(2008/10) Oct 2008

<font color="#D16587"> Littlebluey,
ya. i understandin it's hard to find a good boss.
coz nowadays dunno y ppl are born to be 'cold blooded'!!

as for me, i didn encounter such prob.
coz i got married at the age of 19. (shot-gun..shh!!)
n oso at that age, i'm still a playful gal.
intend to further my studies. end up i need to gve up all.
quit skool, stay at hme 'yang tai'.

did tryin to go work. but nobody wan me.
aft gve birth i try to go work again.
but worried abt my boy boy.
at that veri moment, i'm like standin at the cross road.
got to choose between boy boy or work.
so end up i choose my boy boy lor.

though i gve up lots of tin but i find it worth it.
especially whn i see my kids grow day by day.
nw my boy boy is in pre-nursary.
mayb coz i'm always by his side,
we got a real close relationship.
he'll share watever happen in skool.

even he peep his classmate. he came back hme tellin me,
'mummy mummy, my classmate wear pampers to skool!!
shame shame...</font>
<font color="#D16587"> Littlebluey,
ya.. my lunch is really early.
but i cnt be help.
i hungry i must eat. if nt will giddy.
sum more boy boy oso hungry..
so i eat wif boy boy lor..
add noodle n fishball den share share..
mspiggy, littlebluey &amp; forest,
Ya, so inconsiderate right? It is unbelievable the educated person like them can actually think/behave that way! *sweat*
One more thing i hate people who lean on poles, especially when i need to hold to balance myself. But I see that almost everytime i travel on the trains! *mad*

Hee...me too lay! They also like to speak very loud in the MRT/bus, sometime very irritating lo!
Hope u r enjoying ur lunch now, dun starve urself!
I also hate it when inconsiderate lean on the poles assif they own them! I dun care and I'll jus say excuse me n indicate that I need to hold on to the pole!
<font color="#D16587"> Mommies!! relax!!

bad for the baby inside ur tummy.. keke..
understand hw u all feel. coz i always hve such encounter too..
they dun gve up seats for me nvm.. but pity my boy boy la..
he always fall down inside the train.
kids ma.. no balance ma..
den he will complain to me that 'mummy, i wan to sit down leh..'
i'll say this out n clear,'u stand wif mummy ok?
nobody will gve up seats for u. coz SG ppl are incosiderate n cold blooded..'
den he reply back 'orh..'</font>
<font color="#D16587"> juz to add on,

no wat?! it's always the "ang mo" gve up seats for my boy boy or me.. really despise SG ppl..</font>
<font color="0000ff">Rebecca,

Ur son is very lucky to hv a mummy beside him during his growing years..u will witness alot of things first hand. Of coz, I muz admit really hv to give up alot of things to be a SAHM, but as long as your DH is supportive of it why not?


Juz back from lunch, think I'm in a very foul mood tdy, juz now went out for lunch alrd flare at 2 pple!!
dunno why feel so super irritated tdy!

<font color="0000ff">Rebecca,

Not the first time leh, so nxt time we must teach our kids the right value!

Lots of inconsiderate pple ard in SG, not suprising! *pissed*

cool down!! maybe the weather is getting to u??

agree.. good that u r a SAHM.. i think its also impt for the kids.. and if u can manage.. why not?!

me almost dozing off after a super full lunch... had rice with meat ball soup.. 1 chwee kuay.. some hokkien mee, and soya bean milk.. hahaha.. today my lunch kakis like all hungry wolves.. bought so much food to share!!!!

zzz ZZZ zzz ZZZ zzz ...
<font color="0000ff">Forest,

Maybe bah, I alrd "butter" a PRC earlier on during lunch juz now and a Polar's staff...-_-" think tdy really in a super foul mood, dunno wat overcome me, I just lose it...

Wah u ate a variety of so many things tdy!! hahahaha...

I ate "kuey chap" only the "kueh" with soup &amp; a yami yoghurt *oops*

Mummies who ordered!!! Can't believe our luck!! GAP is having free shipping now for 4 days... and another 25% off sales items!!! grrrr...
I had vietnamese beef pho for lunch. Yummy, finished everything.

public transport
The last time I was back in spore, 3 out of 4 times that I took mrt during peak hours, I was offered a seat. Maybe my tummy looks really huge... And the few times I took the subway here, I was offered a seat all the times.
Cheer up, Littlebluey! Think its the hormones wrecking havoc. Take deep breaths. U mean only ate the "Kuay", hope you bought yourself a snack in case u get hungry later.

