(2008/10) Oct 2008

Hi mummies

KNow this already been discussed times... just want to check again...

Pigeon steriliser & Avent steriliser - which can fix well if using NUK bottle?

Pigeon is less costly than Avent.

JJmom, lili,
hope ur cramps will go away soon! im like JJmom, also wake my hubby up.. hehehe.. he will go... HUH.. then saw me in pain and massage my feet.. hahha..

for me, my problem is swollen feet leh.. i've been having swollen feet since yday.. cant wear most of my shoes.. :'(
<font color="aa00aa">Thanks, all mummies
. After taking a nap and woke up at around 11am, my son is his active self once again. Just hope that the rashes will go away soon.

My gynae said it's the husband job to massage wife's legs cramp wor. So next time remember to wake your hubby up hor! hehehe...
Pinky brain
Thanks for the tips. I think I must start to prepare my son to receive his newborn sis in oct liao. He also likes to sleep on my lap. The moment he wake up and realise that I'm not with him, he will start crying and crawl to me.</font>
Siggghhh... when I look at the woes of you 2nd time mummies, I wonder if I should still stick to my plan of having a 2nd one soon... maybe wait a few years more? me and my brother are 7 years apart.
looks like me not the oni one having leg cramps, the calf of my left leg still hurts..will always wake hb up when have cramps...and if i need to pee in the middle of the nite..oppss..
Jollyhoppy, wake your DH up to go pee with u? Your DH so nice

Forest, u in 3rd trimester already? Try cutting down on your salt intake &amp; must drink more water &amp; lift your legs higher while resting.

Lili, I did try fixing NUK milk bottle in Pigeon &amp; it looks ok to me.
i'm not in 3rd trimester yet... still in 2nd trimester... guess, i am also problematic!!

i just had fish bee hoon soup for lunch... the soup was sooooo oily!! yucks... but i bought cherries.... hehehe.. so happy with it!! i love them!!!

wah... so good leh ur hubby.. still willing to wake up with u if u wake up to pee...

glad to hear u r feeling better, and ur boy too!! now that he's active, u definitely feel more relieved!!
I love fruits after preggie, esp strawberrys, kiwi &amp; guava

Today so quiet, most of us not feeling great &amp; need rest, hope I can go home &amp; nap too...
yeah... after preggie, i really tend to take more fruits.. and i've been told to eat more strawberries, cherries, black berries, blue berries... hahahaha... love them!!

yaya.. today our thread is really quiet.. i also wish to go home n sleep... zzzZZZzzz
1 leg cramp after another. Right leg cramp very long till i sudden woke up to soothe my leg myself lor...

the other morning, i scream cos' cramp, my hubby still sleeping snoring... aiyoh...
<font color="0000ff">Hi All,

Am back from my 2 hrs + nap, luckily my mum called me else I still be zz away then tonite hv to see ceiling alrd ;p

Now so hungry, bz chomping lunch hahaha...


I replied your email alrd


Got rain meh?</font>
yes, now walk still feel the pain on my right leg.

bb kick again always after lunch... hahha so cute...

talking about fruits, i go canteen to buy now... haha craving...
but looking at hubby sleeping so soundly like can't bear to wake him up... heee

afterall, wake him up, he won't know what to do next... so i help myself lor... haha <faint>
<font color="0000ff">Mrs Chua,

Now scroll thru then saw your post, check thru your email? else at the top of the left screen there is tis "check new messages" click on it
<font color="0000ff">Aiyo, Lili, so nice of you dun disturb DH wake up, bt if the pain is intolerable get him to help you massage then u dunnit go thru it
<font color="ff6000">Wah TraCe so fortunate... PM me which company. I ask my hb to work there, or maybe i work there myself!


yesterday i went to kiddy palace to check out strollers. eyeing the capella 228 model, which i also saw at john little selling at the same price $223.20. It has four wheel drive, reversible handle, weighs 6 kg and can be fully reclined. wondering whether to get that.

Saw a larger capella model going at $243 after discount. It's the only model on discount, and is wider, so bb can prob fit for more years. hubby likes that one, but it's 7 plus kg, so heavier, and no 4WD, no reversible handle. but has larger 'boot space' below.

wonder whether Taka still has sales for stroller... understand members extra 10% discount over already rite?

I bought 2 bb rompers and one pretty yellow dress yesterday! so happy! also went to spring maternity and bought 2 bottoms.
hi lili_fc - i just went to Robinson and it is written in the Pigeon sterilizer that it can fit all sort of bottles.

