(2008/10) Oct 2008

mousebb, reno like that... i also dunno how to say. The contractor never tell us he do until where this and that... plus i cannot go up and see. My inlaws... initially say help help to take care my boy and let me rest... now mil talk roti prata, back to square one, i handling alone. Cos gynae says if my contractions getting worst, she will want to admit me in hospital and put on drips... now i really hope she admit me next rd.
<font color="aa00aa">Purebliss
Maybe it will be a good idea for your gynae to admit you in hospital so at least you can have a good rest there and you in-law will have no choice but take care your son for you?
It is also good that you dont go to your new house 1st since the reno is on cos it is dusty. Leave it to your hubby lor. </font>
<font color="aa00aa">Purebliss
But hor, must keep a close monitor on the contractors on what they do cos some contractors just do anything they like and in the end, want them to change and everything will kena delay.</font>
Hi mummies, lots of Motherhood as well as Mother and Baby magazines from past few years (2004-2008). Can sell in any combination (specific years or number of magazines). Cheap and fast way to get the lots of useful and colorful reading materials especially for new mothers! And the info in the magazine is set in local context! Usual price of Motherhood is $5.00, Mother and Baby is $5.50 per issue. I'm selling at $1.50 per issue, further discount if you get more. Pls PM if you are interested. Thanks!
good morning everyone!

i hv not been able to sleep these days too, tossing and turning most of the nights ... baby kicks also keeping me awake.

Littlebluey - hv not heard fm you if you rx the payment. do let me know if no pymt rx yet.
<font color="aa00aa">I dont know what's wrong with me keh, since this morning have already drank 1.3litres of water. Wonder is it too much?</font>
Rachel mummy, that time when i pregnant, she told me "oh you take good care of the babies, we will help you out and the maid will help you look after the boy so you can rest." That was when my SIL was in overseas. Now she is back for holiday, guess what, she starts picking the fault on the maid and says she never do housework etc... but initially mil is the one who says taking care of the boy is top priority... now she started whining. Never mind, my FIL retiree at home, says will help out, end up... bo chup and do his reading of the religion thing and stocks etc... Somemore, initially i wanna send my boy to playgroup or half day childcare... they are the one who says DUN THIS DUN THAT... and give me all nonsenses now. ARGH!.. damn pek chiak with them.

mousebb, as usual lor, this contractor is my SIL's bf father... so everyone says use him use him. I disagree in the first place but since they say use use... then let my hubby handle. I dun want to care... told him liao... so what we know him, prices not cheap also. Things not done also cannot scold.
<font color="0000ff">Morning Mummies ^_^

Ruffles : Are u checking with me something?

Lennie, I replied your email last nite leh


Muz really have more rest, it's tiring to be expecting twins...

<font color="aa00aa">everafter
I only have 2 biscuits for breakfast so dun think the thirst is caused by the breakfast.</font>
<font color="aa00aa">everafter, Littlebluey
Dont feel like eating leh. I still need to take folic acids and multi-vitamin so bo bian have to take some biscuits lor.</font>
Good morning Mummies!!

hugz hugz!! u must take care of urself hor.. i know its a stressful time with the reno, and also with ur in-laws.. guess, for the reno, u have to really ask ur hubby to do the job le... cos' otherwise, u're gonna be too stressed out!!! hope u get more rest, as its really not easy for u!!!

har.. 2 biscuits only?? i had nasi lemak this morning leh!! and hor, its hubby's craving!!! wahahahaha...

so u "cleaned" out the mao shang wang??? ;)
that's the brand for baby bath...

if ils words can be taken seriously, the female pigs can climb up the tree.
lol...they are always full of rubbish...talking is the only thing they are good at...
<font color="aa00aa">Purebliss</font> wah lao... ur PILs really one kind leh. i very scared ask family members to do things one. like ur reno. not nice oso cannot complaint. if is outsider still can scold &amp; complaint.
for nursing bra, can get from mothercare. I find it comfy.

I also got the nursing bra from perfect mum but I dun really like it cos I find that the support part makes me itch.

I got j&amp;j top to toe wash as recommended by Mrs Wong.
She also recommended the Avent one.

you can go back to perfect mum to ask for the extension. FOC.

for the hypnobirthing taster, you mean if we have a few of us who are interested, we can ask Ginny to do a class for us?
my ils too...always talk and talk..like everything is so easy and like they will help.
in the end, they do nothing.

i was always bluffed by them..now..no more liao.
only 1 ear in 1 ear out.
Littlebluey - checked email ...didnt see you reply. but it's okie. do let me know if pymt rx or not via forum.

almost had mao shan wang yesterday! din hv any in the end as husband worked till 2am this morning
<font color="0000ff">Forest,

Definitely *SHIOK* hee hee...but from tdy onwards muz restrain leow..muhahahaha ;p


If my DH heard that Mrs Wong recommend J&amp;J, surely he will be very happy becos he was still asking me why in the first place cannot use J&amp;J and muz use a more "branded" brand muhahahaha...;p

RE: ILs,

I thot during our pregnancy, they shd show more support! *bleh* -_-""

Morning ladies!

I have replied ur email few days ago, guess it lost in space liao! @_@ Have sms u, please check. Thanks!

So shiok ho....hee...

Must take care, ur bbs are top priority now!
<font color="0000ff">littlebluey</font> ur durians cleared liao har?? hehehe....

u gal still taking folic acid?? i stopped taking after 16 weeks. gynae said no need to take.
Will trf the $$ to you tonight for the milkband. Still undecided what colour to take. Heehee! ;p will also include the postage price when I trf. Thanks.
<font color="0000ff">Phtanus,

How hv u been? recovered fully?


I hv the exact sentiments as you
am ok with the body wash bt the shampoo hmmm....nvm I will juz go ahead to buy wat I want muhahahaha ;p


Relax and enjoy your pregnancy, dun let their remarks get to you, not healthy for the princesses! I can understand that helplessness of not able to comment on anything, very xing ku wor!


Of coz cleared! muahahahahaha..shared with my DH leh, he won't let me finish whole box de! ;p

I thot those multi-vits contain folic acid alrd, so I never take it as an individual supplement alrd...

<font color="aa00aa">Purebliss
Can understand how you feel. Just leave it to your hubby to handle the reno.

No wonder pple always say when wife is pregnant, the husband is "pregnant" as well. My hubby is like that also, always tell me he is craving for this and that *faint*!</font>
I'm also taking multivits (with folic acid) as prescribed by gynae.

Now you can use enya's comment on J&amp;J being too dry to tell your hubby... heehee! An excuse to buy branded ones. That's what i will always do. Find something bad about it if I want something else. If really nothing else to find, I will see if it's made in China. If yes, then he will bo bian liao. He will just nag and say nowadays everything all made in China blah blah... but in the end give in to me lor. Hahaha!
*waving* I am 90% recovered le! Hee...think still have to be guai guai and avoid those heaty foods lo. Hee..today work from home lay!
<font color="ff0000">Phtanus</font> me too. the multi vit is OBMIN.

<font color="0000ff">littlebluey</font> boh keep some for me.
<font color="0000ff">Mint,

My DH will always say I find excuses lor lolx ;p


Gd to know that you are feeling well! Yeah! so envious work from home
Take some rest when tired ya.


U never tell me u want!! Nxt time we go eat together ok ??


Noted will check tonite and reply you