Me still indulging in my mee goreng.

Forest, shopping again. We all need restraint!
<font color="#D16587"> Littlebluey; forest,

ya.. tat's y alot of MTB or WM they 'pei fu' me alot..
coz i'm willin to gve up all my freedom n all dis
for the sake of my kids..

nt say i'm 'wei da'.. i believe all mommies here
are 'wei da' de.. who wans to go thru the pregnancy sufferin?
mornin sickness? giddiness? carry a big ball infront of u..
climbin up or down the stairs so troublesome..
cnt see the steps.. might fall down anytime..
hve to avoid foods that we like..
no more nice figure..

<font color="0000ff">Busy Bee,

Think I ate quite a lot wor!! I always eat "kueh chap" only want to eat the "kueh" then the rest I all dun want! *weird* rite? hahahahaha..;p

Really foul mood juz now hopefully the office aircon can cool me off now!!

Not weird,I only eat the tau pok and fish cake for Kueh Chap. My DH eats the rest. Hmmmm, now I feel like eating Kueh Chap!
<font color="0000ff">Busy Bee,

hahaha...when it comes to "kueh chap" seems like we are pretty alike, only eat certain stuff, the rest all give DH eat muhahahaha..no wonder my DH is complaining tht he's super full!! ;p
<font color="aa00aa">Mummies, I'm so bored. So tired yet cannot sleep cos my son is very active this afternoon since he has his nap this morning. zzzzZZZZZZZZzz....</font>
hi mommies

Where can i get those bedding sheets for Mr Ang's cot? I know Mr Ang have custom make sheet for the cot .. But they are not to my likings .. keke .. anywhere i can find the bed sheet set for the mattress size?

Many thanks in advance!
<font color="aa00aa">Talking about food, have not touched kueh chap, bak kut teh and many other food since last pregnancy till now. Used to be so crazy over the bak kut teh in JB before pregnant!!!</font>
no reasons to!!! cos' already ordered 1st and 2nd batch for mummies here mah... and all orders before this free shipping and additional 25% off!!! but consolation is.. alot of the sales items were running out.. so if we waited till now, may not have the stocks lor... sigh...
Hello mummies..

Kind of long nv log in liao wor.. Just move to this new office for another project.. So busy.. that day work till 8PM lor.. then sat also work full day, sianz...

Talking abt inconsiderate PPl in MRT make me fed up... Those ppl pretending sleeping when saw me stand in front of them lor.. Else everyone pretend blind.. OMG... I think we should take the video of these ppl and post in PODCAST, maybe can win the prize lor...

Next Monday my check up liao, don know if bb growing well or not leh.. I don eat alot during dinner time leh. simply don appetite after seeing my MIL cook brown rice everyday... haiz...
Have been eating milo cornflake with fresh milk at night,else so hungry...

Really? I din know .. were there expensive? How many sets do we need? I saw the aussino set .. but i guess was too big for the mattress right?

Btw, any mommies feeling numbness on their fingers after their sleep?
<font face="tahoma"> bee,
Oh you visiting her at BB clinic... am seeing her at her Mt E clinic

order again!!! hahahahaaa</font>
we found the bedding set at Robinsons.. according to my hubby, it is the right size.. hehehe, i normally leave this kind of measurements to my DH one... :p :p

im also bored... wish i can get off work and mayb join u instead or go play with ur boy.. hahahaa.. shd be more fun than in office here.. :p

how come no appetite..?? brown rice is very good leh... hehehe.. no matter what, dont go hungry and rem to eat lor..
<font color="0000ff">Forest,

Then not too bad lar
ke ke


Brown rice is gd and healthy (can prevent water retention) but of coz if everyday see the same thing oso abit sianz...