Hi ladies - sorry if this is asked before - which milk bottles are BPA free? I asked the lady at Robinson the baby sction and she said all have BPA. So i am real confused now. Thanks

yes i was at IMM n was raining..n bt batok juz stopped...n before i go IMM,i went for car wash..nw my car is wet n dirty!
<font color="0000ff">Dimpletot,

I was looking at the Capella model u saw too, pretty and a gd buy!I think the larger model going for $243 sales will end tis coming Sat...

Think Taka stil hv 15% off stroller but w/o the 10% discount alrd


Oh dear, that's really irritating isnt it hmmm</font>
<font color="0000ff">Trace,

Bo pian leh, weather oso abit eccentric these days very hard to pre-empt leh...

Feeling much better le thanks
Hi mummies,

I am back from my gynea visit. My blood pressure is abit low, that caused me to feel giddy. The bb is doing alright and I did the 3-d scan today. But his position not very good, so we didn't burn into CD. Will probably wait till 30week. I am 18+week and put on 2kg so far. Gynea think I am gaining too little and too skinny and will be difficult to carry the bb as he gets bigger in my tummy. Anyway, I am relieved that the pain in my tummy got nothing to do with the bb, so probably really just tummyache.
perhaps wait till if really i can't sit up myself then wake him up liao... hahah

vanilla pod 2
thanks for the info.

which is good? pigeon or avent steriliser? anyone used before?
Dimpletot, Littlebluey

I bought the S228 too. I think it's a basic stroller and a good buy. In my view, no need to spend alot on strollers. S228 can be folded into fours so easy to fit in boot. And got shoulder strap so hubby can carry. kekeke... I bought the orange one
Agreed with your view on stroller. We also bought a capella S226. Basically, there are not much difference between S-228 (older model) and S-226 (latest model), except S-228 weighs more (~6.5kg), has adjustable height handle and larger swivel front &amp; rear wheels. While S-226 has this Silver Nano (Anti-Bacterial)design and weigh ~5kg. Due to the bulkiness of S-228, hubby and I chose S-226 lo.
<font color="0000ff">Lili,

I think both steriliser brand are ok, it's only a matter of choice and budget that you are willing to pay for


I wanted to get that too in blue becos I like the colour so much hence my nick as u can see lolx but DH got something else instead of seeing others.

<font color="0000ff">Capella is good in the sense it's a 4 wheel drive and has the reversible function! and the colours are beautiful!</font>

I saw the 226 also! It's really very light at 5.5kg... i like it too, but it didn't have swivel rear wheels. think it was going for $253 at kiddy palace. and comes in a nice pink.

if i buy the 228 I want the red one. for some reason hubby likes lime green (the larger model with no reversible handle going for $243, down from $304).


thanks for the reference to your friend's stroller! worth considering too... any idea why she's selling?
pinkimum- Glad tat u are alright...do rest well and take good care yah!! ;) Actually I'm oso like u... gaining bout 2kg till now only...
but think perhaps u are tall tats why Dr advises u to put on more weight bah..
So most likely urs is a Mickey?? ;p

My hub and I oso confused over strollers and which and wat brand to buy... But seems tat Capella is a reasonable and affordable buy!! We oso dun wan to spend much on strollers cos oso dun know if our bb likes to be put on stroller anot... Cos my nephew in fact dun use his pram/stroller at all!! Waste $$..

Btw for Capella S228 is from newborn onwards or how many mths onwards one??
Nevermind lor, next time can get one for your 2nd one lo
hopefully they still have blue then

I definitely need reversible handles coz I wanna see baby when he's still tiny
if Littlebluey also buy, the we will have the whole range - orange, red, blue!
Yes, it is lighter than S228, we find S228 is too bulky for us to carry lay. Hm...agreed that the only weakpoint for S226 is dun have swivel rear wheels, and its wheels are smaller. Btw, there is lime green available for this model lay! Yup, that is the promotion price, but we manage to negotiate a slightly better price in a baby shop @ bukit timah, although not much different, but it is better than nothing, isn't?
Can I join u all, although mine is S226, we opt for lime green one lay, coz they dun have blue

Yeah capella group!

<font color="0000ff">Dimpletot,

Think she got another one as gift leh, not too sure abt it but if you are keen can check it out
price is reasonable and the colour is wat u want and the gd thing is it's BN! She juz birth not too long ago so definitely not used!


I oso hope so but the chance quite minimal -_-" hmmm...

Seems like alot of mummies here bought Capella! hee hee
