wor...

My bb's kicks most of the time oso low leh...hmmm...
<font color="0000ff">Dreamy,

Did I reply your email last nite? **oops** I muz hv miss yours becos I know u send me a long mail and I wanted to leave yours for the last to reply so that I won't make a mistake ended up I fogot!! alamak!! *slap slap* blur me!! ;p

Yah lor must free my mind, but somehow when I go to bed, I'll have lots to think about. Funniest thing is when I am dreaming, I am aware that it is a dream, and my mind tell myself "stop dreaming and go sleep!" =p

Hmm.. maybe our babies are in the same "horizontal" position inside us? So the kicks on one side and the punches on the other. Rather than being up and down.
<font color="0000ff">Wan Chuen,

When u go to bed at night muz relax!! Maybe think tht u are walking into pitch dark tunnel with no end, guarantee very fast fall asleep! Tht's wat I do when I can zz hahaha...

As at my last visit, my gynae told me bb head is still on the top and his feet at the bottom, so I guess he shd be in an upright vertical position, but somehow sometimes I feel that he moves abt and is in the "horizontal" position like wat u mention


Wat's there to get??

a durian feast is a good suggestion!! hehehe.. ya lah, my hubby is terrible!

my hubby too!! he looks like 5mths pregnant too!!!!! hahahaha...

hehehehe... thats' good... baby kate is at a good weight!! hehehe... i also saw my boy yawn before!! it looks really cute hor!! hehehe...

Rachel's Mummy,
i havent figured out wat to eat for lunch either... hmmm...
Had a 'dream-less' n 'loo-less' slp last nite...feel so blessed when I wake up! Been ages since I've experienced such gd slp!

Congrats for your good check-up results!!! Kate so cute!!! Yes continue to put on weight, I think it's a must, coz baby must still continue to grow mar! Your 1.5kg per month is very good!
<font color="aa00aa">Forest
hahaha! The best part is whenever pple told my hubby he has put on weight, he would point the arrow at me saying "what to do? my wife is pregnant, want to eat this eat that" and hor, he is the "dustbin" also tabao those which I cannot finish one into his stomach *faint*</font>
haha..same goes for my hubby..push the blame to me..not only my hubby putting on weight! my colleagues too!! hahaha..cos whenever i cant finish, they will help me to finish it up.. :p
my hubby still the same... worse is we compare our "weight"... his weight remains the same, but mine keep going up.... hahha
little bluely

I have transfer the money le .. pls check .. i read that u are having the class on 26th July at AMK. Me too ... wonder we are of the same slot .. mine is 430pm slot
<font color="aa00aa">My hubby is so bad, always tease me that my weight is catching up with his. There was once when he said it in front of my gynae. Luckily my gynae told him I can still lose weight once I give birth but as for him, he would need to do a lot of exercise to get rid of his fats! hahaha!!!</font>
dat dae i told my hubby i m gog makeover with my grp of buddies..then he said for wad??? so fat n ugly nw..go makeover waste money...
Dimpletots, well done!! Congrates yr bb is rally growing well.
Hope my girls also that heavy when i see doc wong during my 28 weeks.

Littlebluey, must transfer how much??? To which acc??

Trace, your hubby very mean.

Actually I would suggest for you ladies to contact Ginny to see if she can arrange for a taster just for u both. 'Cos the last time I went, there were only 2 couples.

This is because her Hypno class spans across 4 weekends and the next class starts this Sat. For Sun's class, there is nothing listed as yet (mine is on Sun and it is already half way there).

You can check on this link: http://www.fourtrimesters.com/hypnobirthschedule.htm

She does have intensive weekends (you need to check the dates with her) but I would not recommend that. As it is, I find that the classes go by really quickly 'cos there are so many things to learn! Just a tot lah...
<font color="ff6000">thanks mummies! yup yesterday Kate was head down, butt on my left and legs along the top of my uterus and feet on my right. kicking and squirming a lot these days!

placenta in good position on top right. I'm so glad that all is going well... I'm sure things will go great for all you mummies too!</font>
<font color="0000ff">Nanshee,

Thanks I will check tonite and reply

Yeah, I can pass it to you during lessons


Looks like your DH has to work harder! hee hee


Your DH so "notti" wor disturb u! hahaha ;p

Mommies, actually I have to confess that I have a durian feast every week... lots of mao shan wang, lao tai po and D24... I know I shouldn't but can't help it!!! And I didn't put on much weight, baby's size is also average... so think should be fine lar hor? Console myself............ so that can eat more................

That was mean of your hubby to say that. Mine when I ask him if my bum is bigger now, he will say "eh...looks smaller leh"... I know its not true but actually felt better.
try to eat durian on spot, i heard durians consumed from fridge, not so good ....

i love durian too but have to control lor...

i have even stopped taking tonic liao... cos' hubby worried might be too big for bb and mum also said should stop taking liao since i'm approaching 7mth..
<font color="0000ff">Whitepaper,

It's really very difficult to resist the creamy buttery taste of the durians! hee hee...but really hv to control becos very high in sugar/carbo! ;p

<font face="tahoma"> hi ladies,
finally taking a breather now

re : durians
dare not touch even 1 seed! going for my glucouse test tmr morning

you better dont take so much... very high in sugar leh! control abit ;) </font>
<font color="0000ff">Ms Piggy,

U muz be very bz tdy, din see u till now

Am sure u will pass yr test with flying colours! No worries

I will definitely control after 3 days of continous durian feast! hee hee

thanks for the reminder!