Muz take a breather at times ya, take care


Am not sure the size of your mattress, but i've gotten the aussino ones leh...think the price at KP is ranging from $8 - $10++

Sometimes I feel numbness maybe becos I'm in a position for too long le... ;p</font>
<font color="ff6000">for mr ang's cot,
the internal size is 28 by 52 inches... so i guess the mattress is roughly that size. i also don't intend to take his bedding set, cos although half price at $40, only got yellow and green. dunno maybe some relatives or friends will offer to buy bedding as gift haha.

on mrt travel,

i travel everyday twice. in mornings i take till end of the line so i 'm guaranteed a seat. coming home, bo pian. but sometimes i must say i also meet very very kind people.

sometimes within 2 seconds, someone will offer me a seat (usually not the person sitting on teh yellow label seat though!). sometimes i can stand for the whole way and NO ONE will offer. but recently more people will offer lah.

there was once i stood in front of this lady who had her eyes fixed on her HP. she was sittnig on the seat with yellow sign so i just glared at her. and she looked at me once or twice but didn't move.

another time i sarcastically said to my husband, maybe i should wear a dress so i look exactly like the preggie in the sign (taht day was wearing blouse and trousers) so that people will recognise me and give up the seat. there was a teenage student sitting in that seat at that time and just turned his back to one side so that he can't face me.

there are many nice ladies (think they preggie before) who will offer me seat, and one time this nice malay lady said 'you should move to the centre of the train then people will give you a seat'. i was feeling quite ok that day, so i smiled at her and said nvm lah, it's ok. then she said 'ok then you better hold properly'.

most times when i'm with my hubby, I will just lean on the door on the side that doesn't open all the way for 10 stops till i reach home. if it's not too stuffy still can tahan.</font>
Think cereal is healthy. I have also been eating frosties or cocoa frosties with milk when everything else does not appeal to me.

I'm also experiencing numbness in my fingers first thing in the morning. But it goes away after a few minutes.
wan_a_mousy, i thought Mr Ang's cot is standard size? 52 x 28inch? The bedding set should be available easily in dept stores
haha .. i very bad with measurements .. ok .. shall let my DH knows .. must get before last trimester .. now already so so tired .. shopping is no longer as enjoyable as before ...

I feel the numbness after my sleep .. very terrible .. though it will go away .. but really very uncomfortable .. mummies are really so 'wei da'
hi mummies, let me share with u one of the most inhumane thing i have heard from this guy - he commented in a bus - "why shld i give up seat to preggie women, pregnancy is not an illness..they are not sick, they can stand".... then i was not pregnant but i glared at him and then rolled my eyes.....
<font color="0000ff">Vanilla Pod,

He actually got the nerves to say that?? Wat an A** !!

I pity the woman who's marrying/married him...</font>

Abt ppl leaning on the pole, even b4 I m preggie, I really hate to c ppl do that when the train is crowded. I will purposely punch into their back to hold the pole loh =P

I have long given up hope in getting seat in MRT but I still do get to meet some kind souls &amp; I will be vy grateful

What I can't stand is those who talk vy loudly in the train &amp; those educated parents who let their kids go snatching for seats...sigh, &amp; they r our country's next generation. Dunno what will s'pore become in the next 10yrs, vy scary.
<font color="#D16587"> Vanilla,
tat's realy a BAD COMMENTS!!
how old does the beast look like?

if i n my hubby ever encounter such ppl,
i whisper to my hubby. guess he contact an uncurable illness..
so nvm.. juz let a sick person hve the seats.
but i pity ppl sittin ard.. coz he might spread is dieases ard.. haha..
i'll look at him n whisper.. den n start gigglin.. hehe...</font>
<font color="aa00aa">JJ mom</font> u r like me. hehehe...

i did some bad to a man b4. he sat beside me then open his legs wide wide.

i was sitting down, my friend was standing.

then this man, his legs opened wider &amp; wider.

i turned my head &amp; looked hard at him. i turned back to my friend. and i said very loudly. "wah lao.. some ppl think their balls damn big. open the legs wide wide. but actully like quail's eggs so small nia lah... want to hao liao mah. wat to do."

alot of ppl heard. then the man slowly slowly closed back his legs &amp; sit properly.

i remember this incident happened when i was in my poly years.

<font color="0000ff">JJmom,

U are definitely one with character! hee hee...if I were u I will do the same thing muhahaha ;p

esp tis evening those pple on the train better not offend me else sure kanna "buttered" by me again later haahahaha
