(2008/10) Oct 2008

I used to do that too when people lean on the pole on mrt. I will hold on to the pole, and my fingernails will poke into the person's back. haha...

wan a mousy

Mr Ang's cot is using the standard size mattress. Most cot sheets come in that size. I bought mine le, at Aussino and Kids Mall. It's everywhere!
<font color="#D16587"> Rach'mum,
u really said that!! oh my!! tink tat guy gonna cry for the whole day!!
as u mention abt the balls are juz a size like quail's egg!! LOL
men is always veri sensative ovr a lady's comment
abt their balls or penis..

guess today weather is too hot that leads u to be in a foul mood..
a weather can change a person mood.. really...</font>
Hahaha...so funny, but I salute u!

So he actually tot that the seat is for "sick" ppl? No wonder, think he is in critical stage liao!

JJmon, pinkimum,
I did that too, but some ppl really @&amp;*#$@^! When they "accidentally" lean on my fingers, they will expect me to move away my hand, instead of moving away their body!
Icylemon, u had me laughing out loud when reaing your post...hahaha, tat's a gd 1!

Yah, I hate these kinda man too. Dunno if they purposely want to rub your leg or what.

Littlebluey, don't let those stupid ppl affect your mood too much lah, not worth it
<font color="ff0000">rebecca &amp; phtanus</font> coz i was very TL le. he kept opened his legs wide until i dun need to sit at all.

tat man is abt mid 30s.
I know brown rice is healthy, but I don like leh.. Also no use right?? my MIL like cant understand that.. If I asked her cook white rice, she will back to square the next day... sianz.. i don know if my mind set has been telling me that I don like her cook food.. hahahaha... simply don like lor..

the busy bee... So cornflakes ok arh??
I saw this yogurt type cereal leh.. not sure nice bor... but my hb just bought 2 big box of duo white n black chocolate crunch for me.. He also likes it.. hahaha...

Vanilla.. feel like punching that guy.. OMG...

Rachel's mummy.. u so cute.. hahaha....
<font color="0000ff">Icylemon,

Tht's darn farni! I think he muz be totally embarrassed! muahahahaha....
u are my idol siah!! later I muz tell my DH abt wat u said! hahahaha


If they do that the next time u shd poke or punch them hard! then if they stared at u, u stared at them back!!

There's 1 incident where I purposely use my thumbnail to poke a lady on her back till she turn back and confront me 'Why u keep poking me?!'...I told her off saying the pole doesn't belongs to her, there r many others who need to hold on for support! It was during peak hr in the morning so alot of ppl looked at us...the lady who's wearing a suit no choice but to move away her body...hee...
<font color="ff0000">tweenty</font> hehehe....

<font color="0000ff">littlebluey</font>, i think i m like JJmom. dun like we will show it out. kekeke...
<font color="0000ff">I remember one occasion think couple of wks back, there's was a mother who was carrying her bb in a carrier heading home. Then that evening the stoopid train was bloody hell crowded, when she board no one bothered to give her the seat despite her carrying her bb and another big bag! I was oso standing at that time, when I got a seat later on I offered it to her instead. Then she look at me and said I shd sit, then i told her "you will need it more than I do" those pple are simply blind lor!! Can't they see she's very heavy with a bb and her bags??

!@#$%^&amp;* SporeanS!!
oh ya... i encountered once... standing hor. backside knock backside. happened tat i got big butt. i bum the other party back using my big butt.
I think as we grow older, we become more daring. When I was young, I used to be very meek, don't dare to confront people.

But nowadays, I actually ask people to give up their seat to preggies or the elderly. I will say "Excuse me, do you mind giving up your seat?" then everyone will stare at him.
Phtanus, yah some of those who r really stupid that they will turn to look at me. Usually they will be vy surprise to find it's me, a small frame gal in office wear who did that. I will really stare hard at them, they will turn away after that.
<font color="#D16587"> Out of a sudden i remember dis incident happen 2 or 3yrs ago.

