(2008/10) Oct 2008

i got a changing table from ikea for $45.00 for my gal. it's definitely worth it (to save our precious back). now i use it to put my printer and other stuffs.eeheh
bought full size cabinet (for children) at misha xxx at chinatown. they got good stuffs there, but a bit pricy.
if you get c-section, you need at least 6 months to 1 year (till the wound doesn't hurt anymore) before you can get malay massage.
i didn't do it in the end for my gal.
can replace with full cream baby yohurt, mild cheddar cheese or formage cheese.my gal went thru the same phrase. good you brought him to doc.
i think the glucose test is a complusory to test for diabetes.
i barely scraped the test thru for my gal. and was put on a non-sugar diet throughout the rest of my pregnancy.
maybe the test is for ladies of certain age...not sure. but i'll be taking it again in few weeks time
hi bee

welcome to this thread.
i'm from mt e too, dr kek (next door).

i'm a maidless sahm too, looking after my going-to-be 2 yr old toddler. no plan for ft maid.
i used to hv some dizzy spells too...ocassionally.

you got low blood sugar level? better check with your gynae.

glucose test usually at 26 weeks for my gynae
<font color="aa00aa">Good morning Mummies
<font color="aa00aa">Pinkimum
I have gained almost 10kg liao, most of the weight was gained from over the last 2-3 months, now seems to slow down liao. My bb seems to be quite heavy cos during the last checkup, she was already weighing 922gm at 25wks2d. My hubby said this is bcos bb is absorbing the nurtients well from mummy.

Yesterday my son only drank 120ml. My hubby and sil thought I have over-reacted. They dont understand how I feel as my son's mummy, his main caregiver which then make me very upset. I'm praying hard that this situation is only temporary and he will soon go back to his 'milk tank' again.</font>
<font color="aa00aa">Last night, my bb gal was super active, kept kicking non-stop and disturbed my sleep.
Enya - tx.

Mummies - There is an IKEA sale starting tmr. For cardholders, there is a preview strating tmr, an dyou get free breakfast too from 8am at both Alexandra and Tampines!!!
Good Morning all mummies!

about the Glucose test, my gynae mentioned if bb is >1.4kg on the day of checkup, then will need to do the test, else no need. So, my appointment time is 9am...and can't drink water from 12am a day before.
<font color="#D16587"> Mornin Mommies!!

my gynae didn't mention abt my low blood sugar lvl or anytin bad abt my blood. he'll always tell me good good good in watever i ask him..</font>
OIC, good luck on your test later!

Believe if gynae never mentioned means all is good? Dun worry too much and enjoy the pregnancy. I used to be a worry wart until my pressure was unusually high. Decided that since it is not good for baby and my own health I should just take it easy and enjoy the pregnancy.
<font color="#D16587"> BZ Bee,
well, wat u said is true. but thx God.
all my pressure are good too.. i dunno..
juz that since the gynae didn mention anytin bad..
i guess i'm alrite.. n i'l those kind will nvr ask much.
coz i tink that if really got a prob wif it..
u will told me b4 i ask u..
good morning mummies

<font color="aa00aa">enya &amp; ruffles</font>, izzit 50$ off all items?? kekeke...

i m aiming to get a table &amp; chairs for my girl.
Morning mummies,

Regarding the glucose test, I think it is on a per gynae basis. For Ribenali and my case, under Dr. Ong, that is his usual practice.

I pee on the stick for every visit and so far, so good. No indication of any thing. Family has also no history for diabetes. Gestational diabetes, based on books, affect the minority race more - Hispanic, Asia, etc., etc. I have friends who develop it suddenly during pregnancy too.

So, I think this really depends on what your gynae's practice / style is like.
<font face="tahoma"> Morning ladies!

nice meeting you too.

karen and mousebb,

my baby is only abt 1.2kg at 25wk and my gynae wants me to take the glucouse torelent test. </font>
<font face="tahoma"> trace,
not everyone needs to go for the test. only upon gynae instruction.

the tell tale signs if you have gestational diabetics :
1. too much fluid in the womb
2. baby's weight is heavier than avg
3. family history of diebatics</font>
<font color="ff6000">I read that! I thot it was purebliss.

wow ms piggy,

1.2kg for 25 weeks is quite big rite? my bb was 610g at 23.5 weeks (gynae said average sized) and think it's supposed to be still less than 1kg at 28 weeks which is my next check up...</font>
<font color="#D16587"> Hi Trace,
as for me, i did the glucose test durin both pregnancy.
guess my baby is too small in both.
boy weigh at 2.6kg n my gal weigh at 2.2 kg. at birth..
so, can u imagine hw small size they are?! LOL!!

hopin my 3rd pregnancy no need to do dis glucose test.
coz i hate needle!! keke...</font>
you get me wrong, what i mean is do glucose test on coming checkup i.e 19 July. Gynae mentioned on last checkup if bb is >1.4kg on 19 July, then have to do the test. paisey..
<font color="0000ff">Icylemon,

Alot of such inconsiderate pple ard, always pretend not to see, nothing new leh...they will always find excuses...*LAME*

<font face="tahoma"> dimpledot,
yap gynae said my bb is slightly above avg, that's why you see my tummy so huge! walking like penguine already!

but my elder son was borned big too... my children take after their PIGGY mummy!
<font color="ff6000">no lah, i think you are average size for a preggy mummy. can't really see from your loose blouse too.


what week are you by 19 Jul?

on the article,

i really wonder whether it was purebliss! twins, 5 months preggie, staying in tampines...
<font color="0000ff">Mspiggy,

Wat a cute description! Walking penguine, come to think of it, think I'm one too, ytd my boss sudd saw me then said "Wah, your tummy suddenly become very prominent hor" ;p


Purebliss is a SAHM rite?

<font color="aa00aa">Mspiggy
What was your son's weight at birth? I heard some pple said the 2nd one's weight will be 10% more than the elder one.</font>
Just 1 or 2 weeks back I also had a seat left vacant by an alighting passenger right in front of me snatched by a lady in late 20s or early 30s who walked diagonally to the seat and sat on it! I already took 1 step 4ward lor! So angry n looked straight at her n she still got the cheek to look me up and dwn n close her eyes! She alighted 3-4 stops later n I'm still in the train!
Trace, ya vegetarian mee rebus. not as nice as the normal mee rebus but ok to eat. today Chu 1 mah. so i mh on half a day vegetarian.

littlebluey, i encountered b4 such ppl. haiz... ugly sporeans.
<font color="#D16587"> All Mommies.
out of a sudden i'm kind of confuse.
my EDD: 11/10/2008.
so which is mean that every 11 of the mth,
i'm consider 1 mth preg older izzit?</font>
<font color="aa00aa">elch</font>, dun get angry with such ppl. coz they will get the retribution next time when they get preggy.
<font color="0000ff">To think they got the cheek to snatch away the seats from a pregnant lady *SHAME on THEM* utterly disgusted by their behaviour...all more the talk on becoming a gracious society my foot!
Ya lor...very pissed that time! Sms-ed hb n complained but he was driving so nv call me back...else I'd have complained to him LOUDLY wat I experienced...tat lady opened her eyes when I got a seat 1-2 stops later! i saw it cos she's I'm jus 2 seats away!
morning, mummies

i thk i must start to control my kaya bread le haha

my tummy oso very heavy, i have to hold up when walking. hope baby is growing well..
next monday check up le then ll noe wat is bb weight nw
