(2008/10) Oct 2008

<font color="aa00aa">Mummies
After eating some biscuits and milo, I feel heartburn again

i cant take tonics at all. cant take the smell to start, then will be very heaty, and hv constipation for days.
<font color="aa00aa">Trace
Talking about chicken essence, I remember last time frens and relatives sent me so many boxes of chicken essence which I dont drink. In the end, I let my hubby drink bcos he was lacking of sleep after taking care of our boy at night, his nose bled. Guess it was bcos too heaty liao.</font>
<font color="aa00aa">Enya
Same here. Throughout my last pregnancy and for this, I cant stand the smell of the tonics so in the end never take any.</font>
bk from meeting..

yeah i know it's gd for bb n me..so it's v.hard for me to tell her lor..sigh. but really..a whole steamed promfret every 2 or 3 days is turning me off fish completely.. ok. shall just whine here but eat it nonetheless.

thks..think i'll just call them.

on nuts n bird's nest,
yeah, i think natural nuts (unroasted n unsalted) are gd for bb..n hv been taking bird's nest whenever mum makes it.. i didnt realise that it's the mum who absorbs the nutrients aft 7mth.. my MIL keeps saying this is the period that bb absorbs the nutrients, so i must eat more.. hmm.. dunno which theory is right.

can't wait to start drinking coconut water..does anybody know at what week can we start huh?
I am cooking the 'fu zhou yi me' now. The barley thingie right? Hehe...

i started taking those bottled concentrated birdsnest since trimester 2. But stopped recently. My gynea here said some birdsnest here might not be the real stuff. Though I bought it from reputable shop here, can't help feeling abit paranoid.
I read somewhere that eating white fungus is good too.

I do take the bottled chicken essence on and off. But like not much difference to me. But I actually quite like the taste, so don't mind.

I am also dreaming of tau suan now... Haha... Btw, I am in China, so no local desserts here too.. Boohoohoo...
<font color="0000ff">Curioxete,

I can understand the "gelat" feeling, got one time my mum almost everyday steam fish until I see alrd will vomit, then I tell her becos I get home so late the fish not nice leh, so now she even take the trouble to find diff ways to cook the fish!! she even fried even though she hates to fry things! but she no choice! hahaha...feel so bad sometimes...

Moreover, I very picky abt fish, only eat certain kind of fish, once I detect smell in the fish, the whole pc will be wasted...diaoz...-_-""

My mum said I can start to take coconut water alrd but dun take too much ask me to share half half with my DH, hahaha...


Yes, both "fu zhu yi mi" and "fungus" are very gd for the bb's complexion

My mum told me she cooked me some wild fungus for dessert tonite, yeah!

so lucky!!!!! i am kinda craving for cold white fungus with rock sugar and red dates dessert now.......... :S
I got the recipe from a pregnancy book. Its written that if ur body is 'yin', then should not eat too often as the dessert is cooling. And the pharmacist here told me not to add ginko nuts. Not sure why though.
Make sure u cook the barley for awhile longer so tat it's not too cooling. I think can add in the white fungus too.
still here! erm..went out to buy a snack cos the congee has digested by now. haha..had a tau suan craving thanks to u..but cldnt find any dessert stall near my ofc. ended up with BK taro turnover (quite like orh nee =P)

oh, i cant use the same excuse that u did leh..cos i get hm pretty early, say 7sth..n my MIL will actually wait till i get hm b4 steaming (cos i shower b4 i eat) one mini promfret just for me (so it's very obvious if i don't eat it, since it's not shared with the rest)..haha..i think i just need to b more direct with her n tell her it fried =P

gingko nuts
oh..n my hubby says gingko nuts r high in mercury these days.. so he prevents me from eating the bai guo fu zhu..
im dreaming of cold white fungus dessert, with rock sugar and red dates.................... how lah!!!!

i also dunno how to recognise Phtanus or lili... im wearing a v-neck baby doll top which is in green and patterned... and a black skirt.. ahahaa.. how abt u?
<font color="0000ff">Curioxete,

I oso like the yam pie from BK, I juz finished a yam bun! hahaha :D

it's raining again wor!! getting more and more sleepy...zzzZZZzzz...


