(2008/10) Oct 2008

Hi littlebluey

Ya guessed I've got no choice, will give them a call tmr morning. No lei..TMC website doesn't state parent craft's opening hrs.

<font color="0000ff">Vanilla,

Good leh..stay at home and be tai tai!! Although I can, but being at home too long can drive me crazy. A few days break is ok but if too long I will get restless and bored alrd ;p moreover, with dual income can afford to buy more things hahaha..crazy me!

Think a few mummies here are attending the same session for antenatal classes, then can say hello to one another *hee*</font>
so exciting!! i cant wait to know my bb gender during my detailed scan this coming sat!! hehehe..

wahhh.. lose teeth.. i hope not!! im religiously taking 2 glasses of HL milk everyday.. hoping that its enuff for me and bb... i really cant take calcium pills.. i stopped for a long time, n started on 1 pill 2 days ago.. again, my stools are getting hard... *boo hoo hoo*

wats the weight gain thats acceptable for us now huh?? sigh... i also gain 6kg so far le...
hmmm, maybe the parentcraft staff who attended to me is oso having pms.hahhaha

i think it could be just one staff who is not so nice, the rest shld be nice. hehe
Hi littlebluey

Me already bored to tears liao. Have been reading whatever pregnancy books/mags i can lay my hands on. Now trying very hard to look for temp jobs to occupy my time and hope to earn some extra income.

I'll call parent craft tmr morning again. Hope i dun kena again. lol
<font color="0000ff">Vanilla,

Any hobbies/interests, then at least u won't be so bored, else pour over receipe books and cook a dish or two for your DH?? It's nice after a day's work to eat something good!
else do scrapebook for your unborn child, write blog or etc....chat with us over here on forum and etc....see I help you find so many things to do le lolx ;p</font>
littlebluey, aiyo..tok abt scrapbooking..i realli miss doing it..hubby dun allow me to do now =( cos i was busy hammering the eyelets down, cutting, pasting..he see oredi..felt abit uncomfortable..mmmm..can't wait to start doing it..guess have to wait till confinement period =p
<font color="0000ff">Jollyhoppy,

U muz be very gd at your craft! I wish I started but dun think I can cope. I'm into jewellery making too but now DH won't allow me to touch any, so if I have any orders that come in, he will hv to do on my behalf hahaha ;p</font>
Hi littlebluey

Haahaaa...me reali bad at crafts. I always get F9 for my art &amp; craft during school days.
As for cooking, i always make a big mess in the kitchen until hubby shake head. So wat i did now is do a lot of reading up, and looking for khakis to chat lor. LOL
Enya, not sure wat kind of leg cramps im getting, its alwaysat calf area and i used to have it a few times b4 i am preg. I think bcos i over-exercise previously. But now no exercise leh..dunno y still cramp!

mousebb, your EDD got change aft your detailed scan right? The sonographer didnt tell me much leh, probably after i get the report my EDD also might chg. But i guess really high chance we might b in hosp at the same time! But u opting for c-section hor??
my boy abt 13 mths now. aso sticky to me. whenever i go, he follow. sometime alone at hm with him, i on his fav show to watch n i go kitchen to do some washing, he also crawl follow after me instead. even go toilet he also wait (in his walker) outside for me.

i only worried second one comes, dunno if can handle 2 at night.
Forest, I check online guide says during 1st trimester weight gain range is ~2.5kg, 5 mth onwards avg 0.5kg per week. But also depends on your pre-preggie's weight whether under/normal/over &amp; the BMI.
<font color="aa00aa">Good morning mummies

My son's body and face was covered with rashes which developed suddenly and hubby was worried that something could happen to him esp he has been running with a fever for the past days and loss of appetite also. Hence we brought him to KKH children A&amp;E at 9.30pm. We spent about 4 hrs there cos the doctor suspect it may not be just fever, running nose and normal rashes so took his blood and urine for test. Luckily, the results came out ok except one of the substances in his white blood cell is abnormally low. Doctor suggest we do another blood test in about a week's time. Reached home at 1.30am and all of us were extremely exhausted including our poor son.

I suffered from heartburn since yesterday evening... still can feel that burning sensation in my throat now...</font>
<font color="aa00aa">everafter
I did ask the Dr who confirmed the readings of my detailed scan and he told me my edd will be on 13 Oct which is same as what the clinic provided him. I guess most probably will go for c-sect unless Dr Adrian tell me it is safe for me to go ahead with natural birth. But I have a feeling my girl's head will turn down towards my edd.

I guess it is bcos i'm not working and I'm also the only one taking care of him when my hubby is working, hence he is esp close to me. He sleeps with me and shares my pillow with me. At times, he wouldnt want my hubby to carry him but only me. I feel so siong. With the 2nd one coming along, I scared he will feel neglected. I'm not so worry about night time bcos my hubby is around. I'm more about about day time since nobody is helping me...</font>
It's a bit tough trying to manage both babies on your own (when little one arrives). would it possible for you to get some help from your extended family such as your mom? Cos i know when my little one arrive, there was the helper to help me with the baby while i spend time with the older sibling. otherwise, you're right.. the older sibling will feel neglected. and without some help, i really don't know how i was able to cope.. this is just my experience.
Hahahaha... Yea loh, shld ask daddy to train his son to catch creepy crawlies.

