(2008/10) Oct 2008

<font color="0000ff">Lili,

The milk bags are not re-useable

lili, I thou the NUK teats r popular choice? I heard some doing the other way ard - NUK teat with pigeon bottle if i remember correctly?

Let u know again if I come across the thread again
My colleague just came back from maternity and told me that NUK bottle is good cos' is long... Pigeon teats suits NUK bottle but not Avent bottle. I will check with her again.

Also, she feedback that the Medela electric plus very noisy when she pump at nursery room.... hahha
<font face="tahoma"> FeatherG,
if baby sleeps with you, then you can latch baby on. better for your supply

yeah, CL shd know what to cook for us and what fish to buy. my mum bought "ngor yee" (threadfin) + its bone to boil with green papaya. i only drink the soup and eat the fish.. didnt eat the papaya
Congrats on having a boy!

I have this linea nigra when I was expecting my boy. Till now, the line is still there but fading liao.
Went for my detailed scan this afternoon. Bb girl is 19wks2days now at 277grams. Dr Chang said bb is healthy and the neck thickness is normal now. Nobody knows what caused the swelling during the time when I was having my NT scan. Initially was quite worried cos gynae said bb's neck too thick may due to some other health problems!

U don't accept PM ler. Wanna to PM you my email address. Or can you PM me so that I can reply you?

Everafter, my CL cooks the green papaya with fish soup for me very nice. But when I cooked it myself, I find it yucky haaaa... I think 'cos I don't know how to cook but I followed her instruction strictly. Still ended up very yucky.
littlebluey, no brands in mind yet as we have yet to really look at the strollers carefully and not yet decide what kind of features we want. But based on reviews here, seems like the capella is quite a popular brand. Hubby saw the maclaren one and he doesn't like it. Says that it looks flimsy.
hi mummies,
juz to share an old wives's tale that my colleague shared with me.
She said that if the dark line on our stomach goes above the belly button, will be expecting a boy.
If the line is below the belly button(means does not go above belly button), it'll be a girl.

If based on this, quite true for my 1st one when i was expecting my boy, my line was quite long almost going to bust line.

Still dunno my No. 2 gender but if based on this old wives's tale, shd be a girl.

How about u mummies'?
I also have linear nigra! Hope it will go away soon!

Mousebb: Gald that everything is fine for you! Happy for you!

jollyhoppy: Your fren is super amazing!

Littlebluey: Let me ask my fren how much do I need to buy.. I have two boxes of milkbags by Playtex (bout 80pcs each, given by my sis) so don't know if I should buy the ziploc one.. Let you know again!


Last nite, ard 1am,tummy pain..n went to 'LS'..dunno wads wrong..probably its the buffet i had last nite..
Good morning mummies!

Jasminetea, Whitepaper, lili, storeberry, bbgoh &amp; Trace
Thanks, Mummies!

My Edd is now 13 Oct. Anybody same as me? I guess my bb will most probably out in early Oct as I'm prepared to go c-sect again. Hubby wanted 1 Oct but realised it is a PH (Hari Raya Puasa). There may be extra charges on PH so most likely this plan is out liao unless bb chooses to arrive on that day, then bo bian lor, no matter how exp, also have to pay liao.

Take care hor. Better be selective on what you eat.
good morning ladies.

it has been a long time tat i have not been logging in to the forum. 5 days!!

can someone update me??

was it whitepaper supposed to know the gender of bb last friday??
Rachel's mummy

No lar, went for my detailed scan. Mine is confirmed a boy boy after amnio lor! Confirmed 46 XY lor! How are you???!!!
<font color="0000ff">Ohayo All Mummies,


Happy to know that your gal is doing well!!

1st Oct?! That's Children's Day! Hee hee...


