(2008/10) Oct 2008

think time for me to get things for myself..hehe..

i hv been buying a lot of things for bb recently..sat went to buy sterliers, mittens, n 2 sets of dress for my bb...so nw i can go get my bras!! hoho...

<font color="aa00aa">bbgoh
Yes! And a few other mummies are also giving birth during that period.

My hubby ever mentioned to me F1 is in late Sep, think the last week of Sep. </font>
<font color="aa00aa">Trace
I already bought most of my stuffs during the last weekend and last night, also bought a pack of disposable panties.</font>
oh, mousebb talk to ur gal more often..hopefully she guai guai

i'm getting so tired/moody recently..lucky bought most of the stuffs liao..now everyday also wished to laze at hm on bed!
<font color="aa00aa">Trace
Would suggest you better get your shopping done soon cos as your tummy grows bigger, you would not have energy to shop liao. Dont forget we are approaching the 3rd trimester soon hor!</font>
I also bought another set of dress, 2 set of mittens for my bb gal during metro weekend storewide 20% sale. But I still lack a dress for the full month party if I do have it lah, so I need to get 1 or 2 set for standby.

Bought another bra for myself, upgrade another cup size
Hope this is it liao...DH has been laughing at my giant bra, said can fight with those old auntie's 1 liao, can wear as hat, can cover my face, blah blah blah...%)*%&amp;
tell u all abt my monster at home..haha..my niece! dat dae my mum cooked chicken essense for me...n i brought home..my monster said she wanna try! n din expect her try means half of my essence! n even tell mi..can u pls ask yr mum too cook more, tell her bernice wanan drink!! then i said, y dun i call my mum, u tok to her? she said no need lar, yr mum mah..not mine! wah..i wanna pengz n cant help laffing
<font color="aa00aa">everafter
I'm hoping to keep my gal in my tummy as long as possible and I'm hoping I can deliver her in Oct, the earliest. Once bb is out, you will start to miss those days when bb was still in your tummy and whenever you go, bb is in the tummy with you!

During my boy's time, I feel so ser bu de to have him taken out lor. </font>
haha, dat dae my mum cooked white fungus dessert..n i brought it home..she saw..n said oh birdnest again??? she said she dun want..cos she dun like..then i told her..nvm..anyway i m not offering it to u! :p wahahhahaa..n she showed me an irritated face..

sometimes dunno whether to get angry with her or not..sometimes i scolded her, she will tell mi this..'i tot u loves me???' wah lau..hw to scold her further?
<font color="aa00aa">Cheer Bear
It depends on individual. Some pple would prefer just normal ones. For me, I have already bought 2 pkts of maternity pads from Kiddy palace on last weekend. The brand is "Pureen". </font>
wah seh... u must be "feng man" leh... hehehe.. im v small to begin with.. so only 1 cup bigger now.. kekekeke...

ur niece super cute leh.. her response!! hahaha.. really make me laugh when i read!! hahahah

can tell ur boy is really stuck to u leh... but so cute too!!
<font color="aa00aa">Trace
I have never taken chicken essence in my whole life cos I cannot stand the smell of it. But for some mummies, they said it is good to have a bottle of chicken essence before you go into the labour ward.</font>
thanks.. will go KP see coz my fren intro me sofy nite to use at nite coz is veri long.. think ard 35cm so that it will not stain the bedsheet mah.

bye mummies.. i going off liao.. monday bluezz super tired.. tmr need to OT.. sighzzz

i din take those bottled one..mine was those pure chicken essence..very nice n sweet..u can try


think can drink but dun drink too much..cos dat one very heaty!


sometimes i cant stand her leh!!! sometimes i feel like pinching her face if not slap her! hahaha..cos her face very meaty!! hohohohoho....

okies mi gog hme too..gog to buy dinner for my 'crippled' ah lao at home..haha
Hello ladies - Been soo busy today; only have time to read 4 lines of archived exchanges just for today only ... you all v scary!!!

mspiggy - yes my nursing shawl order is confirmed. Also paid you leow.

beansprout pillows - latest count is 13 pillows + 6 extra casings. I've written to the lady to request for more discount. Hopefully she acedes, and then will drop those who ordered a spreadsheet to confirm your orders, and collection pts. For those who request post, the registered post cost will be passed on to you. Will keep all updated ok, so please bear with me ... only got yahoo access at home.
I would say 2-4 packets (depending on what brand/ how many pcs contained) for newborn will do. not enough, then ask your hubby to go and buy. also depends if you are going to breastfeed or formula feed your baby. breastfeed baby need to be changed every 1.5-2 hours.
i dun think i'll be able to log in during confinement or 2nd month. Will be too tired as I got to look after my number 1.
i'll be getting semamed or mustela. I love the smell.

for my number 1, i bought 24 pcs. didn't let her wear in the end, juz used them to cover the changing mat, cuz it was always soiled at each change.
same here. my stomach is so huge now that i feel i'm at 8 or 9 month rather than 6+.ARGH
always breathless and tired. feet hurt like crazy
i know what you mean by bu she de.
i actually cried when my daughter came out, that i missed her in my stomach.i missed the sense of closeness, special feeling/bond...when she was inside, and i kept caressing my stomach, forgeting she was no longer in there.

took me a while to use to it.
Hi enya,
Sorry, but can pm me again cos I 'lost' your email addy... too many posts. :p I've enabled my pm. Thanks.

hubby's interest cause him injury, we also bo bian. The other day my hubby fell from his bike, injured quite badly, then he ended up walking the same speed as me, like he's also pregnant. Heehee!

ya, he's quite into sports whereas I'm the nua kind. He's hoping that our bb will be like him rather than me. Heehee!

think can use baby oil or moisturiser.
hi mint

juz pm you. :)

funny to say that your hubby walk like he's pregnant. to visualise it, make me laugh so much.sorry. Hope he gets well soon.
Hi October Mummies~

Disturb a little here:

Got a brand new 100% unused Quinny Zapp and Maxi Cosi Cabriofix Infant Seat to let go at less than purchase price.

Just got a stroller system as a gift for my baby shower party, so i can safely sell the set i bought myself away. Stores (Baby-Avenue, Baby Hypermart) selling Quinny Zapp @ $498, Maxi Cosi Cabriofix Infant Seat @ $398, just went there to check :p

Color of Stroller is pink and Car seat is also pink flowers as shown

I will include the shopping basket bought @$69.90 (from Isetan Scotts) still in the wrapper. Only got one set to let go for the whole set @ $770, will give you the shopping basket for free. Those farmilier with Quinny will know its a bargain!! Please PM me if interested.


Collection at Pasir Ris or Clementi!
<font color="aa00aa">Enya
My hubby also said I crazy and too emotional. He says it is better for bb to come out fast so at least can cuddle and bond with the bb. But for me, I always hope my bb would stay longer in my tummy cos that type of bonding is special, it just between mummy and bb.</font>
Good morning mummies

Recently had been really moody... Not enough sleep, no help and i feel like *slapping my in laws... Hahaha!! damn sianz...

<font color="aa00aa">Purebliss
Are you ok? How's your house reno coming along? If you need to vent out your frustration, do share with all of us here. We are all with you.
Relax and cheer up!</font>
