(2008/10) Oct 2008

wah you so young. when i was in my late teens my aim was to get married at 23, and have 3 kids by 30, hahhaa. now next yr will be 30 liao and only preggie this year. cos only got married last year lah. so much for my grand plans.
I am even older than you... talking about plans... haha..
After the first one, must start to plan the 2nd one soon. So my hubby tells me no need to go 减肥first. Don't waste money.

I am also wondering what to eat for dinner. Very sian here. Miss out hawker food.
<font color="#D16587"> dimpletot,
got married at the age of 19 (shot-gun.. shh!!)
actually i dun intend to get married..
coz dun like bein tied-down..
but since i'm preg n my hubby wan to keep the baby..
den ok lor.. 'sui bian lor..' LOL!!</font>
<font color="#D16587"> Littlebluey,
ya!! aft i got married.. i realise that.. hehe..
i can leave my kids at hme n went shoppin at the age of 30+ or 40..
no need to worry abt them..
coz by that time.. they's ready in their teens..</font>
yah rebecca, yours is xian ku hou tian...
more energy to play with your babies too.


I'm also thinking of one shot have more. haha. i think when first one is too young to be jealous will have less problems. haha.
You are still so young, so envious.
And I heard that younger mummies tend to lose the flab and weight easier. Is it true for you?
<font color="#D16587"> Littlebluey,
no la.. i'm nt a "la ma" la..

ya.. agree wif u. all my frenz envy me.
coz i got married at young age.
no need to work.. stay at hme be "tai tai" LOL

i stay at hme to be a maid more den a "tai tai"</font>
<font color="0000ff">Rebecca,

Now becos your kids still young so u hv to take care of them, next time when they are older u won't feel tis way alrd

<font color="#D16587"> pinkimum,
hmm.. ok la.. my 1st child i didn BF.
i took 1 yr to go back to my original figure n weight.
as for my gal, i BF her n in few mths time i go back to my original weight.
aft that i got my 3rd child..</font>
<font color="0000ff">Rebecca,

Definitely will


Finally going to k/o early for tdy! *phew* muz go find something nice for dinner, then maybe will feel better! hahahah ^_^

Cya ard tmr

Thanks busybee, I saw a medela belt at mothercare, but only left XL size, so I din buy.

I am lucky I only have to take train once or twice a week. Normally no one gives her seat to me too, but at least no one snatch a seat in front of me.

Tom gg for a trial lesson at true yoga. Wonder is it too late actually? 26w is 6 months already rite? Any comments on true yoga?

Oh yes, forgot to thank mspiggy, I received my Jujube already
<font color="aa00aa">Good morning Mummies
It's a cold cold morning!!! How I wish I can sleep for a little longer! *yawn*</font>
Good morning mummies

Mousebb, ur son wake u up so early again? I also wish for longer sleep. Can i ask you something, do you know how to get rid of those yellow stains on the clothings? I realize my boy's old infant clothings, all turn yellow... zzz dunno y like that. Hiaz...
<font color="aa00aa">Purebliss
Good morning!
We cannot use bleach for babies so I think the best way is to soak it with the baby laundry detergent longer, maybe with hot water? I will ask my maid later cos she is the one doing the washing for us. </font>
morning ladies .. so sleepy this morn .. and forgot to bring my hp to work. Feel so naked now...

Purebliss - you can put baking soda in your wash to soak and then wash your bb clothes in baby detergent. Dun use bleach.
good morn all mummies,

hw's yr day?

aft my transfer, i have been real busy!!
no time to chat with u all on forum n no time to SPREE!!
Good Morning All!
Since we are on this topic on Laundry, may I ask if it is necessary to handwash bb's clothes? I would rather use the washing machine if possible.
<font color="ff0000">October Thread 1st Gathering</font>

<font color="aa00aa">Venue:
1) Swissotel Merchant Court Hotel (beside Clarke Quay MRT)
2) Goodwood Park Hotel (walking distance from Orchard MRT 5-8 mins walk)
3) Kushinbo (Suntec City)
4) Steamboat Buffet @ Joaquim (Suntec City)

<font color="0000ff">Date: 11 July 2008, Friday</font>

1)mspiggy - 1 adult
2)Trace - 1 adult
3)jollyhoppy - 1 adult
4)Littlebluey - 1 adult
5)icylemon - 1 adult 1 baby chair
6)forest - 1 adult
7)JJmom - 1 adult
8)whitepaper - 1 adult
<font color="ff0000">9)lili_fc
11)blur_p - 1 adult
<font color="ff0000">12)elmo</font>
13)curioxete - 1 adult
14)Chua Wan Chuen - 1 adult
15) Ruffles - 2 adults
<font color="aa00aa">busy bee
My maid has been hand-washing the bb clothes for my boy. Also, we use bb detergent for him so cannot machine wash together with our clothes,</font>
<font color="ff0000">busy bee</font> actually baby clothe very easy to wash. coz their clothes is not as dirty. hand wash them using either clothes washing powder. i actually use my daugther's shower gel to wash her baby clothes last time. me using J&amp;J shower gel for her (blue btl). using the left over water (after her baby bath water) &amp; rinse the clothes. smell so nice.
busy bee,

i think better handwash it..cos hor the washing machine has been washing adults clothings..sometimes it gets dirty..n bb's skin is more sensitive..dats my tots

yes! save money..dat dae hubby scolded me oredi..STOP BUYING CLOTHES OREDI! :p
<font color="#D16587"> mousebb,
u make me so envious.. i wanted a maid.. but hubby dun wan..

well as for me, i'll soak my kids clothes wif kids detergent for the most 1hour.
aft i'll dump their clothes into the washin machine.
but still NOT together wif the adult clothes.

coz my hubby wash her army uniform ONCE a WEEK!!
stink n yuck!! n oso.. i will wash his uniform seperate frm us on every fri or sat.
so dis 2 days will only be his smelly n stinko uniform for wash!!</font>
<font color="#D16587"> Rach's mum,
been lookin for that egg shape washin machine for quite sumtime!!
whr ur fren get it?</font>
<font color="ff0000">Rebecca</font> i remembered she told me at Best Denki. that was some years back.

u click on the link i posted earlier on.

think got sell it online.
Thanks for the advice. Guess I cannot escape handwashing. Hopefully domestic help will come in time to help me do it!

Any idea where to get the machine? Price? Thx!
wow.. didn't know that must handwash bb's clothes.. hee..

I haven take out those clothes to wash yet... will do it when I move to new house...

<font color="#D16587"> Rach's mum,
thx.. i wanteed to get that long ago!!
nvm.. to nite i'll try to cook my hubby's FAV dish!! hehe..
treat him well.. hehe... den i'll ask him to get it for me.. haha...</font>