I went out wif my grandpa n hubby. we were takin train. coz my grandpa seldom got a chance to take train. due to his eye sight prob. so we were standin near the doorway as the train is quite pack. so i told my grandpa to move in abit more coz i'm afraid that ppl might push him n he might fall. he's really 72yr old that time n i'm preg. still rmb whn we reach the Orchard station. there's dis student. walk in n sit down straight away n right infront of us!! sum more the moment he sat down. he straight away closed his eyes n pretend to slp!! i got so fed up. i told my hubby straight right infront of him. i said:" nowadays students are sucks!! i dunno whether did their parents or the skool teacher ever teach them wat is the mean of CONSIDERATION!!" i said it out loud n clear. ppl ard me heard it. i n continue.. "let's nt tok abt the students!! coz they learn frm the adults!! frm the moment we enter the train, no adults willin to gve up seats to my grandpa!! ppl dun pity preggie lady nvm.. pity old ppl can ant?! huh! huh! huh!"

at that veri moment.. out of a sudden ppl ard me seems to move away frm me.. i oso dunno y..</font>
those sitting down in the MRT seats and didnt give up theirs seats to old ppl, pregnant mummies &amp; mummies who has bb on toddler on hand are blind de. wat to do...
mummies, today weather very hot... I dunno drink how many cups of cold drinks already...

Very fast, now already in 23 weeks plus another 13 weeks more... see my 2 girls pop. Mummies are u all excited about seeing ur little one?

My gynae schedule also very very packed. Just now call wanna change appt, the nurse told me all the way full till next week... sad...
<font color="#D16587"> All mommies!!
guess if got a chance, let's go out wif <font color="ff0000">whitepaper</font> coz i'm sure that all of us here sure got seats to sit!! keke</font>
<font color="#D16587"> Rach's mum,
but frankly speakin.. i dun tink they are GUILTY.. coz end of the journey.. STILL nobody gve up seats for my grandpa...</font>
<font color="0000ff">Jjmom/Rebecca/Pinkimum/Whitepaper/Icylemon,

Think we are all in the same clinque, not happy will use actions to show! hahahah ;p

<font color="#D16587"> Littlebluey,
i did that only aft i got married. b4 that.. i so shy shy de.. ppl stare me i'll juz look away n dun dare to fight back even if i'm right. so durin my skool days.. ppl bully me.. but days in ITE i change abit.. coz all my frenz ard me taught me "learn to protect urself la aiyo!!"

guess coz i'm preg.. my mother nature instinct start to work abit.. as in muz protect family members lor..especially older ppl..</font>
The problem is nowadays ppl don't get guilty or embarrassed for being accused of not giving up seats. These ppl r not blind, they r juz heartless.
<font color="#D16587"> That's y i mention juz nw that SG ppl are born to be cold blooded..

alrite mommies!! relax.. relax.. dun let those black sheep affect out mood. no good for our precious one inside our tummy.. hehe...</font>
That guy was actually a rather young guy - 20++ working ...i think his fren was very embarrassed to be associated with him when he said that....

Talking abt students -- this again happ before I was preggie - last yr during school holidays.. i was sitting down and when i saw a preggie woman with 2 kids coming into the train (crowded already)...i stood up, waved to her to take my seat. While she was making her way to the seat, and i turned around, this girl around primary 5-6 quickly run to the seat I gave up and sat...then i already had turned round, so i saw she sitting there and i was not happy cos the preggie woman is like 3 steps away... i told the girl "This seat shld be for the pregnant woman. Are u pregnant? If not pls get up and give this seat to her". She was rather shocked i "scolded" her and she walked to her mum who glared at me. I was thinking then "gosh, what type of mother who allows her child to snatch seats with pregnant women!" i shook my head...

really sad that there are so many inconsiderate pple around!
Shall we all try asking for seats in the MRT together after our gathering?