Later go tabao home as dessert!

Thanks, will try that when I get the white fungus next time.
I had simmer my barley for 2hours, think ready to eat now!

Maybe can eat the fuzhu without the baiguo?
Forest, me too. Hve been craving for white fungus dessert, with rock sugar and red dates for awhile liao but lazy to cook =P

Also have craving for steam milk egg in chinatown but din get to go down lei...
i got to attend doc's talk leh... cannot eat dinner even.. can only buy some snack and eat!!

u also ah!!! i think i will go and buy the ingredients 1 of these days and boil over the weekend... time to eat le!! hahahaha...
<font color="0000ff">Wah all the mummies here now got craving for dessert.


I'm not Cantonese leh, are u? but I love soups/desserts very much ahahaha... :D
Pinkimum, u may wanna try the steam milk egg since u have the time
it's gd for bb too.

1) Melt some rock sugar with a little water
2) Add in the beaten agg &amp; fresh milk
3) Steam it like normal steam egg

My fav ever b4 preggie =P but I lazy to do lah, only eat at chinatown.
<font color="0000ff">Icylemon,

So envious knocking off soon!! hmmm...is it raining at Jurong? It's raining cats and dogs again here at my office area.


I'm a Teochew leh, but I love soups/desserts and since my mum will cook frequently, learn abit here and there hahaha...

I am not cantonese. But I have sweet tooth since preggie. Hehe. And I always love to drink soup. Thanks for the recipe. But I cant take milk these days, give me diarrhea. Not sure if it makes a difference after 'cooking' the milk.
<font color="0000ff">Trace,

Me too!! *True Blue Teochew* but my Teochew cmi hahaha..becos I grew up speaking English hahaha..tht's why in the past when my grandma ask me question I always look at her in ???? hahaha...^_^


I juz happen to have an interest in such stuff so got read about it from time to time leh..


Ohhhhhh... u too???? The thing is my mum is cantonese so her soups are very nice!!! So most of the time, I still will garang and drink abit, there is something about soup that I cannot resist lah... :p

I happened to send an article on Hypno to the rest of the group. Saw it in a mag and found it pretty interesting and encouraging. Am emailing to you now...
Sent the article to you too...

Your profile does not have your email addy so I could not email. PM me if you are keen lah!

wow, thanks for sending me the article
i heard of others with positive birth experiences too..but tink a doula will more or less achieve that function since they r supposed to guide us in natural birth techniques. going for both hypnobirthing n hiring a doula might be too much on my pocket..will consider this if no doulas are available
hi mummies,co. cannot login so i can only chat at nite..

curioxete, my aunty say i due oct shd start taking the coconut water in late aug/sept..

wan chuen, i also got this very tight feeling on tummy area n was told by gynae could be the way i apply my stretch mark cream..
he says i shd jus apply lightly on surface of tummy area n not like in circular massage way cos this way will indirectly cos uterus to contract n may cause premature birth..

i taking concentrated bird nest since 4mths..
but was told the white fungus is the same thing lah.. basically the bb skin will be nicer n lung better cos bird nest got 'lun fei' use..
also i was told to avoid nuts leh.. my sis say nuts may cause bb to have allegry dunno how true..
also now my sis ask me to avoid papaya/ tumeric/ carrot/ ginger stuff so bb won't have too high jaundice level..

btw is it a must to take fish oil?
i jus cannot stand the smell..
<font color="aa00aa">Good morning Mummies

It is not a must that you must take fish oil. Like you, I also cannot stand the smell but I'm taking those fish oil in capsules form, no smell at all and have been taking it since my 2nd trimester.</font>

<font color="#D16587"> Mornin Mommies!!!

<font color="119911">mousebb,</font> <font color="aa00aa">Jennifer,</font>
i'm takin fish oil cap since they day i noe i was preg. i hate the smell too but got no choice. my gynae told me to take it coz he help the bb to develope a better brain cell. dunno izzit true ant. so juz take la.. as long as it wont harm my bb can liao.. ^_^</font>
