(2008/10) Oct 2008

Hey Littlebluey,

Read that you bought the Avent Express Steriliser. Can I check where and how much you bought it for?

Ladies: Anyone has any comments / reviews on Pigeon vs Avent? One of my colls said that Avent's opening is bigger but another say that Pigeon is faster??? (6 vs 8 mins)? I am so confused leh! LOL. Any comments / heard anything from anyone?
I am in China, so some check-ups here, some in Spore. So didn't sign any package anywhere. Then in China, they don't do scans for every visit. So I got to pay extra for that and for each photo. I didn't know that during the first visit, so no photo for my very first scan;(

My hubby also said I snore, especially when I sleep on my back! I gave him the 'are you sure look?'. So he actually used his HP to record me sleeping and snoring! So mean. I felt like doing the same to him since he also snores and he is not preggie like me!
<font color="0000ff">Trace,

U can PM me your blog addy


U can oso PM me your email address as well so that I can futher contact you gals


I bought it during the last Robinson members preview sales at $150 (bundle set)


Your DH so farni leh...record as evidence to prove that he's not lying hahahaha</font>
yah! my hubbie actually secretly record down my snoring sounds! waaa... embarassed to say, reallie a bit loud lor. hahaha next time i will try to record his snoring oso! His is confirmed louder!

elch, next time i will 'touch' my tummy when i go up the train. Hope this is the trick! haha
<font face="tahoma"> ladies with blog,
can share with me too? PM to me.. then i will share mine and my son's. hehehee </font>
Hi Littlebluey,

Thanks for the info. Sorry to be so "cheong-hei" but what went into the bundle set? And was there a reason why you got Avent?

Good afternoon ladies!

I would like to order 4 boxes of blue egg milk bag, u can PM me for the details and payment. Thanks a lot!
<font color="0000ff">Pinkimum/Mspiggy

Can share with me as well??
Juz PM me your link


No reason for choosing Avent hahahaha...the bundle set consists of a 3 pack baby wipes, one Avent Thermal Bag as well as a milk dispenser. Was thinking of using Avent bottles that time and it's blue!! ;p


Will PM
<font color="0000ff">Blue Egg Milk Bag Orders:

Jasmine Tea - 8 boxes
Eunice - 8 boxes
Phtanus - 4 boxes

Any more interested mummies, pls fill up your nick and no of boxes as well as your email addy so that I can compile the orders and send you an email regarding the mode of payment </font>
<font color="0000ff">Blue Egg Milk Bag Orders:

Jasmine Tea - 8 boxes
Eunice - 8 boxes
Phtanus - 4 boxes
Everafter - 4 boxes ([email protected])

Any more interested mummies, pls fill up your nick and no of boxes as well as your email addy so that I can compile the orders and send you an email regarding the mode of payment </font>
littlebluey &amp; Mspiggy,
You have mail!

I watched the news here and actually saw the policewoman breastfeeding 2babies at the same time. Very touching. And also all the mummies who try to use their bodies to shield their kids. Watch le will feel very depress and sad one. Btw, there was no tv program except news on the earthquakes for the last 3 mourning days.
Hello mummies
Lunch, i had Jack Place - steak (well done) yummy... how about you gals?

I'm going for Checkup tomorrow morning... will update you when i return home.... heeee <excited>
I have been quite emotional over this china earthquakes, had cry so many time when I read the news tat DH has try to stop me from reading too much abt it liao.

Mayb bcoz i m a mummy now &amp; can understand their feelings of losing their families.
You have mail!
Anyway, forgot that blogspot is blocked here. Sigh. Anyway, mummies can still share your blogs with me and I will check when I am back in Spore.

I had porridge for lunch. Boring. Having abit tummyache today. Realised this few days my appetite not very good again leh.
Wow a lot of posts to read and catch up... ;)
Thxs beary for the warm welcome! ;p

I oso have fine hair ard my linea nigra there thou the line not as obvious yet.. ;p So eager to know the gender if it's a Mickey or Minnie! ;)

Trace, mspiggy, pinkimum, can PM me ur blogs too.. we can share share!! ;) Heeee thxs in adv!! ;p
Oh no... don't tempt me with all the blogs... I really want to read but can't read.......... no time no time! Trying to concentrate on work!!!
<font color="0000ff">Those who have blog share share with moi ya, PM me

Nickypower, you PM me your email addy or u want to upload here? so that I can send email all one sort
<font color="0000ff">Blue Egg Milk Bag Orders:

Jasmine Tea - 8 boxes
Eunice - 8 boxes
Phtanus - 4 boxes
Everafter - 4 boxes ([email protected])
Jollyhoppy - 4 boxes ([email protected])
Nickypower - 5 boxes

Any more interested mummies, pls fill up your nick and no of boxes as well as your email addy so that I can compile the orders and send you an email regarding the mode of payment </font>
Wow, seems like many of us have blog lay, let me try to list out.

Who else?
Wow, seems like many of us have blog lay, let me try to list out.

Who else?