It may make headlines, abt 12 preggies board the train together &amp; start asking ppl to give up their seats for them. Imagine what will the ppl do...hahaha

The day that I noticed the new signs above the 'special seats' on the train read : This seats r reserved for these ppl. I had imagined tat there mayb 1 day when I really need that seat, I will walk up to it &amp; shake the ppl on that seat up &amp; said : ' I believe this seat is reserved for me'! Wonder what will the effect be
<font color="0000ff">Icylemon,

The other time my sis think she oso met an obasan who rush to snatch seat beside her after a passenger alighted, then my sis said her butt is so big and she keeps pushing my sis to the edge...my sis cannot tahan purposely call me and complain loud loud then the lady keep staring at her but my sis dun care and cont'd criticizing her...so farni!!

Talking abt aunties...

There r some who r so not automatic loh or really don't think they r fat (thou being fat is not a sin lah) must die die 'sit' their bags on their side, making the ppl next to her so crampy.
wah.. now u all talk abt this.. reminds me of something.. but this is not singaporean hor.. its korean in singapore.. i was taking bus to harbourfront for lunch the other day.. n sat at the seat (those facing each other kind).. this korean auntie.. carry her son's big bag.. and suddenly sat beside me.. she had the bag sitting on my side, even though im preggie lor.. luckily its not on my tum tum!!! irritating!!! i think these ppl r really blind!!
Rebecca... yah yah... hahaha... I'll just shout across the carriage, "Do you all mind giving up your seats?" coz so many of us, need many seats

Mommies... do you all know that in Korea, people actually LEAVE THOSE SEATS reserved for the elderly EMPTY on trains? They don't sit even if all the other seats are taken up. That's because those seats are REALLY reserved for the elderly! Only the elderly can sit! Their mindset is so correct!
<font color="#D16587"> JJmom,
i encounter such ppl u mention juz nw..

since she 'sit' her bag nxt to her.. i do the same.
i even ask my boy boy to sit nxt to me.. n SQUEEZE her..
she got no choice but to put her bag on the lap..
but i still continue to 'sit' my bag beside my.. hehe...

<font color="#D16587"> Whitepaper,
juz imagine!! weeUweet!!
all the preggie mommies in action!! LOL!!
really love that scene!!! HAHAHAHAH!!!!!!!!</font>
Forest, u juz reminded me abt 1 incident that I m really vy pissed abt.

Ok, I m resigned that I don't expect others to give up their seat for me but I was standing infront of this lady &amp; when she is getting off, she suddenly throw her bag over her shoulder &amp; hit directly bull's eye into my preggie tummy!

I was so angry that I shouted 'Ouch' but she juz alighted the train %**%&amp; $%#^
Whitepaper, I was just abt to mention that too. In other country like Japan, taiwan, these seats r really reserved for those who need it. &amp; ppl will try to take up other seats 1st unless all taken &amp; will give up these seats when there r those who need it more.
<font color="#D16587"> Mommies!!
i realise sumtin..
all of us here seems like we always got bullied inside MRT.

i oso got the same encounter too..
u got hit by bag.. i got hit by hand.
there's dis guy.. tall n quite handsome.
i dunno hw he walk or wat he do la..
out of a sudden he use his hand to hit my tummy!!
i was shock!! n i do the same as wat u did..
shouted 'OUCH!!!' my hubby came!! he walk away veri fast!! </font>
ladies, we can't change society the way they are...only can suggest smrt to reserve a carriage just for old ppl, pregnant ladies, handicapped and those with babies/toddlers.
tats why.. whenever we are in crowded places.. i always have 1 palm covering my tum tum.. just in case these inconsiderate ppl just bump into me or hit me with something!!! grrrrr!!

dont tempt me!!! although hor.. i'm surfing target, walmart and babymallonline to see if there's other things to buy.. wahhhahha.. :p
Bee, I would like to think that if most of the young parents start by educating their kids, we can change this.

I m surely gng to start with mine coz it always cause me pain when I c kids trying to squeeze their way in front of the train door, rushing in to grab for seats for his/her whole kampong. It's a vy sad sight...

<font color="0000ff">Icylemon,

Those obasan are really those in their 50s - 60s leh...;p


These pple really dunno wat to say !@#$%^&amp;

