(2008/10) Oct 2008

<font color="0000ff">Trace,

Lucky you got sponsor alrd!
so u definitely spoil for choices!!


My DH oso shortlisted Maclaren and Perego, which model u have in mind??</font>


haha..yes esp when its yr 1st time to be a mummy, cos everything u oso dun hv..n ppl will ask u wad u want instead of them buying w/o knowings wads yr neeeds..haha
<font color="0000ff">Everafter,

Perego: The cheapest I saw so far is ard $450 and it ranges up to $1K++ but of coz I think the $400+ and $600+ models quite good leh but the downside is they are abit heavy.

Maclaren: The other day John Little was selling one model for $139 only but it's for 6 mths and above, of coz their range stretches up to above $1k as well esp for their twin strollers.

Think Bb Hypermart and Bb Kingdom gives abt 15-20% for the above pdts so can go check it out
Elch: COngrats on your prince! I am seeing Dr Woody tmr, so excited!

Diane: The lady also cam &amp; demo to me, was very impressed! But after reality sets in, I decided not to get it cos think this amt can be used for bb later... My DH don't even want to meet the lady...

Hi anyone knows which model of Pigeon steriliser John Little is selling for $79? I read it somewher but forgot where alr...
<font face="tahoma"> hi ladies

i was using Avent milk bag for #1, think will still use that if i can find it. heard it's no longer on sale

as for stroller, am using Peg Perego P3.very sturdy and my son is now 2 YO, still very comfy in it. </font>
Hi ladies, Good afternoon!
Just curious, do u mommies have linea nigra?

We have diamond energy water at home. It seems to me the water taste better than before, more "soft" and "sweet" lo. My area's water is quite dirty, that's why we installed one. We need to wash the filter A almost every two months! My fren who staying near Ponggol complained that the water at her place has very strong chlorine smell, even her son dun like to drink. But after installing one, her son dun have problem in drinking water now.

Congrats on your mickey! Seems that Oct really have many baby boy ho, dun know next time our son can find wife or not?! haha...just kidding la.
<font face="tahoma"> Hi phtanis,
I had that during my son's time... now seems dont have. Also cant remember when will it appear.

i think mickey easier to spot those having minnie might have to wait for detailed scan. hopefully mine is a minnie
For Maclaren, I'm eyeing on Techno XT, Techno XLR n MX3...
For Peg Perego, I'm nt too sure which model yet but I'm quite interested in the travel system...

storeberry, JJmom2008,

Thks! I dun have linea nigra yet...my belly button oso no sign of popping out...normal?

Elchwong, congrats on your prince!

Littlebluey, I got my milk bags already. Bought 2 boxes. I'm using Gerber brand. I think may need to buy more since I'm very determined to bf my #2 till at least 1 yr old.


Thks! Does it mean tat if we use milk bags then dun have to use bottles to store? Or does the milk bag acts like a kind of lining for bottles? Sry for the silly qns...1st time mum so v.lost n confused la...hee
<font color="0000ff">Storeberry,

Think Pigeon only got one steriliser no other different models


I oso think Perego not bad, but I think my DH set his sights on Maclaren alrd


Anyone interested to get Blue egg milk bag, come in one box of 25 pcs..</font>
Elchwong, no lar, your qns is not silly.
Yes, if u used milkbag, don't have to use bottles to store. The Gerber ones I buy is like a zip lock bag. Can zip up after putting the milk inside. I find it easier to store with milk bags 'cos bottles takes up more space.

Everafter, I bought from spree at drugstore.com. It is cheaper than buying in SIN. For me, I store my EBM at work in bottles to bring home and pour into milk bags to store in fridge. I find it more "secure" to transport the milk in bottles than milk bags.
Everafter, Initally for me is twice a day in office 'cos my gal needs more milk. After 4 mths, I reduced to once a day 'cos lesser demand for milk when she started on solid.
jasmine tea, sorrie i am oso a 1st time mum, so need ur advice

1)if i express milk in office, can I put all into a milkbag or bottle, then i go home and transfer into smaller bottles? is this the normal way?

2) if i sterilize the pump n containers in the morning and bring to office, would i still need to rinse with hot water during lunch before expressing?

3) general question: for avent milk bottles, all can be BM containers or is it just the 125ml small bottles? I am afraid if i buy too many 125ml BM containers, its gonna be a waste coz baby can oni use them for a whort while.
<font color="0000ff">I'm consolidating orders for Blue Egg milk bag (1 box - 25 pcs). Each box will be $6.50, interested pls let me know
There r 2 model of sterilisers for pigeon brand, 1 smaller &amp; 1 bigger in size. But I m not sure which 1 is the $79 one.
btw, has anyone buy the mattress for baby cot before? should we buy a soft or hard one? or medium?

now kiddy palace got sales, so i was thinking of getting. my gal fren is giving me her baby's cot, but I have to get a new matress
Littlebluey, this Blue Egg milk bags r the zip lock kinda? Coz I know some r not &amp; we will need to get our own rubber bands to tie it up.

My pleasure

1) For me, I will bring 4 bottles to office to express (when I express twice a day). I don't transfer them in office. I will then bring these bottles home and transfer them into the amount my gal drinks into the milk bags. So each time, I will give her 1 bag for each feed.

2) When I expressed twice a day, one in AM, one in PM. I will use hot water to rinse the pump accessories after I express in AM so that I can use it again to express in the PM.

3) For me, I used Medela PIS, I only have 4 Medela BM milk storage bottles 'cos I will transfer into milk bags when I'm back home. So no need to buy so many containers if you are using milk bags to store milk.
<font color="0000ff">Jasminetea,

hahhaha...I'm sure someone will ask for the pic so I post first hahahah

Features of the Blue Egg Milk Bags:

Freezer Safe

Leak Proof
Capacity store up to 250ml (8oz)

•Broad base to enable self-standing
Double Layered
FDA approved material used (100% safe)

Pick up at Raffles Place MRT during Wkdays
or either Kovan MRT/Boon Lay MRT during wkends...if not postage charges apply...</font>
<font color="0000ff">Everafter,

Think depend on the milk supple and how many you want to utilise leh. Maybe some mummies here can shed some light?


Am placing order soon becos of limited stocks available


Most milk bags are not re-useable, they can be stored and kept so it's ok


The bags are from Korea

My fren is using them and so far she's satisfied with them, she got almost 200+ bags!!</font>
Hi mummies, I'm new here!! 1st time mum-to-be and glad to join u ladies in this forum's thread!! Have been following this thread but din make any posts yet!! ;p
Currently in my 17 wk+, have yet to know my bb's gender and detail scanning be in early June.. ;)
Hope I'm not too late to join u gals!! ;D

Know tat many mummies here are expecting boys!! Can't wait to know my baby's gender!! ;)

Btw I'm interested in the milk bags... but wonder how many pcs is enuff?? ;)
hello mummies, can anyone recommend good gynae in KK. What is the difference if we choose a gynae. Are charges a lot more ex? THANKS!

hi! been super busy last week and this week... but finally managed to finish reading the posts.

went to robinsons just now... wondering whether if i buy NUK bottles, it can fit with ameda pump or Medela PIS pump... probably not hor?

also wondering whether to buy the big ticket items from robinsons now. sekali come friday they launch GSS sales then member got extra discount i will faint!


my linea nigra also formed by hair only! I kept looking for a dark pigmentation line on my skin but dun have leh...