Sorry ah, I quite dumb but do I chk ur PM-ed msg?
Or can I trouble you to email me at my email addy?
morn all mummies,

hope you have a gd bfast..

just to inform you that i read the motherhood magazine and got to know that Mrs Wang BB (Frm TMC) will be having a talk at the Motherhood exhibition next week..she will b talking abt breastfeeding.
Any 2nd time mummies who gave birth at Mt A during 1st birth and staying at 1st bedder? Want to find out the cost after deducting medisave.

I have the leaflets at hm for the cost of the 1 bedder..

if i can rem correctly, natural birth w/o epidual will b ard 1.7k for 2-3 days..then 1.9k plus for natural birth w/epidual..

dats mainly for the rooms only...if u need more info..i let u noe tmr..hehe, cos they hv sent me the details
<font color="0000ff">Ohayo Ladies,

Vanilla, if like that then juz stay home be tai tai and enjoy life while awaiting the birth of your child!


Hope your little boy is feeling better now! Wishing him a speedy recovery!
U muz take care too muz not be easy taking care of him!

Me on MC tdy, feel so giddy last nite tis morning head still feels so heavy!</font>
<font color="aa00aa">Vanilla, everafter
Thanks, my son is ok except with rashes all over his body and also very cranky. He needs 100% attention now. Only when he is taking a nap (like now), I have some free time to myself.

pinky brain
Actually we have a maid at home but all along I prefer to feed/bath/take care my kid by myself and when the 2nd one arrives, I do hope to give her tbf if possible. This is something which the maid is unable to help. I guess I can only take one step at a time and see how things go
<font color="aa00aa">Littlebluey
Thanks, he just need lots of attention given to him.
You take care too and have a good rest hor
u must really take care... and hope ur boy will have a speedy recovery!!! rest well and have more sleep!!

u also take care... make sure u get more sleep today!!
Morning mummies,

Hope your son is okie. And you better rest too, such a tiring night for you.

You also feel giddy ah. Yesterday I was shopping halfway, then suddenly felt so giddy, seeing stars and everything sounded so distance to me. Luckily, my friends were with me and brought me to sit down and drink some water.

Then since last night I kept having this lower abdominal pain. The pain just comes and goes until now leh. Later I will be going to the gynea to check. Don't know am I being to paranoid huh? Maybe just stomachache...
Morning all,

Mousebb, hope your son gets well soon, u take care too.

Sigh...last nite I had my 1st leg cramp (this time confirm it's not a dream) I did quite a bit of leg exercise &amp; DH also help 2 massage my legs b4 sleep lei, dunno y still kena leh.

It was so painful tat I couldn't get rid of it myself, no choice but to wake my DH &amp; he 'jump up' to help me.

His reaction vy fast thou I wake him softly &amp; only call him once...find his action vy funny, he jump up &amp; ask : 'huh? what happen'

We r both vy tired this morning even thou we did get back to sleep after tat. My leg still hurts now
<font color="0000ff">Whitepaper/Trace/Forest/Icylemon/Jollyhoppy/Pinkimum/Chris,

Thanks for your concern, think will go steal a nap later

Pinkimum, hv been having a heavy head lately but dy seems worse u must take care too ya
Wah...this morning got so many of us complaining of discomfort liao

Littlebluey, feeling giddy must be careful even when u r at home wor. Better lay down more &amp; rest.

Lili, wah, u both legs got cramp, must b vy painful loh, me 1 leg already cannot tahan liao

Pink, u better don't go out alone for these few days then, rest more too.

We all poor thing...hahaha
<font color="0000ff">JJmom,

Seems like tdy is not a good day for all mummies
boo hoo hoo...

Hope your legs are better in the afternoon.

Lili you too !

Alot of sacrifices wor!</font>
hahahahahaha... ur hubbys so funny. usually when I get leg cramps, I'll just quietly endure on my own, won't go wake him up. Maybe should try
Lili, then how u get rid of the cramp on both legs yourself huh? If I can do it myself, I also don't wanna to wake him lah, 1 pp suffer beta than 2 but too painful liao...hahaha

If u really vy painful, shd wake him up to help u lah, boh bian mah.
whitepaper, u mean u juz let it cramp till it goes off itself?! Vy painful lei...

When DH ask me what happen, I can't even tell him, juz keep pointing to my leg.

I did try to massage it on my own at 1st but juz cannot make it go off b4 I feel too painful to carry on loh...

The pain will usually go off if you straighten your leg, and pull your toes towards you. This will stretch the tension and after awhile, it will go off. I get leg cramps underwater during diving as well, and this is how to ease it


I did tbf with baby 2.. helper was just there to help me change baby's diapers and take care of household chores (i didn't have confinement lady). It was very tough for me in the beginning cos my older kid would cry whenever i have to breastfeed the baby and she wants to sit on my lap all the time. but eventually (after getting her involved with the baby - helping to fetch diapers, clothes etc) she started adapting to the baby (which was a huge relief).

Buying books about the arrival of the little one and reading to your boy might help. and more importantly, getting your boy involved with his sister would probably help too. Take care and hope your little boy is feeling better.