Hope you are feeling better!! ^_^ Dun take too oily stuff later....I had leg cramps tis morning *sighs*


How r u?? *waves*</font>
<font color="0000ff">Mint,

Maclaren got different models and definitely there are some that look filmsy and unstable but I think most of those models are from 6 mths infants and above

Anyway, can take your time slowly see GSS is tmr! So might have some great deals!!</font>

Can you please go see doctor if your LS continues? You will lose alot of water like that and is very bad... I had LS in my first trimester and almost konked out.

do take care too...try to wear socks?

actually when u r at home, its always good to wear room slippers
<font color="0000ff">Trace,

I dun do wat I preach! hahahaha...think muz be one of the sudden movement of mine that trigger off the cramps then I grab my DH hard hahahaha..jolted him out of zz *ha ha* evil me!! ;p</font>
<font color="ff0000">whitepaper</font> &amp; <font color="0000ff">littlebluey</font>, me fine. juz tired. coz my parents away for holiday over the past few days. i got to apply leave to take care of my naughty little one. tiring man.

brought her out for shopping, lunch with friends, went to the bird park.

CONGRATS whitepaper!! boy boy for u.

wah! our thread getting more &amp; more boys.
<font color="aa00aa">mousebb</font> CONGRATS!!

actually i m oso aiming for 1st Oct to be due. but difficult. i think i will pop in maybe mid september. strong feeling....
Rachel's mummy
Good to be on leave leh... better than me gotta slog at work. I take care of your girl for you lar, then you do my work for me

If I pop on 1 Oct, it will be the same day as my wedding anniversary
Hi Mummies

Mousebb, wah ur gal due on 1st oct? keke! My gynae schedule csection for me on that day too... :p Hubby they all damn kiasi... says twins better to go on csection if not later stress the babies.
<font color="ff0000">whitepaper</font>, i rather work wor. but actually i was feeling happy tat i was able to spend more time with my gal before i pop. alot of quality time with her.
<font color="0000ff">Whitepaper,

I dun mind taking after Icylemon's duties as well, have been so freaking bz at work these days -_-"" Tis forum is the only thing that keeps me sane!

When's yr EDD?? Who knows Bb might come out on your expected date and wldn't it be a nice pressie for both of you?? Hee Hee, btw, got a name for your Prince?</font>
<font face="tahoma"> good morning ladies!


mrs lau
i hope your old mothers' myth is true. when i had my boy, the line is very obvious and long.

now still no line yet... hope this is a girl

rachel's mummy
welcome back

ask u huh, we can eat ice cream isit? My hubby refused to let me have ice cream!!!!! argh! said cannot eat cold stuff
hi mummies,

can i join the thread?? my child will be due on 19oct. tis is my 2nd child. my 1st child juz turned 2 years on mon.

My EDD is 3 or 4 Oct. So maybe will pop early? We had shortlisted some names. Hubby and myself still debating which one to use. Hahaha... we only having chinese name, no ang moh name for him, coz dun wan him to forget he's Chinese lar. That was what happened to me
Little bluey, Rachel Mum

Rachel Mum
My boy was out 16 days earlier before due date cos breech position and not putting on weight. In the end, he shares the same birthday as me. This round, hubby hopes that our gal can come out on 1 Oct, children's day so that for the 1st 12 years will be official school holidays for her mah. As for me, I only hope to keep her longer a bit in my tummy. LAst time, when I was told that my boy has to come out earlier, I was very very guilty and kept crying.

My gal is due on 13 Oct but my hubby is thinking to let her come out on children's day. I guess your hubby is correct cos for what i know, my friends who have twins, all gone for c-sect cos it is not easy for you if go natural.
Ms piggy

Wow, I guess TMC will have good business on 1 Oct since so many pple hoping to pop their babies on that day!

You have chance liao since yours is so near to 1 Oct!
<font color="ff0000">mspiggy</font>, hihi!! *wave wave*

<font color="0000ff">Diane</font>, yah 6 oct. but becoz is my 2 child. tends to pop earlier. my 1st one i pop when i was in my 37 weeks &amp; 4 days.

infact normally 1st pregnancy wouldnt pop on the actual EDD. mite be 2-3 weeks earlier. some even 1 mth earlier.
<font color="0077aa">mousebb</font>, ur boy in breech position ah. then u C sect??

my friend's daugther oso in breech position all the way till she gave birth. Chinese believes breech position is good wor... like buddha sitting in the lotus. tat was wat i heard.

Rache Mum
Ya lor. I guess the reason was bcos he has big head and that's why not enough space for him to turn in my tummy lor.
